
Friday 10/5/12

Friday - 10/5/12

It was so nice to be able to sleep in! I'm so grateful to Mary for loaning me her car! I feel like I'm able to take my time getting ready to go. It's awesome!

One thing that hasn't changed is the amount of stuff I want to bring with me. I thought taking only what I could put in a backpack and carry would cure me of that. It's no contest though. Wham I have a car, I'm packing my computer and everything else I think might be able to work on while i'm gone.

I just sat in the car and looked at the clock. I'm shocked! I thought it was 15 minutes earlier! I thought I'd learned how to leave earlier than this! If there is a bad traffic jam anywhere, I might not make it. I'm crossing my fingers and trying for it. That's one thing. It takes forever to get there on a bus, but once I'm on the bus I can relax and not worry. Here I relaxed beforehand, but now, for the drive I'm tense.

I'm here! Just a little before class, but I'll take that for today! For the future, I'll need to set alarms for driving like I do for riding the bus... Put an alarm for 5 minutes before I want to leave!

I'd told myself I could go look for eBay stuff before work today since I have a car. I keep thinking about going to the DMV to register my car as non operational though. I need to do that soon and I do have the car today.

At the DMV. It's a long line reaching out of the building. Maybe I should leave. I don't know when I'll be able to come back and this is just the sign in line. Maybe it will go quickly.

It's been an hour. I should be leaving for work. I haven't even managed to talk to the sign in person yet. I'm not sure what to do. I don't want to leave and have to stand in this line again. At least Avalon is fully rented. I guess I'll stay.

While I'm standing here I'm registering for their on-line system. I think with the car not being officially registered last year (couldn't get smog check) that I'll have to talk to someone at a window. But it's worth a try. I'd love to get out of here!

 It won't let me renew that way. I have to keep standing here. :-(

It's now been 2 1/2 hours. My number is up soon. I can't believe I waited all this time. At least it will be done then.

It's been forever. They keep not calling my number. They keep calling "f" numbers and I'm a "b" number. I'm starving too. I'm glad I had yoga class before this. It helps with patience.

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