
Monday - 1/21/2012 - The first day officially driving my car!

Monday 1/21/2012

It's funny that sleeping in till 5 seems like sleeping late.
I feel so grateful to have my car back and running and licensed!

I also that I accomplished something by being able to do without my car for all this time.

I didn't manage to pay off bills and it's pretty clear that while it's expensive to have a car, the expense of the 3 hours or more each way to work on the bus is huge, it takes time out of the other things you would be doing.

I also feel our OCTA bus system is set up to keep people unhealthy.
There are no bathrooms anywhere.
If you are in the middle of say a 3 and a half hour 3 bus trip and have to go to the bathroom, you would need to buy something from a fast food place to be able to use their bathroom.
So what I did, and what I feel like a lot of people do, is to cut down on the amount of water I was drinking, trying to not need to go to the bathroom during that time.
Fast food or sodas are unhealthy, and so is going without water.
I don't know a way to fix this system, but there should be some way.

Also, the fact that you can't depend on the bus actually getting there when it says it will is frustrating.  Yes, there are those times when accidents or something happens on the road.
But, there are also bus routes that should have different start and end times for Fridays, when traffic is heavier.  You know it's going to be that way so why not calculate that into the schedule?
And some bus routes that can't possibly make their route in the amount of time given for it on the schedule.  Shouldn't the schedule be re-written to be realistic?

I could always, during this year, tell myself this was just temporary and try to enjoy what I'm doing, but it's a way of life for so many.  It has really beaten me down at times, I can't think what it would be like if you knew it wasn't temporary, knew this was just going to be your life.

I'm out of that system now and have the knowledge of how to use it as a back up in case I ever need it, but I wish we could make it better for the people who do need to use it.

I also wish we could somehow make it better for everyone to use, but with a 40 minute drive taking 3 1/2 hours if you take the bus, most people would not choose to take the bus and I'm not sure what the answer to make this a closer time exchange is, I only know that it's an issue.

Back to Gratitude!
Wow, without friends I wouldn't have been able to do this year!
Mary and Tracye and Charles all loaned me their vehicles at different times!
Mary, Jaitri and Charles all took me home at different times, often in the rain or late at night.
Everyone was SO understanding and supportive!
I have really enjoyed the social aspect of this year.  I've gotten to spend more time with friends and family than I would have in a normal year and I'm very grateful for all of you and for all of that.  💓💓💓💜💜💜💙💙💙💓💓💓

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