
Saturday - 7/7/12

7/7/12 - Saturday

I don't want to get it of bed. My mind just keeps thinking about the cat in my bathroom. Today is the day I'd told myself I would call animal control to come get her. I so don't want to. She is so sweet. She deserves a good life and a good home.

The email news is bad too. I'd emailed a rescue / adoption group hoping they could help. They emailed back that all the shelters are totally full right now and that for every cat or kitten taken on one has to be put to sleep to make room for it. I've posted again about her on Facebook, though I know kittens are easier to find a home for than cats. Still, she would be a good friend for someone.

I'm editing the eBay photos I've taken and also taking some more. It's funny. I have to go to the bathroom and I'm avoiding it. The cat's waiting in there to be loved on. I feel like I'm letting her down.

I just had a thought! Greg's household is new... And supposedly spacious. Maybe they could take her! I'm Sending him an email now!

Well, that didn't work. They've already got a cat.

Nothing feels like the right thing. That's the problem. I've let her out into the apartment for a bit. She's sniffing around everything. She's asking to go out into the backyard. It seems so natural to open the door and let her out. I follow her out and water the plants. I'm not sure what I'm doing, why I've let her out, but I can't keep her locked up in my bathroom forever either. I'm enjoying the peacefulness is it all, with me watering the plants and her sniffing everywhere. She's jumped onto the fence and is climbing over. I'm just a tad too late to catch her. Now I know it was a mistake to let her loose. I haven't done anything except postpone the inevitable. Sigh. Some things are just hard.

There's an event at the yoga center tonight. I've been debating going. I know I'll be glad I went if I go. But, I feel like I haven't accomplished anything. One of the faucet knobs broke in unit 2, causing a nice fountain where there shouldn't be one. Dealing with that took over an hour out of my day. I had to go to home depot with the maintenance person to buy the new faucet. Then, the exterminators came to treat for fleas and that took awhile too. Anyway, I'm debating going tonight. This whole thing about the cats has me down.

You know, I bet Prakriti's going tonight. If she can take me down that would be a lot easier. I call her. She doesn't have time to pick me up.

If I'm going to go, I need to get around and go. Yet here I am, laying on my bed playing suduko

I've decided to go. Maybe it will help with the depression. Maybe being there and praying about what to do will help me come up with an answer. It's really too late. I know it. Still, here I am, stepping into the shower, preparing to go.

I'm ready now. It's too late to go to the regular stop and there's only 15 minutes till the bus comes to the alternate stop... Not enough time to get there. still, I'm heading out. Hoping somehow the bus will be late or something and I'll make it.

It's different taking this way in the daylight. Fun to have a change of pace.
That's the bus turning the corner up ahead. I'm surprised I was so close to making it. I'm a half block away though. There's no way to catch it. No reason to rush Anymore. Now comes the next decision. Do I go on and wait for the next bus, or do I turn around and go home?

I check google maps. It says I can make it to the yoga center at 8:01. The event starts at 8. I'd like more wiggle room than that, but since I can still make it, I decide to wait for the next bus and go. I recheck google maps. There's a long wait at Disneyland between buses. That means if we run a little early or the 43 runs a little late I might be able to catch an earlier connection and make it there earlier.

I had this thought that if i don't manage to catch an earlier connection, Mary might be able to pick me up at harbor and Victoria. It isn't much out of her way and would get me there maybe 10 minutes earlier. I call and leave her a voice message. I'm going to email her too.

On the bus. Someone has stuffed their fast food trash behind the seat in front of me. How rude! Not only is it displeasing to have to sit here and look at it, bit that's the seat that lifts to make room for a wheelchair. Where the bags are stuffed could give the driver a lot of problems later. I wait till we get to the park and ride lot, where there's often a longer stop, grab the bags and go ask the driver if she has a trash bag somewhere. She doesn't. So I ask her if she would mind waiting while I run to the nearest trash can. She seems really grateful that I'm helping out. At least I've done one good thing today!

I was right! Minutes after the 460 drops me off, the 43 comes. I'm on an earlier bus! I won't have any problem getting to the yoga center on time now! I email Mary that I won't need a ride.

We're almost to the stop where I catch the 55. But the 55 is in front of us, rather than behind. I win't be able to catch that bus. What do I do now? Get off and wait for the next 55 bus, or go farther down the line and use the scooter to get the rest of the way? I've still got plenty of time. I decide to get off and wait for the next bus.

Shoot! I just checked google maps. There isn't another bus for ages and that's the one that would get me there at 8:01. I'm going to have to use the scooter to get there. I wish I'd checked that before getting off. I might have added a mile to my scooter travel distance by getting off where I did. The good news is that I still have plenty of time and I'll be on time anyway.

The event was wonderful. I'm really glad I went! Prakriti is willing to drive me home but Mary wants to do something. We head off to norms for a late dinner. Mary says their vegetarian omelet is great. Being vegan I'm stuck with French fries and a dinner salad. Not the best meal, but it's nice to spend time with Mary and I've been wanting french fries. So it's all good

On the way to my place they have construction or something going on. We're stuck in barely moving traffic and can't get anywhere.

Finally I'm home! I'm so tired. The traffic jam took us at least an hour. I ask Mary if she wants to sleep on the couch, but she just wants to get home.

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