
Recuperating - 3/6/12

Tuesday - 3/6/12

It's 1:30 in the afternoon.  I'm still in my bright red PJs.  They have multicolored hearts and flowers all over.  This is my comfy pair.  I like to wear them when I'm loafing around the house.  A part of me had hoped I would spend today getting everything done, posting items on eBay, cleaning, etc...  The reality is:  I'm low on sleep from the last few nights.  This is my only "down" day this week.  It seems right for me to spend it "being lazy."

I spent quite a bit of time playing Farmville on Facebook.  I'm into it lately, though I'm not sure why.  I guess part of the reason I'm playing it is that I like to figure out what attracts me.  It isn't the cute unicorns or anything.  I like them.  I enjoy collecting them.  In the end, though, I don't even put them on my farm unless I have a day when I'm really into decorating.  My mind seems to like doing the quests.  I think that's partly why this year of doing something different became a "quest" in my mind.  Maybe somehow we all need a quest.

I've decided to just give into having a day of relaxation, allow it to happen, and enjoy.

I'm eating lunch (stir fried zucchini and tomatoes with rice and a green salad on the side,) while watching an episode of Beakman's world.  Interesting how the world has changed in such a short time.  They're talking about how phones work and saying that it isn't the sound that travels over the wire, it's the electrical impulse.  I'm wondering how many kids today remember that phones used to have wires.

Now, after eating, I'm extra tired.  I'm going to play a round of Sudoku (which seems to relax me) and take a nap.

It's now 7pm.  I've been relaxing the whole day.  All of a sudden though I'm into movement and getting things done.  I've done the dishes and I'm cleaning the windows and mirrors.  I love it when spontaneous cleaning happens!

I've so enjoyed the day at home.  I'm enjoying my travels too, and being more social, but home is still and always nice.

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