Friday 2/3/12
I woke up at 5am this morning and I am SO thrilled that I got to sleep in! I think that's funny, the way that life changes. There was a time in my life when 5am was early!
I think it's "easier" now to get my things together and get out of the apartment to leave in the morning. I've been having to do that on a strict "you will miss the bus if you don't" timeline and I think that's helped me learn to do better.
I'm leaving out of the apartment door at exactly the time I wanted to, 6am! Yay!
I've even managed to clean the electric tea kettle that I got at Costco yesterday so that I can take it down to my work office today, while I have a vehicle.
Then, I get to the truck and realize that most of the Costco items are still in it. There's also a car parked next to me that shouldn't be. I open my garage and unload the Costco items. Then, I search for a pen and leave the car another note that they can't park there. This time I think I've found the answer! Normally, I threaten towing, which is a threat that has very few teeth. I won't actually have anyone towed, except in extreme circumstances. This time, I tell them that if I see them parking there again (and they have been trying parking their car there for awhile now), that I will start charging them $100 a month for the space. I think that will do it! They could rent a garage space for less than that!
Doing all the things at the truck has now made it so I'm leaving later than I had wanted. Sigh. I guess I still have more to learn about setting aside time for these things to happen. I'm leaving early enough that I'm still going to get to class in plenty of time, I'm just not leaving when I wanted to.
I stop at the post office on my way to yoga class and drop off eBay packages. It's very nice to be able to do that! I had a postal pickup scheduled for yesterday and for some reason no one came. That's not normal. Normally the post office is amazing. Nice to be able to fix it all by driving them in myself!
During yoga class I notice that my mind is trying to jump here and there a little more than it has been. I wonder if the act of driving makes my mind more chaotic than the act of riding a bus? It could also be that doing the time on the scooter in the morning helps to clear and calm my mind. I wonder if other exercise would do the same. I'll have to try some experiments!
I really enjoy teaching yoga. I am so grateful for it in my life. I can't imagine where I would be without it. Now, after yoga, I am happy and glowing. I always am. Life is definitely good!
I showed the two apartments that I have for rent at Avalon to four different people during a two hour time frame. I may have even rented the one unit. We set an appointment for her husband to come see it tomorrow (which thankfully I can do since I have Charles' truck tomorrow too and it is on the way to my other job!) That would be terrific. That complex gives me a bonus for having all the units paid up and rented for whatever month. With the economy, I haven't managed to get that bonus since 2009. Before that, I got it all of the time. I have one more person moving out of this complex. So, a total of 3 units to rent. Everything rests on that. I've already lost any bonus for February. Funny that I can say that on the 3rd of the month! It's now all about picking the right tenants. If I manage to get people in who are good people and have a good income and are happy with the place and will stay awhile, I could possibly start getting the bonuses again. That would be nice! I'm not counting on it, as we are a weekly rental place and there are always people moving out, it's the nature of our niche, but it would be nice to have.
Working the jazz concert is fun! I'm at the Ocean Institute in Dana Point for the concert. Normally, when I work an event or auction, they have us off in a little room somewhere, with our computers and credit card machines, and I only get occasional glimpses of the party that is going on. This time we are close enough that we can hear the jazz being played. It's awesome! I'm really enjoying the evening! It is cold. They have our tables set up right in front of the door, but at least I knew in advance and wore silk long johns under my black business suit.
I'm getting in the truck to go home at 12:30 in the morning. I'm very grateful to Charles for loaning me the truck. It is so nice to be able to easily go straight home!
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