
Wednesday - 5/30/12

Wednesday - 5/30/12

I'm thinking about taking the alternate route down to Avalon. I've wanted to try that route, riding the 1. A part of me is saying that I just had quality time at the beach yesterday. I don't feel the absolute pull to go see it today. I have to leave a half hour or forty or so minutes early to take that route. It might be better to have that time here.

I'm creating a spreadsheet for work. It seems like it's taking forever, but I know it will be good when it's done.

Wow. It's almost time to leave for the regular route! I'm definitely not doing the alternate route today!

I fill my water bottles (so far I'm definitely liking the new water bottles by the way,) start the dishwasher, put the water and some homemade bed slices into my backpack, along with my long johns. I almost forgot my phone! I grab it and I'm out the door just barely on time! I'm looking forward to catching the 128 from the close bus stop!

One of my tenants sees me locking my door and stops to ask me a question. It's impossible too. He speaks only korean and I speak only English. A lot of the time we can still manage to get the gist across, but not today. We have up and both went on our separate ways. I'm really hoping I'm in time and trying to hurry. I'm standing, waiting for the traffic to slow so I can cross to the bus stop. The bus comes barreling by! I tried waving, but the bus driver must not have been looking this way.. Or have not been willing to wait. They don't have to.

There's no reason to cross the street now. I like the curvy sidewalks on that side better than the functional ones on this side. I'll have to head down to my alternate stop for the 460 though and this side has sidewalks almost all the way where that one doesn't.

I have, once, made it to the 460 by scooter when I'd missed the 128. That fuels my movement forward. Plus, I'd have to go to this next stop sometime anyway even if it's for the next 460 bus.

I'm feeling so grateful this morning! Even this. It's no big deal. It's sunny and lovely outside, I'm healthy. I know I'll get a bus to Avalon, even if I end up being a little late. Life is good!

I'm to the bus stop. I wonder if I'm on time. There's a lady sitting here at one of the galaxy burger tables. She looks like she's waiting for something, which could mean it's still coming. She could also be waiting for her cousin or something. I check with google maps. It says I've missed the bus, but I know it could be running a few minutes late.

A guy comes up and sits at the other table, obviously waiting. I leave my backpack and scooter on the ground and retreat into the shade of the galexy burger building. I generally try to stay away from this building. It always smells like hamburgers. I'm vegan and don't like the smell. Today though the sun is out and I'm wearing cropped pants and short sleeves with no sun block on. So, the shade is better. Or so I keep trying to convince myself.

Here's the bus! It's definitely running late! It's full too! The curse of the late bus.. They end up picking up people from the scheduled run plus people who were early for the next run.

There's standing room only on the bus. I end up standing near the front. There isn't any way to get back any further. Fortunately, this is one of the buses that has a flat space up under the tv. I put both my backpack and scooter up there to avoid hitting anyone with them.

There's a person standing next to me. I can't decide if she /he is male or female. There are big heavy ratios on the arms (one color only which a police officer one told me could indicate jail time,). There's a short, cropped haircut, there's a lot of extra weight and there are fake diamond studs I the ears.

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