Wednesday - 5/30/12
I'm thinking about taking the alternate route down to Avalon. I've wanted to try that route, riding the 1. A part of me is saying that I just had quality time at the beach yesterday. I don't feel the absolute pull to go see it today. I have to leave a half hour or forty or so minutes early to take that route. It might be better to have that time here.
I'm creating a spreadsheet for work. It seems like it's taking forever, but I know it will be good when it's done.
Wow. It's almost time to leave for the regular route! I'm definitely not doing the alternate route today!
I fill my water bottles (so far I'm definitely liking the new water bottles by the way,) start the dishwasher, put the water and some homemade bed slices into my backpack, along with my long johns. I almost forgot my phone! I grab it and I'm out the door just barely on time! I'm looking forward to catching the 128 from the close bus stop!
One of my tenants sees me locking my door and stops to ask me a question. It's impossible too. He speaks only korean and I speak only English. A lot of the time we can still manage to get the gist across, but not today. We have up and both went on our separate ways. I'm really hoping I'm in time and trying to hurry. I'm standing, waiting for the traffic to slow so I can cross to the bus stop. The bus comes barreling by! I tried waving, but the bus driver must not have been looking this way.. Or have not been willing to wait. They don't have to.
There's no reason to cross the street now. I like the curvy sidewalks on that side better than the functional ones on this side. I'll have to head down to my alternate stop for the 460 though and this side has sidewalks almost all the way where that one doesn't.
I have, once, made it to the 460 by scooter when I'd missed the 128. That fuels my movement forward. Plus, I'd have to go to this next stop sometime anyway even if it's for the next 460 bus.
I'm feeling so grateful this morning! Even this. It's no big deal. It's sunny and lovely outside, I'm healthy. I know I'll get a bus to Avalon, even if I end up being a little late. Life is good!
I'm to the bus stop. I wonder if I'm on time. There's a lady sitting here at one of the galaxy burger tables. She looks like she's waiting for something, which could mean it's still coming. She could also be waiting for her cousin or something. I check with google maps. It says I've missed the bus, but I know it could be running a few minutes late.
A guy comes up and sits at the other table, obviously waiting. I leave my backpack and scooter on the ground and retreat into the shade of the galexy burger building. I generally try to stay away from this building. It always smells like hamburgers. I'm vegan and don't like the smell. Today though the sun is out and I'm wearing cropped pants and short sleeves with no sun block on. So, the shade is better. Or so I keep trying to convince myself.
Here's the bus! It's definitely running late! It's full too! The curse of the late bus.. They end up picking up people from the scheduled run plus people who were early for the next run.
There's standing room only on the bus. I end up standing near the front. There isn't any way to get back any further. Fortunately, this is one of the buses that has a flat space up under the tv. I put both my backpack and scooter up there to avoid hitting anyone with them.
There's a person standing next to me. I can't decide if she /he is male or female. There are big heavy ratios on the arms (one color only which a police officer one told me could indicate jail time,). There's a short, cropped haircut, there's a lot of extra weight and there are fake diamond studs I the ears.
I have debt I'm paying off, and my car needs a new transmission. Rather than fix it, I’m parking the car for a year and working on paying down my debt. This isn't the easiest thing to do, but I am committed to doing that and to being true to myself. I want my kids and grandkids to think of me as someone who was free, who lived her principles and did something different when it was needed. This is about me learning to do something different. I hope others will enjoy and support my progress.
Sunday - 5/27/12
Sunday - 5/27/12
I didn't sleep well last night. It's this holiday bus schedule thing. I can't believe I can't get to Costa Mesa in time to teach class! That's just silly! I think I've decided what to do though. I'm going to go down at 10:30 or 10:45 or whatever and arrive at 1am. I could go to Avalon and sleep on the floor there, or with my head on a desk, but there is no bathroom there, which makes that awkward at best. I could go to the Yoga Center, which has a bathroom, though it would be wrong energy wise to sleep there. So, my current plan is to go to the Yoga Center in the middle of the night and spend the rest of the night meditating until it's time for class. My Guru often says we should give God several hours in a row occasionally to give the connection a chance. Maybe this is that time for me.
The negatives are:
I'll still be trying to do a full day for the rest of Monday, on less sleep.
I'll be traveling by bus later at night than I've traveled before.
I'll have the mile here to the bus stop late at night, which should definitely be safe, but might be cold.
I'll have over a mile on the other side from the last bus stop to the Yoga Center. So, once again I could be really cold.
While I do have a key to the Yoga Center and I do have permission to go in and meditate, I can see some policeman seeing the Yoga Center lights on, when they aren't necessarily on and coming to investigate, or, worse yet, calling someone to tell them they think there is a problem. I really don't want to be arrested or cause anyone to be woken up.
It might be fun to do though. Proving I can manage this, no matter what, and spending extra time meditating.
I'm apparently not as sold on the plan as I thought I was. I've just checked Google maps again and gave it every single area near here. No luck. I can't get there early enough.
I also tried to see if I could go from here to LAX or Long Beach airport and then down from there, but still no luck.
I'm now looking at rental cars. Huh. It turns out that rental car companies are closed during the holidays. Who knew?
OK. I've figured that out. Not all rental car companies are closed for holidays. The ones at the airports stay open. There's no airport near me though. It's looking like I'd have to rent from John Wayne airport (down near where I work) and return it there too. They are open and the rate isn't bad. I can get a rental car from a couple of different companies, averaging about $13 for the day (though I don't know what the mileage restrictions are and if I'm within the restrictions.) So, there would be the car rental and maybe a little money for extra mileage and money for gas to refill the car. I'm thinking maybe $20 to $25 total. Is that worth it?
It would be different if there were a company around here I could rent from. I could pick up the car up here, drive it for tomorrow and return it back up here. This, though, this is a tough call. If I want to do this, I'll have a 3 hour bus trip down to Orange County to pick up the car, then I'll have to drive back here for the night, then tomorrow I'd have to either return the car at noon or after work and either way I'd still have the bus ride back up here. I don't have any errands I need to do either. So, there wouldn't be much benefit for all of that except for extra sleep and an easier time getting to the Yoga Center for class. I guess I'm leaning toward not doing it, toward going down tonight and meditating through the early morning. I'll have to think about this.
Tried taking a nap, had to show apartment.
Tried taking a nap, didn't work, couldn't sleep.
I didn't rent a car. That just didn't make sense. I didn't call anyone to substitute either. I'm getting ready to head down to the Yoga Center now. I'm going to leave the house to catch the 10:22 bus down to Orange County. It's one before the last bus. That way, if anything goes wrong, I've still got a way to get there.
There are maybe 15 people on the bus.
There is a really nice family up on the front bench seat. The couple must be in their early thirtys or late 20s. He's sitting with this arm around her, she's holding the baby. He must be almost a year. They look so happy and loving together. It's good to see.
Wow! We just got to Disneyland. There are tons of people outside waiting for buses! They must have just closed or something.
Most of the people get on the 460 when it comes back to go up to LA. When that bus pulls away it is totally full, with people standing in the aisles.
There aren't that many of us left. I wonder if we are all waiting for the 43. It seems like it's been a long time without it coming. I hadn't checked the schedule to see when it was supposed to come. I just checked and it's not due for another 30 mintues. I guess I'll sit down!
Family that waited for bus forever to only go a couple of blocks!
The holiday / night run of 43 doesn't go quite as far. I had to get off a block sooner than I normally would.
Wow! I think of triangle square as being dead. It can't be totally dead! There a nightclub there on the 2nd floor that is totally rocking the building.
It's almost 1. I've passed 3 different night clubs / bars that are open and rocking. Long ago and far away I would have been part of that crowd. Now I live more with the sun. I'm so used to going to bed early so I can get up early, it was almost a shock to realize all these places are still going this late.
I didn't sleep well last night. It's this holiday bus schedule thing. I can't believe I can't get to Costa Mesa in time to teach class! That's just silly! I think I've decided what to do though. I'm going to go down at 10:30 or 10:45 or whatever and arrive at 1am. I could go to Avalon and sleep on the floor there, or with my head on a desk, but there is no bathroom there, which makes that awkward at best. I could go to the Yoga Center, which has a bathroom, though it would be wrong energy wise to sleep there. So, my current plan is to go to the Yoga Center in the middle of the night and spend the rest of the night meditating until it's time for class. My Guru often says we should give God several hours in a row occasionally to give the connection a chance. Maybe this is that time for me.
The negatives are:
I'll still be trying to do a full day for the rest of Monday, on less sleep.
I'll be traveling by bus later at night than I've traveled before.
I'll have the mile here to the bus stop late at night, which should definitely be safe, but might be cold.
I'll have over a mile on the other side from the last bus stop to the Yoga Center. So, once again I could be really cold.
While I do have a key to the Yoga Center and I do have permission to go in and meditate, I can see some policeman seeing the Yoga Center lights on, when they aren't necessarily on and coming to investigate, or, worse yet, calling someone to tell them they think there is a problem. I really don't want to be arrested or cause anyone to be woken up.
It might be fun to do though. Proving I can manage this, no matter what, and spending extra time meditating.
I'm apparently not as sold on the plan as I thought I was. I've just checked Google maps again and gave it every single area near here. No luck. I can't get there early enough.
I also tried to see if I could go from here to LAX or Long Beach airport and then down from there, but still no luck.
I'm now looking at rental cars. Huh. It turns out that rental car companies are closed during the holidays. Who knew?
OK. I've figured that out. Not all rental car companies are closed for holidays. The ones at the airports stay open. There's no airport near me though. It's looking like I'd have to rent from John Wayne airport (down near where I work) and return it there too. They are open and the rate isn't bad. I can get a rental car from a couple of different companies, averaging about $13 for the day (though I don't know what the mileage restrictions are and if I'm within the restrictions.) So, there would be the car rental and maybe a little money for extra mileage and money for gas to refill the car. I'm thinking maybe $20 to $25 total. Is that worth it?
It would be different if there were a company around here I could rent from. I could pick up the car up here, drive it for tomorrow and return it back up here. This, though, this is a tough call. If I want to do this, I'll have a 3 hour bus trip down to Orange County to pick up the car, then I'll have to drive back here for the night, then tomorrow I'd have to either return the car at noon or after work and either way I'd still have the bus ride back up here. I don't have any errands I need to do either. So, there wouldn't be much benefit for all of that except for extra sleep and an easier time getting to the Yoga Center for class. I guess I'm leaning toward not doing it, toward going down tonight and meditating through the early morning. I'll have to think about this.
Tried taking a nap, had to show apartment.
Tried taking a nap, didn't work, couldn't sleep.
I didn't rent a car. That just didn't make sense. I didn't call anyone to substitute either. I'm getting ready to head down to the Yoga Center now. I'm going to leave the house to catch the 10:22 bus down to Orange County. It's one before the last bus. That way, if anything goes wrong, I've still got a way to get there.
There are maybe 15 people on the bus.
There is a really nice family up on the front bench seat. The couple must be in their early thirtys or late 20s. He's sitting with this arm around her, she's holding the baby. He must be almost a year. They look so happy and loving together. It's good to see.
Wow! We just got to Disneyland. There are tons of people outside waiting for buses! They must have just closed or something.
Most of the people get on the 460 when it comes back to go up to LA. When that bus pulls away it is totally full, with people standing in the aisles.
There aren't that many of us left. I wonder if we are all waiting for the 43. It seems like it's been a long time without it coming. I hadn't checked the schedule to see when it was supposed to come. I just checked and it's not due for another 30 mintues. I guess I'll sit down!
Family that waited for bus forever to only go a couple of blocks!
The holiday / night run of 43 doesn't go quite as far. I had to get off a block sooner than I normally would.
Wow! I think of triangle square as being dead. It can't be totally dead! There a nightclub there on the 2nd floor that is totally rocking the building.
It's almost 1. I've passed 3 different night clubs / bars that are open and rocking. Long ago and far away I would have been part of that crowd. Now I live more with the sun. I'm so used to going to bed early so I can get up early, it was almost a shock to realize all these places are still going this late.
Saturday - 5/26/12 - I Can't Get to The Yoga Center On Monday!
Saturday - 5/26/12
Wow. I woke up this morning, got up, meditated for a bit and then went back to bed and slept an hour and a half more! I must have been really behind on sleep!
The whole "holiday weekend" thing must be catching. I feel very relaxed and like I have a holiday weekend, even though I don't. I just have a normal weekend.
I spent the day doing odds and ends... signing a new lease with an existing tenant, getting the rent package ready for the vacant unit, creating rental ads for the vacant unit, cooking kidney beans for freezing for later. Nothing major.
I took a nap. I figure all together today I've had 3 1/2 or 4 extra hours of sleep. How's that for catching up on sleep?!
I decided to check on that new Amazon card (I'm still floored they would approve me for credit.) I can't find out much about it. Information will come in the mail. Though it seems that it is funded by Chase. That would be wild. I've already got 3 different Chase cards. This would be a 4th. That's funny! Oh well, in some ways I guess that's better. You only have to go to one screen to check all of them. ;-)
I marked down everything I have on eBay (except for the items that aren't mine) for the Memorial day weekend / week, with the sales ending at the end of the month. Hopefully, that will get some things to sell, though I know most people are outside or traveling and aren't home shopping on their computers!
I had this long list of things to do today. Most of it didn't get done. That's OK. I'm enjoying having some time to relax.
Sunday night class for tomorrow is canceled, which means I don't need to travel at all tomorrow. That's a big time saver. I have time to finish things. I guess it is a holiday weekend for me!
All day I've avoided looking at the bus schedule to see when I need to leave for the holiday schedule. It's evening and I'm finally looking at it. This isn't good. Google Maps basically says I can't get to the Yoga Center for Monday morning class. Well, OK, it says I can get there, if I leave at 10:45pm on Sunday night. That's awfully early to leave for a 7:30am class! I check Surely it will come up with something different! Nope. Nothing! I've got a bus book for Long Beach. I'm checking their system. With the scooter I can travel farther, maybe if I caught the 91 or one of those down to Long Beach I could get to the Yoga Center from there. No... the first 91 of the day wouldn't get me to Long Beach in time to make it to the Yoga Center. The first 460 of the day is a whole 1/2 hour after my "late" bus. That means I probably can't make it to the Yoga Center before 8am and the 43 is running fewer route too, so it might be later than that. How funny! Had I known, I would have canceled class. I don't know what to do now. I have people counting on me to be there. Everyone who would normally help in a crisis is out of town too.
I know Charles is off at the Lightening in a Bottle festival. I try calling him anyway. There is a chance he didn't take the truck and there is a chance the key is somewhere I could find it. He doesn't answer. He doesn't keep his phone with him on a normal day. Even I don't have my phone with me at festivals. I'm sure I won't be able to get him. I'm not ready to put gas in the truck, either, not with having less work during the summer. It would be better than just not showing up for class though.
I could call either RK Das or Radha and ask if they are available to substitute. I don't want to though. It's a holiday. I made a choice to keep the class going during the holiday. It's not fair to ask them at the last minute. They didn't make that choice.
Sometimes Google will give you different answers depending on where you are. I'm checking different areas around here, just in case I could get there from one of those areas. No luck.
Well, I bet I could sleep over at Charles'. It's not as good as staying home, but if I could then get to the Yoga Center in time, i'd be worth it. Nope. Google Maps says that doesn't work either.
Tracye wouldn't mind having me sleep over there for a night. There's the 71 that goes right by there. Huh. The 71 isn't running that early either.
I'm not sure what to do now. Maybe I'll look into prices to rent a car. If I could pick a car up late enough on Sunday I'd only have to rent it for one day.
You know what happens when you panic? Things that are normally right there hide from you. I was going to find the coupons in the Entertainment book and then call and find out car rental prices. I can't find the book though!
I guess I need to let this set for a bit. Give myself time to digest my options. I'm just really frustrated right now. None of the options seem good!
Wow. I woke up this morning, got up, meditated for a bit and then went back to bed and slept an hour and a half more! I must have been really behind on sleep!
The whole "holiday weekend" thing must be catching. I feel very relaxed and like I have a holiday weekend, even though I don't. I just have a normal weekend.
I spent the day doing odds and ends... signing a new lease with an existing tenant, getting the rent package ready for the vacant unit, creating rental ads for the vacant unit, cooking kidney beans for freezing for later. Nothing major.
I took a nap. I figure all together today I've had 3 1/2 or 4 extra hours of sleep. How's that for catching up on sleep?!
I decided to check on that new Amazon card (I'm still floored they would approve me for credit.) I can't find out much about it. Information will come in the mail. Though it seems that it is funded by Chase. That would be wild. I've already got 3 different Chase cards. This would be a 4th. That's funny! Oh well, in some ways I guess that's better. You only have to go to one screen to check all of them. ;-)
I marked down everything I have on eBay (except for the items that aren't mine) for the Memorial day weekend / week, with the sales ending at the end of the month. Hopefully, that will get some things to sell, though I know most people are outside or traveling and aren't home shopping on their computers!
I had this long list of things to do today. Most of it didn't get done. That's OK. I'm enjoying having some time to relax.
Sunday night class for tomorrow is canceled, which means I don't need to travel at all tomorrow. That's a big time saver. I have time to finish things. I guess it is a holiday weekend for me!
All day I've avoided looking at the bus schedule to see when I need to leave for the holiday schedule. It's evening and I'm finally looking at it. This isn't good. Google Maps basically says I can't get to the Yoga Center for Monday morning class. Well, OK, it says I can get there, if I leave at 10:45pm on Sunday night. That's awfully early to leave for a 7:30am class! I check Surely it will come up with something different! Nope. Nothing! I've got a bus book for Long Beach. I'm checking their system. With the scooter I can travel farther, maybe if I caught the 91 or one of those down to Long Beach I could get to the Yoga Center from there. No... the first 91 of the day wouldn't get me to Long Beach in time to make it to the Yoga Center. The first 460 of the day is a whole 1/2 hour after my "late" bus. That means I probably can't make it to the Yoga Center before 8am and the 43 is running fewer route too, so it might be later than that. How funny! Had I known, I would have canceled class. I don't know what to do now. I have people counting on me to be there. Everyone who would normally help in a crisis is out of town too.
I know Charles is off at the Lightening in a Bottle festival. I try calling him anyway. There is a chance he didn't take the truck and there is a chance the key is somewhere I could find it. He doesn't answer. He doesn't keep his phone with him on a normal day. Even I don't have my phone with me at festivals. I'm sure I won't be able to get him. I'm not ready to put gas in the truck, either, not with having less work during the summer. It would be better than just not showing up for class though.
I could call either RK Das or Radha and ask if they are available to substitute. I don't want to though. It's a holiday. I made a choice to keep the class going during the holiday. It's not fair to ask them at the last minute. They didn't make that choice.
Sometimes Google will give you different answers depending on where you are. I'm checking different areas around here, just in case I could get there from one of those areas. No luck.
Well, I bet I could sleep over at Charles'. It's not as good as staying home, but if I could then get to the Yoga Center in time, i'd be worth it. Nope. Google Maps says that doesn't work either.
Tracye wouldn't mind having me sleep over there for a night. There's the 71 that goes right by there. Huh. The 71 isn't running that early either.
I'm not sure what to do now. Maybe I'll look into prices to rent a car. If I could pick a car up late enough on Sunday I'd only have to rent it for one day.
You know what happens when you panic? Things that are normally right there hide from you. I was going to find the coupons in the Entertainment book and then call and find out car rental prices. I can't find the book though!
I guess I need to let this set for a bit. Give myself time to digest my options. I'm just really frustrated right now. None of the options seem good!
5/25/12 - Friday part 2
5/25/12 - Friday part 2
I just went on to Amazon to order maple syrup. I use a lot of it since I use it in the bread I bake. So, I order a larger size. Through searching I've discovered that the cheapest I can get it is to buy it from Amazon with a repeating order. I'm out of it now though. So, I'm ordering an extra one. They still give me the repeating order price. It's a great way to shop! It's even delivered to my door so I don't have to worry about transporting something heavy!
When I finish the Amazon order they have an ad for a Amazon Visa card and say if you qualify for it they will give you a $30 amazon credit. I doubt if they would qualify me. I decide to go ahead and try for it. A $30 credit would be great!
Well, that's that. The on-line application came back with a statement that they had to review my account. That generally means "no."
Huh. 30 minutes later and I've just been sent an email that they've approved my credit card application and given me the $30 credit. That's so funny! And, terrific at the same time! They don't say what my credit limit is, but whatever it is, it will help change my debt to credit ratio! Also, with the $30 credit, that will pay for my current order with some left over for the next order! How cool is that?!
I'm sitting in my office watching the trees blow toward me in the wind, thinking the wind will make the trip to the bus stop hard tonight. I might even want to try going to the Wilson bus stop. It's farther away, but the way is a more sheltered from the wind. It will still slow the trip, but I think it would be easier than going directly into the wind to get to Victoria bus stop.
Jim comes in to pay his rent. He likes to track things. He asks me how long I've been doing this now. I tell him I'm not sure, but I think it's four months. He says something about me having eight months left to go. Wow, that feels like a lot. But, it's what I need to do. So, here I am doing it.
I make sure I leave work right on time and head to the Wilson street bus stop. I even stay on the wind side of the street to get a little more protection. Still, it's definitely slower going and my right knee is complaining a bit. Oh well, I've got a long bus ride home for it to recuperate during!
The bus is definitely running on time and there isn't traffic. I debate getting off at Harbor and Katella. There is plenty of time for the transfer today. I could just go on to Disneyland and wait there. That way, if it starts raining I might be able to be under a roof. Naw... I'm so used to getting off here now, and I really don't like that rush across the street and the roof is so high up for those benches that you'll normally get rained on anyway. I get off at the Harbor and Katella stop.
Oh my gosh! I'm not to the bus stop yet. I swear that's the 460 stopped at the stop light! I might not make it! How can that be?! I head off faster on the straightest route (though a parking lot.) I'm here right before the bus! I never would have made it if I'd gone on to the Disneyland stop!
I get on and it's my favorite driver! She works the earlier shift though. I say something about her working a later shift today. She says they were delayed because of a police action. She had to route around an area and it made her 19 minutes late. So, that's it! I'm on the earlier bus, which is running late! Wow! I might manage to get home a little earlier too! That would be terrific! Hah! My getting off at an earlier stop and going to this exit just paid off!
Poor Lady. This driver is spending her whole ride apologizing to people about being late. The bus is packed full and we pick up more people at every stop. Now we have the people who have been waiting a long time for this bus, and the people who got there a bit early for the next bus.
I can't believe it! Friday nights are the worst! They've set up a sobriety check in Buena Park. They've narrowed a 3 lane road down to one lane. It's going to take us forever to get through it! The poor bus driver! She had been trying to make up time. There's no way now!
We're through and headed on. I'll probably be home at my normal time. It's still a blessing to have caught this bus. Who knows when the next bus would be there! They'll probably get slowed down by the same sobriety check.
I decide to ride to my "normal" stop, rather than get off at the earlier one. I'm voting for the shorter distance this time and I'm still not sure I get home any earlier.
My stop is coming up, I think I'm two stops away from being able to get out of this crowd. The bus driver yells back to all of us that if anyone is riding the bus on Monday, the schedule will be the same one as on Sunday. Oops! I hadn't thought of that. Monday is a holiday for a lot of people. It's not a holiday for me though. I wonder how that affects me. Funny that I find out about it now, when I'm almost home. I'm so glad she announced it!
I'm so glad to be home! I don't feel tired. In fact, I'm kind of on-edge. I think it's the thing about the bus schedule. I can't get myself to work on anything either though. I keep going in and sitting on my bed. So, I guess, even though it's a bit early, I'm going to try sleeping.
I just went on to Amazon to order maple syrup. I use a lot of it since I use it in the bread I bake. So, I order a larger size. Through searching I've discovered that the cheapest I can get it is to buy it from Amazon with a repeating order. I'm out of it now though. So, I'm ordering an extra one. They still give me the repeating order price. It's a great way to shop! It's even delivered to my door so I don't have to worry about transporting something heavy!
When I finish the Amazon order they have an ad for a Amazon Visa card and say if you qualify for it they will give you a $30 amazon credit. I doubt if they would qualify me. I decide to go ahead and try for it. A $30 credit would be great!
Well, that's that. The on-line application came back with a statement that they had to review my account. That generally means "no."
Huh. 30 minutes later and I've just been sent an email that they've approved my credit card application and given me the $30 credit. That's so funny! And, terrific at the same time! They don't say what my credit limit is, but whatever it is, it will help change my debt to credit ratio! Also, with the $30 credit, that will pay for my current order with some left over for the next order! How cool is that?!
I'm sitting in my office watching the trees blow toward me in the wind, thinking the wind will make the trip to the bus stop hard tonight. I might even want to try going to the Wilson bus stop. It's farther away, but the way is a more sheltered from the wind. It will still slow the trip, but I think it would be easier than going directly into the wind to get to Victoria bus stop.
Jim comes in to pay his rent. He likes to track things. He asks me how long I've been doing this now. I tell him I'm not sure, but I think it's four months. He says something about me having eight months left to go. Wow, that feels like a lot. But, it's what I need to do. So, here I am doing it.
I make sure I leave work right on time and head to the Wilson street bus stop. I even stay on the wind side of the street to get a little more protection. Still, it's definitely slower going and my right knee is complaining a bit. Oh well, I've got a long bus ride home for it to recuperate during!
The bus is definitely running on time and there isn't traffic. I debate getting off at Harbor and Katella. There is plenty of time for the transfer today. I could just go on to Disneyland and wait there. That way, if it starts raining I might be able to be under a roof. Naw... I'm so used to getting off here now, and I really don't like that rush across the street and the roof is so high up for those benches that you'll normally get rained on anyway. I get off at the Harbor and Katella stop.
Oh my gosh! I'm not to the bus stop yet. I swear that's the 460 stopped at the stop light! I might not make it! How can that be?! I head off faster on the straightest route (though a parking lot.) I'm here right before the bus! I never would have made it if I'd gone on to the Disneyland stop!
I get on and it's my favorite driver! She works the earlier shift though. I say something about her working a later shift today. She says they were delayed because of a police action. She had to route around an area and it made her 19 minutes late. So, that's it! I'm on the earlier bus, which is running late! Wow! I might manage to get home a little earlier too! That would be terrific! Hah! My getting off at an earlier stop and going to this exit just paid off!
Poor Lady. This driver is spending her whole ride apologizing to people about being late. The bus is packed full and we pick up more people at every stop. Now we have the people who have been waiting a long time for this bus, and the people who got there a bit early for the next bus.
I can't believe it! Friday nights are the worst! They've set up a sobriety check in Buena Park. They've narrowed a 3 lane road down to one lane. It's going to take us forever to get through it! The poor bus driver! She had been trying to make up time. There's no way now!
We're through and headed on. I'll probably be home at my normal time. It's still a blessing to have caught this bus. Who knows when the next bus would be there! They'll probably get slowed down by the same sobriety check.
I decide to ride to my "normal" stop, rather than get off at the earlier one. I'm voting for the shorter distance this time and I'm still not sure I get home any earlier.
My stop is coming up, I think I'm two stops away from being able to get out of this crowd. The bus driver yells back to all of us that if anyone is riding the bus on Monday, the schedule will be the same one as on Sunday. Oops! I hadn't thought of that. Monday is a holiday for a lot of people. It's not a holiday for me though. I wonder how that affects me. Funny that I find out about it now, when I'm almost home. I'm so glad she announced it!
I'm so glad to be home! I don't feel tired. In fact, I'm kind of on-edge. I think it's the thing about the bus schedule. I can't get myself to work on anything either though. I keep going in and sitting on my bed. So, I guess, even though it's a bit early, I'm going to try sleeping.
5/25/12 - Friday
5/25/12 - Friday
I'm having trouble getting myself out of bed. It seems way too early, like I just went to bed. The alarm just went off though. It's 3:15 in the morning and I need to get up and moving. How many pep talks can you give yourself before you actually get out of bed. The thing that finally did it for me was reminding myself that I needed to get a deposit together for this job before I leave. I've got to get moving!
It seems colder this morning than it's been so I've decided to wear my silk long johns. The only problem is that I can't find the bottoms. This is a real statement about the fact that I should find and lay out my clothes the night before! I'm not going to miss the bus just because I can't find my long johns, and I don't want to be cold either! I'm searching everywhere for them and can't find them. Oh wait! I've found my lighter-weight pair here in the drawer. These will have to do!
I'm finally leaving. I even found my fold-able headset so I don't have to go without sound. Heck, it's right at 4:30. I think I can make it to the "normal" stop this time. I haven't left from there in ages!
Scootering to the bus stop in the darkness with my flashing lights blinking, I see something white on the sidewalk up ahead. it looks like a cloth or a bag or something. I don't like the way people leave trash around! I get up to it and find that it's a dead cat. Poor thing. It stinks too. I don't know what to do and I don't want to be late for Yoga Class. I step off of the sidewalk and walk around it on the street and say a prayer for it, then continue on my way. I can't get the rotting cat smell out of my lungs.
Up ahead is a house that has it's sprinklers going. I'm going to rush through and try not to get wet. Shoot! That made me remember the internet last night had said there was a chance of rain for today. I didn't bring any of my rain gear with me!
I'm to the bus stop with plenty of time!
On the bus I sit down next to a woman who is sleeping. She wakes up a little and moves her stuff. Three weren't many places to sit or I would have let her sleep and sat somewhere else. As soon as a full seat came open I moved over and let my bench partner have the whole seat back. She curled up on it, looking like a little girl curled up in an armchair.
We just drove through some rain. It was brief. We're out of it already. I hope that's not an omen for the day. I don't want to go through the day drenched!
I had this weird idea pop into my head during yoga today. Instead of leaving the car unfixed and sitting in the garage, I might be able to fix it and lease it out to someone for the rest of the year. I don't know how to do that or find the right person to lease it, or anything, but it's an idea. If I could do something like that the car could earn it's own repair money. It would be weird to have someone else driving my car, but still... It's too bad I don't know anyone in town for 6 to 8 months who needs to lease a car.
I'm done with my Yoga Classes. I'm always in such a good mood afterward. A part of me just wants to stay here and relax. It isn't raining yet, but it does look like rain. I think I'll be better off heading out to Avalon and hopefully getting there before the rain. I check Google Maps to see when I should leave. They say I should leave now. That all great, but I'm not quite ready. I pack up my things and head out the door hoping I can still make it, and watch the bus drive by. Having missed the bus, I decide to go back in and re-think what I'm doing. I check Google again, there isn't another bus for 30 minutes.
I've been thinking about stopping at Trader Joe's. The bus I was going to catch goes right by there. Now that I have a toaster oven at work I can easily pick up a frozen burrito and cook it for lunch (yay! Healthier food!) It's gray and cloudy outside, but it's not raining yet. I think I'm going to take off for Trader Joe's on my scooter and then catch the bus from there for the rest of the trip.
I'm having trouble getting myself out of bed. It seems way too early, like I just went to bed. The alarm just went off though. It's 3:15 in the morning and I need to get up and moving. How many pep talks can you give yourself before you actually get out of bed. The thing that finally did it for me was reminding myself that I needed to get a deposit together for this job before I leave. I've got to get moving!
It seems colder this morning than it's been so I've decided to wear my silk long johns. The only problem is that I can't find the bottoms. This is a real statement about the fact that I should find and lay out my clothes the night before! I'm not going to miss the bus just because I can't find my long johns, and I don't want to be cold either! I'm searching everywhere for them and can't find them. Oh wait! I've found my lighter-weight pair here in the drawer. These will have to do!
I'm finally leaving. I even found my fold-able headset so I don't have to go without sound. Heck, it's right at 4:30. I think I can make it to the "normal" stop this time. I haven't left from there in ages!
Scootering to the bus stop in the darkness with my flashing lights blinking, I see something white on the sidewalk up ahead. it looks like a cloth or a bag or something. I don't like the way people leave trash around! I get up to it and find that it's a dead cat. Poor thing. It stinks too. I don't know what to do and I don't want to be late for Yoga Class. I step off of the sidewalk and walk around it on the street and say a prayer for it, then continue on my way. I can't get the rotting cat smell out of my lungs.
Up ahead is a house that has it's sprinklers going. I'm going to rush through and try not to get wet. Shoot! That made me remember the internet last night had said there was a chance of rain for today. I didn't bring any of my rain gear with me!
I'm to the bus stop with plenty of time!
On the bus I sit down next to a woman who is sleeping. She wakes up a little and moves her stuff. Three weren't many places to sit or I would have let her sleep and sat somewhere else. As soon as a full seat came open I moved over and let my bench partner have the whole seat back. She curled up on it, looking like a little girl curled up in an armchair.
We just drove through some rain. It was brief. We're out of it already. I hope that's not an omen for the day. I don't want to go through the day drenched!
I had this weird idea pop into my head during yoga today. Instead of leaving the car unfixed and sitting in the garage, I might be able to fix it and lease it out to someone for the rest of the year. I don't know how to do that or find the right person to lease it, or anything, but it's an idea. If I could do something like that the car could earn it's own repair money. It would be weird to have someone else driving my car, but still... It's too bad I don't know anyone in town for 6 to 8 months who needs to lease a car.
I'm done with my Yoga Classes. I'm always in such a good mood afterward. A part of me just wants to stay here and relax. It isn't raining yet, but it does look like rain. I think I'll be better off heading out to Avalon and hopefully getting there before the rain. I check Google Maps to see when I should leave. They say I should leave now. That all great, but I'm not quite ready. I pack up my things and head out the door hoping I can still make it, and watch the bus drive by. Having missed the bus, I decide to go back in and re-think what I'm doing. I check Google again, there isn't another bus for 30 minutes.
I've been thinking about stopping at Trader Joe's. The bus I was going to catch goes right by there. Now that I have a toaster oven at work I can easily pick up a frozen burrito and cook it for lunch (yay! Healthier food!) It's gray and cloudy outside, but it's not raining yet. I think I'm going to take off for Trader Joe's on my scooter and then catch the bus from there for the rest of the trip.
5/24/12 - Thursday
5/24/12 - Thursday
I've got the kids today. I did a sleepover at their house last night. Now, Logan and I are walking Christina to school. We left just on time. I'm having to limit the amount of things we look at so we can make it to school on time. Stopping to maybe look at a bird's nest, yes, well, some things you just have to do. Stopping to look at the 10,000th pill bug... Not this trip!
We made it to school on time! The kids are playing with a girl who has built a castle out of blocks. Next comes circle time and then Logan and I walk slowly home.
The walk home is much more relaxed than the walk there. Logan keeps coming back to hold my hand. We walk that way for awhile and then he let's go to rescue a pill big or two. I was expecting today to be sunny. It's not. It's gray and cloudy. I think we could still do something outside if we wanted. Oh wait! There is the "great park" and it's hot air balloon rides. I wonder if they are operating today? It might be a perfect day to do that. The grayness might keep people away. I've been really wanting to do it too. I've never ridden on a hot air balloon and I've always wanted to.
We just picked up Christina and we're driving to the great park. I'm driving the Honda pilot, the car that stays with my grandkids. I'm not telling them where we are going, just that we are going someplace different to see if it is fun. I've learned that it's better not to get them hyped up for what we are doing unless I'm absolutely sure we will do it. The web site aaid they do the rides on Thursday's until 3. But, you have to get On. Waiting list for a ride (which could be totally booked up) and I don't know if they take kids. Heck, the web site said sometimes the balloon ride won't run because of weather. So it might not be running today.
We're almost to the park. The kids have seen the Hot air balloon and have been excited about seeing it. We are parking now. I finally tell them that I'm hoping we can take a balloon ride. At least I know the ride is running! We go Into the building. They stamp our hands for the carousel and give us a pager for the balloon ride. The guy who gave us the pager told us not to get on the carousel right away. They will be paging us for the balloon ride soon! I'm excited! The balloon just goes up in the air on a tether and then back down, but I'm still really happy to be doing it!
The area we are riding in is a circular walk, with a hole in the middle. We can watch in and watch the tether being reeled out, or watch out and see how small everything is from up here. You can see that a lot of the airstrip is still here, something I didn't know.
After the balloon ride the kids played at the play area and we ate the snacks I brought. Now, we are riding the carousel. I'm still amazed that all of this is free! How wonderful! They have a art gallery with prints of photos of textures... Photos of the park at various stages. The kids aren't interested in this at all, but the show is in a large empty room and there isn't anyone else here. I let the kids run around inside while I walk around looking at all the photos.
The garden area has a cage with chickens. The kids are very interested in them. I'm more interested in the garden area. They have some lovely plants here!
Both kids fell asleep on the way home. I love carrying them into bed and tucking them in. It's one of my fond memories from childhood. So I like to give them fond memories too.
After I woke the kids up we went for a walk, and then came back and bounced on the trampoline. I'm certainly getting my exercise today! It's time for me to leave. I have such a hard time leaving them. I kiss everyone goodbye and leave.
I haven't been watching the time at all. I figure I'll check the schedule when I get to the bus stop. I'm almost to the bus stop. I just have to cross the street and go down a block. Oops! That's the bus! It just passed me! There is no rush now. There Won't be another bus for at least 20 minutes. What do I want to do? I would normally just go ahead, cross the street and wait. I don't feel like waiting. Sometimes, if you change your position google maps will change the options it's giving you. The 54 is the bus I'm supposed to get on. It drives straight down chapman. I decide to go down chapman for a ways, maybe to downtown orange to see if google will give me different options. It would be fun to try a different way!
I'm passing a bus stop. I'm not quite to downtown yet. The marker at the bus stop says this one is only for the 54. So I know google would just give me the same options from here. I keep going At the downtown circle. I'm going to find a bus stop (there must be one somewhere here) and then check google maps. Hey! That's a bus! No time for me to find a bus stop, or catch it, but now I know some other bus comes downtown. I can look it up for future reference. I check google maps, it still wants me to get on the 54.
I'm at the road that goes to the train station I think a few different buses go here. Hey! That's the 54 coming out of that road. Were they parked at the train station this whole time?! There's no way for me to get to a bus stop to catch it! I should have gone to the bus stop before I started checking with google! Oops! How funny! The bus just turned the other way! I had so wanted to be on the bus... Going the wrong way! I'm glad I wasn't near the bus stop! I'll have to remember that both buses come down the road to the train station! I go on to the bus stop and check google maps again. It still wants me to get on the 54. This is getting monotonous! I've got 20 minutes before the bus comes. I decide to keep heading down the road. I'll have to be careful and watch the time. I can check the time every time I come to a bus stop so I won't miss the bus. I just don't feel like standing and waiting and it's fun to check and see if there are options.
I've passed a couple of bus stops. They only served the 54. I'm starting to think I should just stop at the next bus stop where ever that is. Well! That's what happens when you question the quest you are on! The universe reaches up and trips you and all of a sudden you're on the cement! How funny! The timing was perfect! The minute I started questioning going forward, I went down! Fortunately, I'm not hurt (well, other than a bruised ego). I get up and continue forward.
Hey! I'm at chapman and main! There's definitely at least one other bus that comes here! I check google maps, it says I should still get on the 54. How funny! Hey! There's a number 53 bus! I could catch it if I want.. Take it and see where it goes and what connections I could get to go home. I remind myself that I get up very early tomorrow. It might not be a good day to just get on a random bus. I decide to let it pass and cross the street to the bus stop for the 54. There is only 8 minutes till the bus is due. No time to go to another stop. I sit down to wait and pull out a protein bar to munch on
At the stop for the next bus, the 43. There's a black lady in her 50s looking at the bus schedule book. The 20 something white male asks her when the bus is due. It's due now. I tell them this one is always running a few minutes late, that it will be here any time. She and I start talking buses and she mentions the 460. I ask where she lives, she says la. Her car died. She had loaned money to a friend right before that. Now she is having to ride the bus while she try's to get the money back from her friend. I notice that she's holding an OC day pass. I tell her if she's going to ride the bus for longer she should get an OC monthly pass. I explain that it covers both the 460 and the 62. She says she isn't going to be Riding the bus much longer. And she's having trouble handling thee 3 hour commute. She asks about prices. When I tell her the 30 day octa pass is only $55 she says she could have saved a lot of money doing that. She's been riding the bus down to work for two month's now, buying a daily pass each day. The bus finally comes. We continue talking about buses and bus passes. She thinks even if the pass covered her going up to la it wouldn't cover her coming back down. I tell her that it does. You have to turn on the pass (use it for the first trip) in orange county. After that you're OK. She's asking me why I'm riding the bus. I explain, but she doesn't understand. She does understand that my car's broken. She starts asking questions, interested in maybe buying it. I tell her my plan is to keep it. It's not for sale.
We're almost to Katella and harbor. I normally get off there nowadays and go to my alternate Disneyland stop. That way I miss the frenetic mob crossing the street at Disneyland and if the schedule is tight it gives me an extra minute or two to make it. We've got plenty of time to catch the 460 today and she is riding it too. Without a scooter the alternate way doesn't make sense. So I don't tell her about that. I'm debating staying on till Disneyland so we can keep talking. In the end I opt to get off and head to the alternate stop. I don't have long to wait till the bus comes. When I get on, at first I don't see the lady I was talking with. Oh there she is, in the back. We smile at each other and I sit down. I'm thinking about taking the alternate bus stop for home. I'm still in the mood for exercise and it is a little farther to home from there. It's cold outside though and I have had quite a bit of exercise. I decide to take my "regular" stop. I haven't gone that way in ages. That way I can time how long it takes me to get home too. It's exactly 11 after when I get off the bus.
I've got the kids today. I did a sleepover at their house last night. Now, Logan and I are walking Christina to school. We left just on time. I'm having to limit the amount of things we look at so we can make it to school on time. Stopping to maybe look at a bird's nest, yes, well, some things you just have to do. Stopping to look at the 10,000th pill bug... Not this trip!
We made it to school on time! The kids are playing with a girl who has built a castle out of blocks. Next comes circle time and then Logan and I walk slowly home.
The walk home is much more relaxed than the walk there. Logan keeps coming back to hold my hand. We walk that way for awhile and then he let's go to rescue a pill big or two. I was expecting today to be sunny. It's not. It's gray and cloudy. I think we could still do something outside if we wanted. Oh wait! There is the "great park" and it's hot air balloon rides. I wonder if they are operating today? It might be a perfect day to do that. The grayness might keep people away. I've been really wanting to do it too. I've never ridden on a hot air balloon and I've always wanted to.
We just picked up Christina and we're driving to the great park. I'm driving the Honda pilot, the car that stays with my grandkids. I'm not telling them where we are going, just that we are going someplace different to see if it is fun. I've learned that it's better not to get them hyped up for what we are doing unless I'm absolutely sure we will do it. The web site aaid they do the rides on Thursday's until 3. But, you have to get On. Waiting list for a ride (which could be totally booked up) and I don't know if they take kids. Heck, the web site said sometimes the balloon ride won't run because of weather. So it might not be running today.
We're almost to the park. The kids have seen the Hot air balloon and have been excited about seeing it. We are parking now. I finally tell them that I'm hoping we can take a balloon ride. At least I know the ride is running! We go Into the building. They stamp our hands for the carousel and give us a pager for the balloon ride. The guy who gave us the pager told us not to get on the carousel right away. They will be paging us for the balloon ride soon! I'm excited! The balloon just goes up in the air on a tether and then back down, but I'm still really happy to be doing it!
The area we are riding in is a circular walk, with a hole in the middle. We can watch in and watch the tether being reeled out, or watch out and see how small everything is from up here. You can see that a lot of the airstrip is still here, something I didn't know.
After the balloon ride the kids played at the play area and we ate the snacks I brought. Now, we are riding the carousel. I'm still amazed that all of this is free! How wonderful! They have a art gallery with prints of photos of textures... Photos of the park at various stages. The kids aren't interested in this at all, but the show is in a large empty room and there isn't anyone else here. I let the kids run around inside while I walk around looking at all the photos.
The garden area has a cage with chickens. The kids are very interested in them. I'm more interested in the garden area. They have some lovely plants here!
Both kids fell asleep on the way home. I love carrying them into bed and tucking them in. It's one of my fond memories from childhood. So I like to give them fond memories too.
After I woke the kids up we went for a walk, and then came back and bounced on the trampoline. I'm certainly getting my exercise today! It's time for me to leave. I have such a hard time leaving them. I kiss everyone goodbye and leave.
I haven't been watching the time at all. I figure I'll check the schedule when I get to the bus stop. I'm almost to the bus stop. I just have to cross the street and go down a block. Oops! That's the bus! It just passed me! There is no rush now. There Won't be another bus for at least 20 minutes. What do I want to do? I would normally just go ahead, cross the street and wait. I don't feel like waiting. Sometimes, if you change your position google maps will change the options it's giving you. The 54 is the bus I'm supposed to get on. It drives straight down chapman. I decide to go down chapman for a ways, maybe to downtown orange to see if google will give me different options. It would be fun to try a different way!
I'm passing a bus stop. I'm not quite to downtown yet. The marker at the bus stop says this one is only for the 54. So I know google would just give me the same options from here. I keep going At the downtown circle. I'm going to find a bus stop (there must be one somewhere here) and then check google maps. Hey! That's a bus! No time for me to find a bus stop, or catch it, but now I know some other bus comes downtown. I can look it up for future reference. I check google maps, it still wants me to get on the 54.
I'm at the road that goes to the train station I think a few different buses go here. Hey! That's the 54 coming out of that road. Were they parked at the train station this whole time?! There's no way for me to get to a bus stop to catch it! I should have gone to the bus stop before I started checking with google! Oops! How funny! The bus just turned the other way! I had so wanted to be on the bus... Going the wrong way! I'm glad I wasn't near the bus stop! I'll have to remember that both buses come down the road to the train station! I go on to the bus stop and check google maps again. It still wants me to get on the 54. This is getting monotonous! I've got 20 minutes before the bus comes. I decide to keep heading down the road. I'll have to be careful and watch the time. I can check the time every time I come to a bus stop so I won't miss the bus. I just don't feel like standing and waiting and it's fun to check and see if there are options.
I've passed a couple of bus stops. They only served the 54. I'm starting to think I should just stop at the next bus stop where ever that is. Well! That's what happens when you question the quest you are on! The universe reaches up and trips you and all of a sudden you're on the cement! How funny! The timing was perfect! The minute I started questioning going forward, I went down! Fortunately, I'm not hurt (well, other than a bruised ego). I get up and continue forward.
Hey! I'm at chapman and main! There's definitely at least one other bus that comes here! I check google maps, it says I should still get on the 54. How funny! Hey! There's a number 53 bus! I could catch it if I want.. Take it and see where it goes and what connections I could get to go home. I remind myself that I get up very early tomorrow. It might not be a good day to just get on a random bus. I decide to let it pass and cross the street to the bus stop for the 54. There is only 8 minutes till the bus is due. No time to go to another stop. I sit down to wait and pull out a protein bar to munch on
At the stop for the next bus, the 43. There's a black lady in her 50s looking at the bus schedule book. The 20 something white male asks her when the bus is due. It's due now. I tell them this one is always running a few minutes late, that it will be here any time. She and I start talking buses and she mentions the 460. I ask where she lives, she says la. Her car died. She had loaned money to a friend right before that. Now she is having to ride the bus while she try's to get the money back from her friend. I notice that she's holding an OC day pass. I tell her if she's going to ride the bus for longer she should get an OC monthly pass. I explain that it covers both the 460 and the 62. She says she isn't going to be Riding the bus much longer. And she's having trouble handling thee 3 hour commute. She asks about prices. When I tell her the 30 day octa pass is only $55 she says she could have saved a lot of money doing that. She's been riding the bus down to work for two month's now, buying a daily pass each day. The bus finally comes. We continue talking about buses and bus passes. She thinks even if the pass covered her going up to la it wouldn't cover her coming back down. I tell her that it does. You have to turn on the pass (use it for the first trip) in orange county. After that you're OK. She's asking me why I'm riding the bus. I explain, but she doesn't understand. She does understand that my car's broken. She starts asking questions, interested in maybe buying it. I tell her my plan is to keep it. It's not for sale.
We're almost to Katella and harbor. I normally get off there nowadays and go to my alternate Disneyland stop. That way I miss the frenetic mob crossing the street at Disneyland and if the schedule is tight it gives me an extra minute or two to make it. We've got plenty of time to catch the 460 today and she is riding it too. Without a scooter the alternate way doesn't make sense. So I don't tell her about that. I'm debating staying on till Disneyland so we can keep talking. In the end I opt to get off and head to the alternate stop. I don't have long to wait till the bus comes. When I get on, at first I don't see the lady I was talking with. Oh there she is, in the back. We smile at each other and I sit down. I'm thinking about taking the alternate bus stop for home. I'm still in the mood for exercise and it is a little farther to home from there. It's cold outside though and I have had quite a bit of exercise. I decide to take my "regular" stop. I haven't gone that way in ages. That way I can time how long it takes me to get home too. It's exactly 11 after when I get off the bus.
5/23/12 - Wednesday
5/23/12 - Wednesday I'm still kind of mourning the loss of the use of the truck. I know Charles will still let me borrow it whenever I want to, but without the work to justify the gas expense I'm going to try not to borrow it. I keep thinking about the computer monitor that was for sale at the one goodwill store. I guess I should have gotten it, or at least attempted to see if it worked. I don't have to replace the loaner I have from Greg yet, but probably within the month and $40 was a good price, if it worked.
I've got to water the plants today. They all need it I turned off the water timer yesterday since I rearranged everything. I have to run new drip lines before the sprinklers will be useful again. I know that won't happen this morning. I'm hoping to re-pot a few more plants though. I also have to pack for tonight. I've got a sleepover with Christina tonight and am watching them tomorrow. I just watered the plants! That should hold them! Hopefully I didn't do it too late. I was surprised by how sunny it was. A few burned leaves from watering at the wrong time is still beet tee than killing the plant by not watering though. I've got beans on the to freeze for future meals. I'm surprised how relaxed I am. I'm not done packing or anything but it's just happening, without me stressing about it.
I remember there's an alternate bus route that uses the 1. I check on it. I'd have to leave 45 minutes earlier to take that route. I want to do that sometime, but i don't think I'll be able to do it today. But, it's all still comfortable.
Got to the 128 bus stop in time. Then worried about it. Finally saw a yellow school bus coming and knew that was it.
Went to the bus stop to go to Tracye's, realized I'd forgotten my phone, went back for it. Thank goodness the office is close!
I've got to water the plants today. They all need it I turned off the water timer yesterday since I rearranged everything. I have to run new drip lines before the sprinklers will be useful again. I know that won't happen this morning. I'm hoping to re-pot a few more plants though. I also have to pack for tonight. I've got a sleepover with Christina tonight and am watching them tomorrow. I just watered the plants! That should hold them! Hopefully I didn't do it too late. I was surprised by how sunny it was. A few burned leaves from watering at the wrong time is still beet tee than killing the plant by not watering though. I've got beans on the to freeze for future meals. I'm surprised how relaxed I am. I'm not done packing or anything but it's just happening, without me stressing about it.
I remember there's an alternate bus route that uses the 1. I check on it. I'd have to leave 45 minutes earlier to take that route. I want to do that sometime, but i don't think I'll be able to do it today. But, it's all still comfortable.
Got to the 128 bus stop in time. Then worried about it. Finally saw a yellow school bus coming and knew that was it.
Went to the bus stop to go to Tracye's, realized I'd forgotten my phone, went back for it. Thank goodness the office is close!
Tuesday - 5/22/12 - The Car Gets A New Battery
Tuesday - 5/22/12
Charles is coming over today. I should be cleaning. I'm feeling torn, wanting to work on 20 different things. I decide the top of the list should be working on the plants so I can get his buckets back to him (he gave me compost in some buckets). I spend the day working on the plants. Not done. Can't return buckets yet.
I had this whole list of running around I thought I should do today, because of it being the last day with the truck. I didn't go anywhere. When Charles gets here I'll have him take me to Chase first. That way I can make my deposit and get money out. Other than that, the errands are going to have to happen from a bus, or when I have a ride from Mary.
Today was originally just supposed to be a social visit.
I suggested we could replace the battery too today.
I'm feeling weird about that now. I changed something that was social more into a work mood. Hopefully we can turn it back.
We decide to go to Walmart for the battery.
Charles pulls the old battery from the car first.
The batteries are $90!!
After we pick up the battery, we're right next to the scooter section. I ask if he minds if I go look at scooters. They never have the A3 / AW125 there, but that's the scooter I'm drooling over and I'd like to see it in person. Looking around they don't have it. Wait! There it is! We open the box, it looks so new and shiny and pretty and the wheels are definitely bigger. I SO want to buy it! I'm not going to buy it now though. Now, I have to buy a $90 battery. That comes first, then the backpack. Sigh. I really want that scooter.
As we get in the car Charles asks if there is any place else I want to go. I say no. Then he asks if I want to go to Trader Joe's! That's the main place I "should" have gone today and didn't! I say yes! Funny how God looks out for me! I buy all the groceries I wanted to plus some snacks for tonight. He pays for his.
We watch 2 dark shadows movies and he introduces me to the dresdin files and we watch 2 of those.
Charles is coming over today. I should be cleaning. I'm feeling torn, wanting to work on 20 different things. I decide the top of the list should be working on the plants so I can get his buckets back to him (he gave me compost in some buckets). I spend the day working on the plants. Not done. Can't return buckets yet.
I had this whole list of running around I thought I should do today, because of it being the last day with the truck. I didn't go anywhere. When Charles gets here I'll have him take me to Chase first. That way I can make my deposit and get money out. Other than that, the errands are going to have to happen from a bus, or when I have a ride from Mary.
Today was originally just supposed to be a social visit.
I suggested we could replace the battery too today.
I'm feeling weird about that now. I changed something that was social more into a work mood. Hopefully we can turn it back.
We decide to go to Walmart for the battery.
Charles pulls the old battery from the car first.
The batteries are $90!!
After we pick up the battery, we're right next to the scooter section. I ask if he minds if I go look at scooters. They never have the A3 / AW125 there, but that's the scooter I'm drooling over and I'd like to see it in person. Looking around they don't have it. Wait! There it is! We open the box, it looks so new and shiny and pretty and the wheels are definitely bigger. I SO want to buy it! I'm not going to buy it now though. Now, I have to buy a $90 battery. That comes first, then the backpack. Sigh. I really want that scooter.
As we get in the car Charles asks if there is any place else I want to go. I say no. Then he asks if I want to go to Trader Joe's! That's the main place I "should" have gone today and didn't! I say yes! Funny how God looks out for me! I buy all the groceries I wanted to plus some snacks for tonight. He pays for his.
We watch 2 dark shadows movies and he introduces me to the dresdin files and we watch 2 of those.
Monday - 5/21/12
Monday - 5/21/12
Drove the truck.
Brought my laptop.
No one stayed for meditation. :-(
Went to the Chiropractor
Drove around because it might be my last drive around for awhile.
Went to Salvation army looking for a toaster oven, bought a crystal pitcher to use as a vase
Went to Ace hardware looking at storage bins and toaster ovens.
Went to 2nd ace hardware
Went to Goodwill - they had a monitor - didn't get it
They had 4 toaster ovens! Spent a long time deciding between 2.
Bought toaster oven for $10
Don't need to go to wal-mart any more.
Decided I would still go to Mother's Market in Huntington beach.
There was a homeless girl there.
bought her water.
Gave her $2.
She said she needed $3 for the bus.
She borrowed my phone and called two different people trying to find out news about her Man. The messages she left were "I'm still behind X building, where he left me."
I decided to drive her to Costa Mesa to soup kitchen. She said she couldn't go without her Dad (who was in back) and her Mom was wandering around somewhere on crutches.
Finally left.
Went to Lowes.
They had good looking cheap storage containers, but I think they are too tall for my shelves. I have to pass.
Was going to get miniature roses for $2 each.
Found the sale section and bought 4 rose buses from there.
Worked at Avalon
Asked Scott if we could meet a little later.
Went shopping at Mother's market in Tustin.
They had canned tomatoes on sale. They had coupons on the cans.
I was taking the coupons off the cans as I put them in my grocery basket.
One of their store workers saw me, came by and accused me of stealing the coupons.
That was really frustrating.
I wonder if I should have asked to talk to her supervisor, but she might have had a hard day too.
Home just in time!
Don't even unload, just grabbed the groceries that need refrigerated
Scott and I worked on a jigsaw puzzle.
Drove the truck.
Brought my laptop.
No one stayed for meditation. :-(
Went to the Chiropractor
Drove around because it might be my last drive around for awhile.
Went to Salvation army looking for a toaster oven, bought a crystal pitcher to use as a vase
Went to Ace hardware looking at storage bins and toaster ovens.
Went to 2nd ace hardware
Went to Goodwill - they had a monitor - didn't get it
They had 4 toaster ovens! Spent a long time deciding between 2.
Bought toaster oven for $10
Don't need to go to wal-mart any more.
Decided I would still go to Mother's Market in Huntington beach.
There was a homeless girl there.
bought her water.
Gave her $2.
She said she needed $3 for the bus.
She borrowed my phone and called two different people trying to find out news about her Man. The messages she left were "I'm still behind X building, where he left me."
I decided to drive her to Costa Mesa to soup kitchen. She said she couldn't go without her Dad (who was in back) and her Mom was wandering around somewhere on crutches.
Finally left.
Went to Lowes.
They had good looking cheap storage containers, but I think they are too tall for my shelves. I have to pass.
Was going to get miniature roses for $2 each.
Found the sale section and bought 4 rose buses from there.
Worked at Avalon
Asked Scott if we could meet a little later.
Went shopping at Mother's market in Tustin.
They had canned tomatoes on sale. They had coupons on the cans.
I was taking the coupons off the cans as I put them in my grocery basket.
One of their store workers saw me, came by and accused me of stealing the coupons.
That was really frustrating.
I wonder if I should have asked to talk to her supervisor, but she might have had a hard day too.
Home just in time!
Don't even unload, just grabbed the groceries that need refrigerated
Scott and I worked on a jigsaw puzzle.
Sunday - 5/20/12 - Memorial Service For Milly
Sunday - 5/20/12
Decided not to take truck up to LA for Memorial Service.
Will get there 1/2 hour early, just in case there are problems.
Take the 62 up, they don't ever ask for extra money. So, I can go the whole 62 line with my octa bus pass!
Got off to make the transfer, couldn't figure out which bus stop it was.
The bus drove past me!
Followed the bus down the street. Finally came to a bus stop that said it stopped there.
Hispanic lady there who spoke no english. She liked my scooter. She was nice.
Google Maps says I'll get there right on time now. Yay for flex time in the schedule!
On the next bus.
We hear a fire engine, the car in front of us jams on their brakes, the bus has to jam on it's breaks and swerve to avoid flattening the car. There had been a man walking down the aisle at the time, carrying a baby. He fell, twisting as he fell so he fell on his back, the lady in the seat nearest the front grabbed the baby out of his arms so the baby was safe.
Bus stopped to have them fill out forms, then bus stopped to have us all fill out forms.
THEN she announces that she only goes to the med center and asks if anyone got on the wrong bus. I say I might have and tell her the stop I need to get off on. She says this is a "short" bus and it says that on the readout and I should have known. I tell her I'm not used to LA buses so didn't know there was such a thing as a short bus.
She checks my tap card, it doesn't have anything on it. She says the next bus will give me a waver because I got on the wrong bus. I have to wait here for the bus.
It's taking forever.
I'm feeling bad about being late.
I try to get a car here to drive me, no luck.
another short bus comes!
Finally the bus comes.
At the memorial service I didn't miss much.
Went to Theory labs after.
Was nice to see everyone.
Was nice to be there for Laura
Coming home, would have caught the right bus except I thought the bus stop was left of the driveway I exited from and it was right of it (all because I originally checked where the bus stop was when I was in the building and had to go a long way to get to the driveway, which I didn't consider.
There isn't going to be another bus for 45 minutes. I don't want to stand here that long.
I wonder what google maps would say if I went back to the stop where I got off the bus and tried that?
Now, it says I can catch a bus, but not at this stop. I only have 8 minutes to get there!
Going up the overpass!
Got to the bus stop in time! Even managed to verify it was the right stop!
I'm sure I know where the stop for the 460 is, I've looked carefully at the map on my phone to find it. There isn't much time for the transfer. I'm hoping the light is with us crossing the street. It is! I'm at the bus stop, and it has lots of signs for LA buses, but not one for the 460. Now, what do I do?!
I start to go back, but ask the people around if they know where to catch it. No one does. One of the ladies says that's the 460 coming and I should flag it down, that they will stop for me. I wave at the bus and it does stop.
I ask the bus driver where he normally stops. First he ignores me, then I ask again, he says he always stops there. I told him I hadn't seen the 460 sign there, so I thought he must have been going to a different stop.
Anyway, I'm on the bus and on my way home! Yay!
Decided not to take truck up to LA for Memorial Service.
Will get there 1/2 hour early, just in case there are problems.
Take the 62 up, they don't ever ask for extra money. So, I can go the whole 62 line with my octa bus pass!
Got off to make the transfer, couldn't figure out which bus stop it was.
The bus drove past me!
Followed the bus down the street. Finally came to a bus stop that said it stopped there.
Hispanic lady there who spoke no english. She liked my scooter. She was nice.
Google Maps says I'll get there right on time now. Yay for flex time in the schedule!
On the next bus.
We hear a fire engine, the car in front of us jams on their brakes, the bus has to jam on it's breaks and swerve to avoid flattening the car. There had been a man walking down the aisle at the time, carrying a baby. He fell, twisting as he fell so he fell on his back, the lady in the seat nearest the front grabbed the baby out of his arms so the baby was safe.
Bus stopped to have them fill out forms, then bus stopped to have us all fill out forms.
THEN she announces that she only goes to the med center and asks if anyone got on the wrong bus. I say I might have and tell her the stop I need to get off on. She says this is a "short" bus and it says that on the readout and I should have known. I tell her I'm not used to LA buses so didn't know there was such a thing as a short bus.
She checks my tap card, it doesn't have anything on it. She says the next bus will give me a waver because I got on the wrong bus. I have to wait here for the bus.
It's taking forever.
I'm feeling bad about being late.
I try to get a car here to drive me, no luck.
another short bus comes!
Finally the bus comes.
At the memorial service I didn't miss much.
Went to Theory labs after.
Was nice to see everyone.
Was nice to be there for Laura
Coming home, would have caught the right bus except I thought the bus stop was left of the driveway I exited from and it was right of it (all because I originally checked where the bus stop was when I was in the building and had to go a long way to get to the driveway, which I didn't consider.
There isn't going to be another bus for 45 minutes. I don't want to stand here that long.
I wonder what google maps would say if I went back to the stop where I got off the bus and tried that?
Now, it says I can catch a bus, but not at this stop. I only have 8 minutes to get there!
Going up the overpass!
Got to the bus stop in time! Even managed to verify it was the right stop!
I'm sure I know where the stop for the 460 is, I've looked carefully at the map on my phone to find it. There isn't much time for the transfer. I'm hoping the light is with us crossing the street. It is! I'm at the bus stop, and it has lots of signs for LA buses, but not one for the 460. Now, what do I do?!
I start to go back, but ask the people around if they know where to catch it. No one does. One of the ladies says that's the 460 coming and I should flag it down, that they will stop for me. I wave at the bus and it does stop.
I ask the bus driver where he normally stops. First he ignores me, then I ask again, he says he always stops there. I told him I hadn't seen the 460 sign there, so I thought he must have been going to a different stop.
Anyway, I'm on the bus and on my way home! Yay!
5/19/2012 - Saturday
5/19/2012 - Saturday
Crap! It's 2:22am and I'm awake! Maybe if I pretend to be asleep for awhile I'll go back to sleep.
It's now 2:45. I can't sleep. My mind's on what to do about burning man, what to do about money, how to keep paying off credit during the summer. I decide to get up. Hopefully, I can take an early nap today, before I go into work
Work for Event Solutions
The same event I worked for my first event!
Got to listen to the speakers, kind of want to volunteer for COSA.
I was talking with one of the attendees and told her that her dress was beautiful and she offered to loan it to me. I know it wasn't a real offer, but it made me smile.
Got to take lots of flowers home after the event!
Crap! It's 2:22am and I'm awake! Maybe if I pretend to be asleep for awhile I'll go back to sleep.
It's now 2:45. I can't sleep. My mind's on what to do about burning man, what to do about money, how to keep paying off credit during the summer. I decide to get up. Hopefully, I can take an early nap today, before I go into work
Work for Event Solutions
The same event I worked for my first event!
Got to listen to the speakers, kind of want to volunteer for COSA.
I was talking with one of the attendees and told her that her dress was beautiful and she offered to loan it to me. I know it wasn't a real offer, but it made me smile.
Got to take lots of flowers home after the event!
5/18/12 - Friday
5/18/12 - Friday
I didn't sleep much last night. I went to bed late, and then kept waking up during the night. Three fifteen in the morning is early on a normal day. When you didn't get much sleep it's way too early. I think I was finally sleeping when my alarm went off. Now I'm having trouble getting out of bed.
I've got to get up and get moving. That's all there is to it! I now have 40 minutes to get myself together and out the door to catch the bus.
I just got the deposit ready for today. I've decided that I want to load my current "needs to be worked on" file of ebay pics onto a memory stick to take with me. Last time I did that it took forever. I don't have forever. I only have about 15 minutes. I really want to do it though. I have some items there that won't take long to list. Maybe I could list them today. I delete the items on the stick. I'm committed now! I start the move. It says it will end right before I leave. Nothing like creating tension.
It's time to leave. My computer is still copying things to the memory stick. I decide to give it an extra 5 minutes and go to the alternate stop. Totally funny how I never go to the "regular" stop any more and always go to the "alternate" stop.
I just keep doing a little bit more... packing this thing or arranging that thing... giving the move a little bit more time to work. I don't know why it feels so important to take this today.
OK. The move is almost done, just a few seconds longer. I've still got the time to wait. Everything's ready. I just have to put on my backpack and go. I'm sitting here watching it finish. Ready to grab it and turn off the computer when it's done.
Out the door now. I'm headed to the alternate stop. I remind myself to watch for the place where the concrete juts up. It's colder this morning than it has been. I'm glad I put my long johns on. It's probably not quite cold enough for them, but I'd rather be warm than cold. I'm happy to have the insulation.
I'm in the final block and a half. I just remembered (once again) to look for the sidewalk piece that juts out. Hah! I may actually find it without hitting it this time! It's hard to tell in this light. Is that it? Nope, just another shadow. Heck, I still may run into the thing. There it is! I found it and gracefully walked over it! Much better than running into it! Yay! Now I know where it is too! I've got landmarks for how to find it from this direction! That sidewalk won't bite me again!
Here's the bus stop. It's always comforting when someone is waiting outside the Galaxy burger. I know then that I haven't messed up and missed the bus. There's a guy there today, up at the tables, smoking, with his bike next to him. I go to the stop, fold up my scooter, take off my backpack and wait.
OK. That's funny! I know I'm on time so it doesn't matter, but the guy who was smoking just finished smoking, got on his bike and rode away. How funny! He wasn't waiting for the bus at all!
The 55 just dropped me off at the bank so I can do a night drop deposit for both businesses. Now, on to the Yoga Center. It's so much easier doing this in the early morning. The parking lot is empty and I can scooter most of the way across that.
I love getting to the Yoga Center at 6:45. I wouldn't have thought that was the right time to get there, but it is. I'm glad I'm making habit patterns of getting here at 6:40 or 6:45. When I start driving again, this is the time I want to get here. I'm grateful to the universe for giving me the chance to figure this out. I never would have figured that out on my own.
My second class has two new students. They work at a coffee shop together and are very sweet, cute. The girl is very "up." I'm enjoying their back and forth before the class. I hope they come back. I'd really love to grow this class. Heck, I'd love to grow all my classes. It'd be so nice to see all of them full of wonderful people!
After class I'm thinking about going out for lunch. I didn't bring lunch today and am hoping for something healthier than the snack foods I've been eating for lunch lately. I check the groupon now web site and there are two restaurants in the area I could go to and get a groupon for. The one closest is a Chinese place. It sounds OK, but I'm not hungry for that right now. The other is Italian, Sweet Basil Cafe. I'm looking at their menu and they have a couple of things I'd like to try. I know where that is, it's on the route I took to the bank on Monday. So, I can get there with the bus!
I just checked the bus routes. I could get there, but would have to eat there and then take the bus back. I'd been hoping on picking up take-out. Maybe I'll just stop at Mother's Market on the way to Avalon and get some chips and hummus or something. I don't feel like sitting down for an official lunch today.
Here at Avalon I call Charles and take him up on the offer to come pick me up, take me home and help jump start the car. I'd rather know today if I need a new battery or not.
I'm tired. Not having much sleep last night is catching up with me. I'm glad I have a light day at Avalon today. Getting home earlier tonight will be good.
I talked with Charles about backpacks and showed him what I found on eBay. He says it's in the same price range as the one he bought. I offer to buy him a new one, rather than returning this one, that's a bit more dinged up from my using it. He said he's fine with this one. I stress that I'm not quite ready to buy a new one... I'm refusing to buy anything else from eBay until my feedback score goes to 1000. I'm only 6 away and I don't want my 1000th feedback to be from buying something. I want it to be from selling something. He said I can wait until August to return the backpack if I want, just so he has it for the first of August and Burning Man time.
Hey! We got the car jump started! My battery charger must have an issue! We're going to leave the car running for a bit while I take him home. Yay! That's cool! I also had him show me how to take the lead off of the battery. No more constant drain on it! That means I'll have to re-set the radio when I do start driving the car, but it's worth it!
I didn't sleep much last night. I went to bed late, and then kept waking up during the night. Three fifteen in the morning is early on a normal day. When you didn't get much sleep it's way too early. I think I was finally sleeping when my alarm went off. Now I'm having trouble getting out of bed.
I've got to get up and get moving. That's all there is to it! I now have 40 minutes to get myself together and out the door to catch the bus.
I just got the deposit ready for today. I've decided that I want to load my current "needs to be worked on" file of ebay pics onto a memory stick to take with me. Last time I did that it took forever. I don't have forever. I only have about 15 minutes. I really want to do it though. I have some items there that won't take long to list. Maybe I could list them today. I delete the items on the stick. I'm committed now! I start the move. It says it will end right before I leave. Nothing like creating tension.
It's time to leave. My computer is still copying things to the memory stick. I decide to give it an extra 5 minutes and go to the alternate stop. Totally funny how I never go to the "regular" stop any more and always go to the "alternate" stop.
I just keep doing a little bit more... packing this thing or arranging that thing... giving the move a little bit more time to work. I don't know why it feels so important to take this today.
OK. The move is almost done, just a few seconds longer. I've still got the time to wait. Everything's ready. I just have to put on my backpack and go. I'm sitting here watching it finish. Ready to grab it and turn off the computer when it's done.
Out the door now. I'm headed to the alternate stop. I remind myself to watch for the place where the concrete juts up. It's colder this morning than it has been. I'm glad I put my long johns on. It's probably not quite cold enough for them, but I'd rather be warm than cold. I'm happy to have the insulation.
I'm in the final block and a half. I just remembered (once again) to look for the sidewalk piece that juts out. Hah! I may actually find it without hitting it this time! It's hard to tell in this light. Is that it? Nope, just another shadow. Heck, I still may run into the thing. There it is! I found it and gracefully walked over it! Much better than running into it! Yay! Now I know where it is too! I've got landmarks for how to find it from this direction! That sidewalk won't bite me again!
Here's the bus stop. It's always comforting when someone is waiting outside the Galaxy burger. I know then that I haven't messed up and missed the bus. There's a guy there today, up at the tables, smoking, with his bike next to him. I go to the stop, fold up my scooter, take off my backpack and wait.
OK. That's funny! I know I'm on time so it doesn't matter, but the guy who was smoking just finished smoking, got on his bike and rode away. How funny! He wasn't waiting for the bus at all!
The 55 just dropped me off at the bank so I can do a night drop deposit for both businesses. Now, on to the Yoga Center. It's so much easier doing this in the early morning. The parking lot is empty and I can scooter most of the way across that.
I love getting to the Yoga Center at 6:45. I wouldn't have thought that was the right time to get there, but it is. I'm glad I'm making habit patterns of getting here at 6:40 or 6:45. When I start driving again, this is the time I want to get here. I'm grateful to the universe for giving me the chance to figure this out. I never would have figured that out on my own.
My second class has two new students. They work at a coffee shop together and are very sweet, cute. The girl is very "up." I'm enjoying their back and forth before the class. I hope they come back. I'd really love to grow this class. Heck, I'd love to grow all my classes. It'd be so nice to see all of them full of wonderful people!
After class I'm thinking about going out for lunch. I didn't bring lunch today and am hoping for something healthier than the snack foods I've been eating for lunch lately. I check the groupon now web site and there are two restaurants in the area I could go to and get a groupon for. The one closest is a Chinese place. It sounds OK, but I'm not hungry for that right now. The other is Italian, Sweet Basil Cafe. I'm looking at their menu and they have a couple of things I'd like to try. I know where that is, it's on the route I took to the bank on Monday. So, I can get there with the bus!
I just checked the bus routes. I could get there, but would have to eat there and then take the bus back. I'd been hoping on picking up take-out. Maybe I'll just stop at Mother's Market on the way to Avalon and get some chips and hummus or something. I don't feel like sitting down for an official lunch today.
Here at Avalon I call Charles and take him up on the offer to come pick me up, take me home and help jump start the car. I'd rather know today if I need a new battery or not.
I'm tired. Not having much sleep last night is catching up with me. I'm glad I have a light day at Avalon today. Getting home earlier tonight will be good.
I talked with Charles about backpacks and showed him what I found on eBay. He says it's in the same price range as the one he bought. I offer to buy him a new one, rather than returning this one, that's a bit more dinged up from my using it. He said he's fine with this one. I stress that I'm not quite ready to buy a new one... I'm refusing to buy anything else from eBay until my feedback score goes to 1000. I'm only 6 away and I don't want my 1000th feedback to be from buying something. I want it to be from selling something. He said I can wait until August to return the backpack if I want, just so he has it for the first of August and Burning Man time.
Hey! We got the car jump started! My battery charger must have an issue! We're going to leave the car running for a bit while I take him home. Yay! That's cool! I also had him show me how to take the lead off of the battery. No more constant drain on it! That means I'll have to re-set the radio when I do start driving the car, but it's worth it!
5/17/12 - Thursday
5/17/12 - Thursday
I'm sleeping in today. Ok. It's 5:08am and I'm awake, but of twice a week you get up at 3:15, five is sleeping in! I've got a lot of things I'd like to work on today. Mainly, I'd like to work on getting my place cleaner. The mess has really been bothering me. Charles is coming over this evening too. It would be nice for the place to look better for visitors. I always start out by posting the Craigslist ads. That way it's done and I don't have to think about it again till tomorrow.
Put entries into quickbooks! Did a lot (relatively speaking)
Updated tenant files and phone list on my computer!
Gave out 3 day notices
It's late afternoon, and I'm finally starting to work on picking up the place.
Charles isn't here yet. I'm thinking about calling, but he did say "evening" and he doesn't always like it when I call to remind him.
I'm tired. Maybe I'll take a nap. That way I'll be awake for watching a show with him.
Charles still hasn't called or shown up. It's 7pm. If we are going to work on the car, it should be fairly soon. If it needs a new battery we need time to get it.
I call him to see what's going on. He's going to the vampire movie with people from his household. He forgot about me. He's going to call me when he's out of the movie.
I'm really mad. Too mad for just this. I'm mad at Charles and Mad at Greg for not calling when he said he would.
Ready to bite heads.
Having trouble sleeping.
I'm sleeping in today. Ok. It's 5:08am and I'm awake, but of twice a week you get up at 3:15, five is sleeping in! I've got a lot of things I'd like to work on today. Mainly, I'd like to work on getting my place cleaner. The mess has really been bothering me. Charles is coming over this evening too. It would be nice for the place to look better for visitors. I always start out by posting the Craigslist ads. That way it's done and I don't have to think about it again till tomorrow.
Put entries into quickbooks! Did a lot (relatively speaking)
Updated tenant files and phone list on my computer!
Gave out 3 day notices
It's late afternoon, and I'm finally starting to work on picking up the place.
Charles isn't here yet. I'm thinking about calling, but he did say "evening" and he doesn't always like it when I call to remind him.
I'm tired. Maybe I'll take a nap. That way I'll be awake for watching a show with him.
Charles still hasn't called or shown up. It's 7pm. If we are going to work on the car, it should be fairly soon. If it needs a new battery we need time to get it.
I call him to see what's going on. He's going to the vampire movie with people from his household. He forgot about me. He's going to call me when he's out of the movie.
I'm really mad. Too mad for just this. I'm mad at Charles and Mad at Greg for not calling when he said he would.
Ready to bite heads.
Having trouble sleeping.
5/16/12 - wednesday
5/16/12 - wednesday
I feel like I'm starting to learn how to manage things, starting to clear things up. I've made a list of things to do before I leave, a short list of things I need to do on the way (get money put of the bank and make a deposit for jamboree) and a list of things to do at work. That's nothing new. I always have lists. This morning though I caught myself trying to regulate what I put on the list, limiting it to an amount that's possible. I think that's new. While it's just a small thing, I think it could be huge! I'm happy! Hah! I just caught myself starting to clean something that wasn't on the list. I reminded that time is a premium and take the garbage out. That is on the list! It's so nice to have most of the morning home ( I don't have to leave until 11:25), especially after having most of the day home yesterday It feels like I'm actually accomplishing some things! Oops! I totally forgot to check my car! I (hopefully) left the battery trickle charging last night. I go check it. The battery didn't charge and it doesn't look like the charger is working, though it's hot. I hope I didn't kill my battery, or my battery charger!
All of a sudden it's 11:10! I need to get dressed for work and out to the bus! When I looked up the route to take I found out there is a route I can take from here that takes bus number 1 for a ways. I love riding bus 1 and watching the coast. I can't take it today, I need to take my "regular" route so I can make a deposit for Jamboree. If I get off one stop earlier than normal there is a US bank and a Chase bank (my bank) right there and it's still close enough to scooter to Avalon!
I'm at the bus stop for the 128 (the local connector bus.) It feels decadent to ride a bus the mile and a half to the next bus stop, rather than scootering. I hope I'm not getting lazy (or fat!) I feel like I haven't ridden the scooter much lately. I'm just barely on-time for the bus. I hope it wasn't early. I look down to check the time and then look up and there is the bus! It's funny, when I first saw it, I thought it was a school bus, because it was all orange. I awkwardly grab my stuff and climb onto the bus. At least I made it! Yay! Smooth sailing from here on!
I'm getting on the 460. The bus driver looks twice at my OCTA pass. He kind of sneered too. I think he didn't want to let me on! I'm on anyway! It is the most crowded I've ever seen this bus. No wonder he didn't want to let me on! It's standing room only with a lot of people already standing! I'm standing, holding onto the bar with one hand and my scooter with the other and wishing I'd fastened the waist band on the backpack. I normally just sling it over my shoulders to get on the bus so I can take it off easier when I go to sit down. This time, that habit has bitten me. I don't have a free hand to fasten it with. So, just keep taking the weight on my shoulders, rather than having it distributed correctly.
No one gets off for several stops. Then, one of the gentlemen sitting on the front bench starts to get ready to get off. There is a mid-twentish guy standing on the other side of the bench eyeing that space. I'm eyeing it too. He's been on the bus longer than I have, but he also has a place to lean while riding, which I don't. I decide it's ok for me to try and take the seat.
The man on the seat is pulling something out from under the seat. I think it's a black bag. No! It's not a bag! It's a dog! A big black lab! A guide dog! The dog doesn't want to come out! We must be a very scary thing for him... all these people on this bus! How funny! I never knew there was a dog under the seat!
After the gentleman and his dog leave, I take the seat. There is a cute couple sitting opposite me. They both are probably early 20s, though he looks younger than she does. He has the whole white-boy beach surfer look. Short-ish curly sandy colored hair, blue and white flowered board shorts, a blue top with a picture of someone surfing on it. Even sandals with the nike swish. He doesn't have the tan though. She looks more "business-y." Perhaps that's why she looks older. She almost has a goth look. Her hair is black, not quite the jet black of a goth, her skin isn't quite white enough for goth either. She has these little rectangle glasses. They are listening to music together, from her iphone. She has the right earbud in her ear and he has the left one in his. It's cute watching them together. She has a bit of the mooney eyes when looking at him. He doesn't seem as star-crossed, but definitely likes interacting with her and smiles a lot.
This loud laugh just came from a few seats back. There is a 40/50-ish black gentleman on the phone. Something someone said made him laugh. Next to him is a 50-ish Korean lady, also on the phone. It's interesting what pairings happen on a bus.
There are lots of kid sounds from the back. It sounds like they might be doing a sing-along, though I'm not getting enough of it to know the tune. That must be why the bus was so full. Lots of people going to Disneyland.
The poor bus driver keeps getting asked by different people if the bus is going to Disneyland and what time it gets there. To his credit, he answers each one nicely, even though he's just answered the same question 5 minutes before.
When the bus is in view of Disneyland all kinds of kid shouts happen from the back! It's a joyous day!
At Avalon, after I've done the things I need to do, I start looking at backpacks on eBay. I don't really want to buy a backpack sight-unseen, but I don't run into backpack stores in my normal routine either. Charles originally loaned me his backpack until Summer. Summer is coming. I want to honor his faith in me and make sure I get the backpack back to him. There are some backpacks on eBay that look similar to this one. I really like this style. So, picking up one sight-unseen, I'm planning on going for what I know. I want to talk to Charles about it first though. He might prefer me to buy him something totally different and have me just keep this one. I'll have to check. I have broken the belt fastener, it still works, but it's broken. I'm going to try and find a replacement buckle / clip for it.
I'm on the 43 bus going home now. This late 40s/ 50s black gentleman gets on the bus. He's well dressed. His clothes are pressed, he has a suit on. He's looking good. He's also got two fish, each in their own container. He sits down on the cross seat, where I can easily see him. He keeps looking at and talking to (lifting the container up and whispering into it) his fish. Most of the time, his face doesn't show much emotion, maybe tension. He looks like a normal transit rider, a normal white collar worker. When he's talking to or looking at his fish though, he gets this huge beam on his face. It totally transforms him. He's radiant!
The bus is on-time and there seems to be no traffic. No worries about catching the 460 today! I decide to get off at Katella and Harbor anyway and go to the alternate bus stop. I think I'll make it my regular stop from now on, unless it's raining or something. It doesn't have a bench or a cover, and it does require me scootering a block, but the 460 leaves there a minute or two later and I don't have to cross a street (wait for a stop light) to get to it. So, it's the better option.
At the bus stop there are these two tall black youth. The one could definitely, in other circumstances look threatening. He has the short-cut, orange dyed hair and the attitude that is semi threatening. Today, however, he's standing there in a hat with mickey ears on it, and complaining to his friend about his girlfriend. Not threatening at all!
I get off at the first stop, taking the longer way home. i wonder which way is faster. It seems like this way should get me home faster, I don't truly know though. I'll have to start watching.
I'm home. It took me around 20 minutes to get from the bus stop to home. I'll have to go the other way some time to time that... and then factor in the difference in bus times and see which one would truly get me home faster!
I feel like I'm starting to learn how to manage things, starting to clear things up. I've made a list of things to do before I leave, a short list of things I need to do on the way (get money put of the bank and make a deposit for jamboree) and a list of things to do at work. That's nothing new. I always have lists. This morning though I caught myself trying to regulate what I put on the list, limiting it to an amount that's possible. I think that's new. While it's just a small thing, I think it could be huge! I'm happy! Hah! I just caught myself starting to clean something that wasn't on the list. I reminded that time is a premium and take the garbage out. That is on the list! It's so nice to have most of the morning home ( I don't have to leave until 11:25), especially after having most of the day home yesterday It feels like I'm actually accomplishing some things! Oops! I totally forgot to check my car! I (hopefully) left the battery trickle charging last night. I go check it. The battery didn't charge and it doesn't look like the charger is working, though it's hot. I hope I didn't kill my battery, or my battery charger!
All of a sudden it's 11:10! I need to get dressed for work and out to the bus! When I looked up the route to take I found out there is a route I can take from here that takes bus number 1 for a ways. I love riding bus 1 and watching the coast. I can't take it today, I need to take my "regular" route so I can make a deposit for Jamboree. If I get off one stop earlier than normal there is a US bank and a Chase bank (my bank) right there and it's still close enough to scooter to Avalon!
I'm at the bus stop for the 128 (the local connector bus.) It feels decadent to ride a bus the mile and a half to the next bus stop, rather than scootering. I hope I'm not getting lazy (or fat!) I feel like I haven't ridden the scooter much lately. I'm just barely on-time for the bus. I hope it wasn't early. I look down to check the time and then look up and there is the bus! It's funny, when I first saw it, I thought it was a school bus, because it was all orange. I awkwardly grab my stuff and climb onto the bus. At least I made it! Yay! Smooth sailing from here on!
I'm getting on the 460. The bus driver looks twice at my OCTA pass. He kind of sneered too. I think he didn't want to let me on! I'm on anyway! It is the most crowded I've ever seen this bus. No wonder he didn't want to let me on! It's standing room only with a lot of people already standing! I'm standing, holding onto the bar with one hand and my scooter with the other and wishing I'd fastened the waist band on the backpack. I normally just sling it over my shoulders to get on the bus so I can take it off easier when I go to sit down. This time, that habit has bitten me. I don't have a free hand to fasten it with. So, just keep taking the weight on my shoulders, rather than having it distributed correctly.
No one gets off for several stops. Then, one of the gentlemen sitting on the front bench starts to get ready to get off. There is a mid-twentish guy standing on the other side of the bench eyeing that space. I'm eyeing it too. He's been on the bus longer than I have, but he also has a place to lean while riding, which I don't. I decide it's ok for me to try and take the seat.
The man on the seat is pulling something out from under the seat. I think it's a black bag. No! It's not a bag! It's a dog! A big black lab! A guide dog! The dog doesn't want to come out! We must be a very scary thing for him... all these people on this bus! How funny! I never knew there was a dog under the seat!
After the gentleman and his dog leave, I take the seat. There is a cute couple sitting opposite me. They both are probably early 20s, though he looks younger than she does. He has the whole white-boy beach surfer look. Short-ish curly sandy colored hair, blue and white flowered board shorts, a blue top with a picture of someone surfing on it. Even sandals with the nike swish. He doesn't have the tan though. She looks more "business-y." Perhaps that's why she looks older. She almost has a goth look. Her hair is black, not quite the jet black of a goth, her skin isn't quite white enough for goth either. She has these little rectangle glasses. They are listening to music together, from her iphone. She has the right earbud in her ear and he has the left one in his. It's cute watching them together. She has a bit of the mooney eyes when looking at him. He doesn't seem as star-crossed, but definitely likes interacting with her and smiles a lot.
This loud laugh just came from a few seats back. There is a 40/50-ish black gentleman on the phone. Something someone said made him laugh. Next to him is a 50-ish Korean lady, also on the phone. It's interesting what pairings happen on a bus.
There are lots of kid sounds from the back. It sounds like they might be doing a sing-along, though I'm not getting enough of it to know the tune. That must be why the bus was so full. Lots of people going to Disneyland.
The poor bus driver keeps getting asked by different people if the bus is going to Disneyland and what time it gets there. To his credit, he answers each one nicely, even though he's just answered the same question 5 minutes before.
When the bus is in view of Disneyland all kinds of kid shouts happen from the back! It's a joyous day!
At Avalon, after I've done the things I need to do, I start looking at backpacks on eBay. I don't really want to buy a backpack sight-unseen, but I don't run into backpack stores in my normal routine either. Charles originally loaned me his backpack until Summer. Summer is coming. I want to honor his faith in me and make sure I get the backpack back to him. There are some backpacks on eBay that look similar to this one. I really like this style. So, picking up one sight-unseen, I'm planning on going for what I know. I want to talk to Charles about it first though. He might prefer me to buy him something totally different and have me just keep this one. I'll have to check. I have broken the belt fastener, it still works, but it's broken. I'm going to try and find a replacement buckle / clip for it.
I'm on the 43 bus going home now. This late 40s/ 50s black gentleman gets on the bus. He's well dressed. His clothes are pressed, he has a suit on. He's looking good. He's also got two fish, each in their own container. He sits down on the cross seat, where I can easily see him. He keeps looking at and talking to (lifting the container up and whispering into it) his fish. Most of the time, his face doesn't show much emotion, maybe tension. He looks like a normal transit rider, a normal white collar worker. When he's talking to or looking at his fish though, he gets this huge beam on his face. It totally transforms him. He's radiant!
The bus is on-time and there seems to be no traffic. No worries about catching the 460 today! I decide to get off at Katella and Harbor anyway and go to the alternate bus stop. I think I'll make it my regular stop from now on, unless it's raining or something. It doesn't have a bench or a cover, and it does require me scootering a block, but the 460 leaves there a minute or two later and I don't have to cross a street (wait for a stop light) to get to it. So, it's the better option.
At the bus stop there are these two tall black youth. The one could definitely, in other circumstances look threatening. He has the short-cut, orange dyed hair and the attitude that is semi threatening. Today, however, he's standing there in a hat with mickey ears on it, and complaining to his friend about his girlfriend. Not threatening at all!
I get off at the first stop, taking the longer way home. i wonder which way is faster. It seems like this way should get me home faster, I don't truly know though. I'll have to start watching.
I'm home. It took me around 20 minutes to get from the bus stop to home. I'll have to go the other way some time to time that... and then factor in the difference in bus times and see which one would truly get me home faster!
5/15/12 -- Tuesday
5/15/12 -- Tuesday
At Home
Bubble wrapped and packed Meissen China
working on re-claiming my place
texted Greg that I wanted to talk, he was "working"
Prakriti picked me up and took me to special class Guruji was giving - some days it's the life of luxury to have a ride!
At Home
Bubble wrapped and packed Meissen China
working on re-claiming my place
texted Greg that I wanted to talk, he was "working"
Prakriti picked me up and took me to special class Guruji was giving - some days it's the life of luxury to have a ride!
05/14/12 - Monday
05/14/12 - Monday
The alarm's going off. It's 3:15 in the morning. I must have been in deep sleep. I'm having trouble rousing myself enough to even turn off the alarm. Some part of my mind is telling me I can reset the alarm and sleep longer, that it would be OK. I know that's not true. Still, I'm just laying here.
Oh my goodness! It's 10 till 4! How did it get to be that late?! I have to leave soon and I still have reports to do and a comic to mail for eBay! I'm taking care of mailing the comic first. I would have liked to have mailed it on Friday. It feels like my duty to my customer to mail it today at the latest. I'm not moving fast though. I can't seem to get myself together.
I decide the only way I'm going to make it is to take the bills with me and scan and send them from the yoga center. I'm not sure that's possible. I hope it is! I make sure I have everything for that, stamp all the papers and put them into my backpack. I'd meant to clean some this morning. I think Scott is coming tonight. No time for that now!
My backpack was packed for going to Prakrit's on Saturday. There isn't much in it and it's all the wrong things! I tear everything out of it, dump it all on the floor, then try to sort through everything to put the right things Into the pack. Paper, pens, tea, water, sun hat, sunscreen, book, vitamins, memory sticks. I feel like I'm forgetting something major. I can't think of anything else I need. I'll have to do without whatever it is. Brushing my teeth then I'm going.
I can't remember what time the bus comes to my "regular" bus stop I'm trying to use the google maps on my phone to figure it out. I'd rather go to that stop, but making this first bus is the most important. Probably the time spent figuring this out will mean I should go to the farther away stop. It's silly doing this right now! Google thinks I won't make the first bus. So it's not giving me a departing time for it. I'll have to give up and go to the other stop. Google doesn't take that stop into consideration for me. It's too far away.
I just walked past the desktop computer. It reminded me that I haven't sent the maintenance report in. I'm going to have to do that! Ok. That's done! I'm finally at the door putting on my gear. I go to put my earbuds on and one of the ear pieces is missing! I look all around for it and don't see it. I know I have a backup headset or two right here In this drawer, but I'm feeling really rushed and can't find any. I should leave without them. I don't want to, though! There! I finally found my "bad" pair of earbuds. I can't waste the time putting them On. I stuff them into my bag, grab my gloves and take off.
Now, there's no question. I definitely need to go to the alternate stop. I may not make it even then. I'm not taking the time to check the time to try and figure that out! I'm pushing myself to get there. Hah! That's the place where there is a big change in the concrete. It didn't catch me this time! That means the stop is only about a block away too. Yay! There's the bus stop. I'm on the diagonal corner from it when I see the bus coming. I may not make it! I have to cross the street twice to get to the stop.
I cross the first street and hope for the light to change. It does! I get to cross the final street while the bus is waiting to turn! I made it! A whole 1\2 minute or so to spare! I'm so grateful! Getting on the bus I say goodmorning to the driver and show her my bus pass. She doesn't say anything back, doesn't look at the bus pass and starts the bus moving. I wonder if she is running late or something. Normally the female drivers are exceptionally nice. I'm wondering if she can talk. I'm not sure I've heard her talk to anyone. When we get off the bus she does say goodbye to everyone who thanks her as they are leaving. I guess she just wants to focus on her driving or something.
The 83 (not my bus) comes soon after the 460 left. I've been standing here watching it, not realizing that my bus had pulled up behind it! I could have missed my bus! I grab my stuff and go down to where it is and get on! The earbuds are annoying me. They only have sound in one ear. But, it's better than no sound!
Hey! I'm to the yoga center early, at 6:40. I must have caught an earlier bus at Disneyland. I've had a problem doing the Avalon deposits from Monday in a timely manner. The only time I pass a union bank until Friday is at harbor and Adams if I take the bus to there on my way home and make the deposit then I'd miss the bus home and would have to take a later one. I've had plans to do that sometime, but it's such a long trip home, I always end up deciding to just go home and do the deposit at a different time. Today, I've decided I'm going to go to Avalon now, after yoga, get the deposit ready and take it to a bank. That way the extra time doesn't affect my time going home.
I'm at Avalon. I was going to go to the union bank I'd seen at harbor and Adams, then I decided I should look to see if there's an easier one to get to. I had union bank tell me all the banks in the area. Now, I'm checking them with google maps to see which one seems easiest to get to and from. Wow! I can ride the 71 to one. Google says even with the 1/2 mile scootering to the bank that it will only take 25 minutes. I can take the same route back too! It's close time wise, but I might be able to get off the bus, scooter to the bank, make the deposit, scooter back and get on the bus, with almost no waiting! The bank teller Is curious about my scooter. She's looking at the deposit slip to find the business address and is a little surprised that it's not close. I told her I took the bus from there. I'm not going into the full why because of time. There's a Carl's jr across the driveway from the bank. I've been hungry for French Frys for a couple of weeks. I chance it and go there. I tell the lady I only want fries if I can get them quickly. She gets the fries for me and I head off.
I'm at the bus stop in plenty of time! I sit and munch on some fries. I have about 1/2 of them gone by the time the bus arrives.
When we were emailing, Mary told me that Scott is on light days now at work. That's bad. He's coming over tonight. I was counting on his arriving his normal late time to give me time to pick up the apartment. I guess I'll just wait and see.
I'm at the bus stop, waiting for the 43, the first bus on my way home. Scott calls right when the bus is supposed to be here. I answer. He's getting off work early. He's in LA. So, picking me up from Orange County won't work. We go over different places we could meet and finally end up saying he'll pick me up at the alternate bus stop when I get off the last bus. I can't remember the cross street name. We hang up so I can look it up, then I call him back, give him the cross street name and tell him I'm supposed to arrive there at 8:05. I'm not sure what I'm going to do about the place. I won't have a chance to pick up anything!
The 43 is late. I check the schedule. I had 12 minutes between buses at Disneyland. I'll gain a couple of minutes by going to the alternate stop there. So, that gives 14 or 15 minutes total. It will be fine.
The 43's finally here! But it's 15 minutes late! I doubt that it's even the one that was scheduled. I think that bus never came and this is the next one. I'm frustrated. I don't know what to do. It's not just me counting on this, Scott will be there waiting on me. He doesn't have a cell phone so if I miss the connection at Disneyland there is no way to tell him!
I decide to call the OCTA and complain. Their complaint department is closed for the day..
Now, I'm thinking I just want to know why the bus didn't come. Maybe the driver was sick, or the bus was in an accident or something. I should give them the benefit of the doubt. I call the bus company and ask to know why the bus didn't come. The nice lady on the other end of the line says she will talk to the scheduler and find out. She came back and said he couldn't tell her why it was late, just that it was running 20 minutes late. How strange. I've always said that the 43 seems to run on it's own schedule (one that it doesn't tell anyone else about) this is proof of that.
We're almost to Disneyland. We're so late I don't think there is any way I'll make the connection to the 460, but I'm still hoping. I've been on edge the whole trip. It really bothers me that Scott will be there waiting and I won't be there at the right time.
The bus stops and a father asks if we can take them to Disneyland. The bus they are waiting for keeps passing them and not stopping. The driver is really nice and accepts their pass even though it isn't for our system.
We're still not at Disneyland yet. This time an Australian family is asking if we go to Disneyland and how much the fare is. They are $1 short and turn to leave. One of the passengers gives them the $1 so they can ride the bus.
Part of me is thinking it's great seeing all this sharing and caring between people, part of me is thinking this all took way too long, more delays in getting to my transfer. I'm trying to remind myself that everything is a blessing. I'm stressing anyway.
I get off at the Katella / Harbor exit and scooter to the alternate bus stop. I check the time. The only way I would make the 460 I was scheduled for is if it was running really late, which it doesn't normally do. I'm hoping anyway.
A few minutes have passed. I know I've missed it. I take off my backpack and settle in to wait for the next bus.
At the exit, Scott is there waiting. He didn't mind waiting. I should have known he wouldn't mind waiting. He wasn't worried about me. He just assumed I was on a later bus. All that stress I had about getting here, it was all silly.
I need to de-stress somewhere. I ask if he'd mind going out to eat. He wouldn't mind at all. We went and drove down pioneer. We ended up at a Boba place, eating Chinese food.
Scott bought my dinner and then drove me home. We're both tired so he just dropped me off at the front gate. How funny. I didn't even have to stress about how messy the place was. It was a non-issue. We never went in!
The alarm's going off. It's 3:15 in the morning. I must have been in deep sleep. I'm having trouble rousing myself enough to even turn off the alarm. Some part of my mind is telling me I can reset the alarm and sleep longer, that it would be OK. I know that's not true. Still, I'm just laying here.
Oh my goodness! It's 10 till 4! How did it get to be that late?! I have to leave soon and I still have reports to do and a comic to mail for eBay! I'm taking care of mailing the comic first. I would have liked to have mailed it on Friday. It feels like my duty to my customer to mail it today at the latest. I'm not moving fast though. I can't seem to get myself together.
I decide the only way I'm going to make it is to take the bills with me and scan and send them from the yoga center. I'm not sure that's possible. I hope it is! I make sure I have everything for that, stamp all the papers and put them into my backpack. I'd meant to clean some this morning. I think Scott is coming tonight. No time for that now!
My backpack was packed for going to Prakrit's on Saturday. There isn't much in it and it's all the wrong things! I tear everything out of it, dump it all on the floor, then try to sort through everything to put the right things Into the pack. Paper, pens, tea, water, sun hat, sunscreen, book, vitamins, memory sticks. I feel like I'm forgetting something major. I can't think of anything else I need. I'll have to do without whatever it is. Brushing my teeth then I'm going.
I can't remember what time the bus comes to my "regular" bus stop I'm trying to use the google maps on my phone to figure it out. I'd rather go to that stop, but making this first bus is the most important. Probably the time spent figuring this out will mean I should go to the farther away stop. It's silly doing this right now! Google thinks I won't make the first bus. So it's not giving me a departing time for it. I'll have to give up and go to the other stop. Google doesn't take that stop into consideration for me. It's too far away.
I just walked past the desktop computer. It reminded me that I haven't sent the maintenance report in. I'm going to have to do that! Ok. That's done! I'm finally at the door putting on my gear. I go to put my earbuds on and one of the ear pieces is missing! I look all around for it and don't see it. I know I have a backup headset or two right here In this drawer, but I'm feeling really rushed and can't find any. I should leave without them. I don't want to, though! There! I finally found my "bad" pair of earbuds. I can't waste the time putting them On. I stuff them into my bag, grab my gloves and take off.
Now, there's no question. I definitely need to go to the alternate stop. I may not make it even then. I'm not taking the time to check the time to try and figure that out! I'm pushing myself to get there. Hah! That's the place where there is a big change in the concrete. It didn't catch me this time! That means the stop is only about a block away too. Yay! There's the bus stop. I'm on the diagonal corner from it when I see the bus coming. I may not make it! I have to cross the street twice to get to the stop.
I cross the first street and hope for the light to change. It does! I get to cross the final street while the bus is waiting to turn! I made it! A whole 1\2 minute or so to spare! I'm so grateful! Getting on the bus I say goodmorning to the driver and show her my bus pass. She doesn't say anything back, doesn't look at the bus pass and starts the bus moving. I wonder if she is running late or something. Normally the female drivers are exceptionally nice. I'm wondering if she can talk. I'm not sure I've heard her talk to anyone. When we get off the bus she does say goodbye to everyone who thanks her as they are leaving. I guess she just wants to focus on her driving or something.
The 83 (not my bus) comes soon after the 460 left. I've been standing here watching it, not realizing that my bus had pulled up behind it! I could have missed my bus! I grab my stuff and go down to where it is and get on! The earbuds are annoying me. They only have sound in one ear. But, it's better than no sound!
Hey! I'm to the yoga center early, at 6:40. I must have caught an earlier bus at Disneyland. I've had a problem doing the Avalon deposits from Monday in a timely manner. The only time I pass a union bank until Friday is at harbor and Adams if I take the bus to there on my way home and make the deposit then I'd miss the bus home and would have to take a later one. I've had plans to do that sometime, but it's such a long trip home, I always end up deciding to just go home and do the deposit at a different time. Today, I've decided I'm going to go to Avalon now, after yoga, get the deposit ready and take it to a bank. That way the extra time doesn't affect my time going home.
I'm at Avalon. I was going to go to the union bank I'd seen at harbor and Adams, then I decided I should look to see if there's an easier one to get to. I had union bank tell me all the banks in the area. Now, I'm checking them with google maps to see which one seems easiest to get to and from. Wow! I can ride the 71 to one. Google says even with the 1/2 mile scootering to the bank that it will only take 25 minutes. I can take the same route back too! It's close time wise, but I might be able to get off the bus, scooter to the bank, make the deposit, scooter back and get on the bus, with almost no waiting! The bank teller Is curious about my scooter. She's looking at the deposit slip to find the business address and is a little surprised that it's not close. I told her I took the bus from there. I'm not going into the full why because of time. There's a Carl's jr across the driveway from the bank. I've been hungry for French Frys for a couple of weeks. I chance it and go there. I tell the lady I only want fries if I can get them quickly. She gets the fries for me and I head off.
I'm at the bus stop in plenty of time! I sit and munch on some fries. I have about 1/2 of them gone by the time the bus arrives.
When we were emailing, Mary told me that Scott is on light days now at work. That's bad. He's coming over tonight. I was counting on his arriving his normal late time to give me time to pick up the apartment. I guess I'll just wait and see.
I'm at the bus stop, waiting for the 43, the first bus on my way home. Scott calls right when the bus is supposed to be here. I answer. He's getting off work early. He's in LA. So, picking me up from Orange County won't work. We go over different places we could meet and finally end up saying he'll pick me up at the alternate bus stop when I get off the last bus. I can't remember the cross street name. We hang up so I can look it up, then I call him back, give him the cross street name and tell him I'm supposed to arrive there at 8:05. I'm not sure what I'm going to do about the place. I won't have a chance to pick up anything!
The 43 is late. I check the schedule. I had 12 minutes between buses at Disneyland. I'll gain a couple of minutes by going to the alternate stop there. So, that gives 14 or 15 minutes total. It will be fine.
The 43's finally here! But it's 15 minutes late! I doubt that it's even the one that was scheduled. I think that bus never came and this is the next one. I'm frustrated. I don't know what to do. It's not just me counting on this, Scott will be there waiting on me. He doesn't have a cell phone so if I miss the connection at Disneyland there is no way to tell him!
I decide to call the OCTA and complain. Their complaint department is closed for the day..
Now, I'm thinking I just want to know why the bus didn't come. Maybe the driver was sick, or the bus was in an accident or something. I should give them the benefit of the doubt. I call the bus company and ask to know why the bus didn't come. The nice lady on the other end of the line says she will talk to the scheduler and find out. She came back and said he couldn't tell her why it was late, just that it was running 20 minutes late. How strange. I've always said that the 43 seems to run on it's own schedule (one that it doesn't tell anyone else about) this is proof of that.
We're almost to Disneyland. We're so late I don't think there is any way I'll make the connection to the 460, but I'm still hoping. I've been on edge the whole trip. It really bothers me that Scott will be there waiting and I won't be there at the right time.
The bus stops and a father asks if we can take them to Disneyland. The bus they are waiting for keeps passing them and not stopping. The driver is really nice and accepts their pass even though it isn't for our system.
We're still not at Disneyland yet. This time an Australian family is asking if we go to Disneyland and how much the fare is. They are $1 short and turn to leave. One of the passengers gives them the $1 so they can ride the bus.
Part of me is thinking it's great seeing all this sharing and caring between people, part of me is thinking this all took way too long, more delays in getting to my transfer. I'm trying to remind myself that everything is a blessing. I'm stressing anyway.
I get off at the Katella / Harbor exit and scooter to the alternate bus stop. I check the time. The only way I would make the 460 I was scheduled for is if it was running really late, which it doesn't normally do. I'm hoping anyway.
A few minutes have passed. I know I've missed it. I take off my backpack and settle in to wait for the next bus.
At the exit, Scott is there waiting. He didn't mind waiting. I should have known he wouldn't mind waiting. He wasn't worried about me. He just assumed I was on a later bus. All that stress I had about getting here, it was all silly.
I need to de-stress somewhere. I ask if he'd mind going out to eat. He wouldn't mind at all. We went and drove down pioneer. We ended up at a Boba place, eating Chinese food.
Scott bought my dinner and then drove me home. We're both tired so he just dropped me off at the front gate. How funny. I didn't even have to stress about how messy the place was. It was a non-issue. We never went in!
5/13/12 - Sunday
5/13/12 - Sunday
Prakriti picked me up and took me to Sunday morning celebration. Our teacher was there.
She was a bit peeved at me because I wasn't outside waiting on her in time. She walked to the call box to call me and have me come out.
We got there in plenty of time.
I got to be the one to greet our teacher.
Prakriti took me out to Mother's for lunch!
Worked on my back yard some
Made a pathway to the gate!
All of a sudden it's time to change!
Prakriti picked me up and took me to evening class!
Jaitri wasn't here tonight. I would have been stranded (or home very, very late) if the universe hadn't pre-arranged a ride!
Prakriti picked me up and took me to Sunday morning celebration. Our teacher was there.
She was a bit peeved at me because I wasn't outside waiting on her in time. She walked to the call box to call me and have me come out.
We got there in plenty of time.
I got to be the one to greet our teacher.
Prakriti took me out to Mother's for lunch!
Worked on my back yard some
Made a pathway to the gate!
All of a sudden it's time to change!
Prakriti picked me up and took me to evening class!
Jaitri wasn't here tonight. I would have been stranded (or home very, very late) if the universe hadn't pre-arranged a ride!
5/12/12 - Saturday
5/12/12 - Saturday
Showing the Norwalk apartment
I found the perfect tenants for it. I like them a lot.
They sat and filled out the applications right there!
Still showing the apartment, just in case.
Ran credit and did checks, called them to tell them they can have the apartment.
They're excited and want to move in tomorrow.
I tell them we can meet at 7pm (I figure I'll be able to be back by then) and sign the lease paperwork.
I need to leave soon and haven't eaten. I check the fridge.
There are the left-overs from last night. I stand in the kitchen and eat quickly, then leave, taking the left-over bread with me to eat while waiting for the bus.
Took bus to Prakriti's.
Prakriti was horrified that I took the bus and scooter to her place. I can't seem to convince her that I like doing it.
I installed a new foot pedal for her computer. She does transcribing and it works better with a foot pedal.
The CD set I created for her is in a format the free version of the transcription program can't use. I need to go back home and write out a different disc.
Prakriti drives me home and waits for me outside.
I print out the lease paperwork for tonight while I'm waiting for the CD to finish writing.
We're going through all the transcription things slowly.
The new tenants call me to ask a question. They want to rent one of the garages and want to make sure that can be available for tomorrow too. I tell them I can't have it for them tonight, but I'll have it ready for them for tomorrow morning.
I ask if we can push the meeting time back by a 1/2 hour. I want to make sure I can get there in time.
When Prakriti drives me home she asks me if I was planning on going to Sunday morning celebration tomorrow and if I want her to drive me. I'd originally planned on going and then changed my plans because I needed to stay home to rent the vacant apartment. Now that I've got tenants for it, I guess I could go. If the universe offers you a ride, I think you should take it. I say "yes" and we start planning what time she should get to my place to make sure we are there in time.
Showing the Norwalk apartment
I found the perfect tenants for it. I like them a lot.
They sat and filled out the applications right there!
Still showing the apartment, just in case.
Ran credit and did checks, called them to tell them they can have the apartment.
They're excited and want to move in tomorrow.
I tell them we can meet at 7pm (I figure I'll be able to be back by then) and sign the lease paperwork.
I need to leave soon and haven't eaten. I check the fridge.
There are the left-overs from last night. I stand in the kitchen and eat quickly, then leave, taking the left-over bread with me to eat while waiting for the bus.
Took bus to Prakriti's.
Prakriti was horrified that I took the bus and scooter to her place. I can't seem to convince her that I like doing it.
I installed a new foot pedal for her computer. She does transcribing and it works better with a foot pedal.
The CD set I created for her is in a format the free version of the transcription program can't use. I need to go back home and write out a different disc.
Prakriti drives me home and waits for me outside.
I print out the lease paperwork for tonight while I'm waiting for the CD to finish writing.
We're going through all the transcription things slowly.
The new tenants call me to ask a question. They want to rent one of the garages and want to make sure that can be available for tomorrow too. I tell them I can't have it for them tonight, but I'll have it ready for them for tomorrow morning.
I ask if we can push the meeting time back by a 1/2 hour. I want to make sure I can get there in time.
When Prakriti drives me home she asks me if I was planning on going to Sunday morning celebration tomorrow and if I want her to drive me. I'd originally planned on going and then changed my plans because I needed to stay home to rent the vacant apartment. Now that I've got tenants for it, I guess I could go. If the universe offers you a ride, I think you should take it. I say "yes" and we start planning what time she should get to my place to make sure we are there in time.
5/11/12 - Friday
5/11/12 - Friday
rode bus - went to alternate stop
At YC in plenty of time - no deposits
Mary emailed asking if I wanted to do something.
I said yes.
No one came to second yoga class.
Spent the time working on the Meissen ad
Finally got the ad up!
I need to make a deposit after work.
She needs to go to her old room and pick up some things she left and touch up some paint.
We go to Saagar in Costa Mesa.
At my place, I invite her in for a game or puzzle. We're both tired though so we say goodnight and she heads home.
rode bus - went to alternate stop
At YC in plenty of time - no deposits
Mary emailed asking if I wanted to do something.
I said yes.
No one came to second yoga class.
Spent the time working on the Meissen ad
Finally got the ad up!
I need to make a deposit after work.
She needs to go to her old room and pick up some things she left and touch up some paint.
We go to Saagar in Costa Mesa.
At my place, I invite her in for a game or puzzle. We're both tired though so we say goodnight and she heads home.
5/10/12 - Thursday Evening - Fell Asleep On The Bus!
5/10/12 - Thursday
It's almost time for Christian to come home. It's funny. He's not truly due until 6, as far as I'm concerned. He comes home earlier though. I've decided if he gets home in time for me to catch the 5pm bus, I'll take off quickly and do that. I've caught the last Norwalk bus by doing that before. It feels special to get a ride for that last little bit. If he's home later than that I'll stay and enjoy being with them all.
He came home right at 5! I'm staying. Nice to give him a chance to change and decompress a bit. Now the kids are swinging. He's pushing Logan. He and Christina are going over different animals, what they are and what they do. It's wonderful to watch them enjoying each other! Now that it's past the 5pm mark, I don't care when I leave. I'm enjoying being here with them.
The kids are eating. I kiss them both and give them hugs and say goodbye. Off to the bus stop!
At the bus stop, I'm checking Google maps to find out what it thinks I should do. I'm planning on doing the 54 to the 43 to the 460, like I have the last few times, but it's still nice to know what it thinks.
Google thinks I should take the route that includes the 42! Ha! I'm not doing that! I check the second route. That's the route I've taken sometimes, with 4 buses. It's not bad though. The 54 is here and I'm still debating! Oh well! The 54 is the first part of either of the trips I'm considering! I get on and start trying to figure out time frames.
I think I might be able to do the same kind of thing I've done the last few times... get to Disneyland just barely in time to catch the 460 up to Norwalk. That would be cool! I'm still set on going that way.
The time is getting later and we're no where close to where I get off for the next bus. I'm realizing that today's trip didn't have enough time in it for that last minute run. It's still possible that the 460 is late and I could catch it, though not probable.
I decide to go the other route Google wanted me to take.
Now that i'm on the 2nd bus in the set, i'm going to be on this bus for awhile. I'm tired. Maybe I'll doze for a bit. I've got time.
I was just woken up by the bus driver saying this is the last stop! I must have fallen asleep! I've missed my stop!
I'm proud of myself. I'm not panicked. I am frustrated at myself, but not panicked. I just get off the bus and consult google maps on my phone. There has to be a way to get home from here. There is! I've got 10 minutes until the bus comes and then I'll be on my way again. The funny part is that part of the reason I'd decided to go with the alternate bus route was that it ended with the 62, which has a stop closer to my apartment. Now, having to adjust my route, the last bus on the route is the 460... my normal bus. So, I'll be getting off at my normal stop.
I'm hungry. I think about searching this area for food, but I don't think I could get something and get back in 10 minutes and I don't want to miss the bus!
Oh wait! I might have emergency food in my backpack! I search it and pull out a stick of soy jerky and a single serving of dried seaweed. This will hold me until I get home!
Three number 43 buses have pulled in while I've been waiting. I don't think they would have scheduled 3 that close together. That bus certainly does run on it's own schedule!
Our bus is late. It's getting a bit chilly.
There it is now! Finally on my way home again!
It's almost time for Christian to come home. It's funny. He's not truly due until 6, as far as I'm concerned. He comes home earlier though. I've decided if he gets home in time for me to catch the 5pm bus, I'll take off quickly and do that. I've caught the last Norwalk bus by doing that before. It feels special to get a ride for that last little bit. If he's home later than that I'll stay and enjoy being with them all.
He came home right at 5! I'm staying. Nice to give him a chance to change and decompress a bit. Now the kids are swinging. He's pushing Logan. He and Christina are going over different animals, what they are and what they do. It's wonderful to watch them enjoying each other! Now that it's past the 5pm mark, I don't care when I leave. I'm enjoying being here with them.
The kids are eating. I kiss them both and give them hugs and say goodbye. Off to the bus stop!
At the bus stop, I'm checking Google maps to find out what it thinks I should do. I'm planning on doing the 54 to the 43 to the 460, like I have the last few times, but it's still nice to know what it thinks.
Google thinks I should take the route that includes the 42! Ha! I'm not doing that! I check the second route. That's the route I've taken sometimes, with 4 buses. It's not bad though. The 54 is here and I'm still debating! Oh well! The 54 is the first part of either of the trips I'm considering! I get on and start trying to figure out time frames.
I think I might be able to do the same kind of thing I've done the last few times... get to Disneyland just barely in time to catch the 460 up to Norwalk. That would be cool! I'm still set on going that way.
The time is getting later and we're no where close to where I get off for the next bus. I'm realizing that today's trip didn't have enough time in it for that last minute run. It's still possible that the 460 is late and I could catch it, though not probable.
I decide to go the other route Google wanted me to take.
Now that i'm on the 2nd bus in the set, i'm going to be on this bus for awhile. I'm tired. Maybe I'll doze for a bit. I've got time.
I was just woken up by the bus driver saying this is the last stop! I must have fallen asleep! I've missed my stop!
I'm proud of myself. I'm not panicked. I am frustrated at myself, but not panicked. I just get off the bus and consult google maps on my phone. There has to be a way to get home from here. There is! I've got 10 minutes until the bus comes and then I'll be on my way again. The funny part is that part of the reason I'd decided to go with the alternate bus route was that it ended with the 62, which has a stop closer to my apartment. Now, having to adjust my route, the last bus on the route is the 460... my normal bus. So, I'll be getting off at my normal stop.
I'm hungry. I think about searching this area for food, but I don't think I could get something and get back in 10 minutes and I don't want to miss the bus!
Oh wait! I might have emergency food in my backpack! I search it and pull out a stick of soy jerky and a single serving of dried seaweed. This will hold me until I get home!
Three number 43 buses have pulled in while I've been waiting. I don't think they would have scheduled 3 that close together. That bus certainly does run on it's own schedule!
Our bus is late. It's getting a bit chilly.
There it is now! Finally on my way home again!
5/10/12 - Thursday
5/10/12 - Thursday
I woke up at 3 this morning. I thought about getting up and working on the ad for the porcelain. I didn't feel tired. I wanted to give Christina a chance to wake me up though. I laid there in bed for awhile and went back to sleep.
Logan and I just picked Christina up from school. I need to buy a new bus pass. Tonight is the perfect time to start a new pass as they have to be date stamped by an OC bus before the la bus will take it. I think there is a metro office at the train station. That would sell passes. I could also look up a Ralph's and go there. The train station is fairly close to Christina's school. We drive to the train station, park and look around. There is a restaurant here, but there isn't a metro office. We are near the tracks, I'm reading the things posted on the kiosk when Christina sees a train coming. I stop reading. We all stand there watching the train come. When it does come, it's strong and fast! Logan grabs hold of my left leg. Christina makes a scream, jumps back a bit and holds my other leg. I stand there, watching the train wiz by, holding both kids. I wish it had been going slower so I could have pointed out specific cars and what they were for. We talk some about the train being scary and about the cars. Then we walk in the tunnel underneath the tracks.
There is a bus parked here, waiting for his time to leave. We go over and I ask him where I can buy a monthly pass. He tells me I can go to a Ralph's. He also tells me how to get to the octa office. It isn't that far away, but there is a ralph's a little closer. I decide to go to the office anyway. I'd like to see what it's like. At the office, the lady asks for my birth year. This is getting frustrating! I may really have to die my hair or something! She explains that they recently lowered the age for a senior pass from 65 to 60 and that a lot of people don't know about it. So she always checks. I feel a little better. That's probably what was going on with the driver yesterday too. I still don't like the idea that so many people think I might be 60! For much of my life I've been mistaken for being younger than I am. I'm not sure how to handle being mistaken for being older! Right before we leave I think to ask her about the passes I've seen on Craigslist. She says some of them are real. People bought them and then don't need them. The bus company doesn't give refunds. So the people sell them on Craigslist. She also said there was a bunch stolen from the octa. They've disabled those. So if you bought them you'd be out of luck. How frustrating! I'd like to help someone out by buying their pass. It would help me out too. That'd be cool! But I don't want to give money to someone who has stolen something! Oh well, maybe by the time I need next month's pass the stolen ones will have filtered out. I think that would mean less ads overall. That would be measurable.
We're in the car, driving to a park. I'm realizing we won't have that much time at the park. We're driving past a Santa Ana nature center and park. I decide it would be better to go there and have more time at the park. Christina asks about the paw prints in the concrete, The kids have been here before, but I haven't. We go to the nature center first. The nice lady there pulls out a book and starts showing them how to identify what tracks belong to what animal. She also tells us that they are going to start showing a movie one Friday a month and asks me if I have a movie I'd like to see. I explain to her about the whole car / bus thing and don't give her a movie name because I probably won't be able to come to the movie. I left my purse and blog cards in the car. I wish I had one to give her. I'll have to remember to always carry one or two with me.
I woke up at 3 this morning. I thought about getting up and working on the ad for the porcelain. I didn't feel tired. I wanted to give Christina a chance to wake me up though. I laid there in bed for awhile and went back to sleep.
Logan and I just picked Christina up from school. I need to buy a new bus pass. Tonight is the perfect time to start a new pass as they have to be date stamped by an OC bus before the la bus will take it. I think there is a metro office at the train station. That would sell passes. I could also look up a Ralph's and go there. The train station is fairly close to Christina's school. We drive to the train station, park and look around. There is a restaurant here, but there isn't a metro office. We are near the tracks, I'm reading the things posted on the kiosk when Christina sees a train coming. I stop reading. We all stand there watching the train come. When it does come, it's strong and fast! Logan grabs hold of my left leg. Christina makes a scream, jumps back a bit and holds my other leg. I stand there, watching the train wiz by, holding both kids. I wish it had been going slower so I could have pointed out specific cars and what they were for. We talk some about the train being scary and about the cars. Then we walk in the tunnel underneath the tracks.
There is a bus parked here, waiting for his time to leave. We go over and I ask him where I can buy a monthly pass. He tells me I can go to a Ralph's. He also tells me how to get to the octa office. It isn't that far away, but there is a ralph's a little closer. I decide to go to the office anyway. I'd like to see what it's like. At the office, the lady asks for my birth year. This is getting frustrating! I may really have to die my hair or something! She explains that they recently lowered the age for a senior pass from 65 to 60 and that a lot of people don't know about it. So she always checks. I feel a little better. That's probably what was going on with the driver yesterday too. I still don't like the idea that so many people think I might be 60! For much of my life I've been mistaken for being younger than I am. I'm not sure how to handle being mistaken for being older! Right before we leave I think to ask her about the passes I've seen on Craigslist. She says some of them are real. People bought them and then don't need them. The bus company doesn't give refunds. So the people sell them on Craigslist. She also said there was a bunch stolen from the octa. They've disabled those. So if you bought them you'd be out of luck. How frustrating! I'd like to help someone out by buying their pass. It would help me out too. That'd be cool! But I don't want to give money to someone who has stolen something! Oh well, maybe by the time I need next month's pass the stolen ones will have filtered out. I think that would mean less ads overall. That would be measurable.
We're in the car, driving to a park. I'm realizing we won't have that much time at the park. We're driving past a Santa Ana nature center and park. I decide it would be better to go there and have more time at the park. Christina asks about the paw prints in the concrete, The kids have been here before, but I haven't. We go to the nature center first. The nice lady there pulls out a book and starts showing them how to identify what tracks belong to what animal. She also tells us that they are going to start showing a movie one Friday a month and asks me if I have a movie I'd like to see. I explain to her about the whole car / bus thing and don't give her a movie name because I probably won't be able to come to the movie. I left my purse and blog cards in the car. I wish I had one to give her. I'll have to remember to always carry one or two with me.
5/9/12 - Wednesday
5/9/12 - Wednesday
I'm awake. It's early still. I'm trying to convince my body to get a little more sleep. My mind is working on the things I need to do this morning. It won't let me go back to sleep. I grab a couple of papers and make lists. One list for things to do today. One for things to pack into my backpack for the sleepover tonight. One for things I need to do at Avalon. I'd thought making lists would clear my mind and let me sleep more. What it did was spur me into movement. It's going to be challenging to get everything done in time. There's a lot to do!
I'm planning on leaving an hour early. We've had some lovely sunny days. The bus I take to Avalon from Charles' stops at a couple of beaches. If I can take an earlier bus down, then I can stop and enjoy the beach for awhile. The main thing I need to do is work on the picture editing and get the eBay ad posted for Greg's porcelain. It's so close, but not done. I need to get it posted today. I won't be back at a place where I could work on this again until tomorrow night. It needs to happen today. It's getting later and later. All I've done is work on photo editing. I think it will be a great ad, or at least a good ad, but it's a lot of work and I'm not done yet. It's time I need to stop and pack if I'm going to leave at 10. I make the decision to stay and work, giving up on the beach. I'll just ride by it again. It'll be worth it though to get this one major thing crossed off my list.
Still working on the photo editing. I had to research how to remove items from the photo's background. This isn't fun. I love learning, but not learning under pressure! Finally the editing is done, and I've loaded all the photos up to photobucket. I'm going to have to list the ad later, hopefully I'll have some lag time at work when I can do it. I'm focused on making sure I'll have everything with me to do it. As things were loading I packed. Nothing else I wanted to do before leaving is going to get done.
Charles just called to see if I'm returning the truck today. I hadn't called him. I tell him that I am returning it and that I'll be there around noon. He doesn't need it till tomorrow, but wanted to check. Getting there that late might make me late to work, but if I was going to get there earlier, I'd be walking out the door now. When he asked how I was, I told him I was feeling frantic. He said he could hear that in my voice. He still kept me on the phone, telling me about the events of the weekend. I'm glad I put gas in the truck the other day. One less thing to do today. It's nice to see Charles. It sounds like they had a good weekend. While he's telling me about it, I keep wondering if I should stop him and take off for the bus. I remind myself that people need listened to and acknowledged. I stay and listen. Soon he is talked out and ready to go on with his day. I get to the bus stop and then check with google maps to see when the next bus comes to the va hospital. I don't worry about asking when one will come here. There are four buses that go from here to there. There will be one soon. I don't have to check. Google says bus 1 will leave at 1:17. Heck! I could have stayed and talked more with Charles! I'll definitely be there On time for that! There is a bus sitting at the stop. It's driver is off on break. The bad thing about the buses sitting there is that when the bus is turned off, there is no way of telling what bus it is. Everyone stands outside the bus, hoping it's the bus they need. It turns out the bus that was sitting here is the 60. I wonder why google didn't route me on that? Oh well, I'm not going to worry about it. I'm looking forward to riding the one and seeing the ocean. It seems like the bus should be letting us on soon, but the driver is still on break. I hope I can get a window seat on the ocean side!
I swiped my bus pass and the little box said it was invalid! I looked at my card and realized it's expired! I was thinking it expired around the middle of the month! It expired on the 3rd. So, right after I borrowed the truck! How funny! I scramble and find change for the fare. After I sit back down, I start thinking about it. I won't be near a place to buy a ticket today and I have two more buses to go on. I check. If the driver will let me add to what I paid, I have enough for a daily pass. That would be the way to go.
Take bus to Tracye's in the evening.
I'm awake. It's early still. I'm trying to convince my body to get a little more sleep. My mind is working on the things I need to do this morning. It won't let me go back to sleep. I grab a couple of papers and make lists. One list for things to do today. One for things to pack into my backpack for the sleepover tonight. One for things I need to do at Avalon. I'd thought making lists would clear my mind and let me sleep more. What it did was spur me into movement. It's going to be challenging to get everything done in time. There's a lot to do!
I'm planning on leaving an hour early. We've had some lovely sunny days. The bus I take to Avalon from Charles' stops at a couple of beaches. If I can take an earlier bus down, then I can stop and enjoy the beach for awhile. The main thing I need to do is work on the picture editing and get the eBay ad posted for Greg's porcelain. It's so close, but not done. I need to get it posted today. I won't be back at a place where I could work on this again until tomorrow night. It needs to happen today. It's getting later and later. All I've done is work on photo editing. I think it will be a great ad, or at least a good ad, but it's a lot of work and I'm not done yet. It's time I need to stop and pack if I'm going to leave at 10. I make the decision to stay and work, giving up on the beach. I'll just ride by it again. It'll be worth it though to get this one major thing crossed off my list.
Still working on the photo editing. I had to research how to remove items from the photo's background. This isn't fun. I love learning, but not learning under pressure! Finally the editing is done, and I've loaded all the photos up to photobucket. I'm going to have to list the ad later, hopefully I'll have some lag time at work when I can do it. I'm focused on making sure I'll have everything with me to do it. As things were loading I packed. Nothing else I wanted to do before leaving is going to get done.
Charles just called to see if I'm returning the truck today. I hadn't called him. I tell him that I am returning it and that I'll be there around noon. He doesn't need it till tomorrow, but wanted to check. Getting there that late might make me late to work, but if I was going to get there earlier, I'd be walking out the door now. When he asked how I was, I told him I was feeling frantic. He said he could hear that in my voice. He still kept me on the phone, telling me about the events of the weekend. I'm glad I put gas in the truck the other day. One less thing to do today. It's nice to see Charles. It sounds like they had a good weekend. While he's telling me about it, I keep wondering if I should stop him and take off for the bus. I remind myself that people need listened to and acknowledged. I stay and listen. Soon he is talked out and ready to go on with his day. I get to the bus stop and then check with google maps to see when the next bus comes to the va hospital. I don't worry about asking when one will come here. There are four buses that go from here to there. There will be one soon. I don't have to check. Google says bus 1 will leave at 1:17. Heck! I could have stayed and talked more with Charles! I'll definitely be there On time for that! There is a bus sitting at the stop. It's driver is off on break. The bad thing about the buses sitting there is that when the bus is turned off, there is no way of telling what bus it is. Everyone stands outside the bus, hoping it's the bus they need. It turns out the bus that was sitting here is the 60. I wonder why google didn't route me on that? Oh well, I'm not going to worry about it. I'm looking forward to riding the one and seeing the ocean. It seems like the bus should be letting us on soon, but the driver is still on break. I hope I can get a window seat on the ocean side!
I swiped my bus pass and the little box said it was invalid! I looked at my card and realized it's expired! I was thinking it expired around the middle of the month! It expired on the 3rd. So, right after I borrowed the truck! How funny! I scramble and find change for the fare. After I sit back down, I start thinking about it. I won't be near a place to buy a ticket today and I have two more buses to go on. I check. If the driver will let me add to what I paid, I have enough for a daily pass. That would be the way to go.
Take bus to Tracye's in the evening.
5/8/12 - Tuesday
5/8/12 - Tuesday
Jury duty
Was going to take the bus - messed up the time! It's time for me to be there!
Drove the truck - thank goodness I had it!
They wouldn't let me in with the glass water bottle and nail file (that I didn't even remember I had)!
Told them I had filled out form to say I couldn't do it, I don't make money if I don't work, but today is my day off so if they can take me today, I'd love to do it.
The guy said today is a very good day to do jury duty.
I didn't understand that, but re-emphasized that I'm free today and would love to do my jury duty today.
They had us watch a film and then let us go!
I went to wal-mart looking at toaster ovens and storage containers.
Found some containers the right size for the creamer and sugar bowl!
They have a toaster oven for $21. I'm thinking about it. I decide not to buy it right now though.
Bought a few groceries at Trader Joe's.
Should call Prakriti now and go over, but the files aren't ready and I'm tired.
Take a nap.
Worked the whole afternoon creating the files for Prakriti. It took forever!
Finally done!
Prakriti just called me. She's tired now and says we should put it off till Saturday. That's good. I think that will be better for me, even though i won't have the truck.
I work on editing photos of the china.
Jury duty
Was going to take the bus - messed up the time! It's time for me to be there!
Drove the truck - thank goodness I had it!
They wouldn't let me in with the glass water bottle and nail file (that I didn't even remember I had)!
Told them I had filled out form to say I couldn't do it, I don't make money if I don't work, but today is my day off so if they can take me today, I'd love to do it.
The guy said today is a very good day to do jury duty.
I didn't understand that, but re-emphasized that I'm free today and would love to do my jury duty today.
They had us watch a film and then let us go!
I went to wal-mart looking at toaster ovens and storage containers.
Found some containers the right size for the creamer and sugar bowl!
They have a toaster oven for $21. I'm thinking about it. I decide not to buy it right now though.
Bought a few groceries at Trader Joe's.
Should call Prakriti now and go over, but the files aren't ready and I'm tired.
Take a nap.
Worked the whole afternoon creating the files for Prakriti. It took forever!
Finally done!
Prakriti just called me. She's tired now and says we should put it off till Saturday. That's good. I think that will be better for me, even though i won't have the truck.
I work on editing photos of the china.
Monday - 5/7/12
Monday - 5/7/12
I had a hard time falling asleep last night. It's nice I was able to sleep a little later. I'm laying in bed trying to convince myself I don't have to get up, that I could sleep for 15 more minutes. It's not true though and I know it. I climb out of bed and start to figure out what I'm doing. Fortunately, I made a list last night of the things I hoped to accomplish before I leave this morning.
I had a hard time falling asleep last night. It's nice I was able to sleep a little later. I'm laying in bed trying to convince myself I don't have to get up, that I could sleep for 15 more minutes. It's not true though and I know it. I climb out of bed and start to figure out what I'm doing. Fortunately, I made a list last night of the things I hoped to accomplish before I leave this morning.
5/6/12 - Sunday
5/6/12 - Sunday
Taking pictures of the china
Decided to use flowers in the pictures
It's taking forever.
I take pictures of one item, then load them to the computer so I can track which is cup 1, etc...
I've been planning on going to class since I have the truck.
I'm a little frustrated at spending the gas money, especially since I know I want to drive tomorrow, but I figure it will work out.
I'm not done though.
I end up deciding not to go, it just didn't feel right.
I stay home and keep working..
Taking pictures of the china
Decided to use flowers in the pictures
It's taking forever.
I take pictures of one item, then load them to the computer so I can track which is cup 1, etc...
I've been planning on going to class since I have the truck.
I'm a little frustrated at spending the gas money, especially since I know I want to drive tomorrow, but I figure it will work out.
I'm not done though.
I end up deciding not to go, it just didn't feel right.
I stay home and keep working..
5/5/12 - Saturday
5/5/12 - Saturday
Stayed home to show apartments - almost no one came
Did monthly update of the amounts I owe.
Disappointed that more wasn't paid down.
Helped Mary Move
Went to Z pizza - had coupon
Drove Mary back to her car at the old place
Frustrated at gas money. We used prob $40 worth of gas driving today. So, no savings for me. I'll still be putting the normal $80 into the tank. On the other hand, I like being able to help a friend. So, it was worth it. Why is my brain stuck on money?
Stayed home to show apartments - almost no one came
Did monthly update of the amounts I owe.
Disappointed that more wasn't paid down.
Helped Mary Move
Went to Z pizza - had coupon
Drove Mary back to her car at the old place
Frustrated at gas money. We used prob $40 worth of gas driving today. So, no savings for me. I'll still be putting the normal $80 into the tank. On the other hand, I like being able to help a friend. So, it was worth it. Why is my brain stuck on money?
5/4/12 - Friday
5/4/12 - Friday
Drove Truck
After Yoga went to Plant Stand and used groupon coupon.
Drove Truck
After Yoga went to Plant Stand and used groupon coupon.
Once I got there I was worried about it because without my phone... and with my caribeener watch / clock missing... well, time can stand still! But, it worked out perfectly.
II almost bought a climbing rose bush. It was gorgeous! But, it would have been the whole groupon pretty much and I'd bought it for either vegetables or flowers for the back yard. Orchids got turned down for the same reason. They had some lovely hanging fushias, but I have a place I love down near Carlsbad that always has lovely fushias. So, decided to wait on them.
Anyway, brought home lots of flowers! Not sure any of them will do well, but I figure I've got a 50/50 chance with each of them, which completely raises the odds of having plants live if you have a large selection . ;-)
It was kind of nice too to realize that some things I already had... like I like my spearmint better than the variety they had... and I'm not totally sure my fennel is dead (got tromped on, etc), and I've got parsley already...
I did get lavender (my big purchase being $10.50 compared to the $3.79 of everything else),
rosemary (this should have been more but she didn't want to look up the price and it was a "left-over" so she gave it to me for cheaper)
a small orange christmas cactus (they attract hummingbirds - and, hey, it's a cactus, I'm good at not killing those!)
and a bunch of other stuff
only one of each though so things may need to spread or be spread out some by me to look right! ;-)
Now I've got to figure out a time to plant the stuff!!!
Oh and finish putting up the shelving in the backyard
and of course make sure the drip system goes to everybody!
In the evening went to DD's for dinner
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