
Wednesday - 10/24/12 - Watching The Kids

Wednesday - 10/24/12

Walked Christina To School.  She rode my scooter.  I've been wanting to try one of the A3 scooters (bigger wheels).  She will get mine when I buy a new one.

Christina is on a health kick so we stopped at Mother's.

Went to butterfly place...  no butterflies until may!

Stopped at my work.  Showed the apartment to one couple.

Time to take the kids home!

Tracye offered to let me borrow her car and return it tomorrow.  I've debated it, but I don't want to take the time tomorrow to return it.  Taking the time today to ride home on the bus is better.

I took too long leaving.  I think I've missed the 54, but I'm close.  I decide to get to the bus stop and then figure it out.  I can always head off for a different bus stop if it has come.

There's a lady there waiting for the bus!  It's running a little late so I've made it!  We get into a conversation about buses and which ones run on time.  She tells me there have been concerts at the OC fairgrounds the last few weekends and she's been taking the buses there.  She says the last group was terrific!  She's showing me the pamplet, but has to get off the bus.  I'll have to look it up.

I get a chance to sit down once we get to the train station.  An older lady sits down next to me and we start talking.  She asks me if I know where the Hyatt is.  There's a woman she met at the train station who is on our bus who needs to go there.  I look up the Hyatt, it's on Harbor and Chapman.  This bus stops right in front of that hotel.  It turns out the woman's husband is here for a convention.  She decided to go out exploring.  I often get off at that stop to go to Disneyland to meet the 460.  This time I'm going down to Beach Blvd, so I'm going farther.  I tell her I'll make sure she gets off at the right place.  Standing room only on this bus.  I'm very grateful to have a seat.

At the stop for the 29, I get into a conversation with a gentleman about which buses normally run late.  He rode out with me on the 54 and then took the time to go buy food at Carl's Jr, something I hesitate to do.  I always worry the bus might come on time and I might miss it.  He was just sure it wouldn't.  He says the 29 and 43 are the worst buses about not being on time, and we are right at rush hour now.  All the people getting off work make it more difficult.  I tell him the 42 is the worst bus.  He agrees that one is bad too.  He said the main problem with that one is that it's got such a long run, with stops all along the way, it's just bound to run late.  The bus is here and we're still talking.  We wish each other a good day and get on the bus.

Oh no!  I was so engrossed in the conversation, I forgot my scooter!  It's folded up back on the bench!  I'm standing and can't even reach a cord to pull to get the bus to stop at the next bus stop!  I'm asking everyone to pull the cord for me!  No one is moving!  Finally one gentleman tells me that he already pulled the cord for the next stop.  That's why no one was helping!  I get off the bus and head back to the last bus stop on foot.  It felt like we went quite a ways in-between.  I hope not.  I hope the scooter is still there!  I'd be horrible to have just promised it to Christina and then to lose it!  It's starting to get dark and it was folded up, sitting on the bench.  Hopefully it isn't too visible.  Hopefully, I'll get there in time!

I'm finally close enough to see the bench!  There it is!  The scooter's still there!  Yay!  Now to figure out how to get home!

Google maps is saying I need to wait over 1/2 hour for the next 29 bus.  That's the only bus that stops here.  I think I'll head up the road a bit.  The bus stops here on beach are fairly close together.  It will give me a chance to see a little more of what is around, and if I find a bus stop that serves another bus, it might be a better option.

I passed a few bus stops for the 29, but nothing else.  I'm at another 29 bus stop.  This one has lots of people at it.  Google maps is still telling me the bus isn't coming for awhile.  I'm thinking about taking off again  when the bus comes!  Oh!  I forget sometimes!  Google maps is trying to make a "trip" for me.  So, if the later bus is the one that will (by schedule) catch the 460, it will give me that bus instead.  That must be what happened here!  I'm glad I caught the bus!  It's standing room only, but I don't mind as I'll be getting off soon.

The 460 should have passed already, but there are probably 15 people here, waiting for it.  It must be running late.  That's funny!  It's possible I'll be catching the same 460 I would have caught if I hadn't left my scooter on the bench and had to go back for it!

We're packed into the bus.  Standing room only.  I don't like standing for longer times.  Mainly because I worry about accidentally hitting someone with the scooter I'm holding.  There's no choice here.  No one is offering their seat.  Most of the people sitting around where I'm standing seem to be sleeping.

Wow!  The bus has gotten more and more packed.  I normally don't try to catch the 128 home because of the extra expense and the amount of time I have to wait for that bus after the 460 drops me off.  Well, also, most of the times I come home the 128 has stopped running.  With this bus running late I'm wondering if I could get off at the alternate exit and catch the 128.  I set the scooter down on the floor, hoping no one behind me has to get off while I check google maps on my phone.  It says the 128 is leaving in one minute.  I don't think there's any way to catch it.  We're still several stops away from there.

I'm still debating getting off.  I don't know if the 128 runs on time or not.  It is 1/2 mile farther to get home from the Carminita stop if I've missed the bus.  It might be worth it to get out of this bus!

I talked myself into staying on the bus till my regular exit.  I'm sure I missed the 128 and taking the extra time to get home seems silly.  A really tall gentleman has been standing in front of me.  It makes reading the sign announcing the stops almost impossible.  I know we're close.  So, I'm working my way toward the door now.  That way I'll know when we get to my stop!

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