Funny! I was just rushing to catch a bus (that I had plenty of time to catch). I'd only been at this bus stop once or twice before. Anyway, in the dark and with the rushing I totally missed it! I went about a block past it before I realized my mistake and went back. Fortunately, I did have plenty of time!
I have now figured out how to make the deposits for both of my jobs and it is easy, nice and pleasant. I just go a couple of stops extra on the last bus of the morning, drop off the deposits and then scooter back to the yoga center. One more thing to learn checked off the list! Yay!
Last night / today was really the first time I've shared the goal of doing this for a year with a lot of my friends and family. I must be saying something incorrectly. I'm getting a lot of comments from people saying that they are so sorry I'm going through this, or that they are so sorry this happened to my car. I don't feel that way though. The last few years I've come to realize that everything that happens in my life is a blessing, no matter how it may seem at the time. I know that this is also a blessing and I am thankful for it happening because I know that it is a blessing.
I don't know why this happened in my life right now, and yep, I would't have chosen this way on my own, without the car needing a transmission, but there are blessings involved. I've already thought of several:
I got to get and learn how to ride a scooter, which is something I've been wanting to do.
I'm out more in the sunshine.
I'm building up different leg and arm muscles.
I am learning how to use a bus system. I could help anyone with that now!
It is slowing down my life a bit, making me take more time just to breathe and maybe I needed that.
I seem to have a lot more time to be social with friends and family's we ride together to go places.
I'm learning how to be on time.
I'm keeping my brain from shrinking by learning new things.
I have time to listen to audio books.
I often take time on the bus rides to ask God to bless everyone on the bus and all the cities we are going through. I love doing this!
I've always been this person who brings everything because I can and because it "might" be needed and I'm definitely learning to bring less and trust that anything I need will show up.
I get to spend time practicing being grounded and centered in the now without having to think about traffic.
Most importantly, I get to spend time focusing on paying down my debt without having to worry about car maintenance or insurance, which is huge! ...and, at the end of it all, I will still have my car! (which I think is awesome and wonderful!)
I wanted to let people know that I've decided to let them put ads at the side of my blog. I don't notice that kind of ad any more. So, I think that it isn't too annoying and by doing that, I may earn a little bit of extra money to help pay off the debt.
I've had several people say that if they could, they'd give me a car. For me, right now, this is no longer about the car. Yes, in a year, I will need to do something about my car. Right now though, this is about paying down (or off) my credit debt. I owe about $30,000 in debt. That is more than I make in a year. So, without help I won't be debt free at the end of this. But, I will be in better shape! Anyway, if you want to do something to help, paypal one dollar to me. I don't want to impact anyone else's' finances and I feel silly putting in a request for help, I mean, I created the debt and I should get myself out of it. On the other hand, every dollar does help and would be appreciated. I promise any money sent will go toward paying off debt and will NOT go toward fixing the car. Paypal id: kshmx-financialfreedom (at)
Oh and if you know of anyone who might have faith in me and refinance the whole amount with a lower interest rate, please show them this blog and help them get in touch with me. I'm thinking that would have to be a private person, as I tried that through agencies and was refused last year. I do make all of my payments in time and I am a different person now and would not run up debt again.
(I wrote this from the bus last night and then saved it rather than publishing right away. That was a good thing! Everything was all run together and there were several mis-types from bus shaking. I'm thinking that in the future I can publish from the bus, but will go back and clean it up and make it more readable as soon as possible.)
I have debt I'm paying off, and my car needs a new transmission. Rather than fix it, I’m parking the car for a year and working on paying down my debt. This isn't the easiest thing to do, but I am committed to doing that and to being true to myself. I want my kids and grandkids to think of me as someone who was free, who lived her principles and did something different when it was needed. This is about me learning to do something different. I hope others will enjoy and support my progress.
Getting It Together - 1/28/12
I'm realizing how much losing the ability to use my car affected me.
On the outside, and even to myself, I seemed to just accept it and move on.
On the inside though things must have been really different.
I look around my home and everything is a mess and I know that generally means that my internal world is not happy.
I'm still very dedicated to doing this. Even though it's a very long time in transit each day that I work (generally 3 hours each way). I think this is one of those decision moments in my life. I feel that if I don't do this, and I borrow the money to fix the car, that I will end up being in debt for the rest of my life and somehow if I go forward with doing a year without my car that it will change that. I can't tell you how that is true, but I hope it is.
The other side is that I really want the government to tighten it's purse strings and pay down / off it's debt and I can't ask everyone else to take the austerities that would create if I'm not willing to do that on a personal level.
I've started getting my life back together; I've been cleaning some and I got some library books returned, paid the fines, etc... (yes, losing the ability to drive does affect everything!) I still have audio books to return to a different (farther away) library system, but at least I called them and explained the situation and they renewed the books for me so that I'm not accruing any more fines.
On the outside, and even to myself, I seemed to just accept it and move on.
On the inside though things must have been really different.
I look around my home and everything is a mess and I know that generally means that my internal world is not happy.
I'm still very dedicated to doing this. Even though it's a very long time in transit each day that I work (generally 3 hours each way). I think this is one of those decision moments in my life. I feel that if I don't do this, and I borrow the money to fix the car, that I will end up being in debt for the rest of my life and somehow if I go forward with doing a year without my car that it will change that. I can't tell you how that is true, but I hope it is.
The other side is that I really want the government to tighten it's purse strings and pay down / off it's debt and I can't ask everyone else to take the austerities that would create if I'm not willing to do that on a personal level.
I've started getting my life back together; I've been cleaning some and I got some library books returned, paid the fines, etc... (yes, losing the ability to drive does affect everything!) I still have audio books to return to a different (farther away) library system, but at least I called them and explained the situation and they renewed the books for me so that I'm not accruing any more fines.
A Great Day! 1/27/12
So far today is a great day!
I made all my bus connections! (yay!)
I even figured out how to know when to pull the cord for the one stop (believe it or not this was a big deal for me.)
On the way down in the morning I listed to "Intuition" by Carolyn Myss. She said something about how people expect that getting tuned into spirit is somehow going to give them this lovely, smooth life, where actually it is always teetering on the brink because spirit generally only leads you one step at a time and no one ever promised you it would be easy. I'm probably horribly misquoting her since it was hours ago. It reminded me though that one of the reasons I started this journey of riding the bus was because the thought of it absolutely terrified me and that told me that I was probably going in the right direction. Now, now that I'm on this path it doesn't seem terrifying at all.
The moment I stepped out of the bus in Costa Mesa was awesome! Costa Mesa was totally fogged in, which I hadn't been expecting, and the sky was all blues and pinks partly hidden by the fog. It was gorgeous!
I like the time that I'm getting to the Yoga Center now. Oddly, this is the time I've always wanted to get there by. My whole life I've had a problem with getting places on time and I've been really working on that. I wonder if part of this experience this year is to put me into a different mindset / mental place so that I no longer ever have trouble getting anywhere on time? You are either on the bus when it leaves or you aren't. There is a definite incentive to get to the bus stop on time!
I finally did it! I called and canceled my car insurance! ...well, ok, I changed it to comprehensive only... which I know I don't need. But, that will enable me to keep a history with my car insurance people and it's only about $100 a year (or so the lady on the phone said). For some reason I kept procrastinating shutting off the car insurance. I think that was one of the last "finalization" steps. So, yay for me! :-)
Mary emailed me to ask if I wanted to do something and I said yes, if she would then drive me home afterward. Then, there was a whole missed communication. I sat at work, wondering if she was going to come or if I should rush out to go catch the bus. Riding the bus is adding a whole different layer of "needing to know" and "time schedule" to my life that I'm definitely not used to. If I don't leave right at the time my work day is over, then I miss the first bus and have to catch the next bus and it can push my getting home to an hour later. It's not horrible, because I do still get home, but not preferable either. Anyway, Mary did come and we went out to a little Vegan Asian place near where I live. I really am enjoying the social of riding with people. The time spent with them driving to and from someplace, rather than just meeting them somewhere seems to add an extra level of connection.
I made all my bus connections! (yay!)
I even figured out how to know when to pull the cord for the one stop (believe it or not this was a big deal for me.)
On the way down in the morning I listed to "Intuition" by Carolyn Myss. She said something about how people expect that getting tuned into spirit is somehow going to give them this lovely, smooth life, where actually it is always teetering on the brink because spirit generally only leads you one step at a time and no one ever promised you it would be easy. I'm probably horribly misquoting her since it was hours ago. It reminded me though that one of the reasons I started this journey of riding the bus was because the thought of it absolutely terrified me and that told me that I was probably going in the right direction. Now, now that I'm on this path it doesn't seem terrifying at all.
The moment I stepped out of the bus in Costa Mesa was awesome! Costa Mesa was totally fogged in, which I hadn't been expecting, and the sky was all blues and pinks partly hidden by the fog. It was gorgeous!
I like the time that I'm getting to the Yoga Center now. Oddly, this is the time I've always wanted to get there by. My whole life I've had a problem with getting places on time and I've been really working on that. I wonder if part of this experience this year is to put me into a different mindset / mental place so that I no longer ever have trouble getting anywhere on time? You are either on the bus when it leaves or you aren't. There is a definite incentive to get to the bus stop on time!
I finally did it! I called and canceled my car insurance! ...well, ok, I changed it to comprehensive only... which I know I don't need. But, that will enable me to keep a history with my car insurance people and it's only about $100 a year (or so the lady on the phone said). For some reason I kept procrastinating shutting off the car insurance. I think that was one of the last "finalization" steps. So, yay for me! :-)
Mary emailed me to ask if I wanted to do something and I said yes, if she would then drive me home afterward. Then, there was a whole missed communication. I sat at work, wondering if she was going to come or if I should rush out to go catch the bus. Riding the bus is adding a whole different layer of "needing to know" and "time schedule" to my life that I'm definitely not used to. If I don't leave right at the time my work day is over, then I miss the first bus and have to catch the next bus and it can push my getting home to an hour later. It's not horrible, because I do still get home, but not preferable either. Anyway, Mary did come and we went out to a little Vegan Asian place near where I live. I really am enjoying the social of riding with people. The time spent with them driving to and from someplace, rather than just meeting them somewhere seems to add an extra level of connection.
A Blissful Day 1/25/12
Wednesday (1/25/12)
I don't teach yoga today, which means I get to sleep in and leave later. Nice to have a bit of a break!
Rose is coming up to go to lunch with me. We are going to "Our Daily Bread." The food there is all vegan, all home made and all wonderful! It's run by a wonderful lady named Eliana (I'm probably spelling it wrong), who is awesome!
The food was great! I treated myself to a Cajun Chicken Sandwich (remember that it is fake chicken) and a Strawberry / Blueberry Smoothie. Rose had some kind of pocket thing that had food cooked into the inside. I know mine was great and she said hers was too!
After lunch, Rose drove me down to my work, which is close to her place. I'm really enjoying the socialness of riding with people more. I don't want to put anyone out, but spending that extra time talking with people is absolutely lovely!
Work was quiet, maybe a little too quiet, since I have an apartment to rent and no one came in to rent it.
The bus ride home was great too. I was listening to the audio book / seminar "The Call To Live A Symbolic Live" by Carolyn Myss. I really like listening to her. She touches some of the right strings for me.
One thing I have noticed is that I need to watch how much water I drink while at work. The bus ride is long and if I took time to go to the bathroom I would have to then wait for a later bus. So, I need to be prepared to not need to stop. ;-)
This evening I did need to go, but waited and then I got off at the earlier stop in an attempt to get home sooner. I am now convinced it gets me home at exactly the same time, since it is a little farther away. But, that did give me time to finish the audio book and it was still a very enjoyable evening.
I don't teach yoga today, which means I get to sleep in and leave later. Nice to have a bit of a break!
Rose is coming up to go to lunch with me. We are going to "Our Daily Bread." The food there is all vegan, all home made and all wonderful! It's run by a wonderful lady named Eliana (I'm probably spelling it wrong), who is awesome!
The food was great! I treated myself to a Cajun Chicken Sandwich (remember that it is fake chicken) and a Strawberry / Blueberry Smoothie. Rose had some kind of pocket thing that had food cooked into the inside. I know mine was great and she said hers was too!
After lunch, Rose drove me down to my work, which is close to her place. I'm really enjoying the socialness of riding with people more. I don't want to put anyone out, but spending that extra time talking with people is absolutely lovely!
Work was quiet, maybe a little too quiet, since I have an apartment to rent and no one came in to rent it.
The bus ride home was great too. I was listening to the audio book / seminar "The Call To Live A Symbolic Live" by Carolyn Myss. I really like listening to her. She touches some of the right strings for me.
One thing I have noticed is that I need to watch how much water I drink while at work. The bus ride is long and if I took time to go to the bathroom I would have to then wait for a later bus. So, I need to be prepared to not need to stop. ;-)
This evening I did need to go, but waited and then I got off at the earlier stop in an attempt to get home sooner. I am now convinced it gets me home at exactly the same time, since it is a little farther away. But, that did give me time to finish the audio book and it was still a very enjoyable evening.
Oops! 1/24/12
Tuesday (1/24/12)
Tuesday is normally one of my days "off." I'm not actually off, I just do work at home, but I do really enjoy being home.
I was SO enjoying being home and relaxing and taking my time starting to work on things, when my girlfriend emailed and reminded me that we have class tonight! Oops! I had totally forgotten! It is a special 4 week series and I do want to go, but there goes my nice, quiet day at home!
I have this big debate about using the connector bus to get to my main bus. I don't normally have that option, I leave when it doesn't run. For this, though I could do it. So, I decided to give it a try. I had the "normal" panic I have when I'm waiting at a new bus stop... is this the right bus stop? ...does this bus still run? ... will I make the connection in time? ...etc..
The bus does run! I did make my connection! I had an extra charge as that was an LA Metro bus ($1.50), but it was a nice bus and I had a nice talk with the gentleman driving the bus. He was very sweet.
I planned to read on the bus going down to Disneyland, but the universe had other plans. I ended up talking with a nice gentleman who is retired and spends his days traveling around to different places on the bus system, just going where-ever the whim takes him. He pointed out a "really good" restaurant (which specializes in Hot dogs)(which is only funny if you know that I'm Vegan) and told me that the La Palma Senior center is very nice and serves really good meals that are only $2.75. Apparently the Norwalk Senior center also serves meals and they are only $2, but they aren't as good.
Class was great, as usual!
During class I had a break through thought that for my late nights I don't have to find someone to ride with who is going up to my home area, I just need to find someone who is going to, or passing by the Disneyland area, which would get me home way earlier. I think I may have even found someone. More on that in the future!
For tonight, even though it wasn't that late, I decided to give myself a break and accepted a ride from Jaitri and Henry. I feel very watched over and taken care of. Parking the car has actually been a blessing in a lot of ways, though I will be happy at the end of this time to get back to it. :-)
Tuesday is normally one of my days "off." I'm not actually off, I just do work at home, but I do really enjoy being home.
I was SO enjoying being home and relaxing and taking my time starting to work on things, when my girlfriend emailed and reminded me that we have class tonight! Oops! I had totally forgotten! It is a special 4 week series and I do want to go, but there goes my nice, quiet day at home!
I have this big debate about using the connector bus to get to my main bus. I don't normally have that option, I leave when it doesn't run. For this, though I could do it. So, I decided to give it a try. I had the "normal" panic I have when I'm waiting at a new bus stop... is this the right bus stop? ...does this bus still run? ... will I make the connection in time? ...etc..
The bus does run! I did make my connection! I had an extra charge as that was an LA Metro bus ($1.50), but it was a nice bus and I had a nice talk with the gentleman driving the bus. He was very sweet.
I planned to read on the bus going down to Disneyland, but the universe had other plans. I ended up talking with a nice gentleman who is retired and spends his days traveling around to different places on the bus system, just going where-ever the whim takes him. He pointed out a "really good" restaurant (which specializes in Hot dogs)(which is only funny if you know that I'm Vegan) and told me that the La Palma Senior center is very nice and serves really good meals that are only $2.75. Apparently the Norwalk Senior center also serves meals and they are only $2, but they aren't as good.
Class was great, as usual!
During class I had a break through thought that for my late nights I don't have to find someone to ride with who is going up to my home area, I just need to find someone who is going to, or passing by the Disneyland area, which would get me home way earlier. I think I may have even found someone. More on that in the future!
For tonight, even though it wasn't that late, I decided to give myself a break and accepted a ride from Jaitri and Henry. I feel very watched over and taken care of. Parking the car has actually been a blessing in a lot of ways, though I will be happy at the end of this time to get back to it. :-)
Rain 1/23/12
Monday (1/23/12)
Today it is probably going to rain. I looked all over for my rain gear. I found a pair of very nice rain pants that I have, and my boots, a bright yellow jogger's rain jacket and a folding umbrella, but I can't find my rain hat. I'm sure it is here somewhere, but I have to leave!.
I have all of my rain things (except the boots, which I'm wearing), wrapped up in a bag and tied to the backpack, but now I'm leaving late.
There is a 2nd bus stop near my house, that the bus comes to later than the first one. It is a little farther away and not the one that google maps sends me to. With being late, I decide to chance it and go to that bus stop. That way is interesting. At some points it has these really wonderful curvy sidewalks that are terribly fun to travel and to play with the scooter on. At other points there is no sidewalk at all, or it manifests on the other side of the street.
It turns out that leaving late is leaving late. I waved bye to the bus from about a 1/2 block away. Fortunately, there is always another bus coming. One minute after I was dropped off at disneyland, the connector bus showed up, that is amazing timing! I think there is even time to catch the third bus and make it to class.
I goofed. I didn't pull the rope to stop the bus fast enough, or the system didn't respond to it fast enough. I missed the next connector exit. The sweet lady bus driver told me I should have gotten off at the stop before the one I had wanted anyway... that both stops have the same connector bus. She was really helpful and wanted to get me a different connector bus, but I was too worried about timing and I knew I could make it from the one stop by using my scooter. So, I had her drop me off and used the scooter the rest of the way. I'm at the class in time! I got here before any of my students! Yay!
God is watching out for me! I'm so grateful for all the blessings in my life! It isn't even raining yet!
It started raining during class.
Time to leave and it's pouring outside. I put on my rain gear and head out. the rain let up some for me. I took a different way this time, wanting to take the buses more. I even stopped at Mother's Market and bought some snacks and then got back on the next bus. I couldn't figure out what to do with my scooter while in the store, and I couldn't get it folded up (it now only folds up with the help of a pair of pliers). So, I just put it in a grocery cart and walked around with it that way!
One thing I'm going to have to watch are the side expenses... the expenses caused by riding the bus. An example would be that I am away from home more now and passing places to eat more often too. I might be tempted to eat out more, which would be more of an expense. I often do laundry at my daughter's while I babysit too, and now I can't because I don't have the car to transport the laundry. So, laundry will be an extra expense.
At work, I looked at the bus schedules again and finally started figuring out how to read them. I even figured out a way to take the bus home, using the bus stop near my office. Though, it would give me an extra 30 minute wait at a bus stop and would get home an extra 30 minutes later. I'm not going to use that route. But, it's nice to know that there are alternatives!
Time to leave for the bus now and it is nice and sunny outside! I'm thrilled! I've been listening to the audio book / seminar "Invisible Acts of Power, Personal Choices That Create Miracles" by Carolyn Myss. One great thing about riding the bus is that I don't have to pay attention to the road and can listen to audio books. I haven't yet tried reading a "real" book, though I do keep bringing one along.
I even figured out that one of the banks I need to go to is right at this bus stop! Yay! One more thing I now know how to easily manage!
Today it is probably going to rain. I looked all over for my rain gear. I found a pair of very nice rain pants that I have, and my boots, a bright yellow jogger's rain jacket and a folding umbrella, but I can't find my rain hat. I'm sure it is here somewhere, but I have to leave!.
I have all of my rain things (except the boots, which I'm wearing), wrapped up in a bag and tied to the backpack, but now I'm leaving late.
There is a 2nd bus stop near my house, that the bus comes to later than the first one. It is a little farther away and not the one that google maps sends me to. With being late, I decide to chance it and go to that bus stop. That way is interesting. At some points it has these really wonderful curvy sidewalks that are terribly fun to travel and to play with the scooter on. At other points there is no sidewalk at all, or it manifests on the other side of the street.
It turns out that leaving late is leaving late. I waved bye to the bus from about a 1/2 block away. Fortunately, there is always another bus coming. One minute after I was dropped off at disneyland, the connector bus showed up, that is amazing timing! I think there is even time to catch the third bus and make it to class.
I goofed. I didn't pull the rope to stop the bus fast enough, or the system didn't respond to it fast enough. I missed the next connector exit. The sweet lady bus driver told me I should have gotten off at the stop before the one I had wanted anyway... that both stops have the same connector bus. She was really helpful and wanted to get me a different connector bus, but I was too worried about timing and I knew I could make it from the one stop by using my scooter. So, I had her drop me off and used the scooter the rest of the way. I'm at the class in time! I got here before any of my students! Yay!
God is watching out for me! I'm so grateful for all the blessings in my life! It isn't even raining yet!
It started raining during class.
Time to leave and it's pouring outside. I put on my rain gear and head out. the rain let up some for me. I took a different way this time, wanting to take the buses more. I even stopped at Mother's Market and bought some snacks and then got back on the next bus. I couldn't figure out what to do with my scooter while in the store, and I couldn't get it folded up (it now only folds up with the help of a pair of pliers). So, I just put it in a grocery cart and walked around with it that way!
One thing I'm going to have to watch are the side expenses... the expenses caused by riding the bus. An example would be that I am away from home more now and passing places to eat more often too. I might be tempted to eat out more, which would be more of an expense. I often do laundry at my daughter's while I babysit too, and now I can't because I don't have the car to transport the laundry. So, laundry will be an extra expense.
At work, I looked at the bus schedules again and finally started figuring out how to read them. I even figured out a way to take the bus home, using the bus stop near my office. Though, it would give me an extra 30 minute wait at a bus stop and would get home an extra 30 minutes later. I'm not going to use that route. But, it's nice to know that there are alternatives!
Time to leave for the bus now and it is nice and sunny outside! I'm thrilled! I've been listening to the audio book / seminar "Invisible Acts of Power, Personal Choices That Create Miracles" by Carolyn Myss. One great thing about riding the bus is that I don't have to pay attention to the road and can listen to audio books. I haven't yet tried reading a "real" book, though I do keep bringing one along.
I even figured out that one of the banks I need to go to is right at this bus stop! Yay! One more thing I now know how to easily manage!
The Car Goes Home 1/22/12
Saturday (1/21/12)
I work for Event Solutions today.
I'm lucky. It had been suggested that we carpool to this event. So, I got to ride in a carpool both there and home.
I'm realizing that leaving the car behind in some ways means that I get to be more social. I like that. :-)
Sunday (1/22/12)
I had to get up early to catch a bus to Costa Mesa for Sunday Morning celebration. That is hard. We worked late last night. I didn't get home till 1am. But, I really want to go to the service and you do what it takes to do that.
This was a special event, it was wonderful, but ran late and I was happy to stay for all of it. Afterward, Mary and I went to lunch at Saagar, a local Indian restaurant. By the time I was free it was fairly late and I have to be back in Costa Mesa for class this evening. I had been planning to go and visit Charles and Lola. I called and said I was on my way and had Mary drop me off at the bus stop, as she has other plans. I had looked it up and found that the buses ran that route all day, so I have no worries of getting there. Apparently a bus had just gone by though, the next bus would have been in almost an hour, add that to the 2 hour bus trip there and the fact that there will be another 2 hour bus trip back to Costa Mesa for class and it didn't make sense to go. I would just have gotten there and had to turn around.
It is weird, having to just hang out in a city, without anything I need to "do"... and time on my hands. I'm not used to that. I have to somehow adjust my thinking.
It was worth it to go to class. I enjoyed it a great deal.
After class, it was time to take my car home. I need to turn off the car insurance and that means that the car needs to be home in the garage. Mary drove me to the car and waited to make sure it started (which I knew it would).
The first mile or so the car kept not wanting to get into a real gear, well, except for the lowest one, and was going about 5 miles an hour. I kept thinking this would be a long trip at 5 miles an hour, but also being thankful that it was moving and for the knowledge that there would be light traffic so it would be an easy trip even at that.
Finally, it caught into gear right before I got on the highway and I maintained speed the whole way home so it didn't have a chance to complain again. ;-)
It was a real trooper. It went all the way home without any other problems!
It was SO nice driving my lovely car again too. I think I had forgotten how wonderful it is. Nice to be reminded.
Anyway, Yay! One thing checked off the list! The car is "safe" and in it's waiting spot, where I can watch over it and start it occasionally, etc...
I work for Event Solutions today.
I'm lucky. It had been suggested that we carpool to this event. So, I got to ride in a carpool both there and home.
I'm realizing that leaving the car behind in some ways means that I get to be more social. I like that. :-)
Sunday (1/22/12)
I had to get up early to catch a bus to Costa Mesa for Sunday Morning celebration. That is hard. We worked late last night. I didn't get home till 1am. But, I really want to go to the service and you do what it takes to do that.
This was a special event, it was wonderful, but ran late and I was happy to stay for all of it. Afterward, Mary and I went to lunch at Saagar, a local Indian restaurant. By the time I was free it was fairly late and I have to be back in Costa Mesa for class this evening. I had been planning to go and visit Charles and Lola. I called and said I was on my way and had Mary drop me off at the bus stop, as she has other plans. I had looked it up and found that the buses ran that route all day, so I have no worries of getting there. Apparently a bus had just gone by though, the next bus would have been in almost an hour, add that to the 2 hour bus trip there and the fact that there will be another 2 hour bus trip back to Costa Mesa for class and it didn't make sense to go. I would just have gotten there and had to turn around.
It is weird, having to just hang out in a city, without anything I need to "do"... and time on my hands. I'm not used to that. I have to somehow adjust my thinking.
It was worth it to go to class. I enjoyed it a great deal.
After class, it was time to take my car home. I need to turn off the car insurance and that means that the car needs to be home in the garage. Mary drove me to the car and waited to make sure it started (which I knew it would).
The first mile or so the car kept not wanting to get into a real gear, well, except for the lowest one, and was going about 5 miles an hour. I kept thinking this would be a long trip at 5 miles an hour, but also being thankful that it was moving and for the knowledge that there would be light traffic so it would be an easy trip even at that.
Finally, it caught into gear right before I got on the highway and I maintained speed the whole way home so it didn't have a chance to complain again. ;-)
It was a real trooper. It went all the way home without any other problems!
It was SO nice driving my lovely car again too. I think I had forgotten how wonderful it is. Nice to be reminded.
Anyway, Yay! One thing checked off the list! The car is "safe" and in it's waiting spot, where I can watch over it and start it occasionally, etc...
The First Bus Day!! 1/20/12
Friday (1/20/12)
My first day trying out taking the bus. So, much rides on this day. If the trip to the bus stop isn't doable or any part of the trip is "scary" or... then, my whole plan for waiting to fix the car becomes questionable.
I think I only slept 2 hours last night.... trying to make sure I was prepared with everything I would need for the trip to the bus and the day away from home; for work and teaching Yoga, and of course, the trip home.
Once started, my handlebars keep trying to fold up, collapsing from the base. Somehow they hadn't locked in. It's so funny! I can still ride, but it feels like I'm in an old western, pumping one of those hand pump railroad cars. I finally got it locked in and working right. Now on to the bus stop!
Going to the bus stop, riding my scooter in the morning, no one is out. The whole city is quiet and dark. I had been really worried about being cold. I have on a silk layer of insulated clothing and then a cotton layer of insulated clothing and then my regular clothes as well as my tan jacket, insulated socks, regular gloves, a black winter hat with mickey mouse on it, and a purple scarf. I'm definitely not cold! I was sweating for part of the trip! I can't imagine what I look like with all that and the heavy black back pack, riding the scooter down the sidewalk. I wish someone would have gotten a picture!
I'm not sure about taking the large changes in sidewalk level with the scooter. So, for those, and to cross the asphalt streets (which are bumpier), I stop the scooter and walk. I missed one spot, next to a light post and went crashing on my bottom. That hurt! Thanks to all the layers of clothes I have on nothing got scraped up though. Yay! I may have broken my tailbone. I at least bruised it. Ouch! Standing back up again with the pack on my back is interesting, and hard! I could just take the pack off, but that is more time, and I'm worried about time. I put my legs over the curb and used the difference in levels to help stand up. Yes, next time I am packing lighter! ;-)
No one is at the bus stop. I have this whole mental thing going on, wondering if the bus had come early or if I am truly at the right place, etc... Finally someone else came and we waited for the bus together. The whole trip down is good. I transferred at Disneyland and then down to Costa Mesa, then one more transfer, where it is freezing, and then finally I am at my destination, the yoga center where I teach. I isn't only doable, I did it! I got to class early enough. It can work!
Normally, I hang out at the yoga center after my classes and I know that the bus trip from there to work only takes 1/2 hour. I totally forgot to be pro-active and look for when I need to leave. When I finally look at the schedule, it is too late. I grab everything and run out the door. The bus that I need comes while I'm waiting for the stop light to turn color so that I can cross the street.
The next stop isn't far away. So, I get back on my scooter and head out. I'm at the transfer point a few minutes late. They have sign that says you can text them to know the next three buses to this stop. I did that and they gave me the next three buses, after mine. I assumed that meant mine had passed. Rather than wait on the next bus, which would make me 10 minutes late to work, I headed to work, which is not that far away. On my way, I am enjoying the trip, it's a beautiful sunny day, though my legs are starting to tell me that I haven't been riding scooters long. Then, the bus I had been trying for, passes me! It turns out the text you get will only tell you what buses are scheduled to come next, and won't actually let you know if the bus you want has already passed or is running late. Ok, one more thing I learned.
I arrived at work in plenty of time, happy to be there, also happy that there is a bus stop right outside my work. It turns out that I can't use that bus stop to get home. I have to go approximately a mile to get on a bus to go home. I keep trying different ways to bring up different bus schedules, until I am late to leave... and you guessed it... arrived right at the bus stop just as the bus was pulling away.
I had a nice African American lady give me a long lecture about the fact that I should have yelled to her to hold the bus. I hadn't even thought about it. Now that I've had the lecture I will next time though! Twenty minutes later the next bus comes and I head home. I'm all worried about missing my final stop, I'm not used to coming up on that area from that direction and you have to tell the driver to stop by pulling a cord. I thought I heard my stop announced and pulled the cord early and the driver got slightly upset at me. He must have had a hard day. All of my other bus drivers have been wonderful and helpful.
Home is nice and warm.
I'm proud of myself for doing it.
I think it will work.
It's long, but it's doable and I'm sure there are many blessings waiting for me down this road.
My first day trying out taking the bus. So, much rides on this day. If the trip to the bus stop isn't doable or any part of the trip is "scary" or... then, my whole plan for waiting to fix the car becomes questionable.
I think I only slept 2 hours last night.... trying to make sure I was prepared with everything I would need for the trip to the bus and the day away from home; for work and teaching Yoga, and of course, the trip home.
Once started, my handlebars keep trying to fold up, collapsing from the base. Somehow they hadn't locked in. It's so funny! I can still ride, but it feels like I'm in an old western, pumping one of those hand pump railroad cars. I finally got it locked in and working right. Now on to the bus stop!
Going to the bus stop, riding my scooter in the morning, no one is out. The whole city is quiet and dark. I had been really worried about being cold. I have on a silk layer of insulated clothing and then a cotton layer of insulated clothing and then my regular clothes as well as my tan jacket, insulated socks, regular gloves, a black winter hat with mickey mouse on it, and a purple scarf. I'm definitely not cold! I was sweating for part of the trip! I can't imagine what I look like with all that and the heavy black back pack, riding the scooter down the sidewalk. I wish someone would have gotten a picture!
I'm not sure about taking the large changes in sidewalk level with the scooter. So, for those, and to cross the asphalt streets (which are bumpier), I stop the scooter and walk. I missed one spot, next to a light post and went crashing on my bottom. That hurt! Thanks to all the layers of clothes I have on nothing got scraped up though. Yay! I may have broken my tailbone. I at least bruised it. Ouch! Standing back up again with the pack on my back is interesting, and hard! I could just take the pack off, but that is more time, and I'm worried about time. I put my legs over the curb and used the difference in levels to help stand up. Yes, next time I am packing lighter! ;-)
No one is at the bus stop. I have this whole mental thing going on, wondering if the bus had come early or if I am truly at the right place, etc... Finally someone else came and we waited for the bus together. The whole trip down is good. I transferred at Disneyland and then down to Costa Mesa, then one more transfer, where it is freezing, and then finally I am at my destination, the yoga center where I teach. I isn't only doable, I did it! I got to class early enough. It can work!
Normally, I hang out at the yoga center after my classes and I know that the bus trip from there to work only takes 1/2 hour. I totally forgot to be pro-active and look for when I need to leave. When I finally look at the schedule, it is too late. I grab everything and run out the door. The bus that I need comes while I'm waiting for the stop light to turn color so that I can cross the street.
The next stop isn't far away. So, I get back on my scooter and head out. I'm at the transfer point a few minutes late. They have sign that says you can text them to know the next three buses to this stop. I did that and they gave me the next three buses, after mine. I assumed that meant mine had passed. Rather than wait on the next bus, which would make me 10 minutes late to work, I headed to work, which is not that far away. On my way, I am enjoying the trip, it's a beautiful sunny day, though my legs are starting to tell me that I haven't been riding scooters long. Then, the bus I had been trying for, passes me! It turns out the text you get will only tell you what buses are scheduled to come next, and won't actually let you know if the bus you want has already passed or is running late. Ok, one more thing I learned.
I arrived at work in plenty of time, happy to be there, also happy that there is a bus stop right outside my work. It turns out that I can't use that bus stop to get home. I have to go approximately a mile to get on a bus to go home. I keep trying different ways to bring up different bus schedules, until I am late to leave... and you guessed it... arrived right at the bus stop just as the bus was pulling away.
I had a nice African American lady give me a long lecture about the fact that I should have yelled to her to hold the bus. I hadn't even thought about it. Now that I've had the lecture I will next time though! Twenty minutes later the next bus comes and I head home. I'm all worried about missing my final stop, I'm not used to coming up on that area from that direction and you have to tell the driver to stop by pulling a cord. I thought I heard my stop announced and pulled the cord early and the driver got slightly upset at me. He must have had a hard day. All of my other bus drivers have been wonderful and helpful.
Home is nice and warm.
I'm proud of myself for doing it.
I think it will work.
It's long, but it's doable and I'm sure there are many blessings waiting for me down this road.
Things Are Coming Together! 1/19/12
I took a trial run out to the bus stop to time the trip... 25 minutes. Proud of myself that I found it. I feel more ready now!
After looking at prices I had decided to buy a monthly bus pass. It's the best deal. Even better, after staring at both the OCTA web page and the LA Metro web page and making a phone call, I figured out that I can just buy the OCTA monthly pass. It turns out that the OCTA pass is honored by one LA Metro line and that is the line I'm going to be traveling. Yay to not having to buy two bus passes each month! $55 for an OCTA monthly pass. Any other LA lines I need to ride on won't be covered, but I don't think I'll be riding the LA lines enough to justify the $75 monthly cost.
I messed up on buying a bus pass! I had meant to stop and buy one when I was taking my grandkids to the bounce house place on Wednesday and I forgot. Then, I was going to stop on the way back to their house, but Logan was asleep and it just didn't seem right to wake him. I had seen that they sold the passes on-line too. So, I decided to wait. Then, Thursday, when I went on-line to buy it, I found out if you buy that way they mail it to you! That wasn't going to work at all!
OCTA also sells their passes at some Ralph's grocery stores so, I looked up the map of those. Turns out, since they are "ORANGE county transit" that they don't sell them in LA county (or that is what their site seems to be saying). I found the closest grocery that sells them. It was 5 miles away.
Fortunately, Charles came over to help me figure out how to fold my scooter and he took me to buy my bus pass too!
So, now I have:
Printed bus routes
Bus Pass
Scooter that folds (turns out it was just very stuck)
Backpack (loaned to me by Charles)
Blinky Red lights for backpack (I had these, I like blinky lights ;-) )
Camelback bladder that fits in the backpack (Lola gave this to me last burning man and I hadn't used it yet!)
Headlamp (not sure I need this, but nice to have extra light if needed and it has a red light too)
Insulated Clothing (All those years of camping trips and going to burning man does pay off in preparedness!)
Ipod with music and audio books loaded on it for the trip
Book for the trip
Charles had to show me how to use the backpack correctly, and the camelback too.... I had never used one of those before. I'm not sure how you clean the things. So, I've just stayed away from them. Now, though, it seems like the best way to carry and have water available.
I'm really thrilled with the backpack he brought. I had looked at some but they all seemed too wide for me (I'm a small-ish person). I think this one is just the right width, with lots of storage pockets and even a space for the camelback bladder to go into. It all seems like it is coming together!
After looking at prices I had decided to buy a monthly bus pass. It's the best deal. Even better, after staring at both the OCTA web page and the LA Metro web page and making a phone call, I figured out that I can just buy the OCTA monthly pass. It turns out that the OCTA pass is honored by one LA Metro line and that is the line I'm going to be traveling. Yay to not having to buy two bus passes each month! $55 for an OCTA monthly pass. Any other LA lines I need to ride on won't be covered, but I don't think I'll be riding the LA lines enough to justify the $75 monthly cost.
I messed up on buying a bus pass! I had meant to stop and buy one when I was taking my grandkids to the bounce house place on Wednesday and I forgot. Then, I was going to stop on the way back to their house, but Logan was asleep and it just didn't seem right to wake him. I had seen that they sold the passes on-line too. So, I decided to wait. Then, Thursday, when I went on-line to buy it, I found out if you buy that way they mail it to you! That wasn't going to work at all!
OCTA also sells their passes at some Ralph's grocery stores so, I looked up the map of those. Turns out, since they are "ORANGE county transit" that they don't sell them in LA county (or that is what their site seems to be saying). I found the closest grocery that sells them. It was 5 miles away.
Fortunately, Charles came over to help me figure out how to fold my scooter and he took me to buy my bus pass too!
So, now I have:
Printed bus routes
Bus Pass
Scooter that folds (turns out it was just very stuck)
Backpack (loaned to me by Charles)
Blinky Red lights for backpack (I had these, I like blinky lights ;-) )
Camelback bladder that fits in the backpack (Lola gave this to me last burning man and I hadn't used it yet!)
Headlamp (not sure I need this, but nice to have extra light if needed and it has a red light too)
Insulated Clothing (All those years of camping trips and going to burning man does pay off in preparedness!)
Ipod with music and audio books loaded on it for the trip
Book for the trip
Charles had to show me how to use the backpack correctly, and the camelback too.... I had never used one of those before. I'm not sure how you clean the things. So, I've just stayed away from them. Now, though, it seems like the best way to carry and have water available.
I'm really thrilled with the backpack he brought. I had looked at some but they all seemed too wide for me (I'm a small-ish person). I think this one is just the right width, with lots of storage pockets and even a space for the camelback bladder to go into. It all seems like it is coming together!
Returning The Truck 1/17/12
Tuesday (1/17/12)
I was going to do all kinds of shopping today... it being the last day I have my friend's truck. Things got in the way though and I only managed a little. I guess it will push me into figuring out how to do errands sooner!
I took the truck back to Charles (what a love for letting me borrow it for a week!), and he drove me on to class (again, what a love! He had already been driving all day).
After class my friend Mary drove me to my daughter's home (aren't friends wonderful?!). I'm due to babysit at 6 in the morning and I couldn't find a bus route that would get me there by then. So, sleeping over is the best option.
On Wednesday, when I'm done babysitting, my Son-in-law is going to drive me home... thus postponing the start of the bus adventure until Friday.
I was going to do all kinds of shopping today... it being the last day I have my friend's truck. Things got in the way though and I only managed a little. I guess it will push me into figuring out how to do errands sooner!
I took the truck back to Charles (what a love for letting me borrow it for a week!), and he drove me on to class (again, what a love! He had already been driving all day).
After class my friend Mary drove me to my daughter's home (aren't friends wonderful?!). I'm due to babysit at 6 in the morning and I couldn't find a bus route that would get me there by then. So, sleeping over is the best option.
On Wednesday, when I'm done babysitting, my Son-in-law is going to drive me home... thus postponing the start of the bus adventure until Friday.
I have a scooter! ...oh and a skinned knee 1/15/12
Sunday (1/15/12)
A very nice couple gave me a scooter they had used for their grandson. They aren't sure how to make it fold up, but think it will (folding will help with the bus trip). I picked it up right after the morning retreat session.
When I got home I was tired... but the scooter was calling me. I tried it out just a little bit around in the driveway and I was a little wobbly, but it worked! Yay to learning new things!
I decided to take it for a longer spin and went out of the complex to go around the block on the sidewalk. I'm practicing kicking with both legs. I seem to have better balance when kicking with my right foot... which means I'm going to have to watch and make sure I also use and strengthen my left leg and foot.
It is a nice sunny afternoon and the people who see me all smile. I'm not sure, but part of the smiles may be about seeing a slightly gray haired woman learning a scooter... all good! Nice to see people smile! Such a lovely day too!
I did fine, all the way around the block! ...then, bam! I was on the ground! It turns out that there was a fairly wide crack between the sidewalks that runs parallel to the road and my front wheel got caught in that. I now have a very skinned up knee, and a shredded pair of pants (sigh). Those were a nice pair of dark, forest green silk pants too (yes, I know, I should have changed before playing! - giggle!)
All in all though I'm really thrilled about the whole thing! I'm even proud of my skinned knee! Mark of honor or something! I think this is definitely going to work!
A very nice couple gave me a scooter they had used for their grandson. They aren't sure how to make it fold up, but think it will (folding will help with the bus trip). I picked it up right after the morning retreat session.
When I got home I was tired... but the scooter was calling me. I tried it out just a little bit around in the driveway and I was a little wobbly, but it worked! Yay to learning new things!
I decided to take it for a longer spin and went out of the complex to go around the block on the sidewalk. I'm practicing kicking with both legs. I seem to have better balance when kicking with my right foot... which means I'm going to have to watch and make sure I also use and strengthen my left leg and foot.
It is a nice sunny afternoon and the people who see me all smile. I'm not sure, but part of the smiles may be about seeing a slightly gray haired woman learning a scooter... all good! Nice to see people smile! Such a lovely day too!
I did fine, all the way around the block! ...then, bam! I was on the ground! It turns out that there was a fairly wide crack between the sidewalks that runs parallel to the road and my front wheel got caught in that. I now have a very skinned up knee, and a shredded pair of pants (sigh). Those were a nice pair of dark, forest green silk pants too (yes, I know, I should have changed before playing! - giggle!)
All in all though I'm really thrilled about the whole thing! I'm even proud of my skinned knee! Mark of honor or something! I think this is definitely going to work!
My Car Is Worth Fixing 1/13/12
On Friday (1/13/12), my friend Mary helped me go to the mechanic and pick up my car and drive it to my work (which is very close to the mechanic's).
We spent some time talking with John (my mechanic) and he thinks it is worth it to put the $3000 into the car. He says everything else is good (except for the air conditioning needing a part - $300). It is a good car, no leaks or anything. So, I think he is right.
I spent some time thinking about it and decided that at this point, that is what I want to do... to eventually have the transmission rebuilt, because I do love the car. Some people have suggested selling this car for whatever I can get and then just buying something that runs with the money, but I remember the cars that were out there when I was searching for this one, and I think waiting to be able to fix this one would be a better option.
We spent some time talking with John (my mechanic) and he thinks it is worth it to put the $3000 into the car. He says everything else is good (except for the air conditioning needing a part - $300). It is a good car, no leaks or anything. So, I think he is right.
I spent some time thinking about it and decided that at this point, that is what I want to do... to eventually have the transmission rebuilt, because I do love the car. Some people have suggested selling this car for whatever I can get and then just buying something that runs with the money, but I remember the cars that were out there when I was searching for this one, and I think waiting to be able to fix this one would be a better option.
Thank Goodness For Friends! 1/9/12
The beginning was easy, thanks to Charles!
It turns out that for the hours I need to travel, most of the time the bus stop I'm going to have to go to is a mile away and sometimes on the other side, in Orange County, I will have a similar trek to or from the bus stop.
My friend Mary offered to loan me her electric scooter. She is going to get it checked out first though, because there was something wrong with it. She says it weighs 100 lbs! I can't see myself taking three buses with something that weighs 100 lbs, but, I think it would be really nice to have for around my home area, for shopping and going to the bank.
You have to keep learning new things and doing new things or your brain shrinks (literally!). So, it seems awesome that I am learning how to take a bus and hopefully how to ride a scooter! My brain will be healthy! :-)
Monday (1/9/12), I called Charles and told him that I needed to drop my car off at the mechanics and that I needed him to pick me up from there, take me to my daughter's house so that I could babysit and then hopefully pick me up again later that day and take me home.
Trooper that he is, he did all of that! Thank goodness!
In fact, he not only did that, he took me to my class Tuesday night AND... loaned me his truck for a week so that I could go to my yoga retreat that weekend. How wonderful is that?!
I am so grateful to him for all of that!
Having a truck for that week gave me a chance to research options.
I tried using the OCTA (Orange County Transit Authority) bus system web site for finding bus routes... and I learned that the OCTA system for finding routes is horrible and should just be taken down.
The LA Metro web page was better and allowed me to figure out a way to get from LA county to Orange county and back... something I had not been able to figure out a year and a half ago when my other car died. I must have been trying the OCTA website back then. ;-)
THEN... I found google maps! I've used google maps before, but I never noticed that they had a "transit" button. Their system is incredible! It found the same and better routes than the LA system had found. Google maps for transit rocks! Without the google transit I don't think I could be even considering taking the bus. It would be too difficult to figure out.
It turns out that for the hours I need to travel, most of the time the bus stop I'm going to have to go to is a mile away and sometimes on the other side, in Orange County, I will have a similar trek to or from the bus stop.
In thinking about it, and trying to bring joy into everything, I just wasn't sure I would be able to stay in "joyous" mode, while doing a mile walk to a bus stop very early in the morning... plus, I walk slowly and having to get to places by a certain time might have become an issue.
I researched options and decided that I should get a scooter! A skateboard seemed like it would have too big of a learning curve, but a scooter didn't seem like it would have the same learning curve, and it seemed like a way to bring fun into the trip!
My friend Mary offered to loan me her electric scooter. She is going to get it checked out first though, because there was something wrong with it. She says it weighs 100 lbs! I can't see myself taking three buses with something that weighs 100 lbs, but, I think it would be really nice to have for around my home area, for shopping and going to the bank.
I did a lot of research on scooters and even visited the local Walmart to try one out. It seems like it will work. In keeping with my goal of paying off debt I don't want to spend money on a new one, at least until I know that I will use it and that I truly am committed to riding the bus. So, I posted on the freecycle page that my car had died and that I was hoping someone had a scooter that they weren't using to help make my bus trips better.
You have to keep learning new things and doing new things or your brain shrinks (literally!). So, it seems awesome that I am learning how to take a bus and hopefully how to ride a scooter! My brain will be healthy! :-)
Finances: Years ago I got myself into a lot of debt, and mostly all high interest debt. I'm not proud of it, but I'm not ashamed of it either. It is what it is. I've been working hard to pay down that debt, which is a very slow process given the high interest rates, it carries. I don't yet qualify for a loan that would combine all of the debt into a lower interest rate and I don't want to do a bankruptcy or the credit counseling route. I am very grateful to the creditors for allowing me to borrow the money and I agreed to the rates, etc... So, since I can pay on my loans, I want to. I want to honor my commitments.
Vehicle: When my Honda Accord (that was 22 years old and had 458,000 miles on it - all mine!) died a year and a half ago, my wonderful daughter and son-in-law gave me money to help buy a new (used) car. God bless them! I know it made their finances very tight and I am very grateful for the help. I researched and looked and consulted mechanics and did everything in my power to pick a good car. I bought a wonderful 1999 Acura CL 3.0. I love that car.
Drama: Earlier this month (January 2012) my car started acting strange and "slipping" a little bit sometimes when it should be going into gear. I took it to my mechanic and he said it was the transmission, but it might be fixed or helped by doing a transmission service... which we did. At first, after the service, the car was definitely driving better and then it got worse all of a sudden. On Monday evening, 1/9/12, I dropped the car off at the mechanic's, when they weren't there because I was worried about driving it. It turned out that the mechanic I trust was home sick. So, I didn't get a pronouncement that I trusted until Wednesday, when it was officially declared that my car needs a new transmission and that the price of getting the transmission rebuilt will be around $3000.
Reaction: I'm really proud of myself that I didn't just rush and say that I had to have the car fixed no matter what. I do drive a lot and I do depend on my car. However, it didn't feel right to take on more debt. I did research.. I could get the transmission rebuilt for cheaper or put a different used transmission in, but my mechanic has warned that Honda / Acura transmissions are a breed to themselves and that not everyone does a good job on rebuilding the transmission, and he is offering to give it to me at the cost the guy he sends them to does it for him. Also, there is the fact that even if it cost 1/2 of the price, it would still mean that I was taking on more debt by doing it, and probably at a high interest rate. My belief is (just like the Einstein quote above) that it would be insanity to borrow more money and expect to pay off my debt.
Decision: What I have decided to do is to try taking the bus for a year. This isn't the easiest thing. I live in LA county and work in Orange county. But, it is a statement saying that I do want to work on paying off debt and that I am committed to doing that and to being true to myself. I don't want my kids and grandkids to think of me as always being in debt. I want them to think of me as someone who was free.. who lived her principles and did something different when it was needed.
Why a year: Will my debts be paid off in a year? No, not unless something amazing happens (which I'm open to), but at that point, I should be in a better position and other options may appear and for some reason the year time frame (which was just pulled out of the air) feels right.
This blog is meant to be the tracking of a person who has never ridden the bus system at all learning to do something different.... and of me working on my debt. I hope others will enjoy and support my progress. :-)
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