Sunday - 7/29/12
I'm lounging in my bed, enjoying the morning. Shoot! I just realized it might take three hours to get to training today! That would mean leaving fairly soon. Ak!
Yep. I checked with google maps. I have to leave at 8:12 if I'm going to make the 11:00 training. I've got 40 minutes to get around.
I could probably take just my day pack today, but I think I'll take the backpack. It's partly packed from yesterday. That way I'll bring the photoing stuff with me again just in case anyone didn't get their ranger I'd picture yet.
I don't have anything to bring for lunch this time. Wait, I have a little bit of Dahl left over from Friday add some bread and that'd make a lunch! the Dahl is in a styrofoam container. I'd rather not carry a container back home with me. So I don't want to put it in something else, but I know styrofoam may not make last for a three hour ride in my.backpack. I decide to use the styrofoam container but put it in a ziplock bag so if it breaks it won't ruin everything. I'm also moving my travel cup into the backpack and rearranging things so other things will create and hold the space for the styrofoam container.
Shoot! I'm a block away from my place and just realized I left the directions on the printer. I'll have to hope I can get the route and figure out where the stops are using my phone. There isn't time to go back for them.
Wow! That was a white pigeon! It was beautiful! I think it wasn't quite an adult. It's sitting in the middle of the sidewalk. I didn't realize it was a bird until I scootered past it. It just sat there, in the middle of the sidewalk and watched. I feel blessed to have seen it, to have been able to go so close to it without scaring it. I'm worrying about it though. It didn't look hurt. I want to check on it. There's not time there's not even time to go back and take a picture. It feels important to catch this bus. I say some prayers if thanks, blessing and protection for the bird as I travel the rest of the way to the bus stop.
The la bus system has an online system for their tap cards. I'm trying to use my phone to register mine so I can load more money on it if I need to. It've searched all over, and registered myself, but can't find a way to register the card with them. I finally give up, reminding myself that my phone wasn't fully charged when I left and I need it to be able to find the routes home.
I'm taking the 460 bus all the up to 7th and Figueroa. That's the same stop I used when I went to Alex's. I feel comfortable about finding and getting off at it. Sitting next to me at the back of the bus is a woman dressed in a black and white patterned outfit. She's sleeping here with her legs up on the inside facing seats in front of her
A few blocks away from my stop the woman asks me if we're near a terminal because she needs to pee. I tell her there is a train station at 7th. They must have a bathroom. She asks about a Starbucks. I tell her I don't know the area at all. I'm encouraging her to get off at my stop. She starts to, but says something about it being 7th and she wanted 6th.
I'm supposed to take the red line to the orange line. It's easy to find where to wait for the red line.
The train came and I got on. Now though I'm wondering I'd it was the right train. The signs seem to be saying there are two trains on this track; the red line and the purple line. They keep the same stops for awhile then diverge. The purple line wouldn't take me to the orange line.
When the doors open I'm listening for it. I think it says this is the purple line. I get off and wait for the next bus. Here comes the red line train!
At the north Hollywood station. I'm supposed to get on the orange line next. The taped voice had said you have to go up and across the street.
The sign to the orange line is pointing off at an angle. There are a lot of people going across the street to a bus stop and a few going off in the same direction the sign is pointing. I start to follow the sign. I'm feeling totally lost. I ask a lady if she's going to the orange line and it'll I can follow her. She says yes. She doesn't often come to this stop. The sign had thrown her too. She says the bus stop across the street is where we are going.
Interesting. This part of the train system is a bus! Like the trains, you pay before you get on, rather than when you get on. People are getting on at all the doors! I guess paying ahead of time makes that possible!
I love this! So much better than the subway! There's some lovely scenery! There's a private metro only road the bus is going down. We still have to wait for a few stoplights, but they turn quickly. We have priority!
The 240 bus is the last leg of the trip. The stop is right here. There's a man here with a table and large backpack attached to one of those small, folding luggage carriers. I say something about that being an awkward setup. He agrees. He sells jewelry. He normally sells online only but is doing a display of some of it today.
The house I'm going to is easy to find. Several people just arrived we're all walking in together.
The first thing I do after finding a seat is to pull out my lunch. I'm starving!
The styrofoam mostly held together, but did fail. Actually, it might have only been the lid that failed. Glad i used the ziplock bag! I leave the container in the bag while I eat. They have a cute dog that's sitting in front of me staring at me with these doleful eyes, asking for some of my lunch.
I hung out for awhile afterwards. It's funny. If I was driving, I probably would have headed out right away.. Wanting to get home to do other things. With taking the bus and knowing I won't have time for other things.. It changes the dynamic.
Elf offers to drive me to the bus stop. It's not far, but I'm a little close on time so I accept.
There are people waiting at the stop. I haven't missed the bus! A few police cars have gone off to our left, the way the bus will come from. The bus is due. Now we're hearing sirens. We're all wondering what's going on and if it's going to delay the bus.
Racing through the light and past us comes a truck with an ATv
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