
Rushing To The Transfer - 3/21/12

Wednesday - 3/21/12

I'm asleep.  My cell phone is ringing.  It's loud, demanding attention.  It's not in this room.  Is someone calling because I'm late?!  Through my brain fog and panic I finally realize that can't be.  I'm not due anywhere till later.  I struggle out of bed and go search for the phone.  It's in the bathroom, charging.  I didn't get to it in time.  It was a wrong number, a drugstore.  They left a message for someone else.  It's good the phone woke me up.  I'm late!  Why didn't my alarm go off?!   I checked last night and made sure it was set.  Did I put pm instead of am?

I'm at the Disneyland bus stop.  I forgot to bring the printout of my route.  It's still at home somewhere.  I think the first bus got us here late.  I don't know what that means as far as catching the right transfers.  I'm checking Google Maps to find out what I need to do.  I know it had me getting on the 43 next, but I don't remember the stop after that, or the next bus.  I need to be at Tracye's by 11, but I want to (and have been planning to) get there early.  I don't want her worrying.  Google maps is saying I can't get there until 11 now.  It says I'll get there at 11, but not earlier.  That's frustrating!  If the bus is late, it could make me late!

I'm still trying to find a different route when the 43 comes.  I make a judgement call and get on.  It's harder to find a route while in a moving bus, but at least I'm moving and this is the bus I was originally supposed to take!  Maybe there's a point this bus goes to that I could scooter to Tracye's from.  I use my phone to look at the bus route and it doesn't go close enough to Tracye's.  I'm back to looking for a bus transfer that will get me there.  I finally tell Google Maps that I'm at the transfer point (rather than on the bus to it.)  It tells me there's a bus leaving in just a few minutes.  I'm practically holding my breath as we come up to the bus stop, staring at the display at the front of the bus, watching the minutes tick off.  The 54 is the bus I want.  It will leave in approximately 2 minutes.  I have to wait for a light and cross a busy street to get to that stop.  I'm unfolding the scooter as I'm getting off of the bus.  I can get across the street faster with it.  Several other people are rushing across the street to the 54 bus.  We all manage to make it!  I breathe a sigh of relief!  I'll be at Tracye's about 1/2 hour before she needs to leave.  Nice!

When I get to Tracye's the kids and I go for a walk.  Tracye is up for promotion.  She's going for an interview.  I'll watch them while she's gone.

When Tracye gets back she loans me her car.  I go to Avalon for work.  After Avalon, I stop at Ralph's and buy a bus pass.  I've been reminding and reminding myself that I need to buy another bus pass today.  It's a landmark.  This will be my third bus pass.

I'm doing a sleep-over at Tracye's again tonight.  This time, though, I have her car.  It's great!  I'm enjoying a small car!  I'm normally either driving Charles' truck or the SUV that has the car seats in.  Small cars are more fun in the city!  When I take the bus, I get to Tracye's later and come in at the end of whatever show the kids are watching.  I'm looking forward to getting to watch a whole show with them!

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