
11/05/12 - Monday - New Scooter - New Shoes

11/05/12 - Monday

I'd set the iPod alarm last night so I could wake to music rather than alarm. I forgot to change the time on the iPod though. It's 2:30 and it's going off. An hour before I need to get up. I'm still tired. I get up, shut off the alarm and go back to bed.

I'm sitting semi-crouched in bed. The real alarm did go off. I'm trying to wrap my mind around today. I know I'm taking the early bus this morning. That's all that's managed to sink through my not-quite-awake-yet brain fog. Oops! It's Monday. It has to be Monday. That means there are reports due this morning... And I haven't done them! Well, I'll do as much as I can.

It's almost time to leave and I haven't finished prepping the deposit. I really want to do the deposit today. I don't want to leave the complex for anything tomorrow. I want a whole day at home. I feel like I haven't had that in forever.

It's time to leave. The deposit prep isn't finished. I'm going to have to leave it and go. I throw a few things into my backpack, grab the blinky caution lights I had for the kid's Halloween, fasten them to the outside of the backpack (one on a front strap and one on the back) and take off.

I automatically headed to the closer bus stop. I'm sure I left a few minutes late. I should have headed to the other stop. It's too late to change directions now. I'll just have to hope I make it. I'm using the new scooter with the bigger wheels today. It's first "working" trip. It is faster. I can feel it.

I'm having real trouble with this whole thing today.... This riding the bus, doing without my car thing. I'm tired of it. My place is a mess. It feels like I'm never home to take care of things.

I tell myself I'm doing this to work on paying down debt. It doesn't help that I don't feel like I have been paying down debt lately. I'm not at all sure this is the thing to do. I have to keep reminding myself that this is about putting energy toward that... That I felt called to do it... And that right now it's about finishing. Completing what I started is important, whatever the outcome. For the rest I just have to keep trying and trust.

I think I'm to the bus in plenty of time. I set everything down and wait. I leave the blinky lights turned on to help the bus driver see me in the dark.

I'm on the 43, headed down harbor to catch the 55. Dawn is happening outside. I'm not supposed to be on this bus for dawn! I'm worried somehow I got my travel times mixed up. Oops! I just (once again) realized we had a time change! I guess I'm now on the bus for dawn! Hey! That means I could go to my adopted bus stop! It'll be light by the time I get there! At the other bus stop. The 55 is in front of is. If that bus waits for us, I'll get off to catch the 55 and leave cleaning the bus stop for another day. The 55 heads off, before our bus has stopped. Where ever I am, it's going to be a bit of a wait for the next one. I'm definitely going to my adopted bus stop! Might as well see if there is trash to pick up!

There is trash. Not too much big stuff.. A shoe, a paper bag, some papers. There are a lot of cigarette butts. I pick up a little, throw it in the trash, look to see if the bus is coming, then pick up a little, etc...

After yoga. It's the first time I've made it to the corner in time to catch the bus, get a ride part way to the chiropractors. The funny part is that I can't catch the bus today. My bus pass expires on Wednesday. I've decided to stop at the ralph's grocery here to buy the new one. It's the closest I'll be to a place that sells the passes. I'm proud of myself. I think this is the first time I've specifically bought the pass ahead of time!

I love my new scooter! I wasn't sure about it at first. Now though, I love it! It glides a lot farther on one push and goes a lot easier down a slope! I'm having trouble picking up the breaking. It uses the same braking system, but has a wheelie bar too. I keep stepping on that instead of the brake. I know I'll figure it out! No problem!

I'm also wearing my new tennis shoes, which might be part of the problem.  I love the shoes (yay I finally found ones that work for me!), but, trying to feel for where the brake is in the new shoes is harder.

Time to head home. I've decided there's no reason to try and catch the earlier bus. I think the bus I'm waiting for today normally gets there a few minutes before that one. I've resigned myself to not being home till 9. That way I won't be as frustrated when I miss the 460.

A regular sized bus pulls up. It throws me. I almost let it pull off without me. I was sure it wouldn't be a 43 bus, they are always double buses. I guess not always! This could work in my favor! If this bus gets full (packed like sardines, even down the aisle) then they don't have to pick up any more people and we  might make it down the road faster!

It's funny.  Not as many people are getting on as I normally see at this time.  The bus isn't getting over full.  They were right to send the small bus.  I have no idea how they knew though.

We're at Disneyland in time to catch the 460 I like to catch!  It leaves in 1 minute.  So, there isn't time to cross the street to the Disneyland stop.  I'll go down the street to the far stop and make it there in time.  Woo Hoo!  I'll be home by 8:30!

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