
5/18/12 - Friday

5/18/12 - Friday

I didn't sleep much last night.  I went to bed late, and then kept waking up during the night.  Three fifteen in the morning is early on a normal day.  When you didn't get much sleep it's way too early.  I think I was finally sleeping when my alarm went off.  Now I'm having trouble getting out of bed.

I've got to get up and get moving.  That's all there is to it!  I now have 40 minutes to get myself together and out the door to catch the bus.

I just got the deposit ready for today.  I've decided that I want to load my current "needs to be worked on" file of ebay pics onto a memory stick to take with me.  Last time I did that it took forever.  I don't have forever.  I only have about 15 minutes.  I really want to do it though.  I have some items there that won't take long to list.  Maybe I could list them today.  I delete the items on the stick.  I'm committed now!  I start the move.  It says it will end right before I leave.  Nothing like creating tension.

It's time to leave.  My computer is still copying things to the memory stick.  I decide to give it an extra 5 minutes and go to the alternate stop.  Totally funny how I never go to the "regular" stop any more and always go to the "alternate" stop.

I just keep doing a little bit more...  packing this thing or arranging that thing...  giving the move a little bit more time to work.  I don't know why it feels so important to take this today.

OK.  The move is almost done, just a few seconds longer.  I've still got the time to wait.  Everything's ready.  I just have to put on my backpack and go.  I'm sitting here watching it finish.  Ready to grab it and turn off the computer when it's done.

Out the door now.  I'm headed to the alternate stop.  I remind myself to watch for the place where the concrete juts up.  It's colder this morning than it has been.  I'm glad I put my long johns on.  It's probably not quite cold enough for them, but I'd rather be warm than cold.  I'm happy to have the insulation.

I'm in the final block and a half.  I just remembered (once again) to look for the sidewalk piece that juts out.  Hah!  I may actually find it without hitting it this time!  It's hard to tell in this light.  Is that it?  Nope, just another shadow.  Heck, I still may run into the thing.  There it is!  I found it and gracefully walked over it!  Much better than running into it!  Yay!  Now I know where it is too!  I've got landmarks for how to find it from this direction!  That sidewalk won't bite me again!

Here's the bus stop.  It's always comforting when someone is waiting outside the Galaxy burger.  I know then that I haven't messed up and missed the bus.  There's a guy there today, up at the tables, smoking, with his bike next to him.  I go to the stop, fold up my scooter, take off my backpack and wait.

OK.  That's funny!  I know I'm on time so it doesn't matter, but the guy who was smoking just finished smoking, got on his bike and rode away.  How funny!  He wasn't waiting for the bus at all!

The 55 just dropped me off at the bank so I can do a night drop deposit for both businesses.  Now, on to the Yoga Center.  It's so much easier doing this in the early morning.  The parking lot is empty and I can scooter most of the way across that.

I love getting to the Yoga Center at 6:45.  I wouldn't have thought that was the right time to get there, but it is.  I'm glad I'm making habit patterns of getting here at 6:40 or 6:45.  When I start driving again, this is the time I want to get here.  I'm grateful to the universe for giving me the chance to figure this out.  I never would have figured that out on my own.

My second class has two new students.  They work at a coffee shop together and are very sweet, cute.  The girl is very "up."  I'm enjoying their back and forth before the class.   I hope they come back.  I'd really love to grow this class.  Heck, I'd love to grow all my classes.  It'd be so nice to see all of them full of wonderful people!

After class I'm thinking about going out for lunch.  I didn't bring lunch today and am hoping for something healthier than the snack foods I've been eating for lunch lately.   I check the groupon now web site and there are two restaurants in the area I could go to and get a groupon for.  The one closest is a Chinese place.  It sounds OK, but I'm not hungry for that right now.  The other is Italian, Sweet Basil Cafe.  I'm looking at their menu and they have a couple of things I'd like to try.  I know where that is, it's on the route I took to the bank on Monday.  So, I can get there with the bus!

I just checked the bus routes.  I could get there, but would have to eat there and then take the bus back.  I'd been hoping on picking up take-out.  Maybe I'll just stop at Mother's Market on the way to Avalon and get some chips and hummus or something.  I don't feel like sitting down for an official lunch today.

Here at Avalon I call Charles and take him up on the offer to come pick me up, take me home and help jump start the car.  I'd rather know today if I need a new battery or not.

I'm tired.  Not having much sleep last night is catching up with me.  I'm glad I have a light day at Avalon today.  Getting home earlier tonight will be good.

I talked with Charles about backpacks and showed him what I found on eBay.  He says it's in the same price range as the one he bought.  I offer to buy him a new one, rather than returning this one, that's a bit more dinged up from my using it.  He said he's fine with this one.  I stress that I'm not quite ready to buy a new one...  I'm refusing to buy anything else from eBay until my feedback score goes to 1000.  I'm only 6 away and I don't want my 1000th feedback to be from buying something.  I want it to be from selling something.  He said I can wait until August to return the backpack if I want, just so he has it for the first of August and Burning Man time.

Hey!  We got the car jump started!  My battery charger must have an issue!  We're going to leave the car running for a bit while I take him home.  Yay!  That's cool!  I also had him show me how to take the lead off of the battery.  No more constant drain on it!  That means I'll have to re-set the radio when I do start driving the car, but it's worth it!

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