
Friday - 10/19/12 - Movie!

Friday - 10/19/12

I was supposed to do some paperwork last night, and fell asleep instead.  Here I am doing it before heading off to the bus.  I'm glad I'll have it done and sent off.

I'm leaving the apartment a few minutes late. Part of me is trying to say it would be OK to go to the regular bus stop.  I don't want to risk missing the bus.  So, I'm going to the farther away stop instead.  I'm still happy I stayed and got the paperwork done.  It helps to know I have a ride home tonight and won't have to deal with taking the bus and with it being late.  Mary and I are doing my birthday celebration tonight!

Two seats in front of me on the bus is a white haired gentleman who's in such a deep sleep that he keeps falling forward and knocking his head on the top of the seat rail in front of him.  I don't think it wakes him up, but he corrects and sits up and then falls forward again.  It's like watching one of those plastic birds that "drinks" out of a cup of water.  Disneyland is the end of the line.  Everyone else gets off.  The bus driver has to go back and wake him up.  I hope that's the stop he wanted!

I'm in luck!  The 43 bus pulled up right after us!  I'm going to be at the Yoga Center way early!  That's much better than standing outside in the dark waiting for a bus!  I just have to catch the 55 after this and then I'm there!

I had a great morning teaching yoga!  Now, I'm heading off to Avalon.  I'm going to stop at Ralph's on the way and buy aluminum foil.  I need it for cooking the frozen burrito that I have for lunch.

I kept telling myself I shouldn't look at their discounted flowers while I was here at Ralph's...  but I did.  They have some lovely red roses marked down to $1.99.  I can't resist!  It's going to be awkward taking them on the scooter to Avalon.  I need to stop at Mother's Market on the way too.  I hope they don't die from being out of water that long.  They are so pretty though, it's worth a try!  I'm going to take 1/2 home with me and give the other 1/2 to Mary (if they survive that long.)  I know she likes roses too!

I wasn't going to buy much at Mother's Market, just salad for lunch and maybe a protein bar since I'm hungry.  Walking through the store, I've picked up a lot.  Mostly vegetables.  It seems to make sense to get this stuff now since I have a ride home tonight.  I hope I'll be able to catch the bus from here to Avalon.  It isn't a long way, but it would be really awkward trying to get there with all of this!

I just checked the bus schedule and it's coming by in a few minutes!  I need to get out of here!

Oh no!  I'm at the corner, waiting for the light to change, heading to the bus stop.  The bus just pulled up to the light!  The bus stop is a ways away from the other side.  When the light changes for me to cross, the bus will head off to the bus stop.  There's no way I'll make it in time!  I try signaling the bus driver, just in case he's willing to wait for me.  He isn't looking my way.  The light changes, I head off as fast as I can on my scooter with my backpack on, the bags of groceries hanging from the scooter handlebars and the roses in my hand.  The last person is getting on the bus and I'm still too far away!  I yell out to hold the bus.  I'm too far away.  I'm sure they didn't hear me.

I'm almost there.  The bus hasn't taken off yet!  I keep waiting for it to close it's doors and take off, but it hasn't.  Maybe it's waiting for me!  That's funny!  The driver wasn't waiting for me.  The delay was people futzing with their dollar bills, trying to pay the fare.  I think it's so funny that I was just saved a lot of awkwardness and traveling by the same practice that has so frustrated me in the past!  (Personally, I think they ought to outlaw using bills on the buses.  People should either have to use coins or cards.  That would make it much more likely that the buses would stay on schedule.)  Today though, I'm grateful for the people with the dollar bills!

I only had one person through to look at the studios today.  She does want one, but doesn't want it till next week sometime.  Sometimes waiting for the right person to come through and be ready to rent can be frustrating.

Mary's here!  We place our pizza order for the Z-pizza on Adams (managing to use the Entertainment Book coupon right before it expires at the end of the month!) and I start wrapping things up!  I'm excited!  We're picking up pizza then going up to the drive-in and watching Hotel Transylvania!  It's a double feature with Frankenwenie, but Mary's seen that one.  I don't know if I'll manage talking her into staying for it or not.  She does have a long drive home after.  She'd have to be awake enough to stay too.

The pizza isn't ready and it's getting dark early.  I don't know if we'll make it there for the start of the movie.

The traffic is really backed up!  I'm not sure I've ever seen it backed up here before!  There must be an accident or something.  It's getting darker and darker and we're still far away.

We decided to give up.  We're close to my place.  So, we're going to take our (now) semi-cold pizzas and watch something there.

We watched "Nausicaa of the Valley of The Wind."  I liked it.  It is nice being home.

Here's a picture of my half of the roses.  :-)

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