Tuesday - 7/31/12
At home
Start socializing kitten. He's not a kitten any more!
Behind on everything again
Potential renter for Avalon
Potential renter for villa Tuscany
I have debt I'm paying off, and my car needs a new transmission. Rather than fix it, I’m parking the car for a year and working on paying down my debt. This isn't the easiest thing to do, but I am committed to doing that and to being true to myself. I want my kids and grandkids to think of me as someone who was free, who lived her principles and did something different when it was needed. This is about me learning to do something different. I hope others will enjoy and support my progress.
Monday - 7/30/12
Monday - 7/30/12
Having trouble getting myself out of bed. I put on the morning meditations sound track and a bright light and go sit in the bed for a bit. This is good. It's getting me back to thinking in positive terms rather than the "negative" of getting up early.
I've got to do my reports this morning. Though they'll be short. I don't think I'll have a problem getting them done.
I have to make a choice. Tonight is movie Monday's at the segerstrom center. The movie is yentel. On a normal year I'd go to everyone of the Monday night movies. Well, unless it was one I didn't like. I liked yentel. The Monday night series has been fun, but the lack of sleep and trying to get buses home has definitely cut into the enjoyment of it. I used to feel like I had a whole day off when I went to them. Not this year though. On top of all that I feel like I haven't been home... With sleepovers, extra long Monday's and Friday's, being gone both days this weekend and the fact that I may have a double sleepover this week. Well, I'm missing being home. I know coming home right after work I won't get home till 8:30 at the earliest. I won't have the time at home I've been craving no matter what. It will let me get a full nights sleep though. So I'd be ready to use / enjoy tomorrow. It's not like I can change my mind later either. If I want to go I should have the sleeping bag. Being able to lay there all nice and cuddly while watching the movie is part of what makes the experience.
I guess I'll say no to this week's movie and then go to next week's. I really want to see the music man, though that is a long one and may present challenges on getting home.
Hey! I'm leaving on time and get to go to the close-er bus stop. Woo hoo!
Mary takes me bike shopping.
Indian dinner
She drops me off at long beach. I bus home from there. Cold & tires & phone dying
Have ride to burning man!
Having trouble getting myself out of bed. I put on the morning meditations sound track and a bright light and go sit in the bed for a bit. This is good. It's getting me back to thinking in positive terms rather than the "negative" of getting up early.
I've got to do my reports this morning. Though they'll be short. I don't think I'll have a problem getting them done.
I have to make a choice. Tonight is movie Monday's at the segerstrom center. The movie is yentel. On a normal year I'd go to everyone of the Monday night movies. Well, unless it was one I didn't like. I liked yentel. The Monday night series has been fun, but the lack of sleep and trying to get buses home has definitely cut into the enjoyment of it. I used to feel like I had a whole day off when I went to them. Not this year though. On top of all that I feel like I haven't been home... With sleepovers, extra long Monday's and Friday's, being gone both days this weekend and the fact that I may have a double sleepover this week. Well, I'm missing being home. I know coming home right after work I won't get home till 8:30 at the earliest. I won't have the time at home I've been craving no matter what. It will let me get a full nights sleep though. So I'd be ready to use / enjoy tomorrow. It's not like I can change my mind later either. If I want to go I should have the sleeping bag. Being able to lay there all nice and cuddly while watching the movie is part of what makes the experience.
I guess I'll say no to this week's movie and then go to next week's. I really want to see the music man, though that is a long one and may present challenges on getting home.
Hey! I'm leaving on time and get to go to the close-er bus stop. Woo hoo!
Mary takes me bike shopping.
Indian dinner
She drops me off at long beach. I bus home from there. Cold & tires & phone dying
Have ride to burning man!
Sunday - 7/29/12 - car chase!
Sunday - 7/29/12
I'm lounging in my bed, enjoying the morning. Shoot! I just realized it might take three hours to get to training today! That would mean leaving fairly soon. Ak!
Yep. I checked with google maps. I have to leave at 8:12 if I'm going to make the 11:00 training. I've got 40 minutes to get around.
I could probably take just my day pack today, but I think I'll take the backpack. It's partly packed from yesterday. That way I'll bring the photoing stuff with me again just in case anyone didn't get their ranger I'd picture yet.
I don't have anything to bring for lunch this time. Wait, I have a little bit of Dahl left over from Friday add some bread and that'd make a lunch! the Dahl is in a styrofoam container. I'd rather not carry a container back home with me. So I don't want to put it in something else, but I know styrofoam may not make last for a three hour ride in my.backpack. I decide to use the styrofoam container but put it in a ziplock bag so if it breaks it won't ruin everything. I'm also moving my travel cup into the backpack and rearranging things so other things will create and hold the space for the styrofoam container.
Shoot! I'm a block away from my place and just realized I left the directions on the printer. I'll have to hope I can get the route and figure out where the stops are using my phone. There isn't time to go back for them.
Wow! That was a white pigeon! It was beautiful! I think it wasn't quite an adult. It's sitting in the middle of the sidewalk. I didn't realize it was a bird until I scootered past it. It just sat there, in the middle of the sidewalk and watched. I feel blessed to have seen it, to have been able to go so close to it without scaring it. I'm worrying about it though. It didn't look hurt. I want to check on it. There's not time there's not even time to go back and take a picture. It feels important to catch this bus. I say some prayers if thanks, blessing and protection for the bird as I travel the rest of the way to the bus stop.
The la bus system has an online system for their tap cards. I'm trying to use my phone to register mine so I can load more money on it if I need to. It've searched all over, and registered myself, but can't find a way to register the card with them. I finally give up, reminding myself that my phone wasn't fully charged when I left and I need it to be able to find the routes home.
I'm taking the 460 bus all the up to 7th and Figueroa. That's the same stop I used when I went to Alex's. I feel comfortable about finding and getting off at it. Sitting next to me at the back of the bus is a woman dressed in a black and white patterned outfit. She's sleeping here with her legs up on the inside facing seats in front of her
A few blocks away from my stop the woman asks me if we're near a terminal because she needs to pee. I tell her there is a train station at 7th. They must have a bathroom. She asks about a Starbucks. I tell her I don't know the area at all. I'm encouraging her to get off at my stop. She starts to, but says something about it being 7th and she wanted 6th.
I'm supposed to take the red line to the orange line. It's easy to find where to wait for the red line.
The train came and I got on. Now though I'm wondering I'd it was the right train. The signs seem to be saying there are two trains on this track; the red line and the purple line. They keep the same stops for awhile then diverge. The purple line wouldn't take me to the orange line.
When the doors open I'm listening for it. I think it says this is the purple line. I get off and wait for the next bus. Here comes the red line train!
At the north Hollywood station. I'm supposed to get on the orange line next. The taped voice had said you have to go up and across the street.
The sign to the orange line is pointing off at an angle. There are a lot of people going across the street to a bus stop and a few going off in the same direction the sign is pointing. I start to follow the sign. I'm feeling totally lost. I ask a lady if she's going to the orange line and it'll I can follow her. She says yes. She doesn't often come to this stop. The sign had thrown her too. She says the bus stop across the street is where we are going.
Interesting. This part of the train system is a bus! Like the trains, you pay before you get on, rather than when you get on. People are getting on at all the doors! I guess paying ahead of time makes that possible!
I love this! So much better than the subway! There's some lovely scenery! There's a private metro only road the bus is going down. We still have to wait for a few stoplights, but they turn quickly. We have priority!
The 240 bus is the last leg of the trip. The stop is right here. There's a man here with a table and large backpack attached to one of those small, folding luggage carriers. I say something about that being an awkward setup. He agrees. He sells jewelry. He normally sells online only but is doing a display of some of it today.
The house I'm going to is easy to find. Several people just arrived we're all walking in together.
The first thing I do after finding a seat is to pull out my lunch. I'm starving!
The styrofoam mostly held together, but did fail. Actually, it might have only been the lid that failed. Glad i used the ziplock bag! I leave the container in the bag while I eat. They have a cute dog that's sitting in front of me staring at me with these doleful eyes, asking for some of my lunch.
I hung out for awhile afterwards. It's funny. If I was driving, I probably would have headed out right away.. Wanting to get home to do other things. With taking the bus and knowing I won't have time for other things.. It changes the dynamic.
Elf offers to drive me to the bus stop. It's not far, but I'm a little close on time so I accept.
There are people waiting at the stop. I haven't missed the bus! A few police cars have gone off to our left, the way the bus will come from. The bus is due. Now we're hearing sirens. We're all wondering what's going on and if it's going to delay the bus.
Racing through the light and past us comes a truck with an ATv
I'm lounging in my bed, enjoying the morning. Shoot! I just realized it might take three hours to get to training today! That would mean leaving fairly soon. Ak!
Yep. I checked with google maps. I have to leave at 8:12 if I'm going to make the 11:00 training. I've got 40 minutes to get around.
I could probably take just my day pack today, but I think I'll take the backpack. It's partly packed from yesterday. That way I'll bring the photoing stuff with me again just in case anyone didn't get their ranger I'd picture yet.
I don't have anything to bring for lunch this time. Wait, I have a little bit of Dahl left over from Friday add some bread and that'd make a lunch! the Dahl is in a styrofoam container. I'd rather not carry a container back home with me. So I don't want to put it in something else, but I know styrofoam may not make last for a three hour ride in my.backpack. I decide to use the styrofoam container but put it in a ziplock bag so if it breaks it won't ruin everything. I'm also moving my travel cup into the backpack and rearranging things so other things will create and hold the space for the styrofoam container.
Shoot! I'm a block away from my place and just realized I left the directions on the printer. I'll have to hope I can get the route and figure out where the stops are using my phone. There isn't time to go back for them.
Wow! That was a white pigeon! It was beautiful! I think it wasn't quite an adult. It's sitting in the middle of the sidewalk. I didn't realize it was a bird until I scootered past it. It just sat there, in the middle of the sidewalk and watched. I feel blessed to have seen it, to have been able to go so close to it without scaring it. I'm worrying about it though. It didn't look hurt. I want to check on it. There's not time there's not even time to go back and take a picture. It feels important to catch this bus. I say some prayers if thanks, blessing and protection for the bird as I travel the rest of the way to the bus stop.
The la bus system has an online system for their tap cards. I'm trying to use my phone to register mine so I can load more money on it if I need to. It've searched all over, and registered myself, but can't find a way to register the card with them. I finally give up, reminding myself that my phone wasn't fully charged when I left and I need it to be able to find the routes home.
I'm taking the 460 bus all the up to 7th and Figueroa. That's the same stop I used when I went to Alex's. I feel comfortable about finding and getting off at it. Sitting next to me at the back of the bus is a woman dressed in a black and white patterned outfit. She's sleeping here with her legs up on the inside facing seats in front of her
A few blocks away from my stop the woman asks me if we're near a terminal because she needs to pee. I tell her there is a train station at 7th. They must have a bathroom. She asks about a Starbucks. I tell her I don't know the area at all. I'm encouraging her to get off at my stop. She starts to, but says something about it being 7th and she wanted 6th.
I'm supposed to take the red line to the orange line. It's easy to find where to wait for the red line.
The train came and I got on. Now though I'm wondering I'd it was the right train. The signs seem to be saying there are two trains on this track; the red line and the purple line. They keep the same stops for awhile then diverge. The purple line wouldn't take me to the orange line.
When the doors open I'm listening for it. I think it says this is the purple line. I get off and wait for the next bus. Here comes the red line train!
At the north Hollywood station. I'm supposed to get on the orange line next. The taped voice had said you have to go up and across the street.
The sign to the orange line is pointing off at an angle. There are a lot of people going across the street to a bus stop and a few going off in the same direction the sign is pointing. I start to follow the sign. I'm feeling totally lost. I ask a lady if she's going to the orange line and it'll I can follow her. She says yes. She doesn't often come to this stop. The sign had thrown her too. She says the bus stop across the street is where we are going.
Interesting. This part of the train system is a bus! Like the trains, you pay before you get on, rather than when you get on. People are getting on at all the doors! I guess paying ahead of time makes that possible!
I love this! So much better than the subway! There's some lovely scenery! There's a private metro only road the bus is going down. We still have to wait for a few stoplights, but they turn quickly. We have priority!
The 240 bus is the last leg of the trip. The stop is right here. There's a man here with a table and large backpack attached to one of those small, folding luggage carriers. I say something about that being an awkward setup. He agrees. He sells jewelry. He normally sells online only but is doing a display of some of it today.
The house I'm going to is easy to find. Several people just arrived we're all walking in together.
The first thing I do after finding a seat is to pull out my lunch. I'm starving!
The styrofoam mostly held together, but did fail. Actually, it might have only been the lid that failed. Glad i used the ziplock bag! I leave the container in the bag while I eat. They have a cute dog that's sitting in front of me staring at me with these doleful eyes, asking for some of my lunch.
I hung out for awhile afterwards. It's funny. If I was driving, I probably would have headed out right away.. Wanting to get home to do other things. With taking the bus and knowing I won't have time for other things.. It changes the dynamic.
Elf offers to drive me to the bus stop. It's not far, but I'm a little close on time so I accept.
There are people waiting at the stop. I haven't missed the bus! A few police cars have gone off to our left, the way the bus will come from. The bus is due. Now we're hearing sirens. We're all wondering what's going on and if it's going to delay the bus.
Racing through the light and past us comes a truck with an ATv
Saturday - 7/28/12 - ranger training
Saturday - 7/28/12
La ranger training
Taking photos
Lulie says she would sell me a coat at a discount
Green dot training tomorrow
Talk with elf about rides and such
La ranger training
Taking photos
Lulie says she would sell me a coat at a discount
Green dot training tomorrow
Talk with elf about rides and such
Friday - 7/27/12
Friday - 7/27/12
Made 460
Missed first 43
Made deposit
Went straight to Avalon
Indian fast food
Saw the movie Ice age!
Made 460
Missed first 43
Made deposit
Went straight to Avalon
Indian fast food
Saw the movie Ice age!
Thursday - 7/26/12
Thursday - 7/26/12
Sleepover morning
Playing with cat
Walk around the block
Make pancakes
The kids and I take the Cat to a park to meet with Beth.
Beth is going to take the cat to her father. He will be the cat's new companion.
I'm so glad she is going to a good home.
The kids are sad to see her go.
Borrow car for dollar store
Walk with Logan
1/2 hr till bus to fair, decide to just go home
Sleepover morning
Playing with cat
Walk around the block
Make pancakes
The kids and I take the Cat to a park to meet with Beth.
Beth is going to take the cat to her father. He will be the cat's new companion.
I'm so glad she is going to a good home.
The kids are sad to see her go.
Borrow car for dollar store
Walk with Logan
1/2 hr till bus to fair, decide to just go home
Wednesday - 7/25/12 - Going To The Fair!
Wednesday - 7/25/12
I'm watching the kids this today while Tracye's at court. They know they have some say in what we do. Logan asks to go to my house. Christina agrees that we should go to my place. I haven't told Christina yet that she's coming to my place tonight for a sleep over. I want to wait for the right moment and I want it to be special when we go. So, we aren't going there now! I'm asking if they want to go to the library or something when Tracye texts me that Claire is having a playdate at her house and asks if we want to go. I enjoy spending Claire and both Logan and Christina like spending time with her kids. I ask them and they say it would be OK to go. Claire's it is!
There were several kids and parents at Claire's. Both Logan and Christina had fun! Tracye has texted that she'll be home soon and both the kids are tired. I tell them it's time to go. Christina's making a special trip back into the house to say goodbye to her best friend Ella.
We aren't far away, driving home, when both kids fall asleep.
Tracye's home. I carry Logan and Christina in and put them to bed. As I put Christina to bed, I tell her that we are going to have a sleepover at my place tonight. Her eyes start sparkling again. I may have woken her up too much to sleep.
Back in the living room Tracye asks me what I want to do. I tell her I'll hang around for a little bit and if Christina wakes up soon I'll take her and go, otherwise, I'll borrow the car, go to work for a bit and come back when she tells me Christina is awake.
Tracye went in to check on Christina. She's awake. We're packing her things now.
The first stop is my work. Christina says she likes my office. She opens up her leap pad. I turn on the computer.
The OC fair is close to my work. I'm taking a back way there, hoping I can find free street parking rather than spend the money for the parking lot. There's a spot! It's a bit of a walk to the fair, but Christina is a good walker. I'm a little worried about how we'll do walking back to the car when we're tired. I consider parking in the pay lot some of those spaces are far away too. I decide to stay here, at the free space.
Christina wants to go to the barn first. I want to buy her an unlimited ride ticket. That option ends at five. So we need to go there now. The unlimited ride ticket is $30. I thought about it before I came and decided to get it. I didn't like having to say "no" so much last time. This way will be more fun for me! I don't know if I should buy myself a ticket or not. Last time some of the rides let me on for free, but I think it was because we had Logan with us who is just barely tall enough to ride the rides. I decide to buy just one unlimited pass and then try a ride to see. Christina decided to ride the ride that looks like swings. The operator wouldn't let me on without a ticket. We're almost out of time to buy a ticket for me. I decide to go ahead and do it.
Christina's been having fun with the unlimited ride pass. She goes on a ride or into a fun house and then immediately goes again. They aren't letting me into the funhouses. I didn't realize open toed shoes weren't allowed.
It's 7:30. Our unlimited ride passes expire at 8pm. Christina has been wanting to ride the sky ride. I've been putting it off till last since it will take us away from the ride area. Now is the time to go ride it!
We're both tired. It's time to go home. We definitely had fun! Mother's market is close by. We're going to stop there first and pick up pizzas for dinner. I didn't think Christina would still be hungry since she had a corn dog, but she is.
I've been wanting to get some frozen pizzas and things from mother's too. I'm picking up that stuff while we're here.
I'm watching the kids this today while Tracye's at court. They know they have some say in what we do. Logan asks to go to my house. Christina agrees that we should go to my place. I haven't told Christina yet that she's coming to my place tonight for a sleep over. I want to wait for the right moment and I want it to be special when we go. So, we aren't going there now! I'm asking if they want to go to the library or something when Tracye texts me that Claire is having a playdate at her house and asks if we want to go. I enjoy spending Claire and both Logan and Christina like spending time with her kids. I ask them and they say it would be OK to go. Claire's it is!
There were several kids and parents at Claire's. Both Logan and Christina had fun! Tracye has texted that she'll be home soon and both the kids are tired. I tell them it's time to go. Christina's making a special trip back into the house to say goodbye to her best friend Ella.
We aren't far away, driving home, when both kids fall asleep.
Tracye's home. I carry Logan and Christina in and put them to bed. As I put Christina to bed, I tell her that we are going to have a sleepover at my place tonight. Her eyes start sparkling again. I may have woken her up too much to sleep.
Back in the living room Tracye asks me what I want to do. I tell her I'll hang around for a little bit and if Christina wakes up soon I'll take her and go, otherwise, I'll borrow the car, go to work for a bit and come back when she tells me Christina is awake.
Tracye went in to check on Christina. She's awake. We're packing her things now.
The first stop is my work. Christina says she likes my office. She opens up her leap pad. I turn on the computer.
The OC fair is close to my work. I'm taking a back way there, hoping I can find free street parking rather than spend the money for the parking lot. There's a spot! It's a bit of a walk to the fair, but Christina is a good walker. I'm a little worried about how we'll do walking back to the car when we're tired. I consider parking in the pay lot some of those spaces are far away too. I decide to stay here, at the free space.
Christina wants to go to the barn first. I want to buy her an unlimited ride ticket. That option ends at five. So we need to go there now. The unlimited ride ticket is $30. I thought about it before I came and decided to get it. I didn't like having to say "no" so much last time. This way will be more fun for me! I don't know if I should buy myself a ticket or not. Last time some of the rides let me on for free, but I think it was because we had Logan with us who is just barely tall enough to ride the rides. I decide to buy just one unlimited pass and then try a ride to see. Christina decided to ride the ride that looks like swings. The operator wouldn't let me on without a ticket. We're almost out of time to buy a ticket for me. I decide to go ahead and do it.
Christina's been having fun with the unlimited ride pass. She goes on a ride or into a fun house and then immediately goes again. They aren't letting me into the funhouses. I didn't realize open toed shoes weren't allowed.
It's 7:30. Our unlimited ride passes expire at 8pm. Christina has been wanting to ride the sky ride. I've been putting it off till last since it will take us away from the ride area. Now is the time to go ride it!
We're both tired. It's time to go home. We definitely had fun! Mother's market is close by. We're going to stop there first and pick up pizzas for dinner. I didn't think Christina would still be hungry since she had a corn dog, but she is.
I've been wanting to get some frozen pizzas and things from mother's too. I'm picking up that stuff while we're here.
Tuesday - 7/24/12 - Caught Another Cat
Tuesday - 7/24/12
On my way to put the trash in the dumpster, I open the fence behind the laundry room and check the cat trap. I've caught another feral cat! This one is definitely feral. There isn't any way I know of to tame a feral adult cat. I've got to call animal control and send it off. This is the first one I've had to send off. It's spilled the water. I get it some more. It's trying to attack me as I pour water into the cage for it. Animal control says they will come today, but might not be able to come by 4pm (when I need to leave.) I tell them to call me when they get here. If I need to, I'll talk them through how to find the cat.
I'm packing for tonight's sleep over at Tracye's when animal control calls. They're here. I go out, let him in the gate and show him where to park. He deftly lifts the cage out of where it is, without getting scratched, sets it on the ground outside and puts a cage that's the same size around, but smaller in depth next to the front of ours. It's interesting that his trap fits ours. I guess all cat traps must be about the same size height and width. He scares the cat out of our trap into his, then closes the gate between and puts the cat into his truck. It's all over quickly. He couldn't have been here a whole ten minutes.
I've missed the 128 bus I was going to take. I'm not sure what time the 460 was going to come. I don't know if I've missed that or not. I decide to chance it and head out to the alternate stop.
I've learned that the fact there are people waiting at the stop doesn't always mean anything, but there are people waiting at the stop. I'm hopeful I've gotten here in time for the 460 I was supposed to catch.
There's an Iranian lady here. She's thrilled with my scooter. I think she might end up getting herself one. It is the best way to travel to and from the bus! She says she's new in the area. She moved here from New York and is having a hard time figuring out how to do things here.
After a while, I check Google maps. It says the 460 is long gone (it must have come before I got here) and gives me a different way to get to Tracye's. I'll get there a half hour later. I think about texting Tracye to say I'll be late, but decide to wait until I get on the last bus so I'll truly know when I'll get there.
Wait! There's the bus! It's too early to be the next bus. It must be the 460 I was aiming for, but it's about 15 minutes late!
Standing room only. I stand, trying not to hit anyone with my scooter or backpack.
I decide to get off at the stop I was originally supposed to transfer at. I haven't been able to check bus schedules to see if I can make the connecting bus, but it's worth a try. If this bus is late, that one might be too. I get off and look at the schedule. The next bus is due in one minute! Here it comes!
Lots of space on this bus. I sit back and relax. My next transfer is at Chapman. I'll wait for the 54 bus there.
The bus is filling up now. I always find the ebb and flow of passengers on a bus line interesting.
I'm at the stop for the 54. There's a trash can here that's overflowing. There's trash all over the ground too. It won't do any good for me to pick up trash, there's no where to put it. It's possible people tried to throw their trash away and it blew all over the place since the trash can was overflowing. Maybe not, maybe they were just messy people, but I like to think the best of people.
I like the look of my shadow on the sidewalk. I took a picture of it to share with you. I'd already taken my backpack off and set it on the ground.
Somehow one of the buses I caught was an earlier one than Google Maps had scheduled for me. I'm arriving at the last bus stop earlier than I would have with the original schedule... even with the missing the 128, even with the 460 being so late!
I missed my stop! I accidentally went one more stop than I needed to. That's no problem! I'm just across Tustin. There's plenty of time. I'll just cross the street and go down Tustin rather than the side streets I normally travel.
Next to the road is a pair of shorts... It makes me remember the pair of shoes I saw the other day. I don't understand good clothes being by the side of the road. I passed them, then went back and took a picture of them. Maybe at the end of all this I'll make some sort of collage of all the clothing pictures I've taken.
On my way to put the trash in the dumpster, I open the fence behind the laundry room and check the cat trap. I've caught another feral cat! This one is definitely feral. There isn't any way I know of to tame a feral adult cat. I've got to call animal control and send it off. This is the first one I've had to send off. It's spilled the water. I get it some more. It's trying to attack me as I pour water into the cage for it. Animal control says they will come today, but might not be able to come by 4pm (when I need to leave.) I tell them to call me when they get here. If I need to, I'll talk them through how to find the cat.
I'm packing for tonight's sleep over at Tracye's when animal control calls. They're here. I go out, let him in the gate and show him where to park. He deftly lifts the cage out of where it is, without getting scratched, sets it on the ground outside and puts a cage that's the same size around, but smaller in depth next to the front of ours. It's interesting that his trap fits ours. I guess all cat traps must be about the same size height and width. He scares the cat out of our trap into his, then closes the gate between and puts the cat into his truck. It's all over quickly. He couldn't have been here a whole ten minutes.
I've missed the 128 bus I was going to take. I'm not sure what time the 460 was going to come. I don't know if I've missed that or not. I decide to chance it and head out to the alternate stop.
I've learned that the fact there are people waiting at the stop doesn't always mean anything, but there are people waiting at the stop. I'm hopeful I've gotten here in time for the 460 I was supposed to catch.
There's an Iranian lady here. She's thrilled with my scooter. I think she might end up getting herself one. It is the best way to travel to and from the bus! She says she's new in the area. She moved here from New York and is having a hard time figuring out how to do things here.
After a while, I check Google maps. It says the 460 is long gone (it must have come before I got here) and gives me a different way to get to Tracye's. I'll get there a half hour later. I think about texting Tracye to say I'll be late, but decide to wait until I get on the last bus so I'll truly know when I'll get there.
Wait! There's the bus! It's too early to be the next bus. It must be the 460 I was aiming for, but it's about 15 minutes late!
Standing room only. I stand, trying not to hit anyone with my scooter or backpack.
I decide to get off at the stop I was originally supposed to transfer at. I haven't been able to check bus schedules to see if I can make the connecting bus, but it's worth a try. If this bus is late, that one might be too. I get off and look at the schedule. The next bus is due in one minute! Here it comes!
Lots of space on this bus. I sit back and relax. My next transfer is at Chapman. I'll wait for the 54 bus there.
The bus is filling up now. I always find the ebb and flow of passengers on a bus line interesting.
I'm at the stop for the 54. There's a trash can here that's overflowing. There's trash all over the ground too. It won't do any good for me to pick up trash, there's no where to put it. It's possible people tried to throw their trash away and it blew all over the place since the trash can was overflowing. Maybe not, maybe they were just messy people, but I like to think the best of people.
I like the look of my shadow on the sidewalk. I took a picture of it to share with you. I'd already taken my backpack off and set it on the ground.
Somehow one of the buses I caught was an earlier one than Google Maps had scheduled for me. I'm arriving at the last bus stop earlier than I would have with the original schedule... even with the missing the 128, even with the 460 being so late!
I missed my stop! I accidentally went one more stop than I needed to. That's no problem! I'm just across Tustin. There's plenty of time. I'll just cross the street and go down Tustin rather than the side streets I normally travel.
Next to the road is a pair of shorts... It makes me remember the pair of shoes I saw the other day. I don't understand good clothes being by the side of the road. I passed them, then went back and took a picture of them. Maybe at the end of all this I'll make some sort of collage of all the clothing pictures I've taken.
Monday - 7/23/12 - A Nightmare Before Christmas
Monday - 7/23/12
The movie at the Segerstrom center tonight is Nightmare Before Christmas. I love that movie and haven't seen it on a big screen. I'm looking forward to going!
Work's over. I'm taking the 71 bus to the 57, then I'll be there!
Last week, when I got off the 71 and saw a bus pull up to the next bus stop, I panicked. This week I know better. I know that's not the bus I want, it's just the 71 going the other way. The driver gets out of that bus and runs into the nearby MacDonalds. He did that last week too. This must be the place he takes a bathroom break.
We're waiting here outside the parked 71 bus for the 57 to come. The 71 driver comes back, gets in and takes off right before the 57 pulls up. He must have it timed. He didn't get much time for his break! Just barely enough time to go to the bathroom! I've got my backpack on, with the sleeping bag strapped to it. The bus is pretty full. There's a spot I could squeeze into, but it's easier to stand. I don't have very far to go anyway. As the driver's getting ready to pull out, a guy races onto the bus with a drink in his hand, looks at the bus driver and says "the other driver left?" I realize he's talking about the 71 and tell him the other bus left, that this is a different bus. As he gets off the bus, his girlfriend comes up to him and says something about the other bus leaving with his stuff on it. He must have gotten off when the driver did, thinking he had enough time to get something to drink and then missed the bus!
I'm wondering if there's a better way to get from the bus stop to the center. Last time I walked to the street corner and followed the street in. It seems like there would be a better way. I know there's a lovely, grassy area right above here. I'm just not sure how to get to it. That must be it! This must be a narrow sidewalk coming down the hill. Last week I looked at it and thought it was a drainage ditch or something. Yep! Here's the grassy area. Nice!
There's already a lot of people here at the center. I'm having to put my sleeping bag farther to the side than I like. As I'm spreading the bag out, the lady near me says they've decided to move farther back and tell me I can have their spot. Yay! I get to be right where I prefer! They've got craft tables set up. Anyone who wants can make Nightmare Before Christmas Puppets. There are children doing it, but several adults are too. I'm definitely going to make one!
I made both a Jack and a Sally puppet (they had zero too.) Here are the ones I did.
I'm tired. It's going to be hard to stay awake during the movie. I'm glad I'm here though. I brought an avocado sandwich for dinner. It got all smooshed and broken up riding in my backpack. Fortunately, all the pieces taste just as good!
The movie's over. I enjoyed it! This was a shorter movie so I know I'll make it home. I stop in the bathroom before heading out to the bus. Someone left their iphone on the ledge in the stall. I take it out with me. I'm carrying it, making sure it's visible as I walk. I'm hoping the owner comes back for it. A woman comes from the other side and says it's hers and that she left it in the bathroom stall. She thanks me and we both go on our way.
Because I'm catching the 57 at an earlier time than last week, Google Maps is having me catch different connecting buses. I'm glad they route me the best way. This is the scary part though. It's dark, I'm tired and at each stop I have to find the right stop for the next bus before it comes. That's not nearly as easy as it sounds. The next bus is the 54. I'm paying close attention to the stops so I don't miss it. Here's the stop I'm supposed to get off at, near the Block. Google maps says the bus stop for the 54 is back and then down the cross street. I ask the bus driver. He seems like he isn't sure, then says I'd do better getting off at the next stop, if the 54 is even still running this late at night. I assure him it's still running and stay on till the next stop. He tells me the stop for the 54 is down the cross street, a block away from here. I thank him and start off back to the cross street. I hope he's right. I'd hate to miss the bus! This street seems deserted. He said it's the second bus stop. Here's the first one. There's the second one! There's someone waiting at it. So, the bus hasn't come yet. Yay!
The next bus is the 43. I'll be catching that at Harbor and Chapman. I've been there enough times I definitely know where that stop is!
I'm here, at the Harbor and Chapman stop. It's 10 minutes before the bus is supposed to come. There's one other person at the stop, a man in his late 20s sitting on the bench. There's a lot of trash around on the ground. I decide I might as well use my time productively, dig out one of the throw-away gloves and start picking up trash. Maybe I'll help someone else's day by giving them a nicer place to wait. I think the other person waiting for the bus thinks I'm crazy. He's moved way down the street to another set of benches.
It seems like I've been picking up trash for a long time. I check the time. The bus is late. I check what time the 460 was supposed to leave Disneyland. I had an 11 minute window to make the bus. Now, I'm worried.
Finally! The bus is coming! I throw away the glove, grab my bag and wait.
It's taking forever to get to Disneyland. I don't think we're going to make it. I don't even think I can make it by using my shortcut to Disney Way. I ask the bus driver if he could let me off at Disney Way, because of the bus being late and the fact that I'll miss the 460 otherwise. He tells me that he can only let me off if it's safe to do that (so it's variable on if he can or not.) One of the passengers asks if I'm new to riding the bus. I tell them I've only been riding the bus since January and don't normally ride this late, but would still like to go home. The driver says the 43 is always late. He drives this time and that means the 43 is going to always be late until October (I didn't ask what happens in October - schedule change? Driver change?) He says the schedule doesn't have the right amount of time in it. He only has 5 minutes at one end and 9 at the other end for a break and the bus is always running at least that late at either side. So, if he even goes to the bathroom the bus starts out late and continues late. I tell him I'm really sorry about that and I wish they'd make a schedule that was better for him. However, I'd still like to get home and if I miss the 460, that means a long time before the next one comes. He says he hasn't given up on getting me to the bus and that if he can at all he'll get me to it.
We're almost to Disney Way. The traffic is stopped and we're next to a curb so the driver asks me if I want to get off here. He points to a bus that's turning the corner onto Disney way and says he thinks that's the 460. I tell him that can't be it because the LA buses are orange, go out the door, open up the scooter and take off for the stop. I see the 460 coming up to the stoplight as I'm turning the street onto Disney Way. I'll probably make it. I hope he stops. Sometimes they don't realize I'm heading for the bus since I'm on a scooter. Thank goodness! There are people at the stop already. The bus will stop! I've made it!
The movie at the Segerstrom center tonight is Nightmare Before Christmas. I love that movie and haven't seen it on a big screen. I'm looking forward to going!
Work's over. I'm taking the 71 bus to the 57, then I'll be there!
Last week, when I got off the 71 and saw a bus pull up to the next bus stop, I panicked. This week I know better. I know that's not the bus I want, it's just the 71 going the other way. The driver gets out of that bus and runs into the nearby MacDonalds. He did that last week too. This must be the place he takes a bathroom break.
We're waiting here outside the parked 71 bus for the 57 to come. The 71 driver comes back, gets in and takes off right before the 57 pulls up. He must have it timed. He didn't get much time for his break! Just barely enough time to go to the bathroom! I've got my backpack on, with the sleeping bag strapped to it. The bus is pretty full. There's a spot I could squeeze into, but it's easier to stand. I don't have very far to go anyway. As the driver's getting ready to pull out, a guy races onto the bus with a drink in his hand, looks at the bus driver and says "the other driver left?" I realize he's talking about the 71 and tell him the other bus left, that this is a different bus. As he gets off the bus, his girlfriend comes up to him and says something about the other bus leaving with his stuff on it. He must have gotten off when the driver did, thinking he had enough time to get something to drink and then missed the bus!
I'm wondering if there's a better way to get from the bus stop to the center. Last time I walked to the street corner and followed the street in. It seems like there would be a better way. I know there's a lovely, grassy area right above here. I'm just not sure how to get to it. That must be it! This must be a narrow sidewalk coming down the hill. Last week I looked at it and thought it was a drainage ditch or something. Yep! Here's the grassy area. Nice!
There's already a lot of people here at the center. I'm having to put my sleeping bag farther to the side than I like. As I'm spreading the bag out, the lady near me says they've decided to move farther back and tell me I can have their spot. Yay! I get to be right where I prefer! They've got craft tables set up. Anyone who wants can make Nightmare Before Christmas Puppets. There are children doing it, but several adults are too. I'm definitely going to make one!
I made both a Jack and a Sally puppet (they had zero too.) Here are the ones I did.
I'm tired. It's going to be hard to stay awake during the movie. I'm glad I'm here though. I brought an avocado sandwich for dinner. It got all smooshed and broken up riding in my backpack. Fortunately, all the pieces taste just as good!
The movie's over. I enjoyed it! This was a shorter movie so I know I'll make it home. I stop in the bathroom before heading out to the bus. Someone left their iphone on the ledge in the stall. I take it out with me. I'm carrying it, making sure it's visible as I walk. I'm hoping the owner comes back for it. A woman comes from the other side and says it's hers and that she left it in the bathroom stall. She thanks me and we both go on our way.
Because I'm catching the 57 at an earlier time than last week, Google Maps is having me catch different connecting buses. I'm glad they route me the best way. This is the scary part though. It's dark, I'm tired and at each stop I have to find the right stop for the next bus before it comes. That's not nearly as easy as it sounds. The next bus is the 54. I'm paying close attention to the stops so I don't miss it. Here's the stop I'm supposed to get off at, near the Block. Google maps says the bus stop for the 54 is back and then down the cross street. I ask the bus driver. He seems like he isn't sure, then says I'd do better getting off at the next stop, if the 54 is even still running this late at night. I assure him it's still running and stay on till the next stop. He tells me the stop for the 54 is down the cross street, a block away from here. I thank him and start off back to the cross street. I hope he's right. I'd hate to miss the bus! This street seems deserted. He said it's the second bus stop. Here's the first one. There's the second one! There's someone waiting at it. So, the bus hasn't come yet. Yay!
The next bus is the 43. I'll be catching that at Harbor and Chapman. I've been there enough times I definitely know where that stop is!
I'm here, at the Harbor and Chapman stop. It's 10 minutes before the bus is supposed to come. There's one other person at the stop, a man in his late 20s sitting on the bench. There's a lot of trash around on the ground. I decide I might as well use my time productively, dig out one of the throw-away gloves and start picking up trash. Maybe I'll help someone else's day by giving them a nicer place to wait. I think the other person waiting for the bus thinks I'm crazy. He's moved way down the street to another set of benches.
It seems like I've been picking up trash for a long time. I check the time. The bus is late. I check what time the 460 was supposed to leave Disneyland. I had an 11 minute window to make the bus. Now, I'm worried.
Finally! The bus is coming! I throw away the glove, grab my bag and wait.
It's taking forever to get to Disneyland. I don't think we're going to make it. I don't even think I can make it by using my shortcut to Disney Way. I ask the bus driver if he could let me off at Disney Way, because of the bus being late and the fact that I'll miss the 460 otherwise. He tells me that he can only let me off if it's safe to do that (so it's variable on if he can or not.) One of the passengers asks if I'm new to riding the bus. I tell them I've only been riding the bus since January and don't normally ride this late, but would still like to go home. The driver says the 43 is always late. He drives this time and that means the 43 is going to always be late until October (I didn't ask what happens in October - schedule change? Driver change?) He says the schedule doesn't have the right amount of time in it. He only has 5 minutes at one end and 9 at the other end for a break and the bus is always running at least that late at either side. So, if he even goes to the bathroom the bus starts out late and continues late. I tell him I'm really sorry about that and I wish they'd make a schedule that was better for him. However, I'd still like to get home and if I miss the 460, that means a long time before the next one comes. He says he hasn't given up on getting me to the bus and that if he can at all he'll get me to it.
We're almost to Disney Way. The traffic is stopped and we're next to a curb so the driver asks me if I want to get off here. He points to a bus that's turning the corner onto Disney way and says he thinks that's the 460. I tell him that can't be it because the LA buses are orange, go out the door, open up the scooter and take off for the stop. I see the 460 coming up to the stoplight as I'm turning the street onto Disney Way. I'll probably make it. I hope he stops. Sometimes they don't realize I'm heading for the bus since I'm on a scooter. Thank goodness! There are people at the stop already. The bus will stop! I've made it!
Monday - 7/23/12 - Wrong Keys!
Monday - 7/23/12
I couldn't sleep again last night. This is becoming a bad pattern! Why do I have problems sleeping on Sunday nights?! I'm partly prepped for today. I'm going to lay back down for 15 minutes. Maybe that'll help me feel more rested.
Shoot! Somehow I overslept! I only have 15 minutes before I have to leave! I bet I'll end up going to the alternate stop today! Sigh.
I waited till I was done with everything else to put the cone collar back on the cat and put her into the bathroom. I don't have time now, but it's got to happen. This is what'll make it so I need to go to the alternate stop.
I'm finally grabbing my things to leave. I'm glad I attached the sleeping bag to the backpack last night. It's easier not to have to do it when I'm rushing. The light just went out! I open the door to see if it's my place or the whole complex. It's the whole complex. Now what do I do? I may need to stay and deal with this. If it's a problem with our complex I might need to call someone. The street lights are out too. It's a city problem. I can go. They'll get it fixed. I put on my backpack, grab the keys, lock the door and start to leave. The lights just came on! Yay! Now I don't need to worry about it!
I'm definitely late now. I might not make the bus, but I have to try. I like getting to the Yoga Center at the earlier time.
I'm almost to the bus stop. I'm sure I've missed it. I'm sure it's already gone by. Oh no! There it is! It's pulling up to the light! I'm on the opposite street corner, catercorner from the stop! I try waving to the bus. No dice. The driver went on.
Wow. That's depressing. Nothing to do now but wait for the next bus.
I'm hoping we'll get to Disneyland a little early, or the 43 bus will be running a little late so I can catch the earlier one.
There's the 43! Yay! I check the schedule for the 55 (my next bus) with Google Maps. Wow! I never realized that! The 55 apparently runs every 7 minutes at this time of day! No wonder why I keep seeing a 55 bus right after I get off one! I'll definitely be able to catch it and take it to the Yoga Center and be a few minutes early. Yay!
I'm at the Yoga Center. There are a few students here waiting. I pull my keys out of my pocket. Wait... that's a garage remote. I've got the wrong set of keys! This set doesn't have the Yoga Center key! Arrrgggg!
I search my pockets and everything else hoping somehow I have the other set of keys too. I don't. When I grabbed for keys in the dark I must have grabbed the wrong keys and then not noticed since I was distracted by the power outage.
I'm calling everyone I know who lives close and has a key. So far, no one's answered.
I got ahold of Gaytri. She doesn't live that close, but has agreed to call Vimukti again for me (Vimukti lives the closest.) In the meantime, we're going to do standing postures here on the balcony!
We're at the end of the standing postures when one of the students announces that the key's here! Vimukti let's us in, loans me the key and leaves. The students spread out their mats and lay down, relaxing in savasana.
I couldn't sleep again last night. This is becoming a bad pattern! Why do I have problems sleeping on Sunday nights?! I'm partly prepped for today. I'm going to lay back down for 15 minutes. Maybe that'll help me feel more rested.
Shoot! Somehow I overslept! I only have 15 minutes before I have to leave! I bet I'll end up going to the alternate stop today! Sigh.
I waited till I was done with everything else to put the cone collar back on the cat and put her into the bathroom. I don't have time now, but it's got to happen. This is what'll make it so I need to go to the alternate stop.
I'm finally grabbing my things to leave. I'm glad I attached the sleeping bag to the backpack last night. It's easier not to have to do it when I'm rushing. The light just went out! I open the door to see if it's my place or the whole complex. It's the whole complex. Now what do I do? I may need to stay and deal with this. If it's a problem with our complex I might need to call someone. The street lights are out too. It's a city problem. I can go. They'll get it fixed. I put on my backpack, grab the keys, lock the door and start to leave. The lights just came on! Yay! Now I don't need to worry about it!
I'm definitely late now. I might not make the bus, but I have to try. I like getting to the Yoga Center at the earlier time.
I'm almost to the bus stop. I'm sure I've missed it. I'm sure it's already gone by. Oh no! There it is! It's pulling up to the light! I'm on the opposite street corner, catercorner from the stop! I try waving to the bus. No dice. The driver went on.
Wow. That's depressing. Nothing to do now but wait for the next bus.
I'm hoping we'll get to Disneyland a little early, or the 43 bus will be running a little late so I can catch the earlier one.
There's the 43! Yay! I check the schedule for the 55 (my next bus) with Google Maps. Wow! I never realized that! The 55 apparently runs every 7 minutes at this time of day! No wonder why I keep seeing a 55 bus right after I get off one! I'll definitely be able to catch it and take it to the Yoga Center and be a few minutes early. Yay!
I'm at the Yoga Center. There are a few students here waiting. I pull my keys out of my pocket. Wait... that's a garage remote. I've got the wrong set of keys! This set doesn't have the Yoga Center key! Arrrgggg!
I search my pockets and everything else hoping somehow I have the other set of keys too. I don't. When I grabbed for keys in the dark I must have grabbed the wrong keys and then not noticed since I was distracted by the power outage.
I'm calling everyone I know who lives close and has a key. So far, no one's answered.
I got ahold of Gaytri. She doesn't live that close, but has agreed to call Vimukti again for me (Vimukti lives the closest.) In the meantime, we're going to do standing postures here on the balcony!
We're at the end of the standing postures when one of the students announces that the key's here! Vimukti let's us in, loans me the key and leaves. The students spread out their mats and lay down, relaxing in savasana.
Sunday - 7/22/12 - A Day At Home
Sunday - 7/22/12
I'm not going to go to yoga class tonight.
I decided to stay home since Jaitri's out of town. She normally gives me a ride home from Sunday night class. Without the ride, I'd get home around 1 in the morning.
I checked into taking the special OC Fair bus home. I'm sure I could get someone to drop me off at the fairgrounds. That would've gotten me home earlier, but it'd still be midnight and that's too late with a 3:15am wake up. So, today is a day for being home!
The cat's racing around the living room like a kitten. She's playing with every toy I got for her. She'll play really intensely with a toy, then stop abruptly and lick herself, pretending she had nothing to do with it. I'm having fun watching her!
I feel really encouraged, like it will happen. Somehow everything will get paid off, the car will be fixed, and I'll go forward financially free. It's going to happen. I feel it in my bones!
The first step is to get everything off the high interest rate loans. That's going to happen too! I'm amazed at how much has already managed to move out of the 29.9 (my highest interest) rate loan. When the transfer from last night comes through, I'll be left with around $4600 at the 29.9 rate. That's a lot, but it's almost half of what was there at the beginning of this year. It's going to happen!
I'm not going to go to yoga class tonight.
I decided to stay home since Jaitri's out of town. She normally gives me a ride home from Sunday night class. Without the ride, I'd get home around 1 in the morning.
I checked into taking the special OC Fair bus home. I'm sure I could get someone to drop me off at the fairgrounds. That would've gotten me home earlier, but it'd still be midnight and that's too late with a 3:15am wake up. So, today is a day for being home!
The cat's racing around the living room like a kitten. She's playing with every toy I got for her. She'll play really intensely with a toy, then stop abruptly and lick herself, pretending she had nothing to do with it. I'm having fun watching her!
I feel really encouraged, like it will happen. Somehow everything will get paid off, the car will be fixed, and I'll go forward financially free. It's going to happen. I feel it in my bones!
The first step is to get everything off the high interest rate loans. That's going to happen too! I'm amazed at how much has already managed to move out of the 29.9 (my highest interest) rate loan. When the transfer from last night comes through, I'll be left with around $4600 at the 29.9 rate. That's a lot, but it's almost half of what was there at the beginning of this year. It's going to happen!
Saturday - 7/21/12 - Juggling Interest Rates
Saturday - 7/21/12
I can't believe it!
I had a camera up for sale on eBay, a Canon PowerShot A2200.
The first time I listed it someone bought it and never paid for it and never responded to any of my queries. It takes a minimum of 10 days for the seller to cancel an eBay transaction if the buyer doesn't respond and agree to it. That's 10 days without the money from the item. 10 days you can't re-list the item and it can't sell. Yesterday was the end of the 10 days. I finally got to cancel the transaction and re-list the camera. Within an hour it was sold... by the afternoon I'd been notified by PayPal that there was something wrong with the transaction, and not to ship the item. I'd called PayPal and talked to them, but it didn't become clearer after that. They made it sound like the buyer needed to clear up something. I'd tried emailing the buyer and didn't get any response. Now, I have a different message from PayPal saying the buyer is disputing the payment and asking me to refund the money. I guess there's nothing to do but refund the money, but this doesn't cancel the transaction in eBay. I could end up needing to wait another 10 days before I can resell the camera! Arrrgggg!!
I call eBay and talk to one of their advisers. I'm hoping he can just cancel the transaction since that's what the buyer asked for through PayPal. No. I was right. We're going round and round on it, with me telling him it's not fair to me, but he says the bottom line is that I need to start a case in eBay. If the buyer responds and agrees to cancel the transaction, then whenever they respond is when I can re-list it (and get the final value fees credited back to me.) If the buyer doesn't respond (which is what I'm afraid of) it could be another 10 days before I can actually sell the camera. Wow. Frustrating! He suggests calling the buyer and walks me through how to get the buyers contact information. I decide to wait for one day before I call, to see what happens. I send the buyer another email asking them to agree to the eBay cancellation.
I've still been having trouble doing my daily stuff (posting on the blog, updating quickbooks with finances, listing an item in eBay.) This morning I'm working on catching up... and basically re-starting again. I've got to learn how to do this, to go forward on a regular basis.
It's hot today. The cat's laying on the rug. I'm trying to get her interested in playing with a ribbon. She's looking at me like I'm crazy. Maybe it's too hot for playing.
I've got to deposit my paycheck, and I'd like to check out the Dollar store I saw yesterday, to see if they have any of the water bladders. I need to pick up a cat litter pan too. I'm planning on keeping the cat and kitten separated more. I worry the cat being around is keeping the kitten from eating. Anyway, to set up a separate area I need a separate cat litter box. The pan I have that I'm using is perfect. It came from the 99 cent store in Costa Mesa. We have that type of store up here so it shouldn't be a problem getting one up here.
I decide to go to the farthest away place, the Dollar store first, then work my way to the other places. I check Google maps. It says I need to leave in 12 minutes if I'm going to catch the next 62 bus. I guess I'd better get moving!
The Dollar store's farther away than I thought! I'm glad I took the bus! I check to see what time the bus leaves to go back. I've got a half hour. That should be plenty of time. I've been all over the store and haven't seen any water bladders. I guess I'll have to give up on finding them. I just realized I didn't bring water with me. Funny that I'm out shopping for water bladders and don't have any water!
Oh that's funny! I was looking at shoe liners. They're on one of the front displays. I happened to look down. There are the water bladders! I feel silly for not having seen them before! They're in different colors than mine, but the same style. Cool! I'll enjoy having other colors to use!
It's about time for the bus to come. I need to check out and go! They have some problem with the cash register. It's taking a long time to check out the person in front of me. I could miss the bus while I'm standing here waiting to pay!
I'm to the bus stop right on time! Win! I've got a choice now. I need to go to the bank to deposit my check and to another 99 cent store (I couldn't find a pan to use for a cat litter pan.) I can go to the bank I normally go to, that has another Dollar store near it, or I can go to the one farther down, near the two 99 cent stores (one of those is the same type I bought the original pan from.) I can take the 62 bus to both places. I decide to go to the bank I normally go to. It's a new bank and I like the staff there. I hope the Dollar store there has a pan the right size!
I made the deposit, got a roll of quarters for laundry and checked in the Dollar store for a cat litter pan. They didn't have a pan that would work, but I did buy a couple of cat toys. I really want to set up the separate area for the kitten. I guess I'll go on to the other 99 cent stores and check them.
At the bus stop, I've got approximately 7 minutes before the bus comes. Two men come walking up, both probably in their late 20s, early 30s. The one is black, the other white. Wow. I feel like I'm in a time warp. The white guy's trying to talk the black guy into voting for the union to come into the workplace. The white guy is with the union headquarters. So, doesn't even work where the black guy does. It sounds like the black guy doesn't really want a union. He doesn't want someone else to speak for him, or the possibility of others voting for a strike when he wants to work. He also thinks it's a done deal. He thinks there are enough people who want the union that his vote doesn't matter. He plans to stay out of it. The white guy just keeps pushing and pushing and trying different angles. I interject at one point and say I'm from Indiana, a state that has a lot of closed auto factories and tell the white guy he can't guarantee the other one that they won't lose their jobs, that the company won't just close or move away. He says this business can't move, they both ignore me. I guess I have stronger feelings about the union than I thought. I feel unions were really important at one stage of our growth, and I suppose they can still do good things. But, I've seen the other side. I've seen factories close because the factory owners didn't want to deal with the union. I've seen towns die because the factories moved away. I've worked places where I couldn't empty my own waste paper basket because emptying it was a union job. Back in Indiana when foreign cars started taking a bigger share of the market you couldn't drive a Honda or any other foreign made car onto an auto manufacturer's parking lot. The union workers would burn your car. I don't know where the balance is, but I definitely don't like the high pressure pitch this guy is giving. To me, even if the pay is bad (which according to them it is,) with the recession, this isn't the time to ask management to pay more. This is the time to hunker down and survive. When the economy changes back, and it would be easier to find another job, yes, go after that extra pay. Now, though, it seems silly. Finally the bus is here. I'm glad to be getting away from their conversation.
Neither 99 cent store had a pan I could use for a second cat litter pan. I guess I'll have to wait and go to the store in Costa Mesa that I bought the original one at. Google Maps says I have choices on how to get home. It's a little after 4 now. At 4:23, I could catch either the 460 or the 62 (how weird is it that they both come at the same time?!, ) take whichever bus to the closest bus stop I can and then scooter home, or use the scooter from here and get home a tinsy bit earlier. I decide to just scooter home. No sense in waiting for a bus when you don't need to!
It's awfully hot. I wish I'd remembered to bring water with me!
At home. It's hot. All I feel like doing is being a slug.
Now that my check's in the bank it's time to pay this half of the month's bills! I love the fact that I know I'll be able to pay all the bills! I can remember sweating that. Things have definitely changed for the better! I just paid my Capital One bill, that reminded me I had a late fee on that card last month because I paid too late in the day on the day it was due. I'm going to call them and get them to reverse it. Ooh. A little window just came up asking if I want to chat. I wonder if the chat person would do the reversal?
Also, Capital One has been giving me an offer that they'll let me transfer a balance to my account (I have up to $1200) at my current purchase rate (which is 17.9%.) I've avoided doing that, even though I have higher interest rate balances because most of the balance I have with Capital One is a special interest rate (1.9%) and I think all payments made to Capital One go against that lower interest rate balance and leave the higher interest rate balance accruing interest for longer. I should probably transfer what I can. My highest rate card (Chase) is 29.9%. I'm pretty sure getting any money I can out of that and into a lower interest rate would be better. It's just frustrating.
I decide to do the chat window and ask. She did the late fee reversal, no problem!
It's obvious she doesn't understand my interest rate question. She's explaining the transfer fee (which I won't have if I use this offer.) I stop her and ask again by giving her an example.
It turns out there is a way to pay down the higher interest rate balance if you have two balances with different interest rates. All the money from the minimum payment goes to pay down the lower interest rate. Any interest charged is charged at the higher interest rate so isn't touched by that (I wish I'd known that before!) Any money you pay over the minimum payment goes toward paying down the highest interest rate. So, each month I need to pay the minimum payment PLUS any interest fees charged PLUS some extra. That extra is what will pay down the higher interest rate balance. I think it's do-able. I'm glad I asked. I really appreciate knowing how it works and I don't think we could have explained all this over the phone. Yay for chat! I'm going to do it!
She also says since the interest accrues daily, I'm better off paying the bill right after the statement date rather than at the end of the billing cycle. I'd never thought of that. I bet it's the same on all my loans. I don't have the spare finances right now to switch that around, but I'll have to try and work toward that.
I asked her to mail the forms to me for authorizing automatic payments (for some reason they haven't gotten to me when mailed before.) She points out that now you can set automatic payments on-line. That's great! I go ahead and sign up for that!
Before I do the transfer I'm checking my Chase account. I'd been given 3 months interest free and I don't want to use this offer until the 3 months is almost up. I was right, it's up at the end of this billing cycle. It's a great time to make the transfer! $1200 less on the highest rate card! Woo Hoo!
I can't believe it!
I had a camera up for sale on eBay, a Canon PowerShot A2200.
The first time I listed it someone bought it and never paid for it and never responded to any of my queries. It takes a minimum of 10 days for the seller to cancel an eBay transaction if the buyer doesn't respond and agree to it. That's 10 days without the money from the item. 10 days you can't re-list the item and it can't sell. Yesterday was the end of the 10 days. I finally got to cancel the transaction and re-list the camera. Within an hour it was sold... by the afternoon I'd been notified by PayPal that there was something wrong with the transaction, and not to ship the item. I'd called PayPal and talked to them, but it didn't become clearer after that. They made it sound like the buyer needed to clear up something. I'd tried emailing the buyer and didn't get any response. Now, I have a different message from PayPal saying the buyer is disputing the payment and asking me to refund the money. I guess there's nothing to do but refund the money, but this doesn't cancel the transaction in eBay. I could end up needing to wait another 10 days before I can resell the camera! Arrrgggg!!
I call eBay and talk to one of their advisers. I'm hoping he can just cancel the transaction since that's what the buyer asked for through PayPal. No. I was right. We're going round and round on it, with me telling him it's not fair to me, but he says the bottom line is that I need to start a case in eBay. If the buyer responds and agrees to cancel the transaction, then whenever they respond is when I can re-list it (and get the final value fees credited back to me.) If the buyer doesn't respond (which is what I'm afraid of) it could be another 10 days before I can actually sell the camera. Wow. Frustrating! He suggests calling the buyer and walks me through how to get the buyers contact information. I decide to wait for one day before I call, to see what happens. I send the buyer another email asking them to agree to the eBay cancellation.
I've still been having trouble doing my daily stuff (posting on the blog, updating quickbooks with finances, listing an item in eBay.) This morning I'm working on catching up... and basically re-starting again. I've got to learn how to do this, to go forward on a regular basis.
It's hot today. The cat's laying on the rug. I'm trying to get her interested in playing with a ribbon. She's looking at me like I'm crazy. Maybe it's too hot for playing.
I've got to deposit my paycheck, and I'd like to check out the Dollar store I saw yesterday, to see if they have any of the water bladders. I need to pick up a cat litter pan too. I'm planning on keeping the cat and kitten separated more. I worry the cat being around is keeping the kitten from eating. Anyway, to set up a separate area I need a separate cat litter box. The pan I have that I'm using is perfect. It came from the 99 cent store in Costa Mesa. We have that type of store up here so it shouldn't be a problem getting one up here.
I decide to go to the farthest away place, the Dollar store first, then work my way to the other places. I check Google maps. It says I need to leave in 12 minutes if I'm going to catch the next 62 bus. I guess I'd better get moving!
The Dollar store's farther away than I thought! I'm glad I took the bus! I check to see what time the bus leaves to go back. I've got a half hour. That should be plenty of time. I've been all over the store and haven't seen any water bladders. I guess I'll have to give up on finding them. I just realized I didn't bring water with me. Funny that I'm out shopping for water bladders and don't have any water!
Oh that's funny! I was looking at shoe liners. They're on one of the front displays. I happened to look down. There are the water bladders! I feel silly for not having seen them before! They're in different colors than mine, but the same style. Cool! I'll enjoy having other colors to use!
It's about time for the bus to come. I need to check out and go! They have some problem with the cash register. It's taking a long time to check out the person in front of me. I could miss the bus while I'm standing here waiting to pay!
I'm to the bus stop right on time! Win! I've got a choice now. I need to go to the bank to deposit my check and to another 99 cent store (I couldn't find a pan to use for a cat litter pan.) I can go to the bank I normally go to, that has another Dollar store near it, or I can go to the one farther down, near the two 99 cent stores (one of those is the same type I bought the original pan from.) I can take the 62 bus to both places. I decide to go to the bank I normally go to. It's a new bank and I like the staff there. I hope the Dollar store there has a pan the right size!
I made the deposit, got a roll of quarters for laundry and checked in the Dollar store for a cat litter pan. They didn't have a pan that would work, but I did buy a couple of cat toys. I really want to set up the separate area for the kitten. I guess I'll go on to the other 99 cent stores and check them.
At the bus stop, I've got approximately 7 minutes before the bus comes. Two men come walking up, both probably in their late 20s, early 30s. The one is black, the other white. Wow. I feel like I'm in a time warp. The white guy's trying to talk the black guy into voting for the union to come into the workplace. The white guy is with the union headquarters. So, doesn't even work where the black guy does. It sounds like the black guy doesn't really want a union. He doesn't want someone else to speak for him, or the possibility of others voting for a strike when he wants to work. He also thinks it's a done deal. He thinks there are enough people who want the union that his vote doesn't matter. He plans to stay out of it. The white guy just keeps pushing and pushing and trying different angles. I interject at one point and say I'm from Indiana, a state that has a lot of closed auto factories and tell the white guy he can't guarantee the other one that they won't lose their jobs, that the company won't just close or move away. He says this business can't move, they both ignore me. I guess I have stronger feelings about the union than I thought. I feel unions were really important at one stage of our growth, and I suppose they can still do good things. But, I've seen the other side. I've seen factories close because the factory owners didn't want to deal with the union. I've seen towns die because the factories moved away. I've worked places where I couldn't empty my own waste paper basket because emptying it was a union job. Back in Indiana when foreign cars started taking a bigger share of the market you couldn't drive a Honda or any other foreign made car onto an auto manufacturer's parking lot. The union workers would burn your car. I don't know where the balance is, but I definitely don't like the high pressure pitch this guy is giving. To me, even if the pay is bad (which according to them it is,) with the recession, this isn't the time to ask management to pay more. This is the time to hunker down and survive. When the economy changes back, and it would be easier to find another job, yes, go after that extra pay. Now, though, it seems silly. Finally the bus is here. I'm glad to be getting away from their conversation.
Neither 99 cent store had a pan I could use for a second cat litter pan. I guess I'll have to wait and go to the store in Costa Mesa that I bought the original one at. Google Maps says I have choices on how to get home. It's a little after 4 now. At 4:23, I could catch either the 460 or the 62 (how weird is it that they both come at the same time?!, ) take whichever bus to the closest bus stop I can and then scooter home, or use the scooter from here and get home a tinsy bit earlier. I decide to just scooter home. No sense in waiting for a bus when you don't need to!
It's awfully hot. I wish I'd remembered to bring water with me!
At home. It's hot. All I feel like doing is being a slug.
Now that my check's in the bank it's time to pay this half of the month's bills! I love the fact that I know I'll be able to pay all the bills! I can remember sweating that. Things have definitely changed for the better! I just paid my Capital One bill, that reminded me I had a late fee on that card last month because I paid too late in the day on the day it was due. I'm going to call them and get them to reverse it. Ooh. A little window just came up asking if I want to chat. I wonder if the chat person would do the reversal?
Also, Capital One has been giving me an offer that they'll let me transfer a balance to my account (I have up to $1200) at my current purchase rate (which is 17.9%.) I've avoided doing that, even though I have higher interest rate balances because most of the balance I have with Capital One is a special interest rate (1.9%) and I think all payments made to Capital One go against that lower interest rate balance and leave the higher interest rate balance accruing interest for longer. I should probably transfer what I can. My highest rate card (Chase) is 29.9%. I'm pretty sure getting any money I can out of that and into a lower interest rate would be better. It's just frustrating.
I decide to do the chat window and ask. She did the late fee reversal, no problem!
It's obvious she doesn't understand my interest rate question. She's explaining the transfer fee (which I won't have if I use this offer.) I stop her and ask again by giving her an example.
It turns out there is a way to pay down the higher interest rate balance if you have two balances with different interest rates. All the money from the minimum payment goes to pay down the lower interest rate. Any interest charged is charged at the higher interest rate so isn't touched by that (I wish I'd known that before!) Any money you pay over the minimum payment goes toward paying down the highest interest rate. So, each month I need to pay the minimum payment PLUS any interest fees charged PLUS some extra. That extra is what will pay down the higher interest rate balance. I think it's do-able. I'm glad I asked. I really appreciate knowing how it works and I don't think we could have explained all this over the phone. Yay for chat! I'm going to do it!
She also says since the interest accrues daily, I'm better off paying the bill right after the statement date rather than at the end of the billing cycle. I'd never thought of that. I bet it's the same on all my loans. I don't have the spare finances right now to switch that around, but I'll have to try and work toward that.
I asked her to mail the forms to me for authorizing automatic payments (for some reason they haven't gotten to me when mailed before.) She points out that now you can set automatic payments on-line. That's great! I go ahead and sign up for that!
Before I do the transfer I'm checking my Chase account. I'd been given 3 months interest free and I don't want to use this offer until the 3 months is almost up. I was right, it's up at the end of this billing cycle. It's a great time to make the transfer! $1200 less on the highest rate card! Woo Hoo!
Friday - 7/20/12 - Social But No Movie
Friday - 7/20/12
The cat got out of the cone collar again. I'll put it back on her before I leave. Hopefully she doesn't really need it. I'm not going to be able to keep it on her. She got that off in less than 3 hours! I was too tired last night to prep anything for this morning. I'm taking all the sleepover stuff out of my backpack and hoping I remember everything I need for today; water, bank deposits (for both jobs), hat, book, paper, pens...
I forgot I sold some incense sell on eBay! I'd like to get that in the mail this morning. I guess I have time to pack and ship it. Heading to the garage for it now.
I must have left my earbuds at Tracye's. I can't find them or the backup set I had either! There's my folding headset. I'll have to use those. The sound with the earbuds is so much better, but some sound is better than nothing!
I think the cat's getting the collar off by using the hinge on the bathroom door. Every time I find the cone it's right near there. I'm moving the toilet paper holder over in front of the hinge. I don't think that'll keep her from getting it off, but maybe it'll slow her down. I put the cone collar back on her, lock her in the bathroom and get ready to leave.
I'm a little bit late. Rather than worry about being on time I'm heading to the alternate stop. I know I'm on time for that one.
The world's beautiful this morning! The sky seems clear and clean. Even the sprinkler puddles on the sidewalk are lovely.
All the empty seats here on the 460 are near the back of the bus. The very back is totally empty. I decide to sit on the very back bench. I've never done that before. It will be fun! The way this bus is arranged, this back area is almost a party area. There's the back bench, then on either side of it a bench facing in. You could have your group sitting here and everyone could still talk and enjoy each other. Of course if it isn't a group, it could just be awkward.
Wow! I just walked off the bus at Disneyland, turned and looked behind our bus and there was the 43! What timing!
This bus has more center facing seats than I've seen on one bus before! I think it's interesting there are so many different internal styles of buses riding around. It's like they've experimented with the seating for years and then all the experimental ones just stay in operation. I think most people prefer forward facing seats. Over the months I've watched a lot of people move from those center facing seats to a forward facing one when they get a chance, yet it feels like the buses are moving toward more center facing seats. How interesting.
Wow. I just noticed. This bus doesn't have the electronic readout saying the date and time and what stop is coming up. It just has a "stop requested" readout. It doesn't look like an old bus, but maybe it is.
An older gentleman beat me to pulling the cord for my stop. Then, he immediately stood up with his bag. The stops a couple blocks away. I wonder if he meant to get off at the last stop? We were just barely past it when he pulled the cord.
Yep. He's giving the bus driver an earful about taking him blocks farther than he wanted to go. I hear her say he could have told her what stop he wanted off at, right before I walk out. I feel sorry for her. She did what she was supposed to do.
This is the stop I've adopted. I take out my disposable glove. I'm going to pick up trash until I see the bus coming. I wish people wouldn't drop their cigarette butts on the ground. After the paper from the cigarette dissolves, the white puff from the filter's left and doesn't bio-degrade, or at least not any time soon. The ground's covered with them. It's a sad sight.
The Yoga classes were great! I load my backpack and scooter into Beth's trunk and we go to Mother's for lunch. I'm going to have their new Jamie's burger again. I liked it last time!
It's so nice to sit and talk with Beth. It's been ages since we've gotten together. I've missed her! She thinks her Dad might adopt the Momma cat. That would be great! Apparently she's wanted him to have a cat.
It's time for me to go to work. Beth drives me to Avalon and we say goodbye.
I'm making sure all our ads are up and current as I've got an apartment to rent. The phone is unusually silent. That's not a good sign.
Mary and I are going out to dinner and then to see the new "Ice Age" movie tonight. I'm excited. I've been wanting to see it!
It's 5:30. A couple just came in. They want the apartment I have for rent. The more I talk to them, the more they seem like they'd be good tenants and be a good match for us. Why couldn't they have come in earlier?! They're sitting here filling out the applications when Mary comes in. She sits down at the other desk and starts reading.
Running credit checks and going through everything with prospective tenants takes a lot of time. I'm finally done, but it's 7:15. Mary says there isn't time for us to eat dinner and see a movie. I agree and assume we'll be skipping dinner and going to the movie, or eating afterward. Mary assumes we'll skip the movie and just eat dinner. Oops! Well, I'm the reason we're running late and Mary's the one who has a long drive home afterward and she already looks tired. So, I change my choice. We're going to eat dinner tonight and watch the movie some other time. I can feel inner grumblings about that. I really wanted to watch the movie, but I know it's the right thing to do and I'll get to the movie soon.
We've decided to go to an Indian restaurant called Neel Kamal in Buena Park.
We're ordering, asking about the combination plate and if we can use the entertainment card for that. She says the restaurant is under new management so we can't use the entertainment card, but since this is our first visit she'll give us the discount anyway. That's so nice of her! I'll definitely be back!
Smart and Final's right next to the restaurant. We stop in there for groceries. Mary needs frapichino mix. I need cat litter!
At my place, Mary drops me off and we say goodbye. I let the cat out of the bathroom. She still has her collar on! Blocking the door hinge worked! I'll take it off of her for awhile before bed. That will give her some time to stretch and eat comfortably.
The cat got out of the cone collar again. I'll put it back on her before I leave. Hopefully she doesn't really need it. I'm not going to be able to keep it on her. She got that off in less than 3 hours! I was too tired last night to prep anything for this morning. I'm taking all the sleepover stuff out of my backpack and hoping I remember everything I need for today; water, bank deposits (for both jobs), hat, book, paper, pens...
I forgot I sold some incense sell on eBay! I'd like to get that in the mail this morning. I guess I have time to pack and ship it. Heading to the garage for it now.
I must have left my earbuds at Tracye's. I can't find them or the backup set I had either! There's my folding headset. I'll have to use those. The sound with the earbuds is so much better, but some sound is better than nothing!
I think the cat's getting the collar off by using the hinge on the bathroom door. Every time I find the cone it's right near there. I'm moving the toilet paper holder over in front of the hinge. I don't think that'll keep her from getting it off, but maybe it'll slow her down. I put the cone collar back on her, lock her in the bathroom and get ready to leave.
I'm a little bit late. Rather than worry about being on time I'm heading to the alternate stop. I know I'm on time for that one.
The world's beautiful this morning! The sky seems clear and clean. Even the sprinkler puddles on the sidewalk are lovely.
All the empty seats here on the 460 are near the back of the bus. The very back is totally empty. I decide to sit on the very back bench. I've never done that before. It will be fun! The way this bus is arranged, this back area is almost a party area. There's the back bench, then on either side of it a bench facing in. You could have your group sitting here and everyone could still talk and enjoy each other. Of course if it isn't a group, it could just be awkward.
Wow! I just walked off the bus at Disneyland, turned and looked behind our bus and there was the 43! What timing!
This bus has more center facing seats than I've seen on one bus before! I think it's interesting there are so many different internal styles of buses riding around. It's like they've experimented with the seating for years and then all the experimental ones just stay in operation. I think most people prefer forward facing seats. Over the months I've watched a lot of people move from those center facing seats to a forward facing one when they get a chance, yet it feels like the buses are moving toward more center facing seats. How interesting.
Wow. I just noticed. This bus doesn't have the electronic readout saying the date and time and what stop is coming up. It just has a "stop requested" readout. It doesn't look like an old bus, but maybe it is.
An older gentleman beat me to pulling the cord for my stop. Then, he immediately stood up with his bag. The stops a couple blocks away. I wonder if he meant to get off at the last stop? We were just barely past it when he pulled the cord.
Yep. He's giving the bus driver an earful about taking him blocks farther than he wanted to go. I hear her say he could have told her what stop he wanted off at, right before I walk out. I feel sorry for her. She did what she was supposed to do.
This is the stop I've adopted. I take out my disposable glove. I'm going to pick up trash until I see the bus coming. I wish people wouldn't drop their cigarette butts on the ground. After the paper from the cigarette dissolves, the white puff from the filter's left and doesn't bio-degrade, or at least not any time soon. The ground's covered with them. It's a sad sight.
The Yoga classes were great! I load my backpack and scooter into Beth's trunk and we go to Mother's for lunch. I'm going to have their new Jamie's burger again. I liked it last time!
It's so nice to sit and talk with Beth. It's been ages since we've gotten together. I've missed her! She thinks her Dad might adopt the Momma cat. That would be great! Apparently she's wanted him to have a cat.
It's time for me to go to work. Beth drives me to Avalon and we say goodbye.
I'm making sure all our ads are up and current as I've got an apartment to rent. The phone is unusually silent. That's not a good sign.
Mary and I are going out to dinner and then to see the new "Ice Age" movie tonight. I'm excited. I've been wanting to see it!
It's 5:30. A couple just came in. They want the apartment I have for rent. The more I talk to them, the more they seem like they'd be good tenants and be a good match for us. Why couldn't they have come in earlier?! They're sitting here filling out the applications when Mary comes in. She sits down at the other desk and starts reading.
Running credit checks and going through everything with prospective tenants takes a lot of time. I'm finally done, but it's 7:15. Mary says there isn't time for us to eat dinner and see a movie. I agree and assume we'll be skipping dinner and going to the movie, or eating afterward. Mary assumes we'll skip the movie and just eat dinner. Oops! Well, I'm the reason we're running late and Mary's the one who has a long drive home afterward and she already looks tired. So, I change my choice. We're going to eat dinner tonight and watch the movie some other time. I can feel inner grumblings about that. I really wanted to watch the movie, but I know it's the right thing to do and I'll get to the movie soon.
We've decided to go to an Indian restaurant called Neel Kamal in Buena Park.
We're ordering, asking about the combination plate and if we can use the entertainment card for that. She says the restaurant is under new management so we can't use the entertainment card, but since this is our first visit she'll give us the discount anyway. That's so nice of her! I'll definitely be back!
Smart and Final's right next to the restaurant. We stop in there for groceries. Mary needs frapichino mix. I need cat litter!
At my place, Mary drops me off and we say goodbye. I let the cat out of the bathroom. She still has her collar on! Blocking the door hinge worked! I'll take it off of her for awhile before bed. That will give her some time to stretch and eat comfortably.
Thursday - 7/19/12 - Christina Dances at the Fair!
Thursday - 7/19/12
Christina says it's time to say good morning to the chickens. I get up and follow her. They've grown a lot. Now there's a screen on top of the container to keep them from jumping out. I bet soon they'll be outside in the coop.
The kids like to walk Daddy to the car. It's becoming a ritual. They walk Daddy to the car, hug goodbye, then step back onto the patio and wave to him as he leaves.
They keep asking if we can go for a walk, or to feed the ducks. Christina's even asked if later we can walk around and pick up trash. I tell them we won't have time for any of that today. I need to pick the cats up from the vet this morning. Once I meditate and we have breakfast, I start getting the kids ready to leave. When I dropped off the cats, I hadn't thought about needing to pick them up on a different day. It's really great it worked out that I have the Grandkids and the car that goes with them today!
My place is the first stop, to pick up the cat carriers. The kids find and start playing with the singing bowl, drum and Indian flute. I tell them we need to pick up the kitties first, but when we drop the cats back off, we can take some time to play.
At the humane society we go to the room where I dropped off the cats. They tell us we need to go to the vaccination room instead. This room is crowded and noisy. It's full. Mostly with owners and dogs.
Finally it's our turn. The lady takes us into an office, quickly explains how to care for the cats, then takes us into a room with cages and opens the kitten's cage door. The door is wide open, the kitten's pressed against the back of the cage. I''m afraid he'll bolt if I reach in for him! Heck, I'm worried about getting bitten. I don't have gloves on! I reach my hand in, he hisses once at me. It's a half-hearted hiss. Then, he let's me pick him up. That's the best he's ever been!
The orange cat's cage is one of the top ones. I can't reach far enough in to get her. The lady grabs her out and sticks her in the box. She has a cone on her neck that she's supposed to keep on for two weeks.
We're in the car going back to my place. The kitten's keeping up a constant meowing. Christina asks me to get it to stop, because it's annoying.
At home, we let the kitten out in the bathroom and the cat out into the living room. She's not happy about the collar or the really loud sounds Logan's making on the bowl and drum. I make myself an avocado sandwich to bring with us for later.
Now, off to the fair! Christina's tap group is performing on one of the stages today!
I was hoping to get here early. By the time we got parked and found the place we needed, it's 1pm. Right on time for reporting in! We ran into one of the other Mother's on the way in. She's going to help both girls change while I watch the boys.
Now, it's a waiting game. The show Christina's in doesn't start till 2:15. We have to stay around here waiting for Christina's turn, then stay after that, till 3, to support the rest of the school. We sit, eating a few snacks and watching the dancers perform. The girl's routine was short, but good. They danced to "The Good Ship Lollipop."
Finally the show's over. It was fun to watch the different acts, but not as much fun with two hungry and tired kids. I brought peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for the kids to eat and last night Tracye gave me money for rides. So, I imagine we'll eat then ride a couple of rides and play a game or two before going.home.
Christina has a bad case of the "Can We's"... "can we see the alligator?" "can we?" "can we?" "can we?" "can we ride that ride?" "Can we?".... She's not normally that way. I think it's just because it's been a long day and she's tired. The "Can We's" are making me tired!
The real "win" here is my new day pack. It's not quite as comfortable as the backpack (though maybe I just don't have it adjusted right yet,) but it's lightweight, has a hip belt, a chest strap, and has a cupholder on each side. I'm using a water bladder for my water (it's clipped to my pod belt.) Then I've got the kids sippy cups, in the cup holders. They can reach up and pull theirs out whenever they want. No more whining because the other one is drinking and this one wants water! No more stopping to dig water out of some bag! Win!
We're in the car on the way home. Traffic is almost stopped. I tell the kids the drive will take a while and this would be a good time for a nap. Logan's almost asleep anyway. Christina says she doesn't like traffic jams.... right before she falls asleep. I'm trying an alternate way to their place, bypassing the worst part of the 55. It's still slow going.
We've arrived. Daddy and the kids go play in the back yard. It's later than I normally leave. I use their computer to check Google maps and see what buses to take home. I keep thinking I might be able to go to one of the park and rides that has transit service to the fair, take the service to the fair and then ride the temporary 622 up to the Fullerton park and ride to meet the 460. It's convoluted, but since two of those buses would be express buses, it might be quicker. I'm having trouble figuring it out though.
OK. I think the nearest park and ride with the direct service to the fair is almost an hour away by bus... which means it's better to go one of the other routes.
The first option Google maps gives me is taking the 71 to the 42. I'm NOT going to do that one! I don't trust the 42 to be on time! The next option is interesting. It's mostly buses I haven't taken, ending with me taking the 62, which stops closer to home than my normal 460. I think I'll try that! It'll be fun to try a new route! I say goodbye to everyone and head off.
I'm meeting the first bus (the 59) at a bus stop I haven't been to before. It's at Glassell and Palmyra. The good news is that Palmyra's close to here and I know approximately where Glassell is. I just have to go down Palmyra until I run into it!
I'm at the bus stop. Thank goodness I remembered to write down the bus stop numbers! I'm not only on the right street, I'm at the right bus stop on that street and I'm eight minutes early!
It's 5 minutes after the bus was scheduled to come. I don't see it anywhere. I wonder if I missed it? Yet, I got here 8 minutes early and since the drivers get penalized for being early, the buses just don't run that early. Yet, if it didn't come early, where is it? Is it not running today? I wonder if I'll make the next connection? I check. I had a 15 minute window to make connections. I'll still be OK.
There it is! I see it down the street!
I'm finally on the bus! A full 10 minutes late.
One of the worst things about taking a "new" bus is figuring out when to get off. When the 59 pulled up, it's sign outside said it's going to the exit I need to get off at. That means it's the last exit for this bus, before it turns around and comes back. That should be easy to find!
I'm at the connecting stop. I made it with a whole 5 minutes before the 38's supposed to come!
Huh. Here's the 38. A whole 2 minutes early. I didn't have as much breathing room as I thought!
Two girls in their late teens both with mostly white on (maybe they work together?) are here on the bus they're chatting to each other, at the same time the one girl is on the phone to multiple people, trying to arrange doing something tonight. They both get off at the same stop I do. I'm having trouble finding the stop for the 62. It's dark and I haven't been here before. There it is! Around the corner! The girls are there too. They must have taken a short cut through the parking lot. The one's still on the phone! The other one keeps walking into the street to look for the bus. I check my schedule and tell her it's not due for another 15 minutes. She says she missed a bus that way and goes back to pacing back and forth into the street to look for the bus.
There's a dollar store here. I've been wanting to check out other dollar stores to see if I could find more water bladders. I'm debating if I should go look. I don't want to miss the bus! I decide I have time to look, but not time to purchase. If they have some, I'll have to decide if I want them enough to take a later bus, or want to come back tomorrow to get them. I head off to the store on my scooter... and... it's closed! I guess they're just closing, which is why their lights are on. I feel cheated! Oh well, at least I know I can take the 62 back sometime to check it out! I ride my scooter back to the bus stop, fold it up and wait for the bus.
At home, the cat's gotten her collar off again. I'm really tired and just want to go to bed, but I also want to give the kitten as much time as I can without the cat in the bathroom. So, I start re-heating the stew from earlier in the week and lay down on the couch to watch cartoons.
Christina says it's time to say good morning to the chickens. I get up and follow her. They've grown a lot. Now there's a screen on top of the container to keep them from jumping out. I bet soon they'll be outside in the coop.
The kids like to walk Daddy to the car. It's becoming a ritual. They walk Daddy to the car, hug goodbye, then step back onto the patio and wave to him as he leaves.
They keep asking if we can go for a walk, or to feed the ducks. Christina's even asked if later we can walk around and pick up trash. I tell them we won't have time for any of that today. I need to pick the cats up from the vet this morning. Once I meditate and we have breakfast, I start getting the kids ready to leave. When I dropped off the cats, I hadn't thought about needing to pick them up on a different day. It's really great it worked out that I have the Grandkids and the car that goes with them today!
My place is the first stop, to pick up the cat carriers. The kids find and start playing with the singing bowl, drum and Indian flute. I tell them we need to pick up the kitties first, but when we drop the cats back off, we can take some time to play.
At the humane society we go to the room where I dropped off the cats. They tell us we need to go to the vaccination room instead. This room is crowded and noisy. It's full. Mostly with owners and dogs.
Finally it's our turn. The lady takes us into an office, quickly explains how to care for the cats, then takes us into a room with cages and opens the kitten's cage door. The door is wide open, the kitten's pressed against the back of the cage. I''m afraid he'll bolt if I reach in for him! Heck, I'm worried about getting bitten. I don't have gloves on! I reach my hand in, he hisses once at me. It's a half-hearted hiss. Then, he let's me pick him up. That's the best he's ever been!
The orange cat's cage is one of the top ones. I can't reach far enough in to get her. The lady grabs her out and sticks her in the box. She has a cone on her neck that she's supposed to keep on for two weeks.
We're in the car going back to my place. The kitten's keeping up a constant meowing. Christina asks me to get it to stop, because it's annoying.
At home, we let the kitten out in the bathroom and the cat out into the living room. She's not happy about the collar or the really loud sounds Logan's making on the bowl and drum. I make myself an avocado sandwich to bring with us for later.
Now, off to the fair! Christina's tap group is performing on one of the stages today!
I was hoping to get here early. By the time we got parked and found the place we needed, it's 1pm. Right on time for reporting in! We ran into one of the other Mother's on the way in. She's going to help both girls change while I watch the boys.
Now, it's a waiting game. The show Christina's in doesn't start till 2:15. We have to stay around here waiting for Christina's turn, then stay after that, till 3, to support the rest of the school. We sit, eating a few snacks and watching the dancers perform. The girl's routine was short, but good. They danced to "The Good Ship Lollipop."
Finally the show's over. It was fun to watch the different acts, but not as much fun with two hungry and tired kids. I brought peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for the kids to eat and last night Tracye gave me money for rides. So, I imagine we'll eat then ride a couple of rides and play a game or two before going.home.
Christina has a bad case of the "Can We's"... "can we see the alligator?" "can we?" "can we?" "can we?" "can we ride that ride?" "Can we?".... She's not normally that way. I think it's just because it's been a long day and she's tired. The "Can We's" are making me tired!
The real "win" here is my new day pack. It's not quite as comfortable as the backpack (though maybe I just don't have it adjusted right yet,) but it's lightweight, has a hip belt, a chest strap, and has a cupholder on each side. I'm using a water bladder for my water (it's clipped to my pod belt.) Then I've got the kids sippy cups, in the cup holders. They can reach up and pull theirs out whenever they want. No more whining because the other one is drinking and this one wants water! No more stopping to dig water out of some bag! Win!
We're in the car on the way home. Traffic is almost stopped. I tell the kids the drive will take a while and this would be a good time for a nap. Logan's almost asleep anyway. Christina says she doesn't like traffic jams.... right before she falls asleep. I'm trying an alternate way to their place, bypassing the worst part of the 55. It's still slow going.
We've arrived. Daddy and the kids go play in the back yard. It's later than I normally leave. I use their computer to check Google maps and see what buses to take home. I keep thinking I might be able to go to one of the park and rides that has transit service to the fair, take the service to the fair and then ride the temporary 622 up to the Fullerton park and ride to meet the 460. It's convoluted, but since two of those buses would be express buses, it might be quicker. I'm having trouble figuring it out though.
OK. I think the nearest park and ride with the direct service to the fair is almost an hour away by bus... which means it's better to go one of the other routes.
The first option Google maps gives me is taking the 71 to the 42. I'm NOT going to do that one! I don't trust the 42 to be on time! The next option is interesting. It's mostly buses I haven't taken, ending with me taking the 62, which stops closer to home than my normal 460. I think I'll try that! It'll be fun to try a new route! I say goodbye to everyone and head off.
I'm meeting the first bus (the 59) at a bus stop I haven't been to before. It's at Glassell and Palmyra. The good news is that Palmyra's close to here and I know approximately where Glassell is. I just have to go down Palmyra until I run into it!
I'm at the bus stop. Thank goodness I remembered to write down the bus stop numbers! I'm not only on the right street, I'm at the right bus stop on that street and I'm eight minutes early!
It's 5 minutes after the bus was scheduled to come. I don't see it anywhere. I wonder if I missed it? Yet, I got here 8 minutes early and since the drivers get penalized for being early, the buses just don't run that early. Yet, if it didn't come early, where is it? Is it not running today? I wonder if I'll make the next connection? I check. I had a 15 minute window to make connections. I'll still be OK.
There it is! I see it down the street!
I'm finally on the bus! A full 10 minutes late.
One of the worst things about taking a "new" bus is figuring out when to get off. When the 59 pulled up, it's sign outside said it's going to the exit I need to get off at. That means it's the last exit for this bus, before it turns around and comes back. That should be easy to find!
I'm at the connecting stop. I made it with a whole 5 minutes before the 38's supposed to come!
Huh. Here's the 38. A whole 2 minutes early. I didn't have as much breathing room as I thought!
Two girls in their late teens both with mostly white on (maybe they work together?) are here on the bus they're chatting to each other, at the same time the one girl is on the phone to multiple people, trying to arrange doing something tonight. They both get off at the same stop I do. I'm having trouble finding the stop for the 62. It's dark and I haven't been here before. There it is! Around the corner! The girls are there too. They must have taken a short cut through the parking lot. The one's still on the phone! The other one keeps walking into the street to look for the bus. I check my schedule and tell her it's not due for another 15 minutes. She says she missed a bus that way and goes back to pacing back and forth into the street to look for the bus.
There's a dollar store here. I've been wanting to check out other dollar stores to see if I could find more water bladders. I'm debating if I should go look. I don't want to miss the bus! I decide I have time to look, but not time to purchase. If they have some, I'll have to decide if I want them enough to take a later bus, or want to come back tomorrow to get them. I head off to the store on my scooter... and... it's closed! I guess they're just closing, which is why their lights are on. I feel cheated! Oh well, at least I know I can take the 62 back sometime to check it out! I ride my scooter back to the bus stop, fold it up and wait for the bus.
At home, the cat's gotten her collar off again. I'm really tired and just want to go to bed, but I also want to give the kitten as much time as I can without the cat in the bathroom. So, I start re-heating the stew from earlier in the week and lay down on the couch to watch cartoons.
Wednesday - 7/18/12 - Cats Go To Vet
Wednesday - 7/18/12
Charles is helping me take the cats to the vet today. He's going to be here around 7:30, then we'll go. The drop-off time is 8. I'm worried he might not remember. He hasn't called. I call him. He had remembered. He says he's on his way. I've decided I want the kitten to have some petting beforehand. Since Charles is on his way, now is the time! I go into the bathroom, put on my gardening gloves, catch him, then take them off to pet him. After we practice petting for awhile, I close him in the cat carrier and go back into the living room, giving him some quiet time.
At the Humane Society they say I'll need to pick the Momma cat up tomorrow morning, but I may need to pick the kitten up tonight, depending on how wild he is. I hadn't thought about needing to pick them up! How funny! I'm not available for it tonight! I won't have a car, and I'll be working at Avalon. I decide not to say anything and just assume everything will work out. I have my Grandkids and the car that goes with them tomorrow. So I should be able to manage picking them up.
Charles is going to be the backup for picking the kitten up tonight, but he really doesn't want to. If the vet's office calls for me to pick him up early, I'm going to try to get them to change their minds.
Hey! I'm home and there aren't any cats here! I can go freely in and out of my bathroom without watching to see if someone's getting out! Woo Hoo! I'd waited this morning to wash my hair so I could enjoy this moment! Wet hair coming up!
I need to leave for work by 11:20. I'm packing the backpack for a sleepover tonight, as well as bringing the picnic blanket and anything I think I'll need for the fair tomorrow.
I want to bring the new day-pack to use at the fair. That way I won't have to unpack the backpack for the fair, I'll just pack the empty day-pack. I'm not sure how to bring it with me. It won't fold and doesn't fit into the backpack. I end up tying it and the picnic blanket on top of the backpack. It feels like there should be a better way of managing this.
On the bus, I sit on one of the inward facing seats. Across from me is a Dad and his little boy. The boy has a Mickey Mouse shirt on. I ask if they're going to Disneyland, they say "yes." The little boy says "D-land." The lady next to me asks how old the boy is. He's 2. I tell them I know they'll have fun there! Then, I ask if the Dad's heard about the OC Metro deal for the fair. I tell him if they want to go to the fair on another day they can ride this bus to the park-and-ride, then ride the special bus straight down to the fair and metro gives them a coupon to get in for $2! The lady next to me and I spend time telling him about the fair. She makes a point of telling him the fair doesn't end till the 12th of August. So, they have time to recuperate from Disneyland before going. The Dad asks what the bus number for the special bus is. I look it up on my phone and tell him it's the 633. That's easy even I can remember the times! Apparently it leaves every hour on the hour from station 1 there at the Fullerton Park and Ride. I think it's such a great deal that you get cheaper entrance to the fair if you ride one of the special buses in! I wish they'd put fliers for that on the LA buses. Maybe I'll grab some later and put them on the 460 sometime when I'm traveling.
The little boy lights up when we get near Disneyland. It's so fun to watch!
I've realized I don't have enough food at Avalon! I've been intending to eat lunch there and I also want to take something from there for dinner tonight at the park. I think I have one frozen burrito there. That won't be enough. Well, I'm running a little early (I managed to catch an earlier bus from Disneyland.) I think I'll stop at Mother's Market first, buy a few items, then take the bus from there to Avalon.
I bought one or two too many things. I'm at Avalon trying to fit all the frozen food that isn't going to be cooked today into the tiny freezer and it's not working! The freezer needs defrosted. I'm sitting on the floor using a screwdriver and hammer to chip the ice away to make room for my purchases.
I managed it! Everything's in the freezer (except for the food being cooked today.) You know, I just realized, this freezer looks like it's supposed to have a door on it, and it doesn't. I know my boss bought the refrigerator used. I always assumed it was just like that and that closing the main door made the seal somehow. How funny! I'll have to look and see if I can find a door for it on eBay or something.
I'm going to the free concert in Hart Park before heading over to Tracye's. They've got "The Wise Guys" playing. It's a 18-piece big band orchestra. Last year they had a big band group play while I was out of town. I'm excited to finally get to hear them! I'm also looking forward to doing the fun, downhill scooter ride to the park again! Though I feel a little weird about not watching the evening movie with my Grandkids. It's hard when you can't do everything!
The park isn't as packed as it was last week. Apparently big band sounds isn't as good of a draw as The Beatles. I find a spot on the grass, near the volleyball courts where we were last time.
I'm enjoying being here, laying on the ground, listening to the music and watching the clouds. They're doing a lot of Frank Sinatra type songs, occasionally shifting to Spanish ones. On the whole I haven't liked them that much, though have been a few songs I really enjoyed. I probably won't come again to see them. The spokesman said they weren't here last year. The band I missed must have been a different one. I wonder if I would have liked them better?
It's almost dark. The band has stopped and it's time to go to Tracye's. I've gotten turned around on these streets before. I could go through the park and take the bike path back. I don't want to deal with the crowds that way though and it'd be mostly up hill. Definitely not as much fun. I'm going to try going there on the roads again. It'll be interesting to see how easily I make it to their place. It would be easier in the light.
Bam! Ow!!! Shoot! I didn't see the change in sidewalk heights and ran right into it. I went down hard too! Right on top of the back wheel cover! I'll leave it to your imagination what part landed hard on the wheel cover, but ouch!! I stand up quickly and move on trying not to draw attention. Wow. That hurts! Oh! That's just funny! I was going down the wrong street! This isn't a street, it's another entrance into the park. I shouldn't have even been on this road! I'll have to turn around and go back.
I'm moving really slowly and being very cautious at all sidewalk shadows. Once I got off that street, I easily found the way to Tracye's. I should be there soon.
I'm at Tracye's now. Logan's in the living room watching Tangled. Christina's in bed already. Tracye says I can go in and say goodnight to her. She's not quite asleep. After saying goodnight to Christina, I go back to the living room and sit to watch the rest of the movie with Logan. I love this movie!
Hmmm... my sock has a bit of blood on it, right at the ankle. I guess I did hit hard! Thank goodness I carry latex-free bandaids with me (I'm allergic to the latex in most bandaids)! I'll have to remember put a bandaid on before I go to bed.
Charles is helping me take the cats to the vet today. He's going to be here around 7:30, then we'll go. The drop-off time is 8. I'm worried he might not remember. He hasn't called. I call him. He had remembered. He says he's on his way. I've decided I want the kitten to have some petting beforehand. Since Charles is on his way, now is the time! I go into the bathroom, put on my gardening gloves, catch him, then take them off to pet him. After we practice petting for awhile, I close him in the cat carrier and go back into the living room, giving him some quiet time.
At the Humane Society they say I'll need to pick the Momma cat up tomorrow morning, but I may need to pick the kitten up tonight, depending on how wild he is. I hadn't thought about needing to pick them up! How funny! I'm not available for it tonight! I won't have a car, and I'll be working at Avalon. I decide not to say anything and just assume everything will work out. I have my Grandkids and the car that goes with them tomorrow. So I should be able to manage picking them up.
Charles is going to be the backup for picking the kitten up tonight, but he really doesn't want to. If the vet's office calls for me to pick him up early, I'm going to try to get them to change their minds.
Hey! I'm home and there aren't any cats here! I can go freely in and out of my bathroom without watching to see if someone's getting out! Woo Hoo! I'd waited this morning to wash my hair so I could enjoy this moment! Wet hair coming up!
I need to leave for work by 11:20. I'm packing the backpack for a sleepover tonight, as well as bringing the picnic blanket and anything I think I'll need for the fair tomorrow.
I want to bring the new day-pack to use at the fair. That way I won't have to unpack the backpack for the fair, I'll just pack the empty day-pack. I'm not sure how to bring it with me. It won't fold and doesn't fit into the backpack. I end up tying it and the picnic blanket on top of the backpack. It feels like there should be a better way of managing this.
On the bus, I sit on one of the inward facing seats. Across from me is a Dad and his little boy. The boy has a Mickey Mouse shirt on. I ask if they're going to Disneyland, they say "yes." The little boy says "D-land." The lady next to me asks how old the boy is. He's 2. I tell them I know they'll have fun there! Then, I ask if the Dad's heard about the OC Metro deal for the fair. I tell him if they want to go to the fair on another day they can ride this bus to the park-and-ride, then ride the special bus straight down to the fair and metro gives them a coupon to get in for $2! The lady next to me and I spend time telling him about the fair. She makes a point of telling him the fair doesn't end till the 12th of August. So, they have time to recuperate from Disneyland before going. The Dad asks what the bus number for the special bus is. I look it up on my phone and tell him it's the 633. That's easy even I can remember the times! Apparently it leaves every hour on the hour from station 1 there at the Fullerton Park and Ride. I think it's such a great deal that you get cheaper entrance to the fair if you ride one of the special buses in! I wish they'd put fliers for that on the LA buses. Maybe I'll grab some later and put them on the 460 sometime when I'm traveling.
The little boy lights up when we get near Disneyland. It's so fun to watch!
I've realized I don't have enough food at Avalon! I've been intending to eat lunch there and I also want to take something from there for dinner tonight at the park. I think I have one frozen burrito there. That won't be enough. Well, I'm running a little early (I managed to catch an earlier bus from Disneyland.) I think I'll stop at Mother's Market first, buy a few items, then take the bus from there to Avalon.
I bought one or two too many things. I'm at Avalon trying to fit all the frozen food that isn't going to be cooked today into the tiny freezer and it's not working! The freezer needs defrosted. I'm sitting on the floor using a screwdriver and hammer to chip the ice away to make room for my purchases.
I managed it! Everything's in the freezer (except for the food being cooked today.) You know, I just realized, this freezer looks like it's supposed to have a door on it, and it doesn't. I know my boss bought the refrigerator used. I always assumed it was just like that and that closing the main door made the seal somehow. How funny! I'll have to look and see if I can find a door for it on eBay or something.
I'm going to the free concert in Hart Park before heading over to Tracye's. They've got "The Wise Guys" playing. It's a 18-piece big band orchestra. Last year they had a big band group play while I was out of town. I'm excited to finally get to hear them! I'm also looking forward to doing the fun, downhill scooter ride to the park again! Though I feel a little weird about not watching the evening movie with my Grandkids. It's hard when you can't do everything!
The park isn't as packed as it was last week. Apparently big band sounds isn't as good of a draw as The Beatles. I find a spot on the grass, near the volleyball courts where we were last time.
I'm enjoying being here, laying on the ground, listening to the music and watching the clouds. They're doing a lot of Frank Sinatra type songs, occasionally shifting to Spanish ones. On the whole I haven't liked them that much, though have been a few songs I really enjoyed. I probably won't come again to see them. The spokesman said they weren't here last year. The band I missed must have been a different one. I wonder if I would have liked them better?
It's almost dark. The band has stopped and it's time to go to Tracye's. I've gotten turned around on these streets before. I could go through the park and take the bike path back. I don't want to deal with the crowds that way though and it'd be mostly up hill. Definitely not as much fun. I'm going to try going there on the roads again. It'll be interesting to see how easily I make it to their place. It would be easier in the light.
Bam! Ow!!! Shoot! I didn't see the change in sidewalk heights and ran right into it. I went down hard too! Right on top of the back wheel cover! I'll leave it to your imagination what part landed hard on the wheel cover, but ouch!! I stand up quickly and move on trying not to draw attention. Wow. That hurts! Oh! That's just funny! I was going down the wrong street! This isn't a street, it's another entrance into the park. I shouldn't have even been on this road! I'll have to turn around and go back.
I'm moving really slowly and being very cautious at all sidewalk shadows. Once I got off that street, I easily found the way to Tracye's. I should be there soon.
I'm at Tracye's now. Logan's in the living room watching Tangled. Christina's in bed already. Tracye says I can go in and say goodnight to her. She's not quite asleep. After saying goodnight to Christina, I go back to the living room and sit to watch the rest of the movie with Logan. I love this movie!
Hmmm... my sock has a bit of blood on it, right at the ankle. I guess I did hit hard! Thank goodness I carry latex-free bandaids with me (I'm allergic to the latex in most bandaids)! I'll have to remember put a bandaid on before I go to bed.
Tuesday - 7/17/12 - Taking The Cats To The Vet
Tuesday - 7/17/12
Wow! It's almost 9! I never sleep that late! Nice to be able to though!
Charles is playing chauffeur today. He's driving us in for the cat's pre-surgery visit. I wonder if he has a cat carrier I could borrow? She'd ride OK in a box, but hey, if there's a cat carrier around, why not use it?! Maybe I should try taking the kitten in too. He could get a check-up and be ready for later, when he needs surgery. I'm sure they've dealt with feral kittens before and could handle him. If there's a cat carrier around I might do it. It's frustrating. We're going to the place the people on freecycle recommended as the best and cheapest (Golden State Humane Society,) but it's still an expense. With both cats it could easily keep me from paying down any debt this month.
I don't know what to do. You can't not take care of them, they're living beings. On the other hand, my focus is supposed to be on paying down debt. Spending this money was definitely not in the budget.
AND, my house smells like cat spray. Apparently the female got pissed at being in the bathroom all day yesterday, OR they had a fight (I'm betting on the pissed off one). I'm going to have to bleach the whole bathroom today and hope that helps. I really want to find them homes and get them out of here. If the eBay clothes I have in the living room take on the cat smell they'll be unsaleable.
On the other hand, the cat's running around the living room right now chasing non-existent balls of fluff. It's really cute! I do love her. I love both of them.
I remind myself that Mary said she'd pay for the female to get fixed. I wonder why my brain isn't processing that, is fixed on thinking I'll be shouldering all the expense?
I call Charles and ask if they have a cat carrier. He's going to see if he can find it.
Charles called. He said he found a cat carrier and that he's on his way. I guess I'll be taking the kitten in too!
Charles is here. I go into the bathroom with the carrier. I reach into the kitten's box (he lives under the sink in a priority mail box that has bath salts in it) to get him. He hisses and tries to scratch me. I put the gardening gloves on, reach in, drag him out and put him into the carrier. Charles takes the carrier out to the truck. I wrap the Momma cat in a towel and carry her out.
Both cats are spending the ride meowing. Almost funny that they're singing together when they don't like each other.
I talk to Charles about the kitten's name. I'm trying to find a good name for him. He started out as "Beelzebub," because of the way he was lunging back and forth against the bars of the cage while hissing and spitting. Now, he doesn't seem like a Beelzebub and I think it's not the greatest name to tag him with so I'm trying to come up with a new one. I thought about calling him "Pinball." The same wild movements he had when I caught him could easily give him that name. Pinball seems like an awkward of a name though. Charles suggests "Bumper." I'm not thrilled with that, but it's the best of the three. "Bumper" it is for right now.
A sign on the door says all cats must be in carriers. I should have realized that! It's funny! The cat I really want to be seen is the one not in a carrier! I ask Charles to go in and see if they have a spare carrier they can lend us.
It's taking a long time. I'm standing outside holding Momma cat. There are a bunch of kids running around. She's getting scared. I go back and sit in the truck with her. Hah! Just a few minutes later a couple of big dogs (on leashes) go by right where we were. It was definitely the right decision to wait in the truck!
Charles comes out and says there aren't any appointments left for today. The vets are busy. We'll have to go home and come back tomorrow at 12:30. I can't do that! I have to be at Avalon by 2! The woman on the phone yesterday had told me to just come in, she hadn't said to come in at a specific time! I ask Charles to hold the cat and I go in to find out what's going on.
The Lady here is asking me why I had to have the cat looked at before she could be fixed! I tell her I don't know, it's just what the woman had told me had to happen. They tell me I can come back any day at 12:30 or Saturday at 8am. I won't be able to make it in at that time until next week, and I'll have to ask Charles when he's free. They have some cardboard cat carriers over in the corner. I ask if I can buy one (at least I'll be prepared next time!) They're $3. This is totally silly! She has to start a file for us so that I can buy the cat carrier! Oh well, I guess that's one less thing we have to do next time.
First she asks for my info, then she asks for the cat's name. Well, we're just buying a cat carrier and the Momma cat doesn't have a name yet. I say "Beelzebub." Oops! I forgot I changed it to "Bumper." Oh well, I suppose it doesn't matter. She doesn't even get the Beelzebub reference. What a waste. I have to explain to her that it's another name for the devil. She asks the cat's sex. I say I don't know. I've been calling it a male, but I'm not sure. She asks his age, I say I don't know. One of the other ladies there chimes in saying that's why we needed the pre-appointment. That would be true, I suppose, if the kitten was the one I'd called about, but Momma cat, well, I know her sex! The other Lady asks if I have the kitten here and in a cat carrier. I say I do. She says if I bring him in she'll take him back and show him to a vet to find out an approximate age for him. I go out to the truck and explain to Charles that I have to show them the kitten so they can get his age so they can make a file for him so they can sell me a $3 cardboard cat carrier. He says we should just go and buy a cat carrier at some other vet's. I figure I'm this far along I'll just go with it.
When the Lady comes back with the kitten she says he can have an appointment at 8am tomorrow to be fixed. I'm totally confused. That must show on my face because she repeats that he can have an appointment at 8 in the morning to be fixed, that he's old enough. OK. I wasn't planning on doing that yet, but now it seems like the right thing to do. I stammer out something like "but what about the other cat, the female." She asks me a few questions and asks how long she's been around the property. We end up with the knowledge that she's probably at least a year old. She says she can come in at 8am too! Yay! I should go out and ask Charles if he's free to drive us, but this process has been really long. I go ahead and set up appointments for them. I figure I can come back in and change the appointment if I need to. I have to leave a $20 deposit since I'm doing two cats. She can't find the record the other woman created. This time around, I give the kitten the name "Bumper." When she asks for the Momma cat's name I tell her I don't know and ask her for a good name for an orange and white cat. She says "Orangecicle." I don't like the name for this cat, but I'm going with it. Orangecicle it is, well at least for right now!
I take the kitten back out to the truck, tell Charles we have an appointment for the morning and ask if he's free to take us. He says he is. We're set!
At home, I put the cat carrier in the bathroom, open the door and leave, closing the bathroom door behind me, letting the kitten take his time coming out and finding his "safe" place.
When I go back to check, he is under the sink, but he's not in his box. He's on top of the bath bubble machine. Maybe his priority mail box doesn't feel safe any more? Since he was out where I could, I took a picture of him. Here he is.
Wow! It's almost 9! I never sleep that late! Nice to be able to though!
Charles is playing chauffeur today. He's driving us in for the cat's pre-surgery visit. I wonder if he has a cat carrier I could borrow? She'd ride OK in a box, but hey, if there's a cat carrier around, why not use it?! Maybe I should try taking the kitten in too. He could get a check-up and be ready for later, when he needs surgery. I'm sure they've dealt with feral kittens before and could handle him. If there's a cat carrier around I might do it. It's frustrating. We're going to the place the people on freecycle recommended as the best and cheapest (Golden State Humane Society,) but it's still an expense. With both cats it could easily keep me from paying down any debt this month.
I don't know what to do. You can't not take care of them, they're living beings. On the other hand, my focus is supposed to be on paying down debt. Spending this money was definitely not in the budget.
AND, my house smells like cat spray. Apparently the female got pissed at being in the bathroom all day yesterday, OR they had a fight (I'm betting on the pissed off one). I'm going to have to bleach the whole bathroom today and hope that helps. I really want to find them homes and get them out of here. If the eBay clothes I have in the living room take on the cat smell they'll be unsaleable.
I remind myself that Mary said she'd pay for the female to get fixed. I wonder why my brain isn't processing that, is fixed on thinking I'll be shouldering all the expense?
I call Charles and ask if they have a cat carrier. He's going to see if he can find it.
Charles called. He said he found a cat carrier and that he's on his way. I guess I'll be taking the kitten in too!
Charles is here. I go into the bathroom with the carrier. I reach into the kitten's box (he lives under the sink in a priority mail box that has bath salts in it) to get him. He hisses and tries to scratch me. I put the gardening gloves on, reach in, drag him out and put him into the carrier. Charles takes the carrier out to the truck. I wrap the Momma cat in a towel and carry her out.
Both cats are spending the ride meowing. Almost funny that they're singing together when they don't like each other.
I talk to Charles about the kitten's name. I'm trying to find a good name for him. He started out as "Beelzebub," because of the way he was lunging back and forth against the bars of the cage while hissing and spitting. Now, he doesn't seem like a Beelzebub and I think it's not the greatest name to tag him with so I'm trying to come up with a new one. I thought about calling him "Pinball." The same wild movements he had when I caught him could easily give him that name. Pinball seems like an awkward of a name though. Charles suggests "Bumper." I'm not thrilled with that, but it's the best of the three. "Bumper" it is for right now.
A sign on the door says all cats must be in carriers. I should have realized that! It's funny! The cat I really want to be seen is the one not in a carrier! I ask Charles to go in and see if they have a spare carrier they can lend us.
It's taking a long time. I'm standing outside holding Momma cat. There are a bunch of kids running around. She's getting scared. I go back and sit in the truck with her. Hah! Just a few minutes later a couple of big dogs (on leashes) go by right where we were. It was definitely the right decision to wait in the truck!
Charles comes out and says there aren't any appointments left for today. The vets are busy. We'll have to go home and come back tomorrow at 12:30. I can't do that! I have to be at Avalon by 2! The woman on the phone yesterday had told me to just come in, she hadn't said to come in at a specific time! I ask Charles to hold the cat and I go in to find out what's going on.
The Lady here is asking me why I had to have the cat looked at before she could be fixed! I tell her I don't know, it's just what the woman had told me had to happen. They tell me I can come back any day at 12:30 or Saturday at 8am. I won't be able to make it in at that time until next week, and I'll have to ask Charles when he's free. They have some cardboard cat carriers over in the corner. I ask if I can buy one (at least I'll be prepared next time!) They're $3. This is totally silly! She has to start a file for us so that I can buy the cat carrier! Oh well, I guess that's one less thing we have to do next time.
First she asks for my info, then she asks for the cat's name. Well, we're just buying a cat carrier and the Momma cat doesn't have a name yet. I say "Beelzebub." Oops! I forgot I changed it to "Bumper." Oh well, I suppose it doesn't matter. She doesn't even get the Beelzebub reference. What a waste. I have to explain to her that it's another name for the devil. She asks the cat's sex. I say I don't know. I've been calling it a male, but I'm not sure. She asks his age, I say I don't know. One of the other ladies there chimes in saying that's why we needed the pre-appointment. That would be true, I suppose, if the kitten was the one I'd called about, but Momma cat, well, I know her sex! The other Lady asks if I have the kitten here and in a cat carrier. I say I do. She says if I bring him in she'll take him back and show him to a vet to find out an approximate age for him. I go out to the truck and explain to Charles that I have to show them the kitten so they can get his age so they can make a file for him so they can sell me a $3 cardboard cat carrier. He says we should just go and buy a cat carrier at some other vet's. I figure I'm this far along I'll just go with it.
When the Lady comes back with the kitten she says he can have an appointment at 8am tomorrow to be fixed. I'm totally confused. That must show on my face because she repeats that he can have an appointment at 8 in the morning to be fixed, that he's old enough. OK. I wasn't planning on doing that yet, but now it seems like the right thing to do. I stammer out something like "but what about the other cat, the female." She asks me a few questions and asks how long she's been around the property. We end up with the knowledge that she's probably at least a year old. She says she can come in at 8am too! Yay! I should go out and ask Charles if he's free to drive us, but this process has been really long. I go ahead and set up appointments for them. I figure I can come back in and change the appointment if I need to. I have to leave a $20 deposit since I'm doing two cats. She can't find the record the other woman created. This time around, I give the kitten the name "Bumper." When she asks for the Momma cat's name I tell her I don't know and ask her for a good name for an orange and white cat. She says "Orangecicle." I don't like the name for this cat, but I'm going with it. Orangecicle it is, well at least for right now!
I take the kitten back out to the truck, tell Charles we have an appointment for the morning and ask if he's free to take us. He says he is. We're set!
At home, I put the cat carrier in the bathroom, open the door and leave, closing the bathroom door behind me, letting the kitten take his time coming out and finding his "safe" place.
When I go back to check, he is under the sink, but he's not in his box. He's on top of the bath bubble machine. Maybe his priority mail box doesn't feel safe any more? Since he was out where I could, I took a picture of him. Here he is.
Monday - 7/16/12 - An American In Paris
Monday - 7/16/12
I didn't sleep well last night. I'm not sure why. I worked on reports till late. Even after that I couldn't sleep. Then, once I did get to sleep it was time to get up. I'm moving slowly.
I'm planning on going to Movie Monday Nights at the Segerstrom center tonight. They have play a free movie on the outside of their building on Monday nights through the summer. I went to most of them last year and really enjoyed it. I don't know how it will be tonight. I'm really tired and it will be very late by the time I get home. I want to do it though, maybe just to prove I can.
Last year I had it all figured out. I'd bring a picnic blanket, spread that out on the concrete, spread my sleeping bag on top of it (you need some padding), sit and eat dinner and then lean a pillow against my rolling box (how I transport things when walking,) lay back and watch the movie. Then, when it got cooler out, I'd climb into the sleeping bag and be all nice and comfy. It was a great system! I'm not sure how this year will go. I'm doing without the car, which means doing without the rolling box, pillow, sleeping bag, etc...
You know, the one sleeping bag I dug out for the drive-in is in a bag that has straps. I could tie it to my backpack. I'd look funny going down the road with it, but it would be nice to have it along. I decide to do it. I'm bringing a sleeping bag. The movie time will be better! I also figure maybe I can catch a nap there on the concrete before the movie. I'm going to need it by then.
I'm at the Yoga Center. It worked! I made it the whole way with no problems. I can take a sleeping bag with me!
I stop at Mother's Market on the way to Avalon to pick up something for lunch and for dinner tonight. It's nice that Avalon lets me go in early and hang out there.
I'm at Avalon I've decided to go ahead and log and deposit the checks for this week. That way I won't worry about it tonight.
I've got all the checks logged in now. I just need to go down to Harbor, catch the 43 bus to the bank, catch the next 43 bus back to Harbor and come back. Simple!
It's time to leave for the movie! I'm excited! Trying something new is fun! I checked Google Maps earlier. I can go almost door to door by taking the 71 to the 57!
At the Segerstrom center it's already packed. It's a popular event. I find a space up front, spread out, and have dinner.

I'm planning on going to Movie Monday Nights at the Segerstrom center tonight. They have play a free movie on the outside of their building on Monday nights through the summer. I went to most of them last year and really enjoyed it. I don't know how it will be tonight. I'm really tired and it will be very late by the time I get home. I want to do it though, maybe just to prove I can.
Last year I had it all figured out. I'd bring a picnic blanket, spread that out on the concrete, spread my sleeping bag on top of it (you need some padding), sit and eat dinner and then lean a pillow against my rolling box (how I transport things when walking,) lay back and watch the movie. Then, when it got cooler out, I'd climb into the sleeping bag and be all nice and comfy. It was a great system! I'm not sure how this year will go. I'm doing without the car, which means doing without the rolling box, pillow, sleeping bag, etc...
You know, the one sleeping bag I dug out for the drive-in is in a bag that has straps. I could tie it to my backpack. I'd look funny going down the road with it, but it would be nice to have it along. I decide to do it. I'm bringing a sleeping bag. The movie time will be better! I also figure maybe I can catch a nap there on the concrete before the movie. I'm going to need it by then.
I'm at the Yoga Center. It worked! I made it the whole way with no problems. I can take a sleeping bag with me!
I stop at Mother's Market on the way to Avalon to pick up something for lunch and for dinner tonight. It's nice that Avalon lets me go in early and hang out there.
I'm at Avalon I've decided to go ahead and log and deposit the checks for this week. That way I won't worry about it tonight.
I've got all the checks logged in now. I just need to go down to Harbor, catch the 43 bus to the bank, catch the next 43 bus back to Harbor and come back. Simple!
It's time to leave for the movie! I'm excited! Trying something new is fun! I checked Google Maps earlier. I can go almost door to door by taking the 71 to the 57!
At the Segerstrom center it's already packed. It's a popular event. I find a space up front, spread out, and have dinner.

Sunday - 7/15/12 - Toni's Memorial
Sunday - 7/15/12
Prakriti took me to the YC for Sunday morning celebration
After we went to lunch at Mother's
Back for Toni's service
On the way back we stop at Prakriti's and loaded files onto her computer.
Mary comes up
Prakriti took me to the YC for Sunday morning celebration
After we went to lunch at Mother's
Back for Toni's service
On the way back we stop at Prakriti's and loaded files onto her computer.
Mary comes up
Saturday - 7/14/12 - Flea Baths!
Saturday - 7/14/12
I've seen the Momma cat around the last couple days. I guess the people I encouraged to adopt her didn't. That's a shame. I've got to catch her and get her off the property. I'm walking around looking for her now. There she is! Out near the cars! She's not coming to me. She's more skittish than she's been. I wonder what happened? I sit down on the asphalt and wait, while calling her. That did it. She finally came to me and let me pick her up.
OK. Now I have a feral kitten ensconced under the bathroom sink, and a friendly momma cat walking around in my living room. What the heck am I going to do?! One thing's for sure. I have to either find a home for her or send her to animal control. I can't let her out again.
I guess the first thing to do is give her a flea bath. That way I'll feel better about having her in my apartment.
I'm bathing her in the kitchen sink. This time I remembered to put dish soap in the water to break the surface tension and drown the fleas. I'm using flea shampoo too (Magic Coat.) She's not happy about getting a bath, but is putting up with it. Her ears are pointed back a bit, showing her displeasure. The bath water's turning dark. She definitely needed it!
The bath's over. I'm using a flea comb on her. I'm still finding live fleas. I don't think the flea shampoo did any better than just giving her a bath in soapy water would have. I guess I shouldn't have gone with the cheapest one!
Well, since I'm in "the mode," I should give the kitten a flea bath. I've been procrastinating that one.
I've got the bathroom sink filled with soapy water. I'm wearing a long sleeved top and my gardening gloves, both to protect me from teeth and claws. I'm ready for the flea bath! I don't like the idea of grabbing him out of the bath salt box, he feels safe there and that could make it so he doesn't feel safe any more. However, I want to do the bath now, while I'm prepared and that's where he is.
He wasn't hard to get. He didn't try to bite me, just kept scrunching down farther into the box. Poor little thing!
Giving the kitten a flea bath with gardening gloves on isn't working. I have to take one of the gloves off to do the shampoo. He isn't trying to scratch or bite me. He is occasionally trying to slink out of the water. Cats have this way of doing that, somehow thinking you won't notice. It's still too awkward. I'm taking off the second glove now. As I'm holding his body underwater, all the fleas are trying to head for "dry land"... which is his face. I'm using the flea comb to pick fleas off his face and then dunk them in a mug of soapy water. It's not easy. Sometimes I have to try 3 or 5 times to actually get the flea in the comb. But, I want those things off! He's not happy with the process, but is putting up with it.
We got through that OK (well, I did anyway, I don't know that he would say the same.) I'm forcing him to sit here, on top of a towel on my lap while I dry him and use the flea comb, checking for more fleas. He's fed up and just wants to get away. I let him go. He goes back into the cabinet under the sink and hides, licking himself, drying off his way.
I need a break. I meant to check out the Cerritos farmer's market today. I wonder if I should go. They're going to close soon and it'll take me a while to get there. It turns out the bus I had intended to use to get there doesn't run on Saturdays! You know, I don't need anything, except lemons. I could stay home. On the other hand, it would be nice to see what kinds of things they have so I can plan for shopping there in the future.
I've still got Charles' bike in the garage and still haven't done any actual rides with it. I've been too worried. The last few times I've ridden a bike my knee's ended up really hurting. I don't know if it's a knee problem, or a problem with the bike (I gave that one away), or just the fact I was trying to ride it in the desert. Charles' has been frustrated that I haven't used it. So, maybe it's time. The farmer's market isn't that far away. Also, I don't *have* to go. If my knee starts hurting I can stop and walk home. I'll do it!
I grab my hat, a few fold-able bags and my new backpack (because it's the empty one), adjust the straps enough to be able to wear it on a bike and head out to the garage for the bike.
I'm almost to the farmer's market. I forgot to wear a bike helmet! I hope I don't get in trouble for not wearing one! My knee's doing OK. The bike is really uncomfortable though. The seat is hard and hurts, and I have to stretch more than is comfortable for the handlebars. One thing I'm realizing is that the scooter is fun for me and the bike isn't. I wonder how I make it fun?
I'm at the farmer's market. It's a lot bigger than the Norwalk one! I forgot to bring a bike lock. So, I'm walking the bike around with me. My knees aren't all that happy with walking. I assume that will wear off as I walk around. While the farmer's market is bigger than my home one, it doesn't seem to have as many organics. There are a couple of stands with organic fruit, but I don't see any that has only organic vegetables. I buy tomatoes, lemons, and some nectarines.
All my purchases are in the foldable bags (much easier than trying to load the backpack while purchasing.) After I leave the farmer's market, I sit down in the shade and pack everything into my backpack, adjust the straps correctly then head off for home.
One cool thing about the bike, compared to the scooter is that large bumps or height changes in the concrete don't mean anything to the bike. I just went over a 4 inch change in the concrete height. I hadn't noticed it till the last minute. To the bike it was nothing. If I were using the scooter, I could easily have wound up on the ground.
I'm home, but exhausted. I turn on Beakman's world and lay down on the couch to relax for a bit. The Momma cat lays down near me on the floor.
Wow! I've spent all afternoon sleeping! I hadn't known I was that short on sleep! I'm still tired too. I'm heading off to bed!
I've seen the Momma cat around the last couple days. I guess the people I encouraged to adopt her didn't. That's a shame. I've got to catch her and get her off the property. I'm walking around looking for her now. There she is! Out near the cars! She's not coming to me. She's more skittish than she's been. I wonder what happened? I sit down on the asphalt and wait, while calling her. That did it. She finally came to me and let me pick her up.
OK. Now I have a feral kitten ensconced under the bathroom sink, and a friendly momma cat walking around in my living room. What the heck am I going to do?! One thing's for sure. I have to either find a home for her or send her to animal control. I can't let her out again.
I guess the first thing to do is give her a flea bath. That way I'll feel better about having her in my apartment.
I'm bathing her in the kitchen sink. This time I remembered to put dish soap in the water to break the surface tension and drown the fleas. I'm using flea shampoo too (Magic Coat.) She's not happy about getting a bath, but is putting up with it. Her ears are pointed back a bit, showing her displeasure. The bath water's turning dark. She definitely needed it!
The bath's over. I'm using a flea comb on her. I'm still finding live fleas. I don't think the flea shampoo did any better than just giving her a bath in soapy water would have. I guess I shouldn't have gone with the cheapest one!
Well, since I'm in "the mode," I should give the kitten a flea bath. I've been procrastinating that one.
I've got the bathroom sink filled with soapy water. I'm wearing a long sleeved top and my gardening gloves, both to protect me from teeth and claws. I'm ready for the flea bath! I don't like the idea of grabbing him out of the bath salt box, he feels safe there and that could make it so he doesn't feel safe any more. However, I want to do the bath now, while I'm prepared and that's where he is.
He wasn't hard to get. He didn't try to bite me, just kept scrunching down farther into the box. Poor little thing!
Giving the kitten a flea bath with gardening gloves on isn't working. I have to take one of the gloves off to do the shampoo. He isn't trying to scratch or bite me. He is occasionally trying to slink out of the water. Cats have this way of doing that, somehow thinking you won't notice. It's still too awkward. I'm taking off the second glove now. As I'm holding his body underwater, all the fleas are trying to head for "dry land"... which is his face. I'm using the flea comb to pick fleas off his face and then dunk them in a mug of soapy water. It's not easy. Sometimes I have to try 3 or 5 times to actually get the flea in the comb. But, I want those things off! He's not happy with the process, but is putting up with it.
We got through that OK (well, I did anyway, I don't know that he would say the same.) I'm forcing him to sit here, on top of a towel on my lap while I dry him and use the flea comb, checking for more fleas. He's fed up and just wants to get away. I let him go. He goes back into the cabinet under the sink and hides, licking himself, drying off his way.
I need a break. I meant to check out the Cerritos farmer's market today. I wonder if I should go. They're going to close soon and it'll take me a while to get there. It turns out the bus I had intended to use to get there doesn't run on Saturdays! You know, I don't need anything, except lemons. I could stay home. On the other hand, it would be nice to see what kinds of things they have so I can plan for shopping there in the future.
I've still got Charles' bike in the garage and still haven't done any actual rides with it. I've been too worried. The last few times I've ridden a bike my knee's ended up really hurting. I don't know if it's a knee problem, or a problem with the bike (I gave that one away), or just the fact I was trying to ride it in the desert. Charles' has been frustrated that I haven't used it. So, maybe it's time. The farmer's market isn't that far away. Also, I don't *have* to go. If my knee starts hurting I can stop and walk home. I'll do it!
I grab my hat, a few fold-able bags and my new backpack (because it's the empty one), adjust the straps enough to be able to wear it on a bike and head out to the garage for the bike.
I'm almost to the farmer's market. I forgot to wear a bike helmet! I hope I don't get in trouble for not wearing one! My knee's doing OK. The bike is really uncomfortable though. The seat is hard and hurts, and I have to stretch more than is comfortable for the handlebars. One thing I'm realizing is that the scooter is fun for me and the bike isn't. I wonder how I make it fun?
I'm at the farmer's market. It's a lot bigger than the Norwalk one! I forgot to bring a bike lock. So, I'm walking the bike around with me. My knees aren't all that happy with walking. I assume that will wear off as I walk around. While the farmer's market is bigger than my home one, it doesn't seem to have as many organics. There are a couple of stands with organic fruit, but I don't see any that has only organic vegetables. I buy tomatoes, lemons, and some nectarines.
All my purchases are in the foldable bags (much easier than trying to load the backpack while purchasing.) After I leave the farmer's market, I sit down in the shade and pack everything into my backpack, adjust the straps correctly then head off for home.
One cool thing about the bike, compared to the scooter is that large bumps or height changes in the concrete don't mean anything to the bike. I just went over a 4 inch change in the concrete height. I hadn't noticed it till the last minute. To the bike it was nothing. If I were using the scooter, I could easily have wound up on the ground.
I'm home, but exhausted. I turn on Beakman's world and lay down on the couch to relax for a bit. The Momma cat lays down near me on the floor.
Wow! I've spent all afternoon sleeping! I hadn't known I was that short on sleep! I'm still tired too. I'm heading off to bed!
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