
Rain! - 2/27/12

Monday - 2/27/12

The big debate last night, and even early this morning was:  should I take the truck down to Costa Mesa today?

The Pros:
*  It's going to rain today and by using the truck there would be no getting to and from bus stops in the rain or standing in the rain waiting for a bus.
*  I have the truck right here, ready and waiting.
*  I could take my laptop down with me and work on things in between yoga and work.
*  I could sleep later.  I leave at 3:25 to catch the bus to Costa Mesa.  If I'm driving, I don't need to leave until 6am.  Both get me to the Yoga Center at the same time.

The Cons:
*  The truck uses a lot of gas and is expensive to operate.
*  Coming home, I would be driving someone else's big truck in the rain in rush hour traffic

I was so undecided last night that I set my ipod alarm for this morning and told myself I could decide by how I felt about waking up.  I woke up easily at 3:15am and was still debating!  I don't like being wet and cold.  I don't want to do that.  It would help if I'd been able to find my really wonderful rain hat.  I still have no clue of where it is.

Well, this is silly!  I've just bonked myself in the face with a CB radio!  I had it in a box of things waiting to be sold on eBay.  The box was sitting on a closet shelf.  I pulled it down to see if my hat had somehow wound up inside it and totally forgot there was anything hard and heavy in it.  The CB fell out, right onto my face.  I have a gash below my cheek and above my lip.  It's little, but it hurts and it's bleeding a lot!  I'm now walking around, tearing things out of everywhere, looking for my hat, while holding an ice pack on my face.

I finally used the rule I created the other day (if it isn't absolutely necessary and it's misplaced, leave it!)  I'm gathering up my rain pants and rain jacket, rolling them up to attach to my backpack (it's not raining yet and they are hot to wear), putting on my boots and heading out.  I guess I've decided to take the bus.  I may have taken too much time searching for my hat.  I comfort myself that if I miss the bus, then I could come back and take the truck down.  Heck, I'd even have extra time to look for my hat.

I really want to make the bus.  I hope I haven't missed it.  I think it's becoming a matter of pride that I ride the bus (save the gas money) as often as I can.  My fellow bus-waiter isn't at the stop.  I think I'm on time though.  His car must finally be repaired.  He hasn't been here for a while now.

The bus came in just a few minutes!  I was just barely on time, but on time is what matters!
Riding on the bus I'm listening to quiet, morning music and working on my blog.
We pass an area where it's raining.  I'm wondering if I should have worn my rain gear rather than packed it. We're soon out of the rain though.

The morning is cold, and a little gray, but no rain yet.  Yoga class was great!  I went to the chiropractor and now, since it isn't raining yet, I'm heading off on my scooter to the library to pick up a book I have on hold. I've realized that I was so focused on getting rain gear together this morning that I forgot my wallet at home. Fortunately, I brought lunch with me and don't need the wallet, except to buy the groceries I was going to pick up.  I guess those will wait for a different day!

I'm fortunate!  The librarian let's me check out the book with just a piece of mail as proof that I am who I am.  While I'm at the library I sit and use their computer for an hour.  I don't need to use their computer, I could have gone on to Avalon, but I wanted to check out options and see what doing each thing is like.  This really isn't bad.  It's warm and comfortable here, they have a bathroom, etc..  I can even listen to my music while I'm working, as long as I'm using earphones.

When I sat down to use the computer there was no line.  Now, when I'm done, it looks like there are several people waiting.  So, the ease of using library computers may depend on the time of day you want to use one.

I was going to sit at the park behind the library to eat my lunch, but it got a lot colder and grayer while I was in the library.  I check out the park anyway, so I know what it's like.  They have all the picnic tables gathered together in one area, instead of having them spread out.  I don't like that, but the kids play set looks good.  I may bring my grand-kids here sometime.

The road I take to go back toward work ends up letting me out right next to Mother's market.  That would be very awesome...  if I hadn't left my wallet at home.  Oh well, at least I know that for another time!  I check the nearby bus stop to see if a bus is coming by soon, that could take me the rest of the way to work.  It says the bus won't come for another 1/2 hour.  Using my scooter I would be there before that!

There is an older gentleman here, with a bread roll in one hand, rummaging through the trash with his other.  He left when I started searching through my backpack.  I found what I was looking for!  My backup $2!  I chase after him, give him the $2 and try to tell him about the nearby soup kitchen.  Unfortunately, I can't tell him exactly where it is, I just know it's over near the DMV.  I think I'm going to look it up later on Google maps and then write directions down on pieces of paper for future use.  You've got to help people when you can.

It started pouring after I got to Avalon.  I'm hoping it will let up, or heck, stop by the time it's time to go home.

It's almost time to leave and it's still raining.  I put all my rain gear on and grouse a little about the fact that I don't have my rain hat.  I'm sure the cloth hat and hood I have will get wet fairly quickly.

On the trip to the bus stop I'm not enjoying the rain at all.  Then, I remember that everything is a blessing and I thank God for the blessing and try to figure out how to enjoy the rain.  I think of how much I would have liked this...  riding a scooter around in the rain...  when I was a kid.  That did it!  Life is still good and this is cool!

Here at the bus stop, I'm the only one waiting for the bus.  That's a bad sign.  Normally there are several people here.  I could have missed it, I may have gone slower in the rain and it did take me a long time to get across the one street, as there was a steady stream of cars going past.  I hope I'm not going to have to sit (or stand since the seat is wet) here in the rain to wait for the next bus.  I text the OCTA and they say the bus is still coming.  I guess everyone else found other ways home.  Several people materialized about a minute before the bus came.  They must know other places to wait.

The bus doesn't have as many people on it as normal.  I thought it would have more with the rain, but the rain must keep people home.

I'm really loving my rain pants.  They are gore-tex and totally awesome.  My rain jacket seems to be working, but I think a gore-tex one would do better...  and well, we know that I'd like to find my rain hat.  ;-)

I wore my regular bus riding gloves today.  I have a pair of gore-tex ones, but they are thick, heavy winter gloves and I decided against wearing them.  After trying this out, I think I'll use those the next time it rains.  They are overkill, but will definitely keep my hands warm and dry!

What To Do With Extra? - 2/26/12

Sunday - 2/26/12

I just paid the bills.

It seems like I'm always paying my cell phone bill late.  It comes due right at the middle of the month, when most everything else is due and there isn't always money to pay it until a few days after it's due.  My Discover card has a low interest rate and is offering me double cash back for paying utility bills with them by automatic payment.  I decide to go ahead and do this; set up automatic payments for the phone bill to the Discover card and then pay that off in the second half of the month, when I have extra.  That way all my payments will always be on time!

There is some money left, after paying the bills .  This isn't unusual.  I normally have a bit extra the 2nd half of the month.  What's unusual is that I know I don't need this money to help pay the March bills.  I know I have enough coming in, that I'll have those bills covered.

I think about putting the extra toward my Discover card.  It has a lower balance and wouldn't be hard to pay off.  It also has a lower interest rate though, and that goes against what I've been trying to do...  paying down the higher interest rate items first.  In my mind, it would be better to leave that one charged up and pay on something else.

Since I don't have to use it for the next bill period, I want to use the extra money to pay on something now.  In general, there are two different schools of thought.  The one I've been following is that you should pay off the highest interest rate loan first.  That's going to give you the most savings.  The other school of thought says you should pay off the lowest amount owed first, which will make you feel better about yourself because you've paid something off, and will (hopefully) encourage you to pay things off faster because you're excited about seeing things paid off.

I have a "chase freedom" card that has tomorrow as the end of it's billing cycle.  It has a low credit limit and is one of my higher interest rate cards.  I decide to put the extra money toward this card.  I figure that way I'm almost using both methods...  I am paying off a higher (though not highest) interest rate card, and I am working toward paying off a low balance loan.  I'm crossing my fingers that this is the "right" thing to do.  It's so hard to know what is right to do, other than just keeping putting energy toward being financially free.

Today is a day mostly at home, showing apartments, doing laundry, making sure I'm prepared for my talk tonight.  Then, tonight, I'll take Charles' truck down to Costa Mesa so that I have an easy way to get home afterward.  I'm also taking down some more bulky items (like library books) that I'll drop off on my way back home.


Maybe There Is A Recall! - 2/25/12

Saturday   - 2/25/12

I got an email from one of the freecycle members.  She says there may have been a recall on my car for the transmission.  She offered to check it out for me.  My car is over the mileage she thinks they used for the recall.  So, probably doesn't qualify, but, it's an exciting thought!  That would be so great to have the car fixed!  At the end of the year, when my finances are better, I wouldn't have to fix it, it would just be ready for me!  Wow!  I love that idea!  I'm so grateful to her for putting that idea / thought into my head!  Even if there isn't a recall, or it doesn't qualify, maybe something else will manifest so that the car is perfect, ready and waiting at the end of the year!

I wasn't going to borrow Charles' truck this weekend.  He's fine with me borrowing it, but I'd rather have it less.  I was thinking about trying to use the bus to go home after class tomorrow night, even though that would mean only getting about 2 hours of sleep (bus would get me home about 12:15am and I get up at 3:15 to catch the bus back.)  I figure it would be good to try it once, just to see what the ride on the bus is like so late at night.

However, Hilary is being released from the hospital today and is going to Arizona for awhile to heal some more and to help her parents.  There's a small goodbye party for her over at Charles' tonight, around the burn barrel.  Hilary wants to burn some things that aren't going with her.  I want to go over for that.  I haven't seen Hilary since she went into the hospital.  Charles has already put it out that since I'm going to be over anyway, I should drive the truck home so I have it for tomorrow.  I think I'm going to give in and do that.  Sometimes, it'silly not to.

I'm all ready!  I've got the bus routes researched and need to leave around 4pm for their place, which gives me plenty of time to work on finalizing my talk for tomorrow night!

It's 11:30am.  Charles just called.  He says Hilary is there now, supervising the packing of her stuff.  She doesn't have a lot of stamina so they aren't sure if there will be a burn barrel tonight.  Probably not.  He says if I want to see her, I should come over now.  I pointed out that it takes me two hours to get there using the transit system.  He said that's fine, that it will take them at least that long to pack her stuff.

I'm having a lot of trouble changing gears in my head...  going from the idea of staying home and working on stuff..  to getting the right things together, putting on "travel clothes", figuring out what buses to take and getting out of here.  It's seeming to take forever!  Every time I think I've come up with a bus route choice, then it takes me longer than anticipated to get myself together and I don't make it and have to start over!  This is almost funny!

Finally, I'm out of the apt and to the bus stop!  Yay!  I know where to catch the first bus, and also where to get off.  I've been to both of those stops before.  The stops for the next two buses I don't know, which always adds a little "edge" to the trip, as I try to make sure I figure out where to get off and then where to stand for the next bus.  It doesn't help if you are at the right street crossing and on the wrong side of the street!  The bus will still leave you behind!

Now, I'm on the last bus of the trip, the Long Beach 91.  It was relatively empty when I got on, but soon became packed, with standing room only.  There's no chance to ask the bus driver about the stop I need.  Oddly, one of the people sitting behind me asks the other passengers about my stop.  I love it when serendipity happens!

I got there just as they were finishing the packing.  Hilary is doing so great!  It was nice to see her.  She's gone now.  We all said "goodbye."  It was weird without the burn barrel.  It felt incomplete.  Her parents were worried about her overdoing it though.  They said they'd think about coming back for the burn barrel tonight, but probably not.  I'm hanging out, talking with Charles for a bit before I head back.  He gets a text from Hilary saying that her parents changed their minds.  They now think it's OK for her to come over tonight.  That's cool!  Charles goes into prep mode.  I decide to stay rather than go home and come back in two hours.  That's an interesting side effect of riding the bus.  I'm very aware of transit: the gas and time cost of it.  In the past, I probably would have gone home and then come back.  Now, I don't see the point.  We just ate.  I'm tired.  So, rather than spending time in transit, I borrow a free bed and lay down for a nap.

It's nice watching Hilary burn the things she wanted to leave behind, being there with everyone.  I'm glad I'm here.  I'm glad I stayed and made it more of an experience than a momentary event.  I'm even glad I don't have to worry about going home and the fact that it's getting colder and later.   I'm definitely going to borrow the truck and use it to get home.  That way I have wheels for going to and from class tomorrow night, and I can stay as late as I want and not worry about how to get home!


Serendipity Tours - 2/24/12

Friday  -  2/24/12

My first yoga class was great! 
No one showed up for the second one though.  It happens sometimes.  It's sad. 
I stayed for over a half hour, making sure no one was coming, then I took off.

Now, I'm outside the building not sure where to go.  I could have stayed at the Yoga Center for longer, but their computer isn't upgraded enough to do anything except check email and if I'm going to sit around for extra hours, I'd like a computer I can use.  I start heading to my work.  There's issues with that too.  The computer is updated enough, but it's not a comfortable environment to hang out in, even though I do sometimes.

I've been talking about getting on some bus (any bus) and riding it to the end of the line to see where it goes.  I can stare at the bus route maps forever, but until I ride it, I don't really know where it goes.  I'm thinking about eventually taking at least one ride on every bus line I can.  Serendipity tours.  Jerry and I always used to take serendipity tours (he used the name long before he met me so I'm giving him credit here).  Serendipity tours are where you head off in some direction, see what you can see, turn where you want, stop where you want, and enjoy the trip.  I'm standing at the bus stop that would take me to Avalon.  I decide to either go to Avalon, or go back across the street and get on the bus going the other direction.  I let chance decide.  I texted the OCTA for both buses and told myself I would get on whichever bus gets here first.

The serendipity tour is happening!  The bus coming soonest is going in the opposite direction.  I cross the street again and wait.

It's nice to be on the bus.  It's a bit cold and grayish out.  It's nice and warm in the bus.  A good day for just riding around!  After awhile the bus goes around the Fashion Island Mall, except it doesn't go all the way around the mall.  It pulls off and stops at a bus terminal.  There isn't any activity here, and it doesn't look like the bus driver is planing to drive any more.  Eep!  I just assumed that the bus would come back since the route goes both ways.

I ask the driver about going back.  He says, he is ending his shift, but the bus behind us will be leaving in about 10 minutes.  I get out to wait.  There are two other people waiting here, I can't tell if they are waiting for this bus or not.  After 8 minutes or so, a driver saunters across the courtyard and gets into the bus, leaving the doors closed.  I'm wondering if he will just take off without me.  I go and stand in front of his door.  He was settling in and doing whatever he does to check in.  He opens the door and all of us get in.  He notices my scooter and asks me if I really ride it.  So, I tell him about my quest and the year without the car and the mile trip to the bus stop.  We start talking and have this great conversation on the way back.   He's been a bus driver for many years and almost has enough seniority to get one of the routes he considers good.  He says they changed the routes around a few years ago with the stated purpose that it "straightened" the routes...  but this route isn't straight at all.  He finds that funny.

I'm having a good time and still have time before I need to be at Avalon.  I ask him if I stay on the bus all the way to the end, if the bus will turn around and come back (see, I do learn to ask sometimes!)  He said there is about a 5 minute lay-over at the other side, but then it does come back.  I stay and ride the bus all the way to the end.  At times, the bus gets really busy or there's a lot of traffic going on.  We pause our conversation for that, but we do keep up a conversation the whole way.

This is his last shift of the day.  He introduces me to my new bus driver.  I tried to strike up a conversation with the new driver, but somehow it didn't spark.  I sit there quietly, dozing a bit, happy with the success of the serendipity tour.

Then this really loud white heavyset (chunky) girl comes on.  She is talking on her phone.  She must have a hearing problem of some kind.  She has the phone volume turned up to very loud.  I can hear the other side of the conversation from a ways away.  She plops down in the seat next to me...  actually, to be more precise, she plops down on a bit of my leg and continues to talk really loudly on the phone.  I don't like rudeness in people, but I remind myself that this is a serendipity tour and everything is a blessing and she is here in my life for some reason.  Also, I'm getting off in just a few stops.  So, there really isn't a problem.  I quietly bless her and scooch my body away, out from under her.  I'm definitely glad when it's time to get off the bus!  I got to work 10 minutes late.  I'm going to have to watch that.  In the future, I'll have to figure a way of knowing how long it will take to go to the end of the line and come back, before I get on to do it, or make sure I have a lot of free time available.

God Gave Me A Time Out - 2/24/12

Friday - 2/24/12

I don't use an alarm in the morning. I have my iPod start playing my morning playlist a little before it's time for me to get up.  That wakes me up. The playlist is made up of songs that make me feel warm, comfy and loved. Normally this works exceptionally well for me. I wake up easily, gently, happily and feeling loved. This morning, though, I just didn't want to get out of bed. Now, I'm ready to leave except I can't find my hat.  It was cold last night so it should be cold now, in the pre dawn.  I definitely want my hat.  I finally tell myself I have to leave anyway.

I'm leaving, concerned that I might be late. It will definitely be close. I'm comforting myself with the fact that I think I could catch the next bus and still get to the yoga center in time. I've done it before, but then for my 2nd bus I managed to catch an earlier bus that was running late. There is definitely no guarantee of that happening again! I'm half a block away from the bus stop when I see the bus go by. I stop trying to rush, get to the bus stop and sit to wait. The next bus isn't for forty more minutes. I'm listening to music the whole time. There isn't anything I can do to speed the process.

This bus is a lot more crowded than my regular bus. Forty minutes seems to make a big difference in who needs to get where. I hoping that I'll once again be able to catch the 43 bus right after we get off of this one.  In the meantime, I'm working on my blog, using my phone.  I think I figured out why my previous attempt didn't work.  I think I have to take it out of wi-fi mode and leave it out of wi-fi mode while I'm riding the bus.  We'll see.  I'm crossing my fingers (well, mentally anyway), because I don't want to have to go back and re-create it.

The 43 bus I'm scheduled to take next is running a late. I sit and breathe. There isn't anything else I can do. I had been hoping it would make up the time from being late.  Sometimes they do that.  Hordes of people get on and off the bus at every stop. I think thirty people got on at that last stop. With all these people the bus definitely isn't going to catch up any time, it might even become later.  It is nice though that it can provide transit for so many people.  The thing that seems to slow the system down the most is when people pay with cash, especially with dollar bills. They stand there unwrinkling them and often have to try the bill in the machine a few times before it takes. I can now see the wisdom behind the new LA tap pass system. If you could get more people to use swipe cards (like my monthly pass), the process would be smoother.

I'm definitely not going to try for the last bus. I'll take the 43 a little farther than normal and use the scooter for the last bit. It will get me there faster than waiting for the bus.

As I'm traveling down 17th street, the 55 bus passes me. Huh. That would have been great to catch! I think I'll start writing down some of the bus stop numbers. The OCTA's has a system that let's you text them with a bus stop number and will text you back with the next three scheduled buses and times for that stop. They won't tell you if the bus is running on time or not, but it still might be worth trying for times like this.

I'm here! At the Yoga Center. Right on time too! I wouldn't want to do that very often. Too stressful. I have this weird thought that sitting at the bus stop for 40 minutes might have been God giving me a time out. Anyway, I think I've learned something... If something that's not absolutely mandatory is misplaced, then I leave without it!


Bus Choices - 2/23/12

Thursday 2/23/12

I had a sleepover last night with my Granddaughter, Christina, so I could watch both her and Logan today.

Logan, Christina and I are walking to Christina's school to drop her off.  It's such a lovely day!  The walk is wonderful!  I wish we had left their home a little earlier, so we could stop and look everything both kids want to point out.  We do that sometimes though, so having one time when we don't isn't too bad.

Christina's school is collecting new toys for the kids at Choc hospital.  I hadn't known that, or I would have brought something.  I know it has to be very scary to be a child and be going through that.  The school desk person told us that each child at Choc gets to pick a toy when they go through a procedure.  That's so great!  I'm sure it helps take their mind off what they're going through.  The frustrating part is that the 99 cent store near my home has hot wheels cars on sale for 99 cents each.  Those would have been perfect presents!

Logan and I are walking slowly home.  We stop to look at pill-bugs and how easily a stick can fit into the crack in the sidewalk, and many other things.  He's told me several times now that his legs are tired of walking.  Each time, a few minutes later he starts running.  He loves when I run after him.  I guess his legs are only tired of walking, not running!

I need to deposit my paycheck in the bank today and I can't get that Choc donation box out of my head.  I tell Logan not to take off his shoes, we are going to get into the car and go.  First stop is the bank.  Deposit made!  Now, I'm looking for a 99 cent store.  All the stores I are closed.  I must be trying this too early!  I see a sign for Michaels.  It isn't the store I was hoping for, but sometimes they have some good things and I know they're open.  If they don't have anything I want, we can go to a 99 cent store afterward.

In their clearance section, Michaels has some cool puzzle books that you use with white board markers.  They're on sale for $1.49 each, but don't have markers.  I decide to buy two anyway, hoping to find markers for them later.  Now, we're back looking for a 99 cent store.  We found some white board markers!  Ninety nine cents each for two sets of white board markers with eraser, and one set of plastic lizards.

I have all three presents here in a bag.  While picking up Christina, She and Logan and I all take a turn picking one of the gifts and putting it into the box for the Choc kids.

The day with the kids has been great!  I really enjoy spending time with them!
One question has been coming up in my brain this afternoon.  That is "How will I get home?"  I know I'll get home.  I know I'll go by bus.  Last week, when I looked there were several different options (bus combinations) on how to get home.  The option I picked used the 42, which according to it's passengers is always late.  That caused me to miss the connection for my last bus.  I don't want to take a route including the 42 again.  It's nice to know that I can do 4 miles on my scooter if I need / want to, but I don't want to.  However, a part of me really wants to go back to the bus stop that had the mice and see if the baby mice are still there and how much bigger they are now that they are a week older.  The only way to do that would be to take the same bus combination and the 42 again.

The practical side of my brain won out.  I wrote down both bus options that don't include the 42.  Fortunately, they both leave from the same bus stop.  I just have to leave in time to make it to the bus stop for one or the other and that will decide which route I take!

Christian is home.  I could leave now and make it to the first bus series.  I have a horrible time leaving the kids.  Christina asks if I can build a fort around her with the blocks and I decide to wait for the 2nd option.

I thought I left their home with plenty of time, though I wasn't watching the clock.  When I got to the road where the bus stop is, I debated crossing and thought about walking all the way down to the main corner to cross.  Now, I'm glad I crossed where I did!  The bus came while I was heading to the stop!  Fortunately, there were several people waiting for it, and one bike too.  It can't take off right away.  It has to wait for everyone to get on.  I start running!  Funny that even with my scooter, generally I'll forget and start running if I need to get somewhere, even though my scooter can get me there faster.

I caught the bus!  I ask the bus driver to let me know when we are at the exit I need.  The bus is driving up Chapman now, and I need the Chapman / Lewis exit.  When the bus turns off of Chapman, I figure the driver forgot about me.  I ask her about Chapman and Lewis.  She says I haven't missed it, but it's coming soon.  It turns out that the bus makes a little detour off of Chapman to visit the Block in Orange and then gets back on Chapman.

I'm really grateful that Google maps gives you the stop id number.  With that number you can be sure you are at the right stop.  I verify this is the right stop to catch the next bus at.  The stop has one of those buttons you can press to signal the bus.  I press it, the light starts blinking and I sit to wait.  After a few minutes I look over, notice that the light isn't blinking any more and go press it again.  I have to do that one more time before the bus arrives.  I wonder if I should call anyone to let them know their call light is broken.

Talk about being grateful for the bus stop id number!  I hadn't written down good directions on how to find the stop for the next connecting bus.  I ended up visiting all four corners of the two cross streets!  Finally I found the right stop (thanks to checking the stop id numbers) and settled to wait.  The bus call light at this stop is totally broken.  I turn the red blinky lights on my backpack on, hoping that will add to the stop's visibility.  I suddenly realized that this bus series has four buses in it.  I often do series of 3 buses, but not normally four.  It only takes one bus in the four to be late to throw off your whole schedule!  Fortunately, this isn't that day!  The bus comes on time and picks us up.  I ask the driver to help me find the next bus stop.  He says he won't be the driver by that time.  That's weird!

Soon, the bus pulls over, our driver gets out and another driver gets in.  I've never seen a driver switch done like that before.  It's interesting.  After the driver seems like he has gotten settled, and a few stops have gone by, I go up and ask him about my stop.  He must be new to this route, because he doesn't seem to know the stop.  A tall, pale, thin, black haired man in his late 20s had just gotten on and was paying his fare.  He said he gets off around that exit and will make sure I get off at the right exit.  How wonderful!

Waiting at any bus stop the first time, I'm never totally sure I have the right place.  This stop doesn't have the stop id where I can see it, but it does say the 62 stops here and that's the bus I need.  Starbucks is right here too.  I wish I could chance going in for some hot tea and a bathroom break, but that would make me miss the bus and I really don't want to wait for another one.  Heck, I don't even know if this is the last bus of the day or not.  So, definitely no side trips tonight!

I wore my blinkly light shoes to babysit my Grandkids in.  I still have them on.  I love the effect of riding on the scooter with the red lights on my backpack doing their regular blinking and my shoes blinking with pink and blue lights every time I hit a bump or put a foot down to push the scooter.  It definitely adds fun to the trip!  Smiles to the faces of people watching me too!

Timing is Everything - 2/22/12

Wednesday - 2/22/12

On-line shopping for pants this morning. It happened spontaneously. I finally remembered that Charles needs hinges for their backup refrigerator. I went to one of the appliance sights and consulted them about part numbers, then I went to eBay and used the numbers to find an old set of hinges on sale. I bought that. When I buy from eBay I like to get several things at once. That way I can use the PayPal bill-me-later offer to pay them within six months at no interest. I understand that it's still borrowing money, but I always pay it off before they would charge me interest and it gives me a little flexibility on how to best handle the payments. That way I can pay it when I have the extra money. Anyway, I bought the hinges for Charles and then looked at my list of things I've been wanting or needing. Pants were right at the top of the list. Between loosing weight and having them just naturally wear out, I'm down to only a couple of pairs of everyday pants and those aren't in great shape. The other day I was riding the scooter to the bus stop and I had to keep stopping to pull up my pants! It was funny!

 Here I am, searching eBay for pants. I have no way of knowing if I'll like the pants once I see them in person, rather than a picture. So, I've narrowed the search to new pants that are cheap enough I could re-sell them if I needed to. There's a lot of clothing for sale out there! Sometimes, when I look, I'm amazed that the clothing I put up sells. People have to wade through so much just to find my ads. Looking at the other people's ads, though, I can see a difference. I use a lot more pictures and include more measurements. I'm amazed that so many people don't put measurements in their ads!

I ended up with 10 pair, averaging $14.50 a piece, including shipping. That seems like a lot to buy right now, but I'm desperate for pants and some of these are summer and some heavier. If they all fit and look good, I'll have a range of pants to wear. If they don't, I'll end up with something at least.

Well, I've placed the order. Crossing my fingers that most will fit and look good. Crossing my fingers that this was the right thing to do. Wow! Look at the time! I've got to get out of here to take the truck to Charles! There won't be time for socializing today! I'm cutting the time really close. I need to drop books off at the library and put gas in the truck, before I take it back.

I think if Charles had been outside so I could have passed the keys to him and taken off, I could have made the bus, but that's cutting it way too closely. I took some time finding the key for his gate and just decided not to worry about it. I want to always arrive on time for work, but all of my apartments are rented. If I have to be late today it won't be horrible. I'm sitting here now on their porch, in the wonderful sun, trying to figure out the buses I need to take now. Google maps is telling me that I'm going to get to Avalon 1/2 hour late no matter what. It says I could catch a bus in 8 minutes and get there 1/2 hour late (it's favorite choice) or catch a bus in 1/2 hour and get there 33 minutes late. I'm picking the second option so that I can stay and socialize for a bit.

Lois isn't feeling good and Becca is heading off to work. At least I got to say hi to both of them. Charles went away and came back announcing that he is going to drive me to work... get him out of the house. That's cool! We stopped at Mother's Market to pick up some snacks and I arrived at work an hour early. Yay for friends! We even got to talk during the drive. So, I got some social too!

Now, it's time to leave and take the bus to my daughter's. I'm paranoid that the bus will drive by me again.  I turn on the red blinking light on my backpack. This evening is totally different than last week. It's warm out, there is no wind and even the street light seems brighter.

I'm here at my daughter's! No problems! This was the activation of my 2nd octa 30 day pass too. I'm kind of proud of that.  A month has come and gone and I'm still working on creating financial freedom and still riding the bus!


Arguing About Transit Sites - 2/21/12

Tuesday - 2/21/2012

Today is my day at home, or it should be my day at home.
I need to return the truck to Charles.  He isn't saying that, but I feel like I do.  It is a major blessing in my life to be able to borrow his truck and I don't want to overuse the privilege.

I like going over there to visit and I know I'll enjoy it when I do go over, but right now I don't want to!  I feel like I'm finally starting to get some order back into my apartment and life and I just started working on Ebay stuff and now I need to leave to deliver the truck, if I want to do the bus trip back in the daylight.

Ok.  I just realized that I don't have to do the trip back from Long Beach in the daylight.  I can wait and take the truck back right before they go for their normal tuesday night tacos, stay and go for $1 tacos with them, and then catch the bus after that.  I checked out the trip on Google maps and they came up with a really awkward way to get home.  Now, I'm checking out Metro.net and they say that I can get home by 10pm.  That's good enough!  I'll have a few more hours of working on things here and then I'll go over and socialize while dropping off the truck.  All of it will be good!

I wonder why Metro.net is coming up with a route that Google Maps isn't coming up with?  That doesn't normally happen.

I've been trying to Call Charles to tell him the plan.  Finally, I emailed him and he called me back.  It turns out that they are going out this evening.  So, I have to return the truck right now if I want to return it today (or drop it off while they are gone.)

I told him about my frustration, feeling like I'm just starting to get things done.  He offered to pick up the truck on their way home.  I feel weird about that, but it doesn't make them go far out of their way.  So, I agree.  Right as we were hanging up he mentioned that it might not happen because Lois isn't feeling well.  Arrrggggghhh!!  I don't want him to do anything that would add extra stress to either of their lives.

I've spent some time thinking about it, about what to do.  I realized that he doesn't need the truck tonight or tomorrow morning.  They have other things scheduled.  So, it finally dawned on me that I can drop the truck off on my way in to work tomorrow.  That way, I'll still get my day at home today and if I leave early enough tomorrow, I'll still get socializing too!

I also realized that the difference between what Google Maps is showing and what Metro.net is showing, is that Google Maps isn't showing the Norwalk bus lines.  I figured out a way to send a comment to Google asking that they include the Norwalk bus lines.  Now, I'm on the phone with a lady from the Norwalk bus lines asking them to try to get included into Google Maps.  She says they already are there.  I don't think so.  I think there is some problem and somehow those lines weren't incorporated in.  She says there is no problem, that google has them.  She also tells me that Metro.net is better.  We're having a long discussion about that.  I've had a lot of times where I've gotten better info from Google Maps, but it seems she has had the opposite experience.  It's a friendly conversation anyway.  I think it would be nice to meet her.  She seems sweet.

The end of the day has come way too soon.  I'm really happy that I stayed home.  I did work on organizing my apartment, and organized and photo-ed some Ebay things.  I didn't list anything though.  But, forward steps have been made.  Any forward progress is good!

I Have The Truck, But I'm Sad About It - 2/20/2012

Monday 2/20/2012

I have Charles' truck today, because I borrowed it for last night.
I made the decision to drive it today because I need to pick up some things from Home Depot for my job and I couldn't do that walking and I figured that getting a little extra sleep this morning would be good.

The funny thing is that I'm sad about it.
I got to sleep in and that was great, and I'm terribly grateful for the loan of the truck.  But, a part of me wanted to get up way early and ride the bus and have that lovely dawn moment when I get off of the bus at the Yoga Center.

It will be interesting to see how I feel at the end of this year of doing without my car.  Right now, I could definitely see myself riding the bus at least one day a week, to keep the experience going.

The other side is that it was nice to be able to bring my laptop with me today.  I haven't been able to do that since parking my car.  That does allow me the freedom to do more things while I'm gone, especially during the time between teaching yoga and work.

One of the things I'm noticing is that when I have a vehicle, I'm getting all drawn into trying to figure out everything that I "might" want while I'm gone and taking that with me.  That ends up feeling stressful.

When I ride the bus, I can't do that.  It's almost the other way.  I have to decide what I absolutely need to have with me for the day and then figure out how to take that.  Hopefully, now that I've noticed the difference, I can  figure out how to change my vehicle packing to be less stressful, realizing that I don't need to bring everything and can do with less.


Picking Up The Truck, Again - 2/19/2012

Sunday - 2/19/2012

I teach the talk part of class tonight.  I'm a little nervous about that.  I'm always a little nervous about that, even though I know I do a good job.  It's a five week series.  I'm not sure what I'm going to do about rides for the five weeks.  Getting there is easy.  Getting home isn't so easy.  I'm sure though that things will work out.  God watches out for me.

I can get home by bus after class, but according to Google Maps, I'd get home around 12:15am if I rode the bus all the way (without getting a ride for part of it) and that's pretty late, especially when I have to get up at 3 in the morning.

I didn't want to borrow the truck today.  I wanted to figure something else out.  I talked to Charles about it a few days ago and he said to just come borrow the truck.  In the end, I decided that was the right option.  I figured since I'll already be nervous about teaching the class, and with it being the first class in the series, that I ought to give myself a break, and borrow the truck so I know I have an easy way home.

They live in Long Beach.  I haven't ridden the bus to Long Beach yet.  Once again, it involves a different bus system.  I do wish they'd combine all of the systems into one, or at least make the difference semi-transparent to the people riding.

Google Maps has come through again!  It's given me a route to get there.  I'll be there by 11:30am, which will give me plenty of time this afternoon to go over my talk again.

I run the same addresses on the LA Metro system route finder because I'd like to know how much I'm going to spend to get there.  (You must have change ready.  Buses don't give change!)  The LA Metro page didn't give me the same route at all!  Now, I don't know what to do.  I'm a little worried that one or the other routes won't be running, since neither system pulls up the route the other says to take.

I decide to trust Google Maps.  They haven't steered me wrong yet, and their way is 1/2 hour shorter, which does matter today.  The first bus I take on the trip is the 62 and it accepts my monthly OCTA pass, which is cool!  It turns out that it even goes by a Union Bank (which I need occasionally for my one job) and a Mall.  I'm mentally filing away all of that information, just in case I ever need it.

Once again, thank goodness for Google Maps!  They let you print these little maps of the different parts of the routes.  I printed all of the segments that said "walk."  That way, I can get a good idea of where the bus stop is.  Some corners have anywhere from 2 to 4 bus stops (depending on bus and direction) and if you are at the wrong stop when the right bus comes, then you've missed it!  Even with the little print out, it took me a bit to figure out where my bus stop was.

Now I'm on the next bus.  It's a Long Beach bus.  It's nice and clean.  It looks new.  I'm impressed.  I'm enjoying watching the city go by as we drive along.  It's a beautiful day!

The next bus, this last bus is not so nice.  I don't actually know if the bus is nice or not.  It's packed and standing room only.  I'm standing here, sandwiched in, holding on to my razor scooter and my backpack.  I feel like I'm in everyone's way.  I know I've accidentally hit a few people with both the backpack and the scooter.  There seems to be a seat available way back in the back.  I don't want to try and go to it.  The bus is too crowded and I'll be getting off soon.  I don't want to fight my way back just to turn around and fight to get out when it's time.  Several people want to try for the seat.  They can't understand why I can't get out of their way, even though there's no where else for me to stand.  I'm not sure at all how I'm going to know it's my stop.  The bus announcement of the stops isn't announcing all of them.  I know my bus stop is soon.  Maybe I'll just count a few and then get off?

They did announce my stop!  I'm off and so glad to be off that bus!  Nice to have sun and air and space again!  Now, the easy part, riding my scooter from here to Charles'.  Both Charles and Lois are home.  I stay and visit for awhile.  Charles looks at and fixes the handlebars on my scooter.  They won't be sliding down any more!  Yay!

Now, I'm heading home with the truck, ready to go over this evening's talk.

Explaining To People - 2/18/2012

Saturday - 2/18/2012

I seem to be having problems explaining this "quest" to some people.
I had to call one of the people I work with from the Yoga Center.  She was trying to "remind" me that I should go to the Sunday morning celebrations.

I love attending Sunday morning celebration at the Yoga Center, but with also going to Sunday night class, it's just too much for me.  I didn't do that back when I was driving my car, and now that I'm doing public transport, it's definitely too much!

It's funny.  Everyone else has been impressed that I make it to all of the classes I teach, as well as having made it to all of the special classes that we had this last month.  I guess Prakriti is here to keep me from getting a bloated ego.  (giggle!)

I was pretty sure she didn't know about me doing this year without my car.  So, I told her about it and pointed out that it's a 3 hour trip each way to the Yoga Center and that is a lot of time, especially if you are going to be there twice in one day.  I just wanted her to back off a little on the pressure.

After I told her, she kept going on about how horrible it was and how sorry she was for me.  I don't like that at all!  In fact, that's why I hadn't told her in the first place.  I thought she might have a reaction like that.

This isn't horrible.  It is wonderful!  It is a blessing!  I'm so thrilled that I have the chance to work on being financially free!  I love doing this!

I told her that too.  She went on about how I have "such a great attitude."  I don't think I have a "great attitude" as that sounds like something you'd force or have to create.  This really is a blessing and I am enjoying it.  I don't have to create that, it just is!


It's Finally Easy To Leave! - 2/17/12

Friday 2/17/12

What a difference!  Something has shifted inside me! Today I wasn't pushing to get myself ready and out the door. I was just ready.  I hope this is a permanent change!  Going to the bus I didn't bother to push. I just knew I was on time!

I have a moment of mental hesitation at the bus stop. My bus stop mate isn't here, which could mean that I missed the bus. Still, I'm sure I'm on time. I fold up the scooter, take off my backpack, turn off the blinky lights and sit and wait.  The bus does come!  I was on time!  I'm overjoyed!  I've somehow figured out how to do this without forcing the trip!  It's possible it's because I'm tired and didn't get much sleep.  Some things are easier for me when I'm tired.  I hope that isn't it.  I hope this is a permanent change!

The bus ride to Orange County is uneventful.  Cold though.  The middle bus, the 43 doesn't have it's heat on for some reason.  I'm still grateful to be inside a bus, rather than outside with the wind!  The last bus stop is always the coldest.  I'm here right before dawn.  I think I remember that it's always coldest right before dawn.  This bus stop is also closer to the ocean and receives more of the cooling ocean air.  Both factors are probably in play.  Whatever the reason, it's cold here!  I'm glad I don't stay at this bus stop for long!  I'm moving forward with my thought of picking up occasional trash along the way and pick up some trash here.  I'm a little worried about getting something sticky on my gloves.  Messing them up in the middle of the trip would be bad.  There is a bunch of trash behind the bench, between the bench and the bushes.  That stuff would be really hard to get.  I leave it there.  I think I have one of those extendable grabbers at home and I think it's lightweight.  If I do, I might pack it with me one trip a week and use that to pick up trash at bus stops.  That could work!

My mind even shifts to the idea that we could have people or groups adopt a bus stop, just like some groups adopt roads and keep them clean.  I wonder if the cities have thought about this.  Most bus stops are fairly clean, but the busiest ones will get some trash no matter what.  A plan like this might help.

Dawn comes over K-mart.  That seems so odd.  True though.

Last night, when I got home I found, that "Farm Fresh To You" had delivered a box of vegetables to me.  I had canceled their service and didn't know what to do.  I finally stuck the vegetables in my refrigerator.  Now I'm calling them from the Yoga Center.  They say it was their mistake and tell me to enjoy the food.  They hope it helps convince me to come back.  Wow!  What nice customer service and what a blessing to have an extra box of vegetables!  Now, I'll have to come up with things to cook!

I've been reminding myself all day that my 30 day bus pass expires tomorrow and you can't buy a OCTA pass in my area.  I need to buy one today.  There is a Ralph's Grocery on the way, between the Yoga Center and Avalon.  I stop there and buy a pass.  That was easy!  The 30 days doesn't start until I use it for the first time.  So, I'll get to wait until next week to turn it on.

My knee was fine through yoga, but it isn't that happy with riding the scooter.  I decide to take a bus to Avalon rather than use the scooter the whole way.  According to Google Maps I can take the 173 most of the way there.  I haven't tried that yet!  I'm leaning over the trash can eating a very juicy orange while waiting for the bus.

I goofed!  I thought I was supposed to get off at the stop next to Stater Brothers Grocery.  It turns out that this bus turns the opposite direction there and doesn't stop at that stop!  I had a slight freak out when I realized that we were in the far turn lane rather than the lane next to the curb.  I had pulled the "stop requested" cord, but the bus just kept going and is still going and going (they will only stop at an official stop on their route - there just aren't any!).  Finally, we reach a stop and I get off.  Funny the things that happen!  I'm still closer than I would have been without using the bus, and I'll make it to Avalon on time.  Heck I even know now to get off one stop earlier!  But, it is funny going all this extra distance!

Mary wants to do something for dinner.  I searched through the Entertainment book and found the "Loving Hut" restaurant.  Neither of us had been there before.  The food was great!  I intend to go back there again.  Mary drove me home after dinner.  I'm really grateful for that.  I'm tired.  It's nice to be able to just go home!

The Bus Made Me Miss The Bus! - 2/16/12

Thursday 2/16/12

The day started off with my granddaughter knocking me on my arm, telling me to wake up, that it's morning.  That's the first time she's done that.  So, it was cute.

I thought I wouldn't have anything to post today.  It's been a day dedicated to being with my Grandkids.and while I have lots to say about them, and kids in general, it's not what this blog is about.  Claire (my play-date friend) and I talked a lot about money and the year without the car, but it didn't bring any huge revelations.

Then, I went to ride the bus home.  I haven't ridden the bus home from my Daughter's yet.  When I used Google Maps it gave me three options (that is the maximum it will do at one time.)  Two of the options used the 460 as the last bus in their series.  The third used the 62.  I'm always riding the 460 and haven't ever ridden the 62.  I checked and the 62 is covered by my bus pass.  There are only two LA routes covered by the OCTA monthly pass.  They are the 460 and the 62.  So, I decide to try that route.  It seems like it's time to branch out and try something different!

I'm so proud of myself!  I made it to the bus stop in time!  That's doubly hard because I have trouble leaving my Grandkids.  I'm giving myself extra bonus points for managing to leave on time!

The first bus (the 71) is here on time, well, maybe a few minutes late, but nothing major.  The bus driver is nice and tells me where to get off for the next bus (the 42.)

The bus stop for the 42 is the trashiest bus stop I've been to so far.  I don't understand it.  It isn't in a bad area of town and there is a trash can right there (some bus stops don't have trash cans.)   Why there is so much trash there, just laying around, I don't know!  There are two people sitting on the bench, having a conversation about genetic pre-disposition to being overweight.  The one is smoking.  I set my backpack and scooter on the ground and stay standing.  I keep shifting around, trying to get out of the smoke that is being blown toward me.  They offer me a place to sit, but I don't want to sit next to the smoker and the bus is due any minute.  I thank them and keep standing.

I just noticed that one of the shadows behind the bench moved.  That is such a strange thing!  I definitely saw it happen!  It happened twice!  I bent down to have a closer look.  I saw these two adorable baby mice there, climbing around a Lays potato chip bag.  I watch them for awhile.  They are really cute.  I'm wondering what the people on the bench would think about mice being so close to them.  I decide not to say anything.  I just quietly move my bag farther away from the grassy area.  I've started thinking about bringing a plastic bag with me one day a week and spending that day picking up trash that I see, trying to help clean up the country.  I make a mental note to always wear my heavy duty gloves when doing that.  I guess I need to be prepared in case I surprise anything living in the trash!

The 42 is 15 minutes late.  That shouldn't be a problem.  I was supposed to have a 20 minute wait at the next stop (which I wasn't looking forward to), and, in general there will always be another bus.  The 42 wasn't full when I got on, but now it is packed.  Standing room only with every one of the hand hold straps taken.  The Lady sitting next to me must be claustrophobic.  She spends the whole ride talking about how horrible it is that they let so many people on, and that if we were in an accident with so many people on the bus, everyone would die because we wouldn't be able to get out. She is even paranoid that a person in a wheelchair will need to get on because that takes away 5 seats and where would those people go at this point, with standing room only?  There isn't a person in a wheel chair trying to get on, but that doesn't stop her from worrying.  I pointed out to her that I certainly wouldn't like being the person that they refused to pick up because they were full.  Having to wait another hour in the cold, to see if you could get on the next bus wouldn't be fun.  She agreed, but went on with her personal freak out.  I think about pointing out that if we were in an accident with so many people, everyone would help each other.  I don't think she would hear me though.  I stay silent.

I'm not sure where my stop is.  I'm not listening to anything tonight, making sure I will hear my stop when it is announced.  A lot of the buses have this system that voice announces and / or marquee announces the stops that are coming up.  You have to pay attention for that and then pull the cord to signal a stop as soon as you can, otherwise you won't get that stop, you'll get the next one.  This bus isn't marquee announcing at all, it's only voice announcing.

Unfortunately, not all of the stops are announced.  The stop I needed was not announced and I didn't realize it until I saw us passing the street sign.  I pulled the cord immediately, but we went on for blocks before stopping.  They can only stop at official bus stops.  So, if you miss one you have to wait until the next one.  I think I wouldn't have made the 62 even if I had gotten off at the right stop, unless it was also running way late.  I'm pretty sure the 42 is now 25 minutes late instead of the 15 minutes late from when I got on.  Now, though, I'm blocks away along with being late.  I decide not to try for that bus.  I check Google Maps.  It says that I could go back to that bus stop and wait for an hour to catch the next bus.  The thing is, I'm only 4 miles away from home.  It will probably take me the same hour and a half to cover the 4 miles on my razor scooter as it would to wait an hour for the bus, ride it to the stop I need and then scooter the 7/10s of a mile to my place.  But, at least I wouldn't be sitting for an hour at a bus stop.  I decide to go for it.

My neighbor, Richard, is one of the people who has offered to come get me if I'm ever stranded.  I know I could call him and he would come.  I even think about it.  Really, though, I'm not stranded.  I'm not going to get home at the time I wanted, but I can get home.  I can even catch a bus to home if I want.  I decide to be strong and not call.

I head off toward home on my razor scooter.  The handlebars are still trying to collapse on me.  I'm thinking of rigging up tape or something on the join so that they won't collapse, but then they wouldn't collapse for me to carry on the bus either, and being able to collapse the scooter to a small, very carry-able package for the bus has been a huge blessing.  It's really cool that I have the scooter.  I would never think of trying to do this trip without it.

I pass a gentleman who tells me that Jesus loves me and tries to hand me a heavy looking pamphlet.  I know Jesus loves me.  I have no doubt about that.  I have such a blessed life!  I'm not willing to add more weight to what I'm carrying though.  I don't stop to talk and definitely don't take the pamphlet.

The good thing about this trip is that I don't need to be anywhere at a specific time.  Sure, I'd prefer to be home right now, but I'm not going to miss anything if I'm not.  I'm taking it very slowly, not pushing myself at all.  I have a rough concept of what a mile is.  According to Google Maps it is 1.1 miles to my "normal" bus stop.  Every now and then I mentally update myself on how much of the 4 miles I think I've done.  Halfway home now, standing outside a Burger King.  I'm checking to make sure there isn't a bus coming by any second that would speed the trip.  You never know what will change when you change locations.  Google Maps does give me a bus option, but it is saying I can get home faster at this point by walking.  I know it's version / timing of "walking" more coincides with my speed of "scootering", but still, it is saying is I should keep going the way I am.  I head off again.

Now, I'm home.  I'm ever so proud of myself that I made it the whole 4 miles without wimping out!  It's funny, my daughter runs marathons, and here I am proud of myself for making it 4 miles on a scooter!  Oh well, I guess you have to take your victories where you see them!


A "Free" Day! - 2/15/12

Wednesday 2/15/12

Hah Hah!  I don't have to leave for work until a little after 1pm because I have Tracye's commuter car today.  It feels so decadent!  Plus, it's supposed to rain today, when I have the car, and be clear tomorrow for my bus ride home from Tracye's.  I'm thrilled with the timing!   No waiting for the bus in the rain!

It feels like I'm not getting anything done while I'm home though.  I think it may be because I haven't been home much.  A part of me just wants to relax when I'm here, since I'm not here often.

Driving Tracye's little car going to her place from my work.  I'll spend the night and then babysit in the morning.  It feels like some huge honor to have the car to drive.  After this year I hope I don't get into a rut again, feeling like it is just normal to have a car to drive.  I hope I always realize that it is something special.


Wow! Thank You Chase! - 2/14/12

Valentines Day - Tuesday - 2/14/12

I'm watching the kids all day today.  That's why I slept over last night.  I was hoping to wake up before Christina.  So, that I could do my prayers and meditation without taking time away from her.  No luck!  She's trained herself to wake up when I do so we have more time alone together, before Logan wakes up.  I'm so honored to have them in my life, and so thrilled that they both love me!

Christina is up way early.  I get her breakfast and we play with these big cardboard blocks they got for Christmas.  Then, Tracye texts to say her training was canceled and she's on her way home.  That changes the plans!  I was going to babysit all day, go home with Tracye's commuter car (as she will only need the kid car for the next day) and come back tomorrow night for another sleepover followed by another day of babysitting.

I guess Tracye will be here in time to take Christina to school and I'll take off with her car when she gets here.  Flexible is the word for the day!  Tracye offers to pay me, anyway, for the day of babysitting.  I refuse.  I don't need to be paid for work I didn't do, and I know they can use the money.  They need to refinance their house as their loan will become variable in a few years.  I'm really proud of the way both of them work with money, look ahead, and plan for the future.  Tracye gave me money for watching the kids the little bit I did.  That wasn't necessary, but was nice of her.

All of a sudden I'm free and with a car!  I had planned to take Logan and try the Farmer's market in Irvine while Christina was in school.  I think I'll still go.  I look it up and it's too early.  It's not open yet!  I decided to go look for more things to sell on Ebay.  I know I haven't listed anything in awhile, but having a backlog of things to list isn't bad.  It turns out that it's too early for that too!

Last night, I was using a little notebook to track the bus routes I needed to take to Tracye's and I lost it at the bus stop where I made the last transfer.  It must have fallen out of my pocket.  I decide on a whim to go track down the bus stop and see if my notebook's still there.  I found the stop, but not the notebook.  I don't know why it bothered me to lose it, but it did.

Now, I go look for things to sell on Ebay, and then off to the Farmer's market.  It's finally late enough!

Charles calls.  His truck is still parked at my apartment and he needs it for tomorrow.  I tell him I'll drive it over to him this afternoon.

The farmer's market is small, but good.  Only two booths have organics, but two booths have organics!  I probably won't come back to this farmer's market often, but there aren't many that happen on Tuesdays.  So, I might need to sometime and I'm thrilled to be getting a feel for what the different farmer's markets are like!

One of the vendors told me how to keep beets and celery and lettuce fresh longer by keeping them in some water.  That tip is worth the whole trip!  I have to figure out how to set this up at my place!

My last stop is at the Mother's market in Santa Ana for a top-off on groceries.  I love this particular Mother's market and it's a lot harder to go to when doing without a car.  I'll probably stop here almost every time I do have a car!  There are a lot of people here handing out taste samples.  Between the samples I had at the Farmer's market and the samples here, I think I've had a full meal!

While I'm getting ready to take the truck to Charles, I go on-line to pay extra on my Chase card.  The end of the billing cycle is today and I have extra money!  The Chase website won't let me make a payment.  My last payment posted yesterday.  They say you can't make more than one payment for every three days.  This is ridiculous!  I figure that is an on-line rule and call them to make the payment by phone.  The man on the other end of the phone tells me that I can't make another payment because I can only make one every three days.  How funny!  I know I only want to pay $171 extra, and even with a high interest rate, the interest on that for three days won't be much, but I really want to pay it and can't understand a company that won't take money.  I ask to talk to a supervisor and explained the problem.  He said that, yes, Chase has that rule and they are thinking about changing it, but for the time being, he can't get around it.  He tells me that he's going to make the whole next month interest free for me as a way of apologizing for the problem.  I'm thrilled!  That will come out to about $200!  He tells me "Happy Valentines' Day!"  How wonderful!

We get to talking and I tell him about my quest to pay off my debt and how I'm doing without my car for a year and riding the bus and using the scooter.  He asks me if there is anything else he can do.  I tell him it would be a big help if he could lower the interest rate on my account.  I owe the most money to Chase, and it's also the highest interest rate I have.  He tells me he isn't allowed to change interest rates, but looks something up and says that my account is set to be reviewed next week.  So, I might get a lower interest rate!  He says the decision process is based on three things:  my payment history with them (which is good), my overall debt (well, not so good, but my debt to credit ratio is better than it was.  So, who knows!), and how Chase did in the last quarter (I have no idea about this one!)

He also tells me that since he can't lower my interest rate he is going to credit me back all the interest I've paid in the last two months!  That comes out to a more than $400!  I'm so thrilled I'm starting to cry.  Chase has now given me over $600 toward my goal of being debt free!  How wonderful!

I had a nice time visiting with everyone at Charles'.  They are loaning me a bike.  I had problems with my knee hurting when I rode my bike at Burning Man two years ago.  So, I gave away my bike.  Now I need to find out if the problem was my knee or the bike, or trying to ride it through sand.  Borrowing a bike is the first step.  I had a choice of two.  I tried out and picked the shorter one, since I think height was part of the problem with my last bike.  Now, Charles is driving me home, telling me about his apartment management woes.  It's nice that I can understand and sympathize with his problems.

What a terrific day this has been!  I'm ending the day with steamed vegetables fresh from the farmer's market, a chocolate candy bar from Mother's Market (it is Valentines' day after all) and the glow of knowing that it's possible I'll be debt free by the end of this year.  God is working miracles!  Thanks to all of you for your prayers!

I Didn't Miss The Bus, The Bus Missed Me! - 2/13/2012

Monday - 2/13/12

I'm having trouble knowing what layers of clothes to wear these days.  I tend to be cold.  So, for the early morning trips to the bus, I've been wearing a layer of long johns under my clothes.  There's a choice though, between heavy or light duty ones, cotton or silk, and short or long sleeved (yes, I already had all of these!)  This morning I have light duty, long sleeved silk long johns on under my top and heavy duty cotton long johns on under my pants.  Now, when I've reached the bus stop I'm hot.  Maybe it's time to change to wearing less layers when I leave home.

The trip to the bus stop was funny.  I lost some pounds a few months ago, and with riding the scooter the "flab" that I did have is becoming muscle.  Which means that I have a great butt!  It also means that the pants that were loose fitting before, are VERY loose fitting now.  Both my pants and my long john pants are coming down a little as I scoot along.  I've got my pod belt on too.  The way it rides my hips is pushing my pants to down more.  Every time I stop I have to pull my pants up.  I don't want to spend the money, but getting new pants might be a necessity right now.

I left home later than normal.  I still did the mad dash from home to the bus stop, thinking I might be late.  There's no one here.  I think I'm on time, but I'm not sure.  Soon I see my bus waiting mate walking casually up the other road.  I know now that I'm on time.  I hope to get to a point where I can travel that casually to the bus stop, knowing there is time.

I stayed home from the party last night so that I could get some sleep, and then somehow didn't get much sleep. At least it gave me a chance to be prepared for today; the business reports that were due, packing valentines for the kids, having food for today, being ready to sleep over at my daughter's.  I'm tired now.  My mind isn't up to listening to an audio book.  On the bus I silently did my prayer list and then went to listening to music on my ipod.

Yoga class is great!  After yoga class, I go to the chiropractor.  Dr. Brad Miller has been giving me KST chiropractic  adjustments every Monday in exchange for work.  I'm so grateful for this!  It's such a huge blessing in my life!  He's helping me shed layers of energy that's been tied up from events from the past.  He's even been working on getting rid of my allergies!  I don't know how I've been blessed with so many wonderful people in my life, but I'm very grateful for it!

At Avalon I've had two units come vacant, both people left their units clean, like I had asked them to.  That's almost unheard of, and such a blessing!  One unit rented right away.  I think the other one will rent soon too.

It's very cold out.  The wind is blowing fiercely, making it even colder.  Normally, in California, if we talk about windchill we're talking about the windchill in someplace else, like Minnesota.  Today, I'm standing at the bus stop in the dark thinking about the wind chill.  I'm so glad I have the layers of clothing that I have and wishing for more!  I'm close to Avalon and 20 minutes early for the bus.  I decide to go back and wait inside Avalon for awhile.  It's nice and warm in there.

Now I'm back at the bus stop.  I gave myself a 5 minute wait.  I didn't want to accidentally miss the bus.  I'm due at my daughter's place and she needs me to show up before the kids' bedtimes so they don't try to stay up to see me.  Man, it's cold!  Most of the time I'm standing with my back to the way the bus would come from, so the wind can hit my back, turning my head and looking over my shoulder to see if I can see the bus.  Finally I see the bus coming up the road!  I lean down, grab my stuff, stand there ready...  and watch the bus barrel by me!  It hadn't slowed down or changed lanes or anything!

I don't know what to do.  I'm almost in tears.  It's freezing.  I'm cold.  I'm due at my daughters.  I just want to get on the bus, and I know the next bus isn't for another hour.  Briefly my mind goes through the names of the people who've said they could get me if I got stranded.  Then, I tell myself that I'm not stranded.  I know there will be a later bus and I know it will take me where I need to go, I just want to wait for it.  I call the bus company to see what they say.  They say they are sorry and that I can't report the bus driver till the next day.  They also give me an alternative route that would get me there a little earlier.  For that route, I would need to catch the first bus in about 10 minutes and it's bus stop is a ways away.  I text Tracye that I'll be late and head off in the cold wind toward that bus stop.

Part of the trip on the scooter is against the wind.  That's not fun!  I'm going down the sidewalk to the bus stop and I realize that it's probably not the stop I'm thinking of.  I've taken the south bound version of that route and now I need the north bound version.  The stop will be near there, but maybe on the other side of the road.  I'll have to find it.  I'm still a distance away, maybe a block, and I see a bus go across the intersection.  That's probably the bus I'm trying to catch.  If it is, there's no chance of me making it.  I decide to go ahead, going forward to see.  If I have missed the bus, I will still be able to turn around and go back to the stop I left and be there in time for the next bus on that line.

I get close and there is a bus waiting at the stop!  I even have to walk the scooter a ways (taking more time to cover distance) because of a very steep hill and the bus is still waiting!  It's the bus I was trying for too!  What luck!  It turns out the bus was sitting there while people got their bikes off.  I'm so blessed and grateful!  Finally warmth!

It's interesting riding a different bus route.  This bus goes past the college and over to "the block" in Orange.  There are a lot more younger people on the bus than I'm used to.  I'm paranoid about missing my stop, since I'm not sure where it is.  When we get somewhere close I ask the bus driver and he says he will tell me when to get off.

Waiting at a bus stop again.  Still cold.  At least this bus stop has a bit of a shelter.  It's helping with the wind.  Fortunately the bus comes soon.  Once again, when we get close to where I need to get off, I tell the bus driver and she tells me when to get off.  Now, the scooter ride to my daughters'.  It's cold, but at least I'm moving, creating heat.

Finally, I'm there.  I'm only a 1/2 hour later than I would have been.  That's great!  I get to watch a little bit of a show about earth worms with the kids and then we all go off to bed.  What a day!  I'm so grateful to be here and warm and surrounded by love!

A Day of Wonderful Things! - 2/12/12 - part II

Sunday - 2/12/12 - Continued

Sunday morning celebration at the Yoga Center is about to start and one of my friends hands me an envelope with a heart on it.  I didn't think much of it, I thought it was an invitation to something, or yoga center business or something similar.  I sat it aside to open later.  Celebration was great!  Afterward, Mary and I go to an Indian restaurant in Anaheim.  It's in the lobby of a hotel near Disneyland.  We found it in the Orange County Entertainment book.  They have an awesome buffet and we're only paying 1/2 the price because of the entertainment coupon!  Better than that, Mary is paying for lunch.  ;-)

After lunch, she drops me off across from Disneyland so that I can catch my bus up to Norwalk.  I had her drop me off at the "alternate" bus stop.  It doesn't have a bench.  It isn't as comfortable of a place to wait, but it was a much easier place for her to drop me off.  Within a few minutes, the bus comes.  What timing!  There are only two of us on the whole bus!  I'm feeling decadent.  They chartered a whole bus for myself and this older gentleman!  He says when he got on the bus and there was no one else there, he was sure he had gotten on the wrong bus!  At the next stop, a bunch of people piled on.  Our private ride is over.

I didn't get much sleep last night and overate at lunch.  I'm sitting on the bus tiredly listening to my audio book.  The next thing I know, I'm waking to people getting on the bus.  I think I didn't sleep very long, I think I just dozed.  Then, it strikes me that I don't recognize the outside surroundings and that I might have a memory of hearing my street name announced.

I got up and asked the bus driver.  I'm still in a bit of a fog from the sleep.  I'm not sure I'm making any sense.  Between the two of us, we decide that I have gone too far.  I have him let me off at the next stop.  Now, getting off the bus, I recognize the surroundings.  We are at the old downtown of Norwalk, near my bank, that has to be only one or two bus stops past mine (even though I've never traveled that way by bus.)  So, it will be easy to get home.

I use my phone to consult Google maps.  It points out the obvious (something I hadn't thought of,) that I could easily take the same bus going the opposite direction and end up back at my regular stop.  There is even a bus coming in a few minutes.  Somehow I've never thought of this, the fact that if I go one or two stops too far, I can always find a way back, possibly with the exact same bus route that got me there.  I'm now encouraged to go North sometime to see what's there.

It's a lovely sunny day.  I don't have anything pressing that I have to do, and I'm rested (giggle).  So, I decide not to get on the bus, and to use my scooter to get home.  It is a lovely trip, fun to see all the things on the way.  The one bad point is that the handlebars on the scooter are starting to occasionally slide down, out of the locked position.  I don't think it's dangerous, but it is frustrating.  Not sure what to do about that, they only slide down a few inches, but there doesn't seem to be a way to fix it.  I had tabled the idea of buying a new scooter.  Maybe I need to look at that again.

Once home, I remember, find and open the envelope I received before Sunday Celebration.  It contains $100 and a supportive note!  I'm amazed, thrilled, and overjoyed!  I'm overflowing with gratitude!  How wonderful of her to do this for me!

It's later now and there are two emails in my "inbox" from my Avalon boss.  One of them is titled "bonuses."  I'm not sure what I expected this email to be, but it's blown me away!  My boss has finally re-worked my bonus plan!  I used to get a bonus each month, but haven't been able to since the economy crash in 2009.  I've talked to him about it, and about the fact that a bonus isn't an incentive if you know by the 5th of the month that you won't be getting a bonus that month.  Nothing ever came of it, then a year ago he changed my hours (to hours I'd requested) and increased my hourly income, and I gave up on the idea of getting him to re-work the bonus plan.  I decided to just be grateful for the job and the income I have.  The new bonus plan is terrific!  I think most months I'll be able to get a bonus, recession or not!  This will mean that most month's I'll be able to bring in $200 extra and some month's I'll bring in $300 extra.  That's huge!  With both this and the $100 gift in my mind, for the first time, I'm truly able to visualize possibility of paying off all of my debt this year!  What a wonderful day!


A Day of Wonderful Things! - 2/12/12

Sunday - 2/12/12

I'm leaving a little late for the bus.  I think it's OK.  I've been traveling the distance faster and there should be low traffic this morning.  Then, I realize that I didn't send an important email.  I decide to go back and do it.  I think that if I miss the first bus, I can catch the next one and still make it to service on time.  I'll just have to use the scooter for an extra mile and I'll arrive "just barely" on time.

It's lovely this morning.  I like riding the scooter over to the bus stop in the dawn hours.  Dawn is such a lovely time!  I think I made it to the bus stop right on time.  There isn't anyone waiting here, but it's Sunday.  I didn't expect anyone to be waiting for the bus with me today.

It's now 10 minutes after the bus should have come.  I think it must have come early and I missed it.  I consult Google maps and it tells me that I can still get there on time.  I need to be there at 10am and Google maps estimates I'll get there at 10:01.  I've got the scooter too.  I'm sure I'll be able to shave that minute off of the time.  ;-)

Now, it's time for the next bus to come and it hasn't.  My brain is starting to run all kind of scenarios.  Maybe they changed the bus line and aren't running on Sundays...  maybe the bus drivers went on strike...  maybe there was a state budget cut and my bus got cut out.  I didn't check with the news this morning.  Heck, there could even be space aliens holding the main bus terminal hostage for all I know (ok, my mind does get away from me sometimes.)  I'm OK about it.  If the bus doesn't come, then I'll spend a day at home.  It's not what I'm planning on doing, but it would be fine.

Finally the bus going North passes.  Now I know that the buses are running.  Generally, that one goes by just a little bit before the South bound one comes.  The bus could be here any time!

The bus comes, and it's packed!  I wonder if some of these people missed the first bus too, or if they are all just normally traveling at this time on a Sunday morning.  I'm still listening to the "Mystical Kabbalah" audio book.  I think I'm going to have to listen to it several times to make sure I didn't miss any of it.

When we get to the Disneyland bus stop, there is a bus stopped right in front of ours.  Several of us head off to that bus.  There is a 50/50 chance it is the 43, the bus that I need.  The bus doors close and it starts moving.  Then, I guess the driver noticed us and stopped and waited.  That was really nice!  This means that I've caught an earlier bus than I would have, and means I'll definitely get to Sunday Celebration on time!  Yay!

Going on the scooter from the bus stop to the Yoga Center, I'm noticing all kinds of smells.  First, it's donuts...  then pancakes...  then oil / grease from a tire place.  Now, I'm hungry (well, ok for donuts or pancakes, not tires!)

I'm stopped at a stoplight waiting for the light to change so I can cross the street and a lady comes up and asks me about riding the scooter.  She's really impressed that I'm using the scooter.  I explain to her why I'm riding it and that I came down from Norwalk this morning.  I think I now have a fan!  She told me that meeting me is going to change how she thinks about transportation.  That's cool!  I'm thrilled!

I've been meaning to print some business card type sheets with my blog address on them, in case anyone asks.  I haven't done it yet.  I guess now I'll have to, since I have had someone ask about it!

A Quiet Day - 2/11/12

Saturday - 2/11/12

Today I'm staying home.
I love my home and enjoy being here.  Nice to occasionally get a chance to spend the day here.
I've emailed my friend Mary and asked her if she wants to come up tonight and she said "yes."  So, I'm even going to have some social!

I even took a nap!  I slept for hours in the afternoon.  It was so nice!

Paying the bills has made me realize a few things.  I've been feeling more "comfortable" and "relaxed" about money since I've stopped driving.  I haven't spent much more than I would have, but I've just felt more relaxed.  I've also had some side jobs recently, which helps quite a bit.  However, my Ebay sales are down because I haven't been listing items.  Somehow it's all evened out.  I was hoping to be able to pay extra on my bills, and I am paying extra, but just a few dollars.  It's a bit disappointing.  I'm happy that I can pay the bills plus some though!  I'm going to have to figure out how to get back to posting items in my Ebay store.  I need to get that income back up!

This year without my car is about paying off my bills.  Somehow I have to manage working on that!


A Day Of Ups And Downs - 2/10/12

Friday - 2/10/12

I'm at the bus stop.  I rushed out of the house and all the way here, as normal, worrying about being late.  One of these days I'm going to have to try leaving with enough time to mosey all the way to the bus stop.  The gentleman that is normally waiting here with me isn't here.  Did I miss the bus?  Did his car finally get fixed?  I know that if I miss this bus, I can catch the next bus and still make it to yoga class in time, but that way gets me there just barely on time, and gives me an extra mile to travel on the scooter.  I'd rather catch the "right" bus!

I'm sitting on the bench  My backpack and folded up scooter are both sitting next to me.  I take up at least 1/2 of the bench with all my stuff!  Here he comes, my fellow wait person.  He is casually walking across the street with a cup of coffee in his hand.  It's possible that I'm making the trip faster now, and could relax a little about it, since I'm obviously on time.

On the bus, I play a little bit of a facebook game, then post some ads for work (nice that I can do some work things from the bus).  I've figured out that my phone doesn't always have a signal while I'm riding the bus (which would be why the blog I tried to post from it didn't post).  So, I have to wait for the moments when I do have a connection to continue.  Other than that, I'm listening to the book "Mystical Kabbalah."  I'm really enjoying the book and finding it very nice to be able to sit and get quiet and centered while riding.  I couldn't have done that if I was driving.

With an audio book I can listen while I'm riding the scooter too.  I enjoy doing that, especially on the trip to and from the stop near my home, where there isn't much to see.

After yoga class (which was wonderful!)  I ride my scooter to the library.  I want to clear up the last of the issues caused my my having library materials out when my car stopped working.  I'm asking them to credit me back about $7 of the fees, since I had called and explained the situation and the lady had renewed everything except one item.  It turns out that the people at this library won't deal with this and I will have to call someone who is out for lunch right now.  She doesn't even want to take my money for the rest of the balance, because of there still being an issue.    How frustrating!

I head off to Avalon on my scooter.  I find it curious that some places have sidewalks and some don't and some sidewalks stop part way down the street.  I'll have to start researching sidewalks, and keep a list of the streets that have the best ones and the streets that don't have any, or have really bad ones (ones where there is a difference in height between sidewalk squares are really hard to use).

One of the things I'm realizing now is how easy it was for that brief, minor issue at the library to knock me out of my "calm, centered" space.  Yes, it was all ridiculousness and frustrating, but why let it knock me for a loop?  I had a morning of listening to a spiritual book, then teaching two yoga classes and this one tinsy issue managed to knock me out of the head / heart space that I'd like to live in.  How funny!

At work, prospective tenant David showed up and signed a lease!  Yay!  I have two more units coming vacant this weekend, but I'm pretty sure I have people for at least one of those, if not both.  So, I'm not feeling as much pressure about that as I would normally.

Last month, I had one of my friends call and tell me he was dropping me as a friend (on facebook and otherwise), not because of anything I had done (that's what he wanted to stress), but because he had treated me badly (pretty close to his words) and he was trying to move forward with honor and having me around reminded him of not having honor.  At least that's what I got from the conversation.  I'm still not totally sure how hurting someone by telling them they aren't your friend helps you move forward with honor, but I guess somehow it does.  It hurt a lot, I realized that this person obviously didn't value me, what and who I am, and probably never had.  It also hurt because he has been an instrumental person in my life and I certainly care for and value him.

Anyway, my phone just rang (while I'm at work) and it says it's him.  I'm not at all sure I want to pick it up.  After all I've been through, the pain and the hurt, I don't need him to come back into my world and cause more, but I do care.  I answer the phone....  and it hung up.  Now, I don't know if he was trying to call me and needing to talk and then decided that I didn't answer, or what.  I end up sending him an email, just detailing that my phone had rung from him and then hung up.

He calls again.  He says his butt accidentally dialed me and that he didn't know it had, until he got the email.  I'm tense while we're talking.  I don't want to get friendly.  He asks how I am, I just say "fine."  We hang up.  There isn't anything else to say.

A half hour later, I still have internal pain and turmoil about all this.  Having that contact, seeing his phone call, it brought a lot of the hurt back from a month ago.  I send him an email asking him to take my number out of his phone.  After all, if you are going to delete a friend, you should delete them from everywhere.

My friend Rose and I often have Friday nights at her place.  She fixes us a salad and a little something else and we sit and watch a couple of movies or tv shows.  She is into murder mysteries.  So, normally we'll watch light murder mysteries (I won't do anything heavy blood or gore or murder).  We haven't been able to do that since I parked my car.  I wouldn't want to take the bus home after the movies, it would be too late.  She has offered to drive me home tonight.  That is SO sweet of her!  I've been looking forward to going over to her place all week!

Sometimes Google Maps laughs at me.  I tried to look at taking transit to her place and it just told me to walk, that she is too close for it to make sense to use transit.

Have you ever noticed how often the physical world mimics your mental world?  Well, mine does anyway.  I was riding my scooter over to Rose's place, still hurting from the "butt dial" incident.... and I didn't notice a difference in height in the sidewalk.  Bang!  I'm down on the sidewalk, on my knee.  Now I have a skinned knee to go with my skinned up ego.  How funny!  Fortunately, it isn't too bad and I get to lick my mental wounds in quiet while sharing a nice evening with a friend.

Technorati code:  ANDVNGNFYDEJ

How Do You Decide? - 2/9/12

Thursday 2/9/12

In the past year, I've made Thursdays a non-driving day, unless I'm going to spend time watching my Grandkids, or something else awesome is happening.  This means that doing "the bus" on Thursdays should be easy.  Not so.

I haven't told either of my bosses that I'm doing this (the year without my car.)  I know I can do it and still do a good job for both companies, but I don't want them to question that.  Yesterday, my Avalon boss emailed and asked me to make a deposit on the way home.  I couldn't do that.  I miss the first bus on the trip going home if I leave even a tinsy bit late and that bank isn't anywhere near the route I take to the bus.  I emailed him back that I took the bus to work and so couldn't make a deposit that night, but would make the deposit the next day (which gets counted the same as far as the bank goes.)

Now, I'm trying to figure out how to do that.  It's easy to make the Avalon deposits on Monday and Friday mornings.  There's a bank close to the Yoga Center.  Heck the bus even stops close to the bank so I only have to use my razor scooter one way.  Making them from here, my home, is a different story.

Charles' truck is still sitting here.  I could easily hop in the truck, drive to the bank, make the deposit and be done with it, which would give me the rest of the day for me.  I don't want to do that.  This is about me going forward and doing something different.  If I'm always relying on someone's car, then maybe I'm not truly doing something different.  On the other hand, as I figured out Tuesday, it might be cheaper to put gas into Charles' truck than to pay the bus fees to get to the bank and back, and it's about finances too.

I thought there was a Union bank close to my bank over on Pioneer, but I tried looking it up and there isn't.  The closest Union bank is 2 1/2 miles away.  I'm not going to do the scooter for that!  That means I'd have to either take a bus or take the truck and my bus pass doesn't work for these buses.  So, it's an expense either way.  I either pay the bus fees there and back, or put gas in the truck.  I guess I'm giving up for now and taking the truck out to do errands.  I'm sitting here figuring out anything and everything I can do while I'm out.

I stop at a couple grocery stores.  I'm still trying to find a local grocery that will work for me.  Around where I live there are large Asian, Indian and Hispanic communities.  Apparently none of those communities are interested in organic food.  I haven't been able to find a grocery that carries organics.  Neither of these did.

I spend time at the 99 cent store (it's near the bank.)  They have some organic salsa this time.  I find it incredibly weird that I can get some organics from the 99 cent store, but not from the local grocery.  This store often has one or two items that are organic (and 99 cents too!)  I've found a couple little things for my Grandkids for Valentines' day.  I refuse to give them candy.  So, a stuffed valentine dog and lion (dog and lion are white with little red hearts all over them) and a couple little toys will do.  I found this LARGE card for Tracye.  I'm going to babysit the kids on Valentines' day.  It will be a good project for them, decorating the card for her.  I'm hoping it will brighten her day when she gets home from work too.  The question now is: how the heck am I going to get the card undamaged through all the bus rides on Monday!  That should be interesting!  It's too big to fit in my backpack.

My brain has been having a debate for awhile.  I know the razor scooter works for me and is a great option for getting to and from the bus.  I've been wondering a bit about learning to skateboard, but I don't think I'm ready to make that a travel option, yet.  The razor scooter I have is wonderful.  I couldn't have tried to do this year without it.  However, it was used when I got it, and has a couple small issues.  So, I keep wondering if it's time to buy one.  That way, also, if anything happened to one of the wheels (which I'm slightly paranoid about), I would have a back-up scooter while I figured out how to get a wheel replaced.  I've done the research.  There is a scooter that would be "better" for me.  The razor A3 has bigger wheels, can possibly travel a little bit faster and supposedly gives a much smoother ride.  I'm all about the smoother ride.  When there are large cracks between the sidewalk pieces, the ride is definitely not smooth!  I've found the A3 in an on-line only sale from Wal-mart for $40.

I'm trying to decide if this is my brain justifying spending money, or something that would really help.  I've been having that debate about the scooter and a set of ear-buds (the headset I use hurts my ears when I use it for a prolonged time with my cap on) for awhile now.

I just found a razor AW125 on the Wal-Mart on-line site.  They say it's an "improved" version of the A3.  I can't find anything about it on the internet, which makes me skeptical.  However, I did find reference that Wal-Mart had it's own version of the original razor scooter and I'm realizing that's what this is, Wal-Mart's version of the A3.  The original scooter and Wal-Mart's version only had one difference (aside from color and decoration). The Wal-Mart version had a wheelie-bar and the original version didn't.  So, the AW125 should be very similar to the A3.  It only comes in bright red, but I'm ok with that.  Red is a power color anyway!

I'm going for it!  The AW125 sells for $10 less (so $30) and that's enough to kick me into action.  Wal-Mart offers free delivery to the store.  I just have to figure out which store I want it delivered to!  During the ordering process the screen said it was "in stock" at the store, which is cool.  I'm ok with waiting a week for it, but sooner is better!  An hour later, I've gotten a text from the store saying they've canceled my order because they don't have it in stock!  How funny!  All I wanted was for it to be delivered to the store!  I guess I'll have to try calling them.  It's too late in the day to do now.  So, for now I'm back to debating buying a scooter and earbuds.