
Wednesday 8/22/12

Wednesday 8/22/12

I have to be packed and ready to go today. I don't know when we're leaving. He hasn't responded to my email saying to take his time and he is supposed to pick up my coat from la this afternoon. I assume he'll pick me up after that. I've got to return the car to Tracye too.

Man I've been busy this morning! I'm going to do a bunch of little errands (dropping off the paperwork for this Job, 99 cent store shopping, picking up a few things at trader Joe's, getting money from the bank) on the way to drop off Tracye's car. I just hope I can get back in time to finish packing, shower and be ready!

At the bus stop to come home. There are two people trying to give a cute girl directions how to get somewhere. He says she wants fairview and 17th. The two don't meet, but there are several ways to get from here to that area. As the bus comes, i'm telling her where to get off the bus. She says that sounds like a long way off. It turns out she wants to go to harbor and Westminster. I tell her she needs to take this bus to the stop I'm getting off at and then take the 43 to Westminster. She seems worried about it. I sit with her to make sure she gets off at the right place. I'm telling her about google maps and to use that before you leave home. (she doesn't have a cell phone) it turns out she's 17. I tell her about the 30 day pass she can get for $33. I think she can even get it at Ralph's grocery

Right before we get off there's a Mom hitting her baby girl (has to be about 2) for not behaving. The girl is just being a child. I'm glad to be leaving.

I'm here waiting at the bus stop, inside the freeway. I'm exhausted and starving. I just keep wishing for an earlier bus as I sit here brushing ants off my legs.

Ok. The 460 just passed and didn't stop. How rude was that?! I guess they want you standing right at the sign. I was sitting at the nearby bench though. How rude!

Now the silver line has stopped. I'm tempted to get on. I don't know where it goes though, and I am exhausted. I guess I'll just stand here and wait for the next bus. I'm so tired and hungry. I can't believe I'm going to do more tonight, but I have to if I'm going to be ready.


Wednesday - 8/15/12

Wednesday - 8/15/12

Preparing for inspections tomorrow

Have Tracye's car
Have errands to run

Shop for stuff for eBay before Avalon

Want to leave Avalon early...
Tenant that needed to re/sign lease didn't come In until 6.
So, couldn't leave early.

Went to staples - making copies of applications, picking up rental receipts...

Then to Mothers Market - water for Avalon

It's 17 after 7 and i'm just dropping things off at Avalon. Call and tell Mary that I'm just leaving

Mary gets to show me all the changes she's made to the place

We go to chronic taco for dinner.  It's nice to be mobile!


Tuesday - 8/14/12 - Christina's birthday!

Tuesday - 8/14/12

Text Tracye to see if we're still getting together at 6:30for Christina's birthday. She says yes!

Tracye just texted me that I could borrow her car today if I wanted and return it tomorrow or Thursday. I decide to go ahead and do it. That way I can do the errands that have been stacking up. I text her back that I will borrow the car and will return it on thursday.

Checked to see when need to leave. It's really hard to figure out. I can't get google maps to use my "regular" bus stop. Since it's daytime and the 128 is running, it wants me to take that bus to my alternate stop. It's such a nice day,I don't see a reason to do that. I'd rather just catch the 460 at my regular stop. If I can figure out when to leAve for it. I gave up in google maps, except for letting me know which bus I need to get on. I'm checking the bus schedule for times. Ok. I think if I leave 20 minutes to get to the bus stop I should be fine.

Maint people out to work on apts
Phone person out to work on Verizon line

Helped richard finish his album copy- sepperated it into tracks.

Almost time to leave! It's been such a busy day, I need to learn to schedule a meal in somewhere!

I wrap Christina's presents, put them in my backpack, and leave.

On the 460, there's an older man who is leaning over. He spit up a bit of flem. I'm trying to decide if he's sick or just a smoker, my one friend who smokes does that. The black gentleman next to him asks if he's going to throw up. He does't respond in any way. The man is sitting in-between the black gentleman and his girlfriend. The black gentleman changes seats and calls to his girlfriend to change seats too. The other man turns so he's taking up part of all three seats. Maybe he's faking it all to get space. No, wait. He's definitely trying to face forward. I bet he has some motion sickness. These center facing seats would be awful with that. An Asian gentleman gets on, asks the white man to move over, nothing. The Asian guy sits down anyway. The white guy still doesn't move. The Asian guy tries again, using hand signals to how him how he needs to move. He moves a little bit. That's the first time I've seen him respond to anyone. He's still making a point of sitting facing forward, even though the bus seat is facing in. I'm debating asking if he needs help. The fact that I don't know what I could do to help, an that he hasn't responded to anyone talking to him holds me back. Wait, he's getting off here. At least he's where he's going!

At the stop for the 29, there's an older Asian lady here. She wants to talk with me, but doesn't speak much English. She's saying it's really hot, which it is. She says she lives off that way. She has to have walked here with her wheeled cart. She came for the bank, which is behind us. I try to ask her where she's going now. She doesn't understand and I think tells me she is 90. Now she's getting up and leaving. I understand! She walked here. It was so hot she sat down at the covered bus stop to rest before going on to the bank! I definitely didn't get all of that until she got up!

On the 29, there is a all day bus pass on the floor. I pick it up, meaning to leave it on the seat for someone. It's yesterday's date. I wonder if it got dropped here today, or of they didn't clean the bus last night. Probably it just got dropped today. The bus has other trash laying around. I drop the bus pass back down. I don't feel like dealing with someone else's trash right now.

The Hispanic lady that just got on is telling me there's a bus pass on the floor. I tell her it's expired and debate picking it up.

As I leave the bus a Hispanic gentleman who was sitting across from me mentions calls me back, worried I lost my pass. I definitely should have picked it up and just carried it somehow until I could throw it away. Nice to know there are nice people all around though.

There's a young 20's man asking the ladies who got off the bus I'd they know where something is. I think it might be a religious pitch. He has that air. It turns off he's just looking for directions. I ask him what he'a looking for, he says serenity hall. I tell him I don't know where it is, but if he'll follow me across the street to my bus stop, I'll find the directions on my phone for him. He asks if this is Whittier. Boy, is he lost! He doesn't know what address he's going to. I decide to plug the name serenity hall into google maps before searching the web for the address. Hey! It found it! He's only about a mile away! He heads off happy.


Monday 8/13/12

Monday 8/13/12

I feel like I'm not bringing enough. It must be because Monday night movies are over.

Have reports to do. Do what I can, bring the bills along, will scan and Email them from the yoga center.

I think Dr Brad's upset that I haven't been making calls. I feel like there's no time to do anything. It's hard to convey that. Maybe I should stop going to him for now. I have to think about it.

Coming home, need to make deposit, which could make it so I get home later. I. Check google maps. There are a lot of options, all arriving about the same time. Cool! One of the options is taking the 1 for part of the way. I like that  route! I head off on the bus in the opposite direction, make the deposit, then just for fun check google maps again to see what it says. It says I can take a different bus from here and still end up on the same route I wanted. Cool!

Oops! It's supposed to come any minute! I need to figure out which bus stop it is!

I found the right stop. There's a lady here sitting in the grass. I ask her if she's been here awhile. She says yes. That means I haven't missed it! It's late though.

This bus is later and later. If I want to catch the 43 to my original schedule choice I need to leave this stop and go to that stop immediately. I decide to take a chance and stay.

There's the bus!

Right before I got off the bus, a bus passed the stop I need to wait at. I hope it wasn't the bus I need. I'm halfway debating Using the scooter to get from here to pch it seems like it's close. I don't think it's as close as it seems, though. I stay here... And here comes the bus!

Shoot! I was using the version of google maps that offers more options (the one on the web vs the one pre-loaded onto the phone.). It's disadvantage is that it will wipe out your current trip and start over every time you turn your phone back on. Somehow it had held onto trip info through the last stop. I was lulled into feeling it would hold onto it for the whole trip. Now, I'm on the bus, I'm not sure where it wanted me to get off, and it's wiped out the trip. There is no way to tell google maps I'm on a certain bus. I won't be able to get a good trip route again until I pick a stop and get off. At least I know the next bus I catch is the 1. That goes up and down pch. It won't be hard to find a stop for it.

I pull the cord for the bus to stop the minute it turns onto Pch. I'm worried it will turn around soon. I don't know how long I have between buses. That could make me miss the bus.

The stop I've chosen looks pretty desolate. Nothing going on here. I'm the last person on the bus. I ask the bus driver if he goes any further up pch. He says he goes a little farther up. I tell him I'll stay on, that I just need to catch the 1. He asks which direction I need to take the one. I tell him the direction we're going in. We pass one more stop, then he turns, with a bus stop right at the turn. He stops there to let me off and points out where the stop for the 1 is. It's funny! This is the beach stop I've caught the 71 at sometimes.

I go to the bus stop and then check with google maps. I have a half hour before the 1 comes! What a great place to be stuck between buses! It's a lovely day for it too! I set a reminder alarm on my phone and head across the street to the beach! I feel like moving. I don't feel like just staying here. There's a bike / skate path next to the beach. I bet the bus stop where I met Scott before isn't that far away. I'm going to scooter up that. It's lovely scootering here next to the ocean. A big difference being able to do it next to the beach with no cars wizzing by!

I'm here at the stop. I go up to the seats. I'm going to sit and watch the ocean while I wait. No, I'm not. I really want to walk out to the water and I think I have time for it. I'm going to go for it! I scooter down the ramp (major fun,) roll up my pants, take my shoes and socks off and head out onto the sand. This isn't fun. Carrying everything is going to slow me down. I go back to their little barrier wall and set everything but my pod belt and purse down there. I hope everything stays safe! It would mess up the day if anything got taken. I head out across the sand to the water. This is much more fun! This is the life! Wading in the ocean, with sand and little sea shells under my feet! The sunset is beautiful, the Pier is beautiful, it's all beautiful! I walk around for a bit, then it's time to go back.

It's interesting how different the world is over here, next to the bike path, far. Away from the water. I pick up my things, walk up the stairs and sit down on a ledge to put my shoes and socks on. I've got plenty of time.

We've been standing at the street corner forever, waiting for the light to change. The other lady here had pushed the button to cross before I came up, I've been standing here awhile. It hasn't changed. Oh no! There's a bus coming! It must be the 1! The only thing that could save me now is if the stoplight changes before the bus gets to it.

It didn't. The bus is at the stop. I'm still across the street waiting for the light to change. I've been waving at the bus, trying to signal him that I'm here. I don't feel like anyone saw me though.

Wait. It does look like the bus is staying! I wonder if he's waiting for me? I'm trying not to get my hopes up. I know the bus could take off any minute. The light changes. I scooter across the street and to the bus. It waited! I made it! I thank the woman driver for waiting. This is so cool! I made it! I'll have to remember that the bus may come to this stop a few minutes early and that it's a really long light and hold time for that.

Now that I'm on the bus I realize that missing it and having to wait an hour for the next one wouldn't have been that bad. In fact, as long as I can still make all the right connections after, it would have been fine (that's not what I thought a few minutes ago.). Maybe one of these days I'll schedule that, just spend extra time here enjoying the beach.

I knew I had to pay for the 577. I forgot it costs $2.25. I'm frustrated by that. At the same time I'm grateful to have a way home an thrilled to have gotten time at the beach.


Sunday - 8/12/12

Sunday - 8/12/12

It feels good to know all of my stuff is packed and on it's way to burning man. It also feels good to know I've got some time left to search for the small things I couldn't find. Wow. I haven't done anything yet this morning and I already feel like I accomplished something!

I'm just starting to move around when I realize I was planning on going to sunday celebration this morning and I don't know when I need to leave. Oops! Google maps says I should have left 15 minutes ago. I adjust the time I want to arrive to 1/2 hour later. Sometimes there's a route they son't show because it would get there a minute or two late. Ah! That's the case this time! I can leave at 7:07 and will get there around 10:01. They have me walking the last mile too. So I know I'll cut some time off of that by using the scooter. I guess it's time to get dressed!

I just caught my mind automatically adding 5 minutes to the time I need to leave, since I can leave 5 minutes later and go to the alternate stop. I remind myself that I'd prefer to go to the closer stop and continue packing for the fair.

I don't need much today. I'm taking my regular backpack in case I buy anything (it is the last day of the fair,). My refillable drink cup for the fair, and my camera. The bad part is going to be that I'll be carrying my scooter around the fair. I decide to bring the camera pole bag it almost fits in so I can sling it over my shoulder at least.

Here I am, leaving 5 minutes late. I might still make it to the regular bus stop. I decide not to chance it and head off to the alternate one.

I'm at a spot where the sidewalk narrows. There's someone walking in front of me. He must not have heard me come up. I can't get around him. I say "excuse me". He moves over without looking. As I pass, he sees me riding the scooter, lightly grabs my backpack and runs along side me for a bit. He says it's great exercise.

Farther down now I'm passing an older woman out walking. We say goodmorning as we pass. I never knew people went out in my area an walked on Sunday mornings But they must. Both of these people seemed to just be out enjoying the day.

At the stop in front of galexy burger. There's a lot of trash here, on the ground. I take some pictures and make a mental note to write them and suggest a trash can. I know I'd pick up all the trash I could while I was waiting for the bus, if there was a place to put it!

The 460 is full. Just barely though. I stand until there is a space for me to sit. Standing here, I've got my scooter resting on the ledge. I never noticed that! It looks like my rear wheel is smaller than my front one. It is! Ok. So using the breaking system must wear down the wheel (which makes sense). THAT must be how you know when to replace the wheels! There is a non-skid looking part on each wheel. The back wheel has very little of it left. It must be time to order new wheels!

Once sitting, I decide to check bis routes from the yoga center to the fairgrounds. It seems the 55 can take me the whole way, but it leaves 2 minutes after service ends. There's no way i'll make that and the next one is so long after that I might do better just using the scooter to get to the fair.

At Disneyland, the 43 comes right after the 460 leaves. That's great! I bet I'm catching an earlier bus! There won't be any problem making it to Sunday morning celebration!

Mary just called. It seems her bike had an issue today so she might be free to do something. I tell her I'm on the way to the yoga center.  She might meet me there.


Friday - 8/10/12

Friday - 8/10/12

It's 3am. I'm awake. My alarm's set for 3:30. I'm debating getting up or trying to get a little bit more sleep. I decide on the sleep and lay back down.

I'm so glad I packed the eBay item for shipping last night. It was such a hassle to do. It would have been really frustrating to try and do that this morning.

I think Mary and I are going to the fair tonight. I'm trying to make sure I have everything I need for teaching yoga, working at Avalon, riding the bus home (just in case) and going to the fair. I'm bring my day pack with me, clipped to the outside of my regular back pack. That way if we do go to the fair, I can leave my backpack in Mary's car and take the day pack with me.

I've started trying to "force pet" the kitten while he's holed up in the bathroom cabinet. I think that's going to be a really good thing. This way we have more interactions (I'm not waiting till I have a chunk of time) and not all of the interactions are traumatizing. This morning he is at the far back of the bottom cabinet shelf. He hissed at me when I reached in, and any time I get my hand closer to his neck (prime spot for grabbing him) he starts a new round of hissing. In general though he's tolerating it.

There's my 5 minute warning alarm! I'm almost ready too. Woo hoo! It will be the close bus stop today!

Leaving for the bus stop. I have this moment of question. I know I'm on time to go to the farther bus stop. I'm not totally sure I have the time to get to the closer one in time, but I think I do. I head off for that one.

My friend the Disneyland lady just got on. We smile at each other.

We're at the Fullerton park and ride, the last stop before Disneyland, which is the last stop. I'm finding it interesting that 4 of the 10 people on the bus are recognizable as Disney. Employees.

Here at the Disneyland bus stop the 83 bus came by and there are still several people here. I guess they are all waiting for the same bus I'm waiting on, the 43.

The 43 is here and only about 3 people are getting on the bus. How strange. I think only 3 buses come to this stop. Maybe they are waiting for the 470 going back north? But I know the one lady, the slightly heavyset smoker with a pink top falling off her shoulders came down on the 460. Huh. I wonder if she's homeless and just riding buses?


Thursday 8/9/12

Thursday 8/9/12

Today we need to take some papers down to Christina's school. Yesterday was so hot I'm thinking about taking their car. The kids and I love walking downtown together though. So we decide to walk. I load my travel pack with the papers I'll need, snacks for the kids, and a full water bottle for each of us.


Tuesday - 8/7/12 - Bike!

Tuesday 8/7/12

Today I'm packing for Burning Man.  I'm just starting.  I'm supposed to have everything ready for Charles to pick up by Saturday.  He's coming over today to pick up his bike and whatever I have ready.  So, I'm scrambling.

Ak!  Charles just called.  He never calls this early!  I told him I'm not ready.  He said to call him when I am ready.  I'm aiming for early afternoon.  I really want to get part of the packing done and send some things off with him.

Widget reminded me the other day that I should have everything in containers (something I didn't have to do when I was in a motorhome.)  The containers I use for holding the eBay items I have listed aren't full right now (yes, I do really need to work on listing things on eBay.)  I've decided to re-arrange things to get some of those containers empty for Burning Man travel.  All my eBay items are numbered with the number stored in my computer in a folder that mirrors which container it's in.  That way when something sells, I can find it and ship it easily and quickly.  As I'm moving the clothes I'm writing down their numbers so I can change the computer entries later.

OK.  I have one container empty.  I'm going to pack this one and then see if I have time to do anything else.  I grab the items that need to be shipped from eBay sales and head back to my apartment.


Monday - 8/6/12

Monday - 8/6/12

Ok. Taking melatonin last night when I couldn't sleep wasn't a great idea. Too close to when I needed to get up. I can't get the heaviness out. I'm going to have to sleep a few more minutes and hope it works.

Funny! I walked into the bathroom and startled the kitten! He's standing there hissing at me... Telling me not to come in. I'm so glad to see him I decide to give him space to get to a "safe" place, turn around and close the door.

I forgot I had a deposit to prep. I need to do it. It takes time though.

Five minutes before I'm supposed to leave. I just finished preparing the deposit. I'm not dressed though. Rushing to find clothes. I don't feel like I'd really need long johns right now, putting them on though since I'm going to the movie tonight.

I'm ready! I'm late enough I'll go to the alternate stop. Oops! I forgot to attach the sleeping bag to the backpack. Doing that now

Can't find my earbuds. I grab the backup (not as comfortable) pair and head off.

I'm late enough I'm worried I'll miss the bus. I'm still trying though. Going as fast as I can.

That's the bus stop ahead. Something's pulled over just past it! It could be the bus making a timing stop. It's not their normal timing stop though and it looks more like a semi than a bus.

Yep. It's definitely a semi.

I'm at the bus stop now. It's 5:00. If I missed the bus I only missed it by minutes. I didn't see it come. It's still possible I've made it.

It's ten after and no bus has come. I must have missed it. Now all I can do is hope to catch an earlier 43 bus.

I may be in luck! We're pulling into the Disneyland stop and there's a bus Infront of us! I grab my things and practically run off the bus! Wrong bus! It's the 83, not the 43 bus I need. Well, there's still a chance. I sit down on the bench with my backpack still on, prepared to move quickly.

Seven after. I've missed the earlier 43. Now it's just waiting for the one that comes at 18 after and trying to figure the quickest way to the yoga center after that bus.


Sunday - 8/5/12 - Bike shopping

Sunday - 8/5/12

I'm supposed to be packing for burning man today. I think I have to pass all my things to Charles next weekend and there isn't much time to pack!

I want to go bike shopping though. It's become some kind of journey quest. Trying to find a bike that will work.

I'm doing a web search for bike shops in Norwalk. There's one on studebaker. I call them to make sure they're open. They close at 5 today. I could probably get there by scooter, but it's thee miles so I'm checking to see if there's a bus. Cool! There's not only a bus, it's the 460! My bus pass covers it! That's a no-brainier!

I'm trying to go to the bike shop prepared to take one home. Maybe that'll make the difference and I'll actually take one home. I'm on the way to the garage to look for my helmet and bike lock. I decide to check the cat trap. Oh no! I've caught another cat in the trap. It's feral too. I'll have to call animal control. I think this is the mother of the kitten I've got.aybe now with catching her, I can stop setting the trap. She was one of the major cats I needed to catch.

Not only can't I find my bike lock or helmet, but my mind is on the cat, who needs water. I give up my search for now and go call animal control.

Animal control says they are really busy. If they don't come by 8pm they'll come tomorrow. I tell them if I'm not here they're going to have to call me so I can describe how to find the cat. It's really hard to talk someone through that. I give them Richard's information too, in case he's home when they get here.

Stopped at Richard's place to ask him to help with animal control. I explain to him how to find the cat.


Saturday - 8/4/12 - OC fair!!

Saturday - 8/4/12

460 standing room only. Talking with bus driver about her schedule. She has a 10 hour shift today. She does this part time. She's a photographer too. To go all the way round trip on the 460 is 4 hours!

Got here 15 min after 633 left. Bus stop 1 is in front of the bathrooms and stinks.

It's funny. They have a guy here helping people get on, explaining how to take the bus

The bus is totally full. Standing room only! More people keep coming!

The tour director guy gets on, explains to look for the 633 when you are going home and that the buses leave at 10 minutes after the hour every hour till 12:10pm.

Mary calls while I'm still on the bus. It's too noisy to answer. The second time she called I answered.

We're there. They unloaded us at the side with the ferris wheel. I wasn't expecting that. I call Mary to tell her we unloaded on that side. We can't hear each other well. We've hung up not setting a place to meet. I walk down the corridor someone hands me a small.easy to carry version of the new testament. I continue on, looking for Mary. I stop where the corridor branches. Going any further would be fulish. I call Mary again. It's hard to hear her, but she's saying she's at the ferris wheel. I yell into the phone for her to stay there, that I'll come to her.