Saturday - 3/31/12
Shoot! I remembered last night, before I left, then forgot! I told Karen I'd check out the park-and-ride I'd found, to make sure it was a good place to meet (easy in and out and looks safe) and email her last night. I was going to check it on the way home from last night's event. I guess I need to throw on clothes and run over there! I hope I'll get the information to her in time! So much for having time at home to prepare for today!
I'd researched park and rides. I was tempted to have her meet me at the one at the 91 and the 5. I know where that is. No research needed. My bus stops there all the time. The entrance seems confusing though. There's also a lot of space. It might not be easy to find someone there. I don't think she's happy about picking me up. She wanted to meet at Evelynn's place, but that's 40 minutes south of me and doesn't make since when we're going North. I want to make picking me up easy. I'm grateful to not be driving up to Simi Valley in the truck. The company's paying for her gas too. How cool is that?! I searched on the computer and found a park and ride at Lakewood blvd. On Google it looks perfect. Now, I'm going to check it in person. I'd been planning to do that on the way home last night.
It's perfect! The instructions to get here and to find me will be easy! I'll email her the second I get home!
I'm glad I checked it out in person. The trip cut way into my day though. I'm supposed to go to Prakriti's and help her with her computer before I head off to meet them for the event. I don't think I'll have time to come home between. I'll have to bring clothes and change at Prakriti's before I leave.
It's getting later and later. I'm having trouble getting around, moving slowly. I just called Prakriti and told her I'd be late.
At Prakriti's, there isn't much time. I'm not sure why I came. There's too little time to do much of anything. I guess I wanted to make sure she's doing OK with the transcription and she is. She's not sure why I came either!
We talk for a bit, then I answer a few questions. Time to change! Now off to the park and ride to meet Karen and Evelynn. I'm getting hungry. I'm glad I grabbed yesterday's leftovers! I'll be able to eat in the truck while I wait.
The traffic on the 5 is horrible. I wish I could tell them to go a different way and have us meet somewhere else. There's no way I can change the meeting place now though. So, I just keep going. Finally at the park and ride, I park the truck, sit back and eat.
It seems like it's been forever. I didn't get a confirmation back that she'd gotten my email. I know the traffic was bad, but it seems like they should have been here by now. I hope they're coming. I wonder what I should do if they don't come? Should I try and find the event on my own, or go home, or? I decide to have faith that they're coming, stay here and wait.
I don't remember what her car looks like. I can see the freeway off ramp from here. I'm watching every car that comes off of the ramp. That's not them, it's a man and woman. The next car that pulls up pulls over next to the couple, they get in, then they all drive off.
Maybe that's it! I think it looks like her car.... no, it just turned into the gas station.
There they are! Cool! They got my email and I get to go work!
We're at the Ronald Reagan library in Simi Valley. I've never been here before. The building we're in has one wall that's all windows, looking out into the valley. Air Force One is sitting here, inside the building. I'm sitting at a long table, protected, under it's wing. They're letting people tour Air Force One, a few at a time. If I get a break later, I'd love to go inside!
This is my first event where there isn't anything for me to eat. The event's providing spaghetti with meatballs to the help. Eileen handed me an extra salad last night for tonight and I forgot to bring it. So, it's my own fault! I did bring a snack with me, that will have to do!
Wow. Tonight feels like the opposite of last night. Last night's event went so smoothly. So well. I had a lot of fun there too. Tonight's event hasn't gone smoothly. They didn't get us the names for registration until after registration was to have started. We had to send people into the silent auction without bidder numbers and tell them to come back later. Then, one of our charge machines didn't sync with the computer. It's OK. The information's still stored, but I had to do a lot of work to create temporary print outs. Then, I forgot they needed a second print out. So had to do it all over again. The whole night's gone that way. I feel like I screwed up a lot. I hope I didn't screw up as much as I feel like I did!
It's the end of the night. I'm tired. I think we made everything look easy even though there were glitches. I'm glad. That's what I like to do, make things look seamless and easy. I'm tired. I'm glad I'm not the one driving home. Going home, Evelynn and Karen are talking in the front seat of the car. I'm sitting in the back, occasionally inputting, occasionally nodding off for a bit.
Finally we're to the park and ride. I'm almost home. I get to sleep as late tomorrow as I can! I've scheduled tomorrow as a day of rest!
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