
5/23/12 - Wednesday

5/23/12 - Wednesday I'm still kind of mourning the loss of the use of the truck. I know Charles will still let me borrow it whenever I want to, but without the work to justify the gas expense I'm going to try not to borrow it. I keep thinking about the computer monitor that was for sale at the one goodwill store. I guess I should have gotten it, or at least attempted to see if it worked. I don't have to replace the loaner I have from Greg yet, but probably within the month and $40 was a good price, if it worked.

I've got to water the plants today. They all need it I turned off the water timer yesterday since I rearranged everything. I have to run new drip lines before the sprinklers will be useful again. I know that won't happen this morning. I'm hoping to re-pot a few more plants though. I also have to pack for tonight. I've got a sleepover with Christina tonight and am watching them tomorrow. I just watered the plants! That should hold them! Hopefully I didn't do it too late. I was surprised by how sunny it was. A few burned leaves from watering at the wrong time is still beet tee than killing the plant by not watering though. I've got beans on the stove...cooking to freeze for future meals. I'm surprised how relaxed I am. I'm not done packing or anything but it's just happening, without me stressing about it.

I remember there's an alternate bus route that uses the 1.  I check on it.  I'd have to leave 45 minutes earlier to take that route.  I want to do that sometime, but i don't think I'll be able to do it today.  But, it's all still comfortable.

Got to the 128 bus stop in time.  Then worried about it.  Finally saw a yellow school bus coming and knew that was it.

Went to the bus stop to go to Tracye's, realized I'd forgotten my phone, went back for it.  Thank goodness the office is close!

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