
Sunday - 8/12/12

Sunday - 8/12/12

It feels good to know all of my stuff is packed and on it's way to burning man. It also feels good to know I've got some time left to search for the small things I couldn't find. Wow. I haven't done anything yet this morning and I already feel like I accomplished something!

I'm just starting to move around when I realize I was planning on going to sunday celebration this morning and I don't know when I need to leave. Oops! Google maps says I should have left 15 minutes ago. I adjust the time I want to arrive to 1/2 hour later. Sometimes there's a route they son't show because it would get there a minute or two late. Ah! That's the case this time! I can leave at 7:07 and will get there around 10:01. They have me walking the last mile too. So I know I'll cut some time off of that by using the scooter. I guess it's time to get dressed!

I just caught my mind automatically adding 5 minutes to the time I need to leave, since I can leave 5 minutes later and go to the alternate stop. I remind myself that I'd prefer to go to the closer stop and continue packing for the fair.

I don't need much today. I'm taking my regular backpack in case I buy anything (it is the last day of the fair,). My refillable drink cup for the fair, and my camera. The bad part is going to be that I'll be carrying my scooter around the fair. I decide to bring the camera pole bag it almost fits in so I can sling it over my shoulder at least.

Here I am, leaving 5 minutes late. I might still make it to the regular bus stop. I decide not to chance it and head off to the alternate one.

I'm at a spot where the sidewalk narrows. There's someone walking in front of me. He must not have heard me come up. I can't get around him. I say "excuse me". He moves over without looking. As I pass, he sees me riding the scooter, lightly grabs my backpack and runs along side me for a bit. He says it's great exercise.

Farther down now I'm passing an older woman out walking. We say goodmorning as we pass. I never knew people went out in my area an walked on Sunday mornings But they must. Both of these people seemed to just be out enjoying the day.

At the stop in front of galexy burger. There's a lot of trash here, on the ground. I take some pictures and make a mental note to write them and suggest a trash can. I know I'd pick up all the trash I could while I was waiting for the bus, if there was a place to put it!

The 460 is full. Just barely though. I stand until there is a space for me to sit. Standing here, I've got my scooter resting on the ledge. I never noticed that! It looks like my rear wheel is smaller than my front one. It is! Ok. So using the breaking system must wear down the wheel (which makes sense). THAT must be how you know when to replace the wheels! There is a non-skid looking part on each wheel. The back wheel has very little of it left. It must be time to order new wheels!

Once sitting, I decide to check bis routes from the yoga center to the fairgrounds. It seems the 55 can take me the whole way, but it leaves 2 minutes after service ends. There's no way i'll make that and the next one is so long after that I might do better just using the scooter to get to the fair.

At Disneyland, the 43 comes right after the 460 leaves. That's great! I bet I'm catching an earlier bus! There won't be any problem making it to Sunday morning celebration!

Mary just called. It seems her bike had an issue today so she might be free to do something. I tell her I'm on the way to the yoga center.  She might meet me there.

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