
5/17/12 - Thursday

5/17/12 - Thursday

I'm sleeping in today. Ok. It's 5:08am and I'm awake, but of twice a week you get up at 3:15, five is sleeping in! I've got a lot of things I'd like to work on today. Mainly, I'd like to work on getting my place cleaner. The mess has really been bothering me. Charles is coming over this evening too.  It would be nice for the place to look better for visitors. I always start out by posting the Craigslist ads. That way it's done and I don't have to think about it again till tomorrow.

Put entries into quickbooks!  Did a lot (relatively speaking)

Updated tenant files and phone list on my computer!

Gave out 3 day notices

It's late afternoon, and I'm finally starting to work on picking up the place.

Charles isn't here yet.  I'm thinking about calling, but he did say "evening" and he doesn't always like it when I call to remind him.

I'm tired.  Maybe I'll take a nap.  That way I'll be awake for watching a show with him.

Charles still hasn't called or shown up.  It's 7pm.  If we are going to work on the car, it should be fairly soon.  If it needs a new battery we need time to get it.

I call him to see what's going on.  He's going to the vampire movie with people from his household.  He forgot about me.  He's going to call me when he's out of the movie.

I'm really mad.  Too mad for just this.  I'm mad at Charles and Mad at Greg for not calling when he said he would.

Ready to bite heads.

Having trouble sleeping.

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