
A Quiet Day - 2/11/12

Saturday - 2/11/12

Today I'm staying home.
I love my home and enjoy being here.  Nice to occasionally get a chance to spend the day here.
I've emailed my friend Mary and asked her if she wants to come up tonight and she said "yes."  So, I'm even going to have some social!

I even took a nap!  I slept for hours in the afternoon.  It was so nice!

Paying the bills has made me realize a few things.  I've been feeling more "comfortable" and "relaxed" about money since I've stopped driving.  I haven't spent much more than I would have, but I've just felt more relaxed.  I've also had some side jobs recently, which helps quite a bit.  However, my Ebay sales are down because I haven't been listing items.  Somehow it's all evened out.  I was hoping to be able to pay extra on my bills, and I am paying extra, but just a few dollars.  It's a bit disappointing.  I'm happy that I can pay the bills plus some though!  I'm going to have to figure out how to get back to posting items in my Ebay store.  I need to get that income back up!

This year without my car is about paying off my bills.  Somehow I have to manage working on that!

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