
Sunday - 10/21/12 - Christina Sings At Church

Sunday - 10/21/12

I'm taking Christina and Logan to church today.  Christina's going to be singing.  If she doesn't have to work overtime, Tracye's going to pick me up on her way home.  I need to be ready by 7, just in case I have to take the bus.  She'll let me know by then.

I've decided to wear a skirt, something I don't seem to ever do any more.  I pick one that's long enough to cover my scraped knee.

Tracye just texted that she'll be here around 7:20!  Woo hoo!   One less series of buses to take!

I almost walked out of the apartment without my scooter!  That would have been frustrating!   Even though I'm getting a ride now, I'll be taking buses later in the day.

It's so nice of Tracye to pick me up!  I'm on her way home, but I know she's really tired.  She works long hours.  I'm sure even adding a little bit to the trip is a lot!  I love that we'll have time alone together.  We rarely have time to talk and share, well, without someone else wanting attention.

At Tracye's.  It's hours before we need to leave for church.  That's a long time that the kids need to be quiet so Tracye can sleep.  They're trying.   It's one of the few times they get to watch TV in the morning and it's still hard for them to be quiet.

I packed for rain.  It'd sprinkled earlier.  Now the day is so beautiful!  We're going to walk to Church!

Christina's group did great singing!  Christina was so different from the first time I saw her sing!   She has definitely grown, changed, learned.

Tracye won't get up till 2.  I'm planning on having us stay away till then.  Right now, we're at Starbucks. The kids are eating lunchables and cake pops.  I'm having tea.  I hadn't realized that the kids corner here had children's books.  Logan's already picked out one he wants me to read.

Well, that's a bummer!  I was going to let myself buy lunch at the Greek Place (Byblos), get it to-go and then take the kids to the center of town and let them play in the park there.  It turns out Byblos is closed on Sundays!  I'll have to remember that!  I'm starving!  We're going to walk down to the wheat free place and see if they have anything I can eat (they do vegan too for somethings.)

They had cookies and candies and frozen dinners I could eat, but nothing substantial for me to eat right now.  We're heading back down the other side of the street.  Curious George is here!  He lets the kids take a picture with him and signals us to a woman who's sitting here.  She is doing face painting for free!  Both kids get their faces painted!  Christina gets a ladybug on her cheek, Logan gets a snake.

This is a picture of her painting the snake on his face, while Christina helps by holding the water.

It turns out this is a grand opening celebration for a new toy store.  We check it out through the window, but don't go in.

Walking home, the kids pretend they have superpowers.  Christina has ladybug superpowers.  She can fly and can make herself big or tinsy tiny.  Logan has snake superpowers.  He can fly too.  He can also scare away anything and anyone that might threaten us.  Both kids have to hold my hands to fly me across the streets.

Back at their house.  Tracye's getting ready to leave for work.  She offers to drive me back home if I want to leave with her.  That's terrific!   I'm looking forward to the ride home with her!

At home now.  I had been debating going to class tonight or not.  I still have a sinus infection and I don't want to overdo it.  With Tracye taking me home, I've decided to stay home.  I'd have to leave in an hour to take the bus down to class and I'm just not up to it.  I want to spend some time at home.

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