
Friday - 4/20/12

Friday - 4/20/12

Woke up laying on the couch, with my head on a pile of clean laundry and the remains of last night's dinner on the coffee table in front of me.  I'm totally disgusted.  I can't keep living like this!  It just isn't working!  I feel like I keep slipping farther and farther behind on doing the things I need to do!

Moved into the bedroom and set my phone alarm for an hour and a half.  I won't trust my ipod alarm again until I've changed the battery.  One more thing to do that hasn't gotten done.

Having trouble waking up.  A part of me just wants to stay in bed!
I'm finally up and trying to figure out what I need to do before I leave.
So nice to have the leeway of having a vehicle!  I'm so glad I got to sleep later!

Charles said he might want to pick the truck up today.  So, I need to bring my scooter, backpack and everything I'd need for getting home on the bus with me today and make sure not to bring extra things that wouldn't ride well on the bus.  No laptop today!

I'm leaving 15 minutes later than I wanted to, but still within a range I consider good.
Made the bank deposit and still got to the Yoga Center on time for when I like to arrive!
Maybe I'm learning how to do this!

During yoga I start realizing while things aren't getting done, in a way my life is still getting better, like I'm on a higher level of not moving forward?  There are shelves for the outside, etc..

I've been thinking lately about the fact that I don't have any kind of a back-up / emergency fund, or a tax fund.  That stuff shouldn't depend on credit cards.  The companies could cancel anyone anytime.  You can't depend on that.  Right now, I have two checks to deposit.  One from my work last night and a $100 check for the work I do posting ads.  That check came way late.  The pay period I normally use it in has come and gone.  I had enough income without it this time.  I'd like to try depositing that check every month directly into my savings account.  That would act both as a reserve and a fund for tax time.  I'm not sure I'm at a point I can do that, and my work with event solutions may be over until fall, I know Charity auctions are seasonal.  So, there probably won't be income from that source after the one I have scheduled for May.  I might end up having to use this check cover bills some months, but I'm at a good enough point to try, and that's exciting!

After yoga class I go to the bank and deposit the one check into my checking account and the other into my savings account.

I've been trying to figure out what I want to do with my grandkids on Sunday.  I've been wanting a full day with them when Christina didn't have to go to school.  Now that I have that, I'm not sure where we should go!  It would be silly to just stay home!  I finally decided to check and see if the livingsocal deal for the San Diego Animal Park from a few days ago is still available.  I didn't get it then partly because it would still be $42 to take myself and the kids, plus gas, and partly because of the distance.  I just wasn't sure about driving for an hour and a half to get somewhere on our day together.  Now, though, I'd much rather go there than a regular zoo and I've never been there and would like to see it!  I check as soon as I can get to a computer.

Well, that didn't work.  The deal is over.

What I'd really like to do is to take them to Disneyland.  I love Disneyland and I'd love to share that with them.  I took Christina right before her 3rd birthday (when she was free and I had an annual pass).  I'm not sure Logan's ever been and his 3rd birthday is coming up in June.  It would be a great thing to do!  I'm not allowed to do that in my budget though.  It's way too expensive to pay for Christina and I to get in.  I decide to make an attempt anyway.  I post on my facebook page and one of my friend's lists asking if anyone works at Disneyland and could get us in on Sunday.  I figure it is a lot to ask, but it's worth asking.  That would be terrific!

I think I've checked my email 10 times in the last 15 minutes.  I thought it was a much longer time frame than that, but I just looked and it's been only 15 minutes since I posted the request.  I have to be ok with this not working.  It would be lovely if we could go though!

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