Thursday - 7/12/12
It's wonderful to lay here in bed and watch the flowers outside my window!
My plan for today is to work on Toni's book. Her memorial service is on Sunday. I'd like to hand Christopher the finished product then. The typing's done. I just need to go through, scan and place the images into the word document. There are a LOT of images!
I guess the first thing is to figure out which of my scanners has the best quality. I have a good Epson 4990 scanner that I bought long ago, but both my printers have scanners too and since they're newer their scanners might be better. There has to be a way to find out the differences on the web.
I searched the web for the specs for each of the scanners, and found them! It's a bit confusing, and I'm not sure what to look for, but it's clear that the Epson scanner has more dots per inch. So, that must be the best of the three.
Dang! I plugged the scanner into my laptop and it didn't recognize it, which means I only had the software for it on the desktop, which has been wiped. I'll have to load the software before I can start.
It's almost 11am. I'm finally scanning photos! I'd been worried about getting the photos to be exactly where they need to be. That parts turning out easier than I'd thought. Yay! The bad part is; since I'm scanning from Word, the Word program is re-opening and re-closing the scanner program for every picture. It's very time consuming.
I'm doing something I never do any more. I'm watching TV. Since scanning images and placing them doesn't take up too much brain power, I've got Netflix shows running in the background. Currently I'm watching a "Murder She Wrote" episode.
It's 7pm. I'm still scanning. I should quit. I haven't finished yesterday's blog. I haven't done anything today except scan. I have my daily commitments to keep. I can't seem to stop. I really want to finish!
I'm watching a show on Netflix about Monopoly while I'm scanning. Wow. Had I known, when I was younger, that people get together to play Monopoly in groups and tournaments, I'd have aimed that way! I always wanted to play and could never get people to play with! Heck, I might have to search now to see if I can find a place to play! They're also talking about trades in the game being normal. I don't think my family ever traded. I bet trades would have helped me learn bartering better! How interesting.
Still scanning. It's after 9. I should stop and finish on Saturday. I'm so close though.
I'm done! Woo Hoo!!! The last 20 or so were easy!
I'm sending Christopher a facebook message that it's done and I'll be bringing it on Sunday to the memorial. It turns out he's on facebook. He wasn't sure I'd be able to get the images in. He seems overjoyed that I managed it! Wow. This is so great!
I should do other things now... but, I'm tired. It will all have to wait. Sleep calls.
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