
Rain 1/23/12

Monday (1/23/12)

Today it is probably going to rain.  I looked all over for my rain gear.  I found a pair of very nice rain pants that I have, and my boots, a bright yellow jogger's rain jacket and a folding umbrella, but I can't find my rain hat.  I'm sure it is here somewhere, but I have to leave!.

I have all of my rain things (except the boots, which I'm wearing), wrapped up in a bag and tied to the backpack, but now I'm leaving late.

There is a 2nd bus stop near my house, that the bus comes to later than the first one.  It is a little farther away and not the one that google maps sends me to.  With being late, I decide to chance it and go to that bus stop.  That way is interesting.  At some points it has these really wonderful curvy sidewalks that are terribly fun to travel and to play with the scooter on.  At other points there is no sidewalk at all, or it manifests on the other side of the street.

It turns out that leaving late is leaving late.  I waved bye to the bus from about a 1/2 block away.  Fortunately, there is always another bus coming.  One minute after I was dropped off at disneyland, the connector bus showed up, that is amazing timing!  I think there is even time to catch the third bus and make it to class.

I goofed.  I didn't pull the rope to stop the bus fast enough, or the system didn't respond to it fast enough.  I missed the next connector exit.  The sweet lady bus driver told me I should have gotten off at the stop before the one I had wanted anyway...  that both stops have the same connector bus.  She was really helpful and wanted to get me a different connector bus, but I was too worried about timing and I knew I could make it from the one stop by using my scooter.  So, I had her drop me off and used the scooter the rest of the way.  I'm at the class in time!  I got here before any of my students!  Yay!

God is watching out for me!  I'm so grateful for all the blessings in my life!  It isn't even raining yet!

It started raining during class.

Time to leave and it's pouring outside.  I put on my rain gear and head out.  the rain let up some for me.  I took a different way this time, wanting to take the buses more.  I even stopped at Mother's Market and bought some snacks and then got back on the next bus.  I couldn't figure out what to do with my scooter while in the store, and I couldn't get it folded up (it now only folds up with the help of a pair of pliers).  So, I just put it in a grocery cart and walked around with it that way!

One thing I'm going to have to watch are the side expenses...  the expenses caused by riding the bus.  An example would be that I am away from home more now and passing places to eat more often too.  I might be tempted to eat out more, which would be more of an expense.  I often do laundry at my daughter's while I babysit too, and now I can't because I don't have the car to transport the laundry.  So, laundry will be an extra expense.

At work, I looked at the bus schedules again and finally started figuring out how to read them.  I even figured out a way to take the bus home, using the bus stop near my office.  Though, it would give me an extra 30 minute wait at a bus stop and would get home an extra 30 minutes later.  I'm not going to use that route.  But, it's nice to know that there are alternatives!

Time to leave for the bus now and it is nice and sunny outside!  I'm thrilled!  I've been listening to the audio book / seminar "Invisible Acts of Power, Personal Choices That Create Miracles" by Carolyn Myss.  One great thing about riding the bus is that I don't have to pay attention to the road and can listen to audio books.  I haven't yet tried reading a "real" book, though I do keep bringing one along.

I even figured out that one of the banks I need to go to is right at this bus stop!  Yay!  One more thing I now know how to easily manage!

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