
Oops! Almost Missed My Bus! - 2/1/12

I wrote this blog from the bus...  and it doesn't seem to have saved!  Let me try to recreate it!

Wednesday, 2/1/12

Wednesdays I don't teach yoga, but I do still travel to Costa Mesa for work  I get to sleep in and take my time.  This morning I was taking my time, moving slowly, and starting to put my place back into order...  when I suddenly realized that if I have a 3 hour trip that means I should be leaving soon!  I checked with Google Maps and they confirmed that I needed to leave in 20 minutes!  I'm still in my PJs!

I thought I could take a connector bus on Wednesdays and use the bus stop that is only a half a block away rather than the one that I normally take that is a mile away.  Google said "no" though.  To get there by the time I needed to get there, I can't wait for the connector bus to come.

The time Google tells me I could walk the distance in, is almost exactly the time it take me to use the scooter to do the distance.  I think they must have had a tall (longer legs), fast walking person do their time trial!  I guess it is good for me though, because I don't have to try to figure out how long it will take me, I can use their numbers!

I scrambled; brushed my teeth, found clothes, re-packed my backpack, even managed to pack some food, and then took off for the bus stop.  I made it!  A whole 1 minute before the bus was scheduled to come and 4 minutes before it actually came!

It must be funny to watch me at the bus stops.  My scooter folds, and it is nice to have it folded for on the bus.  However, it has something wrong with it and only folds with the help of a pair of pliers.  I take my backpack off, set it on the bench, put the scooter up on the bench, collapse the handle, dig my pliers out of the backpack, work on one side of the scooter and then the other side, and then repeat working on both sides of the scooter and then it folds!  Today, my headphones keep coming off and falling into the middle of everything.  They keep doing that!  It has to look like some Laurel and Hardy routine!

The bus that comes is full.  I had to stand for two stops before there was an available seat.  There are a lot of people sleeping or dozing.  It seems strange.  The early morning crowd isn't like that.  I'm sitting on one of the benches that faces the side, rather than facing the front.  Across from me is this really cute little girl.  She must be five or six.  Her hair is in corn-rolls that end at the back of her head in a really cute puff of hair.  She is sitting on her Mother's lap with her Father sitting on the seat in front and an uncle or something sitting in the seat next to them.  She and the Uncle are playing together, with lots of giggles.  Then, after she settled down, the Uncle went to sleep and the little girl went to playing quietly on something like an itouch.

There is a pair of Asian girls, early 20s, cute, dressed in shorts, sharing an audio source.  They are sitting next to each other, each one with one ear bud in one ear.  Both are asleep, with their heads hanging forward.  I can't help but wonder if they are purposely listening to a subliminal sleep tape of some kind, you know, the type that teaches you something while you sleep.

Toward the end of the bus ride Dad noticed that the little girl is playing with the itouch and took it away from her, it sounds like she had been previously banned from playing with them.  This starts a loud crying fit. Dad was reminding her that they were going to Disneyland.  She just keeps on crying.  Finally, she got into her bag and pulled out a lovely green princess crown, puts it on, and stops crying immediately.  It was cute to watch.

The next bus is taking forever to come.  The funny thing about the bus stop at Disneyland is that the tram's tracks are part of the roof for the benches (I think), they are at least very close to it.  It's interesting to have the tram whizzing across over your head.

The Orange county bus is very busy today.  The LA bus had been full and had on and offs, but not a lot at each stop, just an overall and maintained full.  The Orange County bus has what seems like a constant mass of people getting on and off at each stop.  This must be the time when everyone is out and traveling around, or maybe the bus is running late and we are getting people both for this bus and the one that is supposed to follow it.  I don't know what time it was supposed to get to us, so I'm not sure.  But, I did see the bus driver consult his watch a few times.  So, it's possible.

I haven't listened to any audio books yet today, just music.  I have a "Like" playlist on my ipod, mixing many genres, but all music that I like.  I've been listening to that.  I'm riding the scooter from the bus stop to work in the beautiful sunshine and the song "I've got a brand new pair of roller skates" (sung by Melanie) comes on.  That so fits today and the mood!  Just happy!  Heck, someone even drives by, honks and gives me a thumbs up for riding the scooter.  It's a good day.  :-)

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