
Wednesday - 7/11/12 - Commitment

Wednesday - 7/11/12

I'm really frustrated with myself.

I don't seem to be able to do the daily things I want to do...  like post on this blog and enter my daily spending into quickbooks.  I think both of those are really important...  part of the learning and growing process of this adventure.  Every financial analyst says part of what you need to do is keep track of your expenses.  Yet, here I am, months behind on both this blog and posting expenses into quickbooks.

I've been blogging most days, but they all need gone through and cleaned up and actually posted.
Quickbooks is the same.  I've got most of the receipts and things saved...  I know where I spent money. I just have to enter it all in.

I know there are some days that are just too long to do those things, but I should be able to catch up the next day or soon after.  Being months behind (as I am right now) is just silly.  I haven't been putting new things up on eBay either.  So, my income is hurting.

I'm going to start posting into my blog from where I am today...  without posting the older ones.  I will post those as I can, but a lot of not posting lately has been me wanting to post it all in order, as it happened and since I can put it in order after I post it, I need to give up on that and move forward.

My commitment for today is that going forward each day, starting today, I will post the day before's blog and enter all of the quickbooks accounting for it and will list one new item on eBay.  I know that doesn't sound like much, but if I can learn how to do this, then I think I will have added a huge new life skill.  Wish me luck!

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