
Wednesday - 7/25/12 - Going To The Fair!

Wednesday - 7/25/12

I'm watching the kids this today while Tracye's at court.  They know they have some say in what we do.  Logan asks to go to my house.  Christina agrees that we should go to my place.  I haven't told Christina yet that she's coming to my place tonight for a sleep over.  I want to wait for the right moment and I want it to be special when we go.  So, we aren't going there now!  I'm asking if they want to go to the library or something when Tracye texts me that Claire is having a playdate at her house and asks if we want to go.  I enjoy spending Claire and both Logan and Christina like spending time with her kids.  I ask them and they say it would be OK to go.  Claire's it is!

There were several kids and parents at Claire's.  Both Logan and Christina had fun!  Tracye has texted that she'll be home soon and both the kids are tired.  I tell them it's time to go.  Christina's making a special trip back into the house to say goodbye to her best friend Ella.

We aren't far away, driving home, when both kids fall asleep.

Tracye's home.  I carry Logan and Christina in and put them to bed.   As I put Christina to bed, I tell her that we are going to have a sleepover at my place tonight.  Her eyes start sparkling again.  I may have woken her up too much to sleep.

Back in the living room Tracye asks me what I want to do.  I tell her I'll hang around for a little bit and if Christina wakes up soon I'll take her and go, otherwise, I'll borrow the car, go to work for a bit and come back when she tells me Christina is awake.

Tracye went in to check on Christina. She's awake. We're packing her things now.

The first stop is my work. Christina says she likes my office. She opens up her leap pad. I turn on the computer.

The OC fair is close to my work. I'm taking a back way there, hoping I can find free street parking rather than spend the money for the parking lot. There's a spot! It's a bit of a walk to the fair, but Christina is a good walker. I'm a little worried about how we'll do walking back to the car when we're tired. I consider parking in the pay lot some of those spaces are far away too. I decide to stay here, at the free space.

Christina wants to go to the barn first. I want to buy her an unlimited ride ticket. That option ends at five. So we need to go there now. The unlimited ride ticket is $30. I thought about it before I came and decided to get it. I didn't like having to say "no" so much last time. This way will be more fun for me! I don't know if I should buy myself a ticket or not. Last time some of the rides let me on for free, but I think it was because we had Logan with us who is just barely tall enough to ride the rides. I decide to buy just one unlimited pass and then try a ride to see. Christina decided to ride the ride that looks like swings. The operator wouldn't let me on without a ticket. We're almost out of time to buy a ticket for me. I decide to go ahead and do it.

Christina's been having fun with the unlimited ride pass. She goes on a ride or into a fun house and then immediately goes again. They aren't letting me into the funhouses. I didn't realize open toed shoes weren't allowed.

It's 7:30. Our unlimited ride passes expire at 8pm. Christina has been wanting to ride the sky ride. I've been putting it off till last since it will take us away from the ride area. Now is the time to go ride it!

We're both tired. It's time to go home. We definitely had fun! Mother's market is close by. We're going to stop there first and pick up pizzas for dinner. I didn't think Christina would still be hungry since she had a corn dog, but she is.

I've been wanting to get some frozen pizzas and things from mother's too. I'm picking up that stuff while we're here.

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